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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. /me runs off to grab a mirror Wait.... mermaids aren't real?
  2. What's unspoken in all of this is that each event in a LSL script is a self-contained entity. You can't hop in and out of an event at will. Once you enter, script execution stays in the event until it reaches a logical exit. When execution passes to another event, it enters the new event at its top, not where you happened to be the last time you were there. In your original example, you might get away with stacking up two or more calls to llGetNotecardLine in the state_entry event, but there's no guarantee that they would be executed in a predictable order (or properly). It's much safer to just execute one llGetNotecardLine call in state_entry and then make successive ones in the dataserver event itself, forcing execution to go around and around there until it is finished.
  3. In that case, you are back to a standard "read everything until you get to the end" version: integer iLine; key MyQuery; list lAllData; default { state_entry() { // Check the notecard exists, and has been saved if (llGetInventoryKey(notecardName) == NULL_KEY) { llOwnerSay( "Notecard '" + notecardName + "' missing or unwritten"); } else { MyQuery = llGetNotecardLine("My Notecard", iLine = 0); } } dataserver(key query_id, string data) { if (query_id == MyQuery) // The result of your call from state_entry { if (data != EOF) { lAllData += [(integer)data]; if (iLine < 5) // If you haven't reached the sixth line, where F is .... { MyQuery = llGetNotecardLine("My Notecard", ++iLine); // NOW you ask it to read the next line } } } } } Once it's gone around that loop a few times, you'll have lAllData full of your variables, which you can unpack as A, B, C, D, E, F as you need them. Of course, the easier way would be to simply put A, B, C, D, E, and F on a single line in your notecard and read the lot as a comma delimited string in one shot. Then unpack it. But I understand that this is really about learning how to read a notecard.
  4. Leave out unqualified, silly yodelers. ALTOS
  5. Why? Who knows? It just is. It's the way this forum's software is set up. You are allowed to edit your own post as many times as you like within the first 24 hours, but not after that. One logical reason is to reduce the confusion that would ensue if people were constantly going back and rewriting the history of previous bits of a thread. It's a good way to avoid some nasty flame wars. So... we keep the original comments intact once the flurry of minor edits to correct typos and whatnot. After that, you may add a second clarifying note or a retraction if you wish, but there's no way to deny what you said the first time. (Unless the moderators clean house, of course.)
  6. Not quite. The dataserver event is just like any other event. It opens when it is called by a specific triggering message, in this case from your llGetNotecardLine statement. If you want to call it a second time, you need another triggering message, as you have, but the logical place to send that message is from within the dataserver event itself, after you have executed the first action. integer A; integer B; key queryA; key queryB; default { state_entry() { // Check the notecard exists, and has been saved if (llGetInventoryKey(notecardName) == NULL_KEY) { llOwnerSay( "Notecard '" + notecardName + "' missing or unwritten"); } else { queryA = llGetNotecardLine("My Notecard", 2); } } dataserver(key query_id, string data) { if (query_id == queryA) // The result of your call from state_entry { A = (integer)data; queryB = llGetNotecardLine("My Notecard", 4); // NOW you ask it to read line 4 } if (query_id == queryB) // The result of your call from the first time through the dataserver event { B = (integer)data; } } } Note that you never need to ask if (data == EOF) in your case because you are only reading a single,specific line each time. You never have to test whether you have reached the last line.
  7. Those hearty intellectuals never kneel. ( No, I wasn't going to cheat and write "kwit".) NORSE
  8. Perhaps one should try silliness ... LAUGH
  9. It? A skin is like any other texture. You upload it as a PNG or TGA file and apply it as Lindal described. As Lindal says, you can save yourself the L$10 per upload while you are in testing phase by working on the beta grid, where uploads are free, or you can upload the image as a local file.
