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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Nah, too restrictive. From Little Alice's Kitchen -- ENDIVE! OMGHM
  2. "Hacking" is very difficult in SL -- difficult enough that it almost always turns out that people weren't hacked at all. They either gave someone else access to their accounts deliberately, or -- more often -- they were duped into giving access somehow. Phishing exploits are everywhere, not just in SL but on the Internet in general. Sadly, there's no way to look at your login history unless you had taken some steps earlier to collect the record yourself. There are devices available in the Marketplace ( I sell one myself, in fact) that you can use to keep track of your time in world, but you do have to set them up before you need them, not afterwards.
  3. Grandma planted too many eggplants. FHAHC
  4. Like you, Maddy, I have made a decent collection of houses and other buildings that are now languishing in my inventory. Many were made for other people or for the group that I supported for many years. Few were buildings that I ever "lived" in. This one, for example, dominates one chunk of my region now, but I hardly ever go inside. It's all for show. What good's a walled enclave if you don't have a villa in it?
  5. There are many ways to do that. Here's a simple one that you are welcome to modify:
  6. I didn't have a home until I had been in SL for about 5 years, although I rented shops a little earlier than that. I've never been one to spend a lot of time indoors, and I always had access to group-owned land for building stuff, so land ownership didn't seem all that important. Sometime in 2012, though, a close friend offered me a tiny parcel rent free and suggested that I should put up a skybox as a hideaway. A couple of years later, she wanted to downsize and offered to sell me the whole region. I took a deep breath and did it. I have a somewhat larger skybox now and have used the center of the region as a park. My friend, ironically, now lives in a skybox at about the same place where she offered me space years ago.
  7. No, you're stuck. You may have created the original shape, but when you gave an instance of it to your alt with no-copy perms, that particular instance was no longer yours. When you retrieved it, you got that particular instance. Of course, it still shows you as the creator, and you do own that instance now, but it's no longer the original. You still own the intellectual property, but if you didn't keep the original someplace, all you have now is a derivative copy.
  8. Yes, sadly Firestorm doesn't seem to be able to get face numbers right consistently. I always keep a simple utility script handy for that purpose.
  9. The weather in October swings from brisk and windy to beautifully mild. Today was surprisingly hot -- a perfect day for a ride in the hills -- so my horse and I set out to explore more of the land in southern Belliseria. It's an area of lakes and low, forested hills, dotted here and there with colorful camping trailers. I decided to start from the north shore of Lake Tatakaka, the largest of the lakes in this part of the world. At first, we kept to the dirt roads, wandering roughly northwest without a specific destination in mind. We passed the train Station in Stillhouse, not far from the lake. My horse really doesn't like trains much, so we moved along before one could pass by. I'm not quite sure how we got to Somerville, but we spent quite a while roaming through the hills and listening to birds. That's one of the pleasures of the Bellisseria back country. My horse is especially fond of warblers. He also loves flowers, so we had to stop and smell them every once in a while. It's hard to go far in Bellisseria without seeing water, so we found ourselves stopping to admire every little pond and stream. As the sun rose higher, that water looked more and more inviting. I made sure that my horse had a chance to drink and to wade in the shallow water when we could. Residents are getting into the holiday spirit with a vengeance. We had to stop and admire this one incredible display of Halloween pumpkins in Red Bluff. What a piece of creation! It truly was getting hot. This pool at the base of a cascade is obviously a favorite swimming hole, and I was really tempted to dive in. Unfortunately, though, there are trailers right nearby, and it didn't seem right to enjoy someone else's local spot. It didn't seem like a good idea to tether the horse there either. We headed uphill, looking for quieter water. Why uphill? Well, that stream was large enough that I figured that it probably drained some larger body of water in the hills. Besides which, there were fewer trailers up there. And I was right! There's a beautiful, clear lake near the summit of the hills in Red Bluff, nestled among the rocks and bushes, well out of sight. It was just what I was hoping for, the perfect place to get out of the sun and cool off. My horse seemed glad for a chance to rest too, after making that last climb, so I dismounted and let him enjoy a peaceful grassy area. And me? I spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the autumn mountain air and some of the most refreshing water I have swum in for quite some time. What a rewarding day!
  10. For starters, you might try dropping your draw distance from 456m down to something under 100m. I think part of the problem is that you have your Quality slider set on Ultra and your graphics card is trying desperately to render everything within a 9 region range. That NVidia 1060 card is a reasonably good one, but you are asking a lot of it.
  11. Definitely. As I said, I was very good at it. Like Pam, though, I had to approach it as role play. When I was in a classroom with a couple of hundred students, I was playing a part. And on the walk back to my office afterwards, I was taking off the greasepaint and sliding gratefully back into quiet time. The place I felt most comfortable was in the lab, at night.
