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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Can you somehow create an example of what you're trying to make? I'm also having trouble picturing it in my head. Since attachments can't be physical or coalesced, it sounds impossible.
  2. When the HUD is not attached to you, right-click it in your inventory and choose "attach to HUD..." and the appropriate point. All objects will remember where they were attached previously, even after they're transferred to another avatar. (The right hand is the default location.) When you wear/add an object, it always goes to the previous attachment point.
  3. To be fair, Lumiya was one of (if not the) first mobile viewer to give a full 3D view of the world, and it worked well despite the flaws. We don't really have a better standard to compare to. Other mobile clients are still catching up.
  4. The people who bought Grandfathered regions have made their money back and then some, right? I have never interpreted LL's messaging about GF status as some "perpetual discount rate." Hasn't it always been described as a set rate, unlike education pricing? (I feel education/non-profit is a very different thing anyway, and deserve to be treated differently.) We know LL wants to bring down land prices by moving their revenue to other places (like the Marketplace, and Premium memberships). I don't really understand the downside of giving the grandfathered (or even cheaper) price to everyone. GF-owners dropping the status is not a negative thing, because the cheaper price of land is a bonus to Second Life overall, because more people will have the opportunity to own land in the first place. If someone (in the future) gains ownership of a GF region right before the non-GF prices become equal, I would see that as unfortunate and hope that LL waives the fee to keep the sim's GF status.
  5. That's the thing I was referring to. 🙂 Using a debug build of the viewer doesn't reveal anything out-of-the-box (I've encountered it while working on other things), someone would have to add more logging to that process to see what the viewer is doing, but it probably won't give a full picture of what's happening since we can't see what the sim(s) are doing.
  6. When you teleport from one region to the next, the region you're leaving is basically throwing you out and yelling "Catch!" to your destination. If your destination misses that event, your viewer is no longer connected to any region and you get logged out. There's no reconnect feature and nobody's bothered to make one since "it's just easier to restart the program." The reason why you end up all the way back to region A in your example is because the avatar's state or "last location" is only saved during a proper logout process. When you fall into the void, there's just nothing to save you. They could, it just hasn't been done yet.
  7. The 'dangly bits' could not be dangly in SL, since we lack that feature for rigged mesh.
  8. For BOM, it makes absolutely no difference one way or another. You'll be fine always using the highest resolution. 🙂 On an object, just as its own texture? It'll require more memory and that's about it. Complexy doesn't consider texture resolution and render time won't noticably change.
  9. Go to a sandbox where scripts are turned off. Rez the leaf, delete the script, and take the object back into your inventory. This way, the texture won't change (because the script can't run), and the permissions won't change because you've removed the no-copy no-modify script. Though, I looked at the MP listing, and the screenshot you've shown doesn't really look like the product. So I guess for some reason the script is literally supposed to set the sculpt/textures when rezzed, but the script has an error and that's why it's just a grey blob. You would have to contact the creator.
  10. There are a few things going on. Out of curiosity, is the item scripted? What else is in the object's contents? Which item is this, if it's on MP?
  11. If you don't know, you're screwed. Since 99% of content is created by users, the compatibility of products is also handled/explained by users rather than some official system. In most cases though, a product will list brand names like "Legacy, Maitreya, Belleza, Kupra, Catwa, LeL, AK", etc. somewhere on the product image. That's usually a good enough indicator about whether something works for something you already have, because you know the products you've already bought. But if you don't know about those brands and haven't bought the other things yet, it can be difficult to find it without asking somebody. Most mechants will also offer demos so you can try out the product to see if it fits you.
  12. integer visible = TRUE; default { touch_start(integer n) { // switch between TRUE and FALSE visible = !visible; llSetAlpha(visible, ALL_SIDES); } }
  13. Don't worry, Second Life isn't intuitive even after years of experience. 😋
  14. That part can kinda suck, yeah. There are way better solutions to that than letting store names pollute the product search, though. LL could group related items (like individual colors) as a single listing, for example. If you're using a browser extension like TamperMonkey, you can use a script that lets you permanently hide merchants by name.
  15. What's the exact query you're trying to use? Store names are not considered in your search results, so if you try to do "NOT storename", it won't hide products from storename because the search doesn't even look at that.
  16. When BOM is being used, it hides the corresponding section of the LL body. If you wear a full head alpha layer with BOM, the mesh head should disappear as well (or appear solid red as a warning). It sounds like BOM is not actually enabled.
  17. The money event should be triggered in all scripts, so that way you can get the amount, who paid, and who was paid to.
  18. There's no maximum limit for active lights under Advanced Lighting Model.
  19. You'd have to show me what you're seeing, or give the person's current name/key. You can PM that to me and I can probably explain the details. 🙂 There's no way to programmatically find out someone's previous/original name as far as I know.
  20. I added a quick entry. I dunno anything about Krita, so someone else has to fill in the details. You can get access to editing the wiki by contacting support.
  21. Usernames and legacy names refer to the same thing (kinda). It's the avatar's name, like mine is Wulfie Reanimator. The two terms exist because there's a small twist for accounts created after last names went away. When you create an account, you choose a username (like Username) and your legacy name will be Username Resident. If you change your name, your username and legacy name changes. The name you log in with can be your avatar's full name (separated by space or dot), or just your first name if your last name is Resident.
  22. There are some small icons near the top-right corner of the 3D viewport, where you can set the viewport shading. It's set to Solid by default, but you'll want Material Preview to see any textures/shaders applied to the object.
  23. It would be created the same way as any other animated texture. Either a script ("applier") sets the tattoo texture to an extra mesh layer on the body and calls llSetTextureAnim, or a script continuously applies different textures to the body. The latter is much more resource heavy, but offers better resolution than a single animated texture.
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