  10. LDPW hasn't just provided empty parcels to drop houses on. They have created landscapes and neighborhoods. Traditional houses would look out of place among camping trailers in the wooded hills of Placid, and a camping trailer would be really odd in one of the houseboat slips. It makes great sense to be able to swap one style of trailer for another on the same parcel, but it would ruin the local community feel of Bellisseria to jumble all the themes together randomly. We are in the expansion phase of Bellisseria. LDPW is releasing new regions at the rate of one or two a day now, and releasing an entirely new theme every few months. Every time there's something new, there's a rush of people to explore. People's ideas of a "perfect" home change rapidly. Just watch all of the speculation that's going on daily in the SSP thread here in this forum. Look at all the photos that people are posting to show off their decorating skills. What will the next region look like? Will the next house theme be even more exciting than the ones we already have? This is a land rush that beats anything in SL for a decade. It's all the more exciting because of the competition. Demand is much greater than supply, and is likely to be for some time. When a home becomes available, it's on the market for minutes at most, so people don't have the luxury of time to decide whether to accept an offered home or not. Grab a house while you can, and then abandon it and elbow your way through the crowd to get a "better" one tomorrow.
  11. There are a lot of textures to rez in most Bellisseria regions -- lots of trees and bushes, walls, and the houses themselves. Prudence is right that it makes sense to keep your draw distance rather low. If you're on the ground, and certainly if you are in your home, you aren't going to be looking at things much over 75-100 meters away anyway.
  12. From Managing Private Regions Some older regions have "grandfathered" or discounted pricing on their monthly maintenance fees. In February 2010, it was announced that these grandfathered maintenance fees would no longer be offered and that changing ownership or converting a grandfathered region would change its maintenance fee to the current monthly rate for its region type. As of November, 2015, you may now transfer grandfathered-priced Regions in accordance with the transfer pricing schedule. We are unable to swap the price of a current grandfathered region with a non-grandfathered region. Grandfathered pricing stays with the region for the life of the region or until it is transferred or converted. If a grandfathered region is abandoned and subsequently reactivated, its maintenance fee is updated to the current monthly rate for its region type.
  13. Odd. I must lead a sheltered life, or maybe I am more intimidating than I thought. I have never had any stranger in SL ask, "How are you?" And when someone I know asks, I think it's rarely meant anything more than "Hello".
  14. Adjust your Hover Height. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/hover_height
  15. Or both, actually. My reply was actually addressed to everyone else who might wander in here, assuming that this is a brand new thread.
  16. I control my flexi-tail twitch by changing gravity on a timer. Skirts are a wee bit trickier than a twitching tail. For one thing, they are not meant to twitch. A skirt is meant to rest gently on your lap when you sit and to stay there without twitching until you stand up. Generally speaking, it is poor form for a skirt to poof up and float at chest level when you are seated and it is unsightly for it to sink through your legs. Back in the dark ages, some clever person distributed a script that you could add to a prim skirt, making it flip 90 degrees at the waist when you sat down. If your skirt's hem was above your kneecaps, it almost looked realistic (if you ignored the fact that the flipped-down back of the skirt exposed your butt). Maxi-length skirts and gowns looked ghastly. Other people have tried tricks with flexi, like the one you suggest. They all fail in mild to spectacular ways. Mesh skirts are arguably the best attempt yet -- they don't sink through your legs and they don't always expose an open tunnel to your hoohah when you sit down. They still look overstarched or like an odd rubber suit much of the time, though, especially if they are floor length. IMO, the best designers combine the advantages of prim, flexi, mesh, and system textures to conceal some of the worst features of each method, instead of relying on just one. Sadly, the best solution for many women in SL is to forget about wearing skirts at all.
  17. This is a necrothread and the most recent query is a duplicate of
  18. It's not even clear what you mean by "reset." It would make a lot of sense for some kinds of orbs to clear out-of-date information once a day, for example. Otherwise, data will tend to accumulate over time, eventually leading to a stack/heap failure. A security orb should not clear your lists of allowed or banned visitors, though, so a total restart of the script is probably not a good idea unless that information is stored in a remote database (as it apparently is in the Linden Home security system, for example). As Molly says, some systems will allow you to designate one or more people who may be allowed access to the system, too. Without knowing any more about your system, all we can do is guess about what's possible.
  19. Ferris wheels have been a favorite for scripters for a long time, so there are several scripts out there. You should be able to find them with a Google search or, failing that, by posting in the Wanted forum. If you are writing your own and get stuck, bring it here with your specific questions. If you're not a scripter, you can hire one by posting in the InWorld Employment forum.
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