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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. I got the scripts in and working there now. But I may have to make a new wall for one of the other doors. Sigh. It must be a problem with the physics upload. It's wonderful to have a door I can't walk out... /sarcasm
  2. I have let the ocean floor spill out in the void too, plus lighthouse and waves. Everybody does it. (In the void, not public water)
  3. Why does the teleport work for me? Lol, now to log in an alt and test... Can it be the sculpted reef wall that need time to swap in place?
  4. I am not good with scripts, so this is probably a silly and easy thing to do... but I still need help. 🙄 I have the Nyterave poseball script and has used it many times in plain prims. But now, I have a decorative rock to use it in. I want the rock to stay visible when I pose. I am sure the script can be changed, but how? It is always so many lines in scripts. I found where to hide the hoover text by myself. //***************************************** //* Nyterave animation ball script! * //* FREE TO USE V2.1 * //* by Sitting Lightcloud * //******************************************/ // * * * * * * * MODIFY BELOW * * * * * * *// // position to sit on the ball e.g <0.0, 0.0, 0.43> // sit 0.5 meter above the ball vector POSITION=<0.0, 0.0, 0.3>; // hovertext above ball. "" for none. // add '\n ' at the end to move text up i.e. // string HOVERTEXT="Sit Here\n "; string HOVERTEXT=""; // Pie Menu Sit Text. Will only work for the // main prim but included it anyway. If no text // is entered between "" it won't be used. string SIT_TEXT=""; // hovertext color 'r,g,b' e.g. "255,255,255" (white) string HOVER_RGB="255,255,255"; // LISTEN sets if this ball should listen for voice commands // or not. You only need to enable this for 1 ball if you // link several balls to an object. (to reduce lagg). // Change to TRUE to enable FALSE to disable. integer LISTEN=FALSE; // What channel to listen for hide/show on. If you want to // listen to normal conversation (hide/show), set channel // to 0 otherwise the command will be /channel hide, show integer CHANNEL=8; // * * * * * * * STOP MODIFY * * * * * * * *// set_text() { if (llStringLength(HOVERTEXT)>0) { rgb=llCSV2List(HOVER_RGB); llSetText(HOVERTEXT,<llList2Float(rgb,0)*0.003921568627450980392156862745098,llList2Float(rgb,1)*0.003921568627450980392156862745098,llList2Float(rgb,2)*0.003921568627450980392156862745098>,1.0); } else llSetText("",<0,0,0>,0.0); } start_listen() { llListenRemove(listener); if (LISTEN==TRUE) listener=llListen(CHANNEL,"","",""); } hide_me() { llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); llSetText("",<0,0,0>,0.0); } show_me() { llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); set_text(); } list rgb; string animation; integer listener; default { state_entry() { if (llStringLength(SIT_TEXT)>0) llSetSitText(SIT_TEXT); llSitTarget(POSITION, ZERO_ROTATION); set_text(); start_listen(); } on_rez(integer r) { start_listen(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) { llRequestPermissions(llAvatarOnSitTarget(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } else { integer perm=llGetPermissions(); if ((perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) && llStringLength(animation)>0) llStopAnimation(animation); llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); set_text(); animation=""; } } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStopAnimation("sit"); animation=llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION,0); llStartAnimation(animation); llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); llSetText("",<0,0,0>,0.0); } } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if (str=="hide") { hide_me(); } else if (str=="show") { show_me(); } } }
  5. Sure you can. I don't use ban lines. But I will not post it here, since I am renting. If I must move, I can't go back and remove the slurl. It is annoying to use a slurl that dump you in another persons home. But look in my profile, under Picks. It's Land's End, Under the sea. I will delete the pick if I move, or take down the sea build.
  6. I don't use Genus, but I remember seeing this gadget: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/JSK-Genus-make-up-clear/17908034 It clears makeup that is applied. You can clear makeup by using the HUD too, but since I have only used Genus a bit on an alt, I can't remember how to do it now. You use the appliers, right? Not BoM (layers with a squiggly symbol)
  7. 9 Li per sheep that walk around. And also static decor sheep. Static animals can be placed in the background between the trees. Not too bad in Li. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/JIAN-Sheep-Collection/12123887 Jian has good animals.
  8. Review: "Just a prim". Other reviews from the store products say the same. "This is decals" and "Flat prim sheet".
  9. You were right, Olive was easier. I could remember Reign had some color like that in their boots, and built on that.
  10. A plain, ordinary boathouse in Farshore. But the side that turns away from the neighbor's view, has an unexpected detail: What can it be?