  12. Maddy, you are what the professionals call a Poor Subject or a Bad Team Player. Once you are familiar enough with the test, you can play it like a violin. Anyone can. All you have to do is answer dishonestly. But of course after you've taken it a few times, it's no longer possible to be objectively naive. You are forever corrupted, a broken, dishonest subject, no matter how you try to redeem yourself. You might as well set yourself on fire and be done with it. 😈 (EDIT: I should confess that I, too, am hopelessly broken. The last time I took the M-B test, I was an INFP. I was tryingg to be as honest as possible, so that's possibly a real result. However, I have had a scatter of results over the years, just as you have. )
  13. No, you shouldn't expect to hear the dialogs. After all, they are all addressed to llGetOwner(). As soon as you deed the object to a group, you are no longer the owner. The group is, but a group isn't a person or an object, so it can't receive messages. If you want the dialogs to work, replace llGetOwner() with the UUID of someone who can hear, like yourself or the person who touched the thing.
  14. 1. Once you are actually a Basic member, you do not have access to Live Chat. However, your Premium membership is prepaid, so you are a Premium member until the end of the period that you paid for. You may use Live Chat, Premium sandboxes, get your weekly stipend, and all the rest. However .... 2. As soon as you announce that you want to downgrade, you enter an in-between state where you are Premium Pending Downgrade. In that status, you cannot own land on the Mainland (including a Linden Home) because you have to abandon that land in order to downgrade. That's why it's wise to wait until near the end of your Premium period before annoncing that you want to downgrade.
  15. Well, not a big step. After all, as a Premium member, you have access to Live Chat, and they will assist if you say that you regret having decided to downgrade. Remember, you are still a Premium member until the end of the period you have paid for. So, call Live Chat, reverse the downgrade, and wait until a few days before the end of your Premium period. THEN downgrade.
  16. Those of us on the Introvert end of the spectrum have known for a long time -- and it's well-supported by research -- that introverts can usually fake being extroverted, at least for short periods of time. Extroverts have a much harder time of it. I spent 40 years teaching large classes and then managing administrative affairs before I finally retired. I would always take 10 minutes or so before a class or a large meeting to psych myself up, getting into the role of a crowd person. Afterwards, I would feel the tension relax as I returned to "normal". I was a good teacher and administrator, but I have always been energized by being alone or in a small group setting. I can fake being a crowd person, but it takes effort.
  17. And, to your specific case, we're in a gray area in SL on matters that should be covered by professional licenses in RL. In role play, anyone can play the role of a doctor, a police officer, or an engineer, but there's no requirement that says you should wear a tag that says, "I'm not really a doctor, but I play one in SL." The unspoken assumption is that anyone here is always in a role, regardless of what our credentials may be in RL. So, don't trust your SL doctor/lawyer/policeman, engineer to give you good professional advice or to follow other standards of RL. Sadly, that's not always well understood, so it is very easy for us to stumble into situations that are unethical, if not illegal. As Lindal says, that's a gray area that has never been tested in the courts, as far as I know.
  18. That's a very good question. As I said earlier, though, what matters to me is what I feel for myself. If I am using IM in a group of people, I feel that I am being rude to the other people around me. That's enough to discourage me from starting an IM conversation and enough to make me feel uncomfortable if someone else starts it. If I get an IM from someone at a distance while I am sitting with friends, I feel compelled to say, "I'm in the middle of something. May I get back to you?" If i really do have to continue the IM, I will almost always tell the people around me, "Sorry, I just landed in an IM. Excuse me for a minute." To my mind, then, the question is rarely whether other people think I am being rude, but whether I do.
  19. In SL, as in RL, there is no such thing as "free land." You paid for it with your Premium membership fees. What you get is a land fee waiver that you can use to offset some of the monthly fees that all landowners in SL pay to Linden Lab. You may use that waiver in either of two ways: 1. You can buy land in the Mainland estate -- paying the purchase price for the land itself, of course. Your land fee waiver will pay for the entire monthly fees on up to 1024 sq m of land that you bought. This does not apply to land in private estates or land that you rent. 2. You may request a Linden Home, which comes on its own parcel of the Mainland. You get the land, and Linden Lab throws in a home that you do not own but have exclusive rights to. You can read about Linden Homes here: You should be aware that there are older Linden Homes, in abundant supply, and much newer homes, which are much scarcer and are in high demand. If you follow the process in that KB article, you will most likely be offered an older home. Getting one of the newer ones requires patience and luck. I suggest reading this thread very carefully >>> and then following some of the threads in the Linden Homes subforum of the Land forum to get a feel for how to proceed.
  20. Rolig Loon

    Linden Homes

    Yes indeed. You have explained it well, and you understand the basics of the process. The only thing that's missing is that the new Linden Homes are in such high demand right now that it takes patience and a small amount of luck to get one. Linden Lab is producing new homes at the rate of at least a region every day, so there are new homes daily. Also, there's a brisk turnover as current home owners swap one home for another -- sometimes a different style, sometimes just a different location. So, you just have to ask at the right time. That's the tricky part. Read this thread first: Then start reading other threads in the Linden Homes subforum of the Land forums here. You'll catch on fast enough. Good luck!
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