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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. So all online games/platforms are "communications platforms?" Your definition is extremely broad. Guys. The reason why this debate never resolves is because everybody is trying to come up with a single definition for SL or a single box to put SL in. I've called SL a game and a platform, but which is it? ...It's both. SL is very general, so it fits in a lot of different things without being specifically any of those things. Likewise the game Garry's Mod is a platform for user generated content, while it's still also a game.
  2. You're comparing unfinished games with clear plans to bring in goals to a 15 year old platform. That doesn't make any sense. All survival games have at least one goal by definition, and it's in the label.
  3. Choosing to do something other than what the game tells you does not make those goals not exist.
  4. Minecraft has way more distinct goals than Garry's Mod, even besides "survive," even if they are not made obvious. (Although the achievement system very strongly guides you through most of the game by giving you progressive challenges.) Garry's Mod literally has no goals in the base game, like SL, unlike Minecraft.
  5. Second Life is absolutely a game. It's not your typical "do X achieve Y" game, but it's a sanbox game. Those of you who haven't played it, look up Garry's Mod or "Gmod." It's almost exactly like SL, minus the persistent inventory/avatar. The base game has no goal, you just boot up a server/map and spawn in with an inventory full of random assets which you can add to and put down / apply scripts to. It's still pretty popular and there are many different kinds of game modes and environments people have created that add goals like in SL, including RP servers, combat, hide-and-seek, obstacle courses, racing, etc. The idea that a game has to have inherent goals to be a game is an outdated one. Definitions change over time with new ideas and concepts.
  6. Your UUID will be the same, you'll probably wear your old/current avatars, any objects you might have permanently rezzed will give you away and those trolls can talk to other people to figure out who you are even if you made a new alt, if you shared that info with literally anybody. Even if you think none of these things affect you, the point still stands. You cannot hide yourself by just changing your name.
  7. ..what even is going on here? Here's your problem. You're setting local offset to your avatar's global position, which will inevitably put you in really odd places.
  8. Ribbon particles are slightly different from regular particles, you have to think of it as an actual ribbon band. The orientation of the band depends on how the source prim is rotated. You could also have two sources per side, rotated so that one creates vertical and one horizontal ribbon particle, basically a cross-shape. This way you're likely to see the particle from any angle, though the timing of the emissions may be off-sync for each viewer, making it obvious that there are 4 separate trails instead of two.
  9. Two things: 1. Max particle limit. This is probably why you're seeing cuts in the stream, because the amount of particles gets capped until some of the old ones die. (Because your particle rate is 0 and the count is 16. You might want to reconsider increasing the delay between new particles or at least lowering the amount by a lot.) 2. Scale, as was mentioned, affects the draw distance of particles and you can increase that distance without changing the particle's width by increasing the "unused" Z-scale. 4.0 is max, but that doesn't mean you should use it, especially for something this spammy. If you want a proper continuous stream, you should be using ribbon particles instead. They are always connected to each other so you can get away with one particle every second.
  10. My mind immediately goes to Bento rigged attachments. Scripted rotation doesn't stay in sync with hand animations and isn't as smooth to look at.
  11. And to make things even more complicated, since this thread seems to be focusing on memory, the mesh itself has a very small memory footprint because it's just vector data which is very efficient to compress. So if your concern is memory, go for extra tris because they're cheaper. If your concern is rendering performance, go for textures (not even 1024, it's way overkill). But realistically, you'll have to do the balancing dance.
  12. That's incredibly impressive. I have a script that does the same "align prim on HUD to world" bit, but this is an amazing use case for it. One thing to note here is the update lag time. Trying to track anything that moves with a prim on HUD is gonna be a bad time, even with velocity compensation. I can post the basic code later, but the process is much more advanced in the video. It's not just placing prims over world positions, the visuals seem to be based on local offsets, based on the raycasted clicks in-world.
  13. I can't wait for someone to actually turn the "demo" thing into fashion. Kinda like those people IRL who wear their clothes without taking off the brand/price tags.
  14. First time making an elf (it just kinda happened) and now I'm having way too much fun going to random forest/farm-y places and spending 20 minutes playing with the angles and lighting. (This was at a garden store, had to derender lots of stuff from the background and the "stars and moon" in the sky are actually hanging lights.) Cold morning with the potatoes. (get it?)
  15. Ignore me then I guess, but like I said, I'm aware and I know better than to get into the subject too deeply. There's also a loooong off-topic discussion that could be had about what is and isn't stealing.
  16. So I got on the project viewer for the first time (I know) to actually get some first-hand experiences and clear up some things (like the applier thing), but as soon as I did a little test with a basic prim cube, I got an idea that I'm surprised I haven't seen mentioned on the forum (maybe for a reason, maybe not). What about stealing textures? Applying the bare skin-bake onto a cube revealed all the unused space to be covered in "do not steal" and other copyright/website info. I'm no fool to the reality of assets on SL, but this is kind of a step further down. Still no idea how the script is working.
  17. As someone who's made some tiny one-script functionality stuff for 50L a pop, can confirm. It sells surprisingly well. (Depends what it is of course, mine is an applier for convenience, around 135L per day on average in the last 28 days.)
  18. Maybe at some point, but we won't be doing any kind of bake API for the initial release. This would be incredibly awesome.
  19. This is why I'm asking. Wouldn't it be more practical to put a script in the object itself? Unless the turntable is some kind of a stand for a general object/shape I guess. Again, this is just for my own curiosity as to the why. I think Rolig already covered all the possible things you can do about the positioning.
  20. I can guarantee there won't be constants for the bake UUIDs, because.. they're not. The UUID for avatar bakes change every time they are updated. Like someone said earlier in this thread, at best we'll probably get a primitive-parameter for bake type on a face. Didn't Omega make some kind of a free applier already, or am I thinking that up? I've no idea how that was achieved if that's the case, I can't find any documentation on the scripting.
  21. To be fair my inventory is probably not even close to the size of yours, hence no disappearances. That said my guess would also be that no matter where you put your items, if LL can't preserve your inventory as seems to be the case, things will keep disappearing or get misplaced occasionally.
  22. I've never noticed missing items and I use the second window relatively often. What viewer(s) are you using and do you have more folders with the "#name" scheme?
  23. Out of curiosity, is there a reason for the linking/unlinking besides novelty?
  24. Unscrupulous is definitely the wrong word, but the point they're making is "I put on my robe which uses Aux1, and my wizard hat from a different creator that also uses Aux1. Now they both use the same texture and my RP is ruined."
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