  11. The update came in November 2020, for male heads. I am sure there are still sold tons of pre-update shapes for Lelutka Evo heads. I have a hope that the creator of the head you bought, can see reason and update the shapes he's selling. Just inform him about the new rigging of the bones in a notecard. You have the link to both the blogger, this thread and also Lelutkas own website. "We realize there have been many shapes made for the bound version of the heads and that some customers may not want to change, so we are offering both versions of the head (Bound and Boundless) for those heads released before Fleur. To get the Bound version of the head, please use the re-delivery terminal. Heads with the word “dated” are the Bound version. The other is the Boundless version". https://lelutkasl.com/faq/ Personally, I think it is a bad business practice if the shape creators rub it off with "Just wear the "dated" version, instead of updating their shapes. Suggest wearing a product that has "dated" in the name? Nu-uh.
  12. I have not abandoned the challenge, lol. I have been wearing a bright yellow outfit for 5 days, but I am so distracted with an underwater building that I don't have pictures yet. I even did all the weekend shopping dressed in yellow!* But let us see what I can get done now that most of the work is done... * I know I could have saved the yellow outfit, but I was too busy with the underwater build to do even that....
  13. Billy Beaverhausen wrote about this in his blog. The difference from the 1.1 Lelutka Skyler and Skyler 2.5 with the same shape. https://billybeaverhausen.com/2020/11/13/lelutka-heads-2-5/ You can read his post and see if it is clearer now. (Image from his blogpost. Do you get the same deformed face?) PS: You can send the shape creator a notecard with a link to this thread and inform him/her that the shape must be updated with a version 2.5 shape. Because this will happen with all who buy the shape.
  14. I would buy it. It is so cheap that you can sell it if someone build ugly builds next to you. If you cut it up in 1024's and sell them for 1 L/m, you will find buyers. May even set the last ones to 0.5 L/m. People buy cheap parcels for skyboxes. So your risk of loss is small. Have you forgotten the house by the road? Driveway up to your villa... through the park... Does it not sound good? 😇 Of course you can copy the driveway without a road, but it isn't the same...?
  15. I do not think it applies to incoming IM's, as it says "chat" and as I understand it, IM's are not chat. But I am happy to be corrected. But do this, and set yourself in Busy mode, and your guests also in Busy mode. Incoming IM's are stopped, and you can chat with visitors in local chat. Or use voice.
  16. I have objections to most of it. "Altered ad photos or that do not look like their ad". If I buy a RL dress with some supermodel in the ad, the dress will not look the same on me. In RL, designers does not go to the Wal-Mart parking and ask a random customer to model it on the spot. Even if that is true to the reality. In RL, they use a model with the right light and makeup in a studio. So in SL, buyers can put on the item in default midday light and say "It does not look like the ad!" It is demanding stricter rules on Secondlife marketing than RL marketing. "Untimely response". Most SL sellers are doing this as a hobby, it is not enough to live of. And they can't hire a manager, office assistant or CEO to answer questions 24/7. Who decides what "untimely" is? How are the "BB" going to verify an item is defective/broken? They are going to buy it? We know a lot of malfunction is due to the customer's ignorance. Saying it does not work can not be enough proof. How are the seller going to come clean if they are made to look like a villain due to uninformed people, altered chat logs or prejudice? For me it sounds like this avatar behind it, is going to be the sole judge. Why trust an unknown avatar that's just popped up? And think she is objective and always right? I am more likely to believe she's an alt out to stir up things.
  17. It can be to your benefit. Buying abandoned land from LL is cheaper. They usually set it to 1 L per 1 m, I think you will pay 8648 L or something like that. If you can buy it from LL. Maybe the price has changed now? I got a surprise once, when instead of selling land to me, LL put it up for auction. It sold for much more than 10 L per m, because it was next to water. If it is set to auction, it is purple on the map. Check back on the land the next days. I can't remember if LL gives a reply or only set it to sale in your name. The driveway was probably not made by LL. It is common practice that the owner makes an anchor prim on the parcel and extend his driveway to the road.
  18. You can continue to rent, perhaps? I know the prices vary a lot. I was lucky and got a tip about a very cheap place. You have to pay VAT in addition to tier and for Premium, unless you buy a year of Premium. I have seen the building you want, you will need a lot of land since it is over 500 Li itself. And with many rooms. I would say a minimum of 300 Li for furniture. Minimum. A park will run off with maybe 100 Li or more. Walls, hedges and plants vary so, so much in Li. If you want mostly green grass and a few trees, you need less Li. So you need 4096 m, I assume. And first you must pay for Premium. 1024 of those m are then free. But in reality, you must pay tier for all the 4095 m, since it is no option between 2048 and 4096. It is why I am renting Mainland now. Buying Lindens is still free from VAT.
  19. I have to turn off materials on my eyes because in some light settings, it is too much reflection. The eyes become so shiny that it's white spots. Many heads has some shine/gloss layer over that are materials. You can still adjust