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Sprout Evergarden

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Everything posted by Sprout Evergarden

  1. theirs a shop called Boudoir that has some rather nice costume stuff
  2. sorry seeing this thread i had to link this
  3. you might want to also look at some sort of auxiliary cooling for that macbook as well. Apple has this bad habit of shoving a powerful chip that gives off a lot of heat into a small box. This causes both CPU and GPU to throttle under moderate loads. and running second life is a perfect storm for system loading. you can see a video from Linus tech tips where they includes some suggestions as to what to do about heat here
  4. I have been looking threw my syslog and do not see anything related to firestorm in it. what distribution are you on and are you running Firestorm out of your home directory?
  5. To be honest i am far from a snob about my OS i rarely talk about my OS is run because it is not my life, I need access to UNIX tools for work and GNU/Linux provides me access to those for free (that and i am too cheep to buy a Windows Licance or a Mac) I feel people pick whatever platform fits there needs. Rhonda their is a issue with stat counter that many Linux users change there user agent strings on there browsers for reasons of privacy and throwing off fingerprinting other browsers by default on Linux don't send that info at all and can account for the "unknown sample"
  6. to be honest SL voice in native Linux is dead which is why firestorm added that hook to run the windows version in wine and use it threw the native client. to be honest using this hook you don't notice any difference. from the old native version other than it's easier to set up.
  7. sorry about the slow reply, My real job keeps me away from the forums Under Ubuntu or its derivatives no issues at all, just go into the panel and check your levels. Quick disclosure I cant say about the latest incarnations of Ubuntu as i moved to another distro about three years ago. ((the new distro made it easier to install some tools i need))
  8. if your using firestorm theirs a simple way to run voice under wine. with the native linux client in the debug settings. first unpack firestorm in your home directory i like to make a ~/bin/firestorm directory to hold it. second Install wine i am going to assume your using a Debian based distro like ubuntu. enter in the command sudo apt install wine winetricks now set up your wine profile fast by running a application in wine like winetricks once the setup us done close the winetricks window and fire up firestorm once in firestorm open up setting and go to the advanced tab and turn on the advanced menu now in the advanced menu select "Debug setting and search for linux you will want to turn the "FSLinuxEnableWin32VoiceProxy" on afterword voice will work for you. (after you restart firestorm that is)
  9. Thanks for the misunderstanding and the "Positive feelings" i dislike the "Stupid question" question because if you took the time to look up support contacts it is OBVIOUSLY NOT a stupid question! Its a a issue your having don't downplay it. I have never had that question followed by a stupid question. Sometimes it points out a major product bug. or a feature to consider later. or perhaps the Documentation needs rewording. I love helping people its Just more enjoyable if they are not beating themselves up. I am polite always to people but it drives me absolutely bonkers to see people dismiss there concerns as "Stupid"
  10. I can tell you as a Sim manager and also working in support for a couple SL product lines the worst thing to see right away in your IM box is "Can I ask a stupid question?" Annoying pickup lines and such easily handled with the mute button but, these people you HAVE to put up with and pretend to be polite to Guess I better elaborate so people stop getting antsy. always this question is followed by something that is not stupid in any way. The part that angers me is people downplaying there concerns I wish people would be more upbeat it would make my day more enjoyable and probably theirs as well you came into SL to have fun not call yourself stupid.
  11. want to make money in SL i will give you the secret to making a consistent income. Step 1. Download blender and GIMP https://www.blender.org/ https://www.gimp.org/ Step 2 Go on you tube and learn to use these programs Step 3 Make something Step 4 List it on market place Repeat step 2-4
  12. Depends on the product, Clothes i am fine with them being no mod. some times it can be a pain not being able to resize an item or remove the bloody resize scripts thankfully most modern resize scripts have a option to remove them. Furniture No wont buy it no mod. While yes i get it you want to protect your animations. but 99% of the time its a animation that has been in SL forever and just looks bad or makes you looks like a hoochie. let me change the sits in a chair or i will move on. Vheicles OK I will let no mad pass if its a combat thing and you are locking it to preserve some semblance of game balance. cheaters gotta cheat after all. but if its just a Small two seat airplane, A sailboat or the Family Ford there is not a single good reason on earth. why they cant be mod so people can retexture it. and to be honest there are plenty of builders who make great stuff in this category that is mod i will buy form them instead thank you.
  13. managed to stay on a a cvouple hours without another DC thoght things were fixed for a moment now poof
  14. Slink Physique but thinking about switching to Maitreya as many people are now just supporting this one body with there creations i am getting sick of seeing a cute outfit and than reading " Maitreya Only"
  15. Thre are plenty of IRL black people running around SL Thankfully they are interacting with SL as a whole, and not feeling the need to congregate in in one sim. For example I have a friend in SL who's avatar is a baby dragon. I only found out she was of African decent after she found out I am Asian
  16. if you like showing skin utopia is still a good pick
  17. you know the od nerd saying "The great thing about standards is that there are so many of them" now if we are allowed to change our login first name i would be interested (thres is a few trolls in my life i would love to hide from but keep the inventory in my 11 year old account)
  18. I see Second life as Avatar chat with user creatable content that has been stretched beyond its original limits (i don't think LL ever imagined people would be Flying plane and Sailing boats in SL when they originally dreamed it up)
  19. I still use one of the those static with emote hud slink heads i tried a demo if a Catwa bento and it looked like I had some sort of Facial tick. I am just going to stick with what i have it works and i have used it for long enough that it "is" my avatar and the idea of changing is kind of .. disturbing
  20. I have a few that are a combo of mesh and Flexy. if it is set right it still remains the best way to make Skirts (note when i said right was not talking so floppy that your skirts all drag behind you and you look like your wearing a pants outfit with a train or so many layers of flex that your ARC zooms up to over 300,000)
  21. Like this when i am not a Giant Flying fire-breathing lizard because even Dragon's like to leave the RP Sim.
  22. Befor anyone asks not a Vampire or, Demon Role player. I do however play a Dragon on a PG Fantasy SIM As far as this picture I just like "Darker" Fashion
  23. I have mesh but, I also have a lot of "legacy" clothes I love so the mesh body does not get used much to be honest legacy body with mesh head hands and feet looks good enough that people don't notice.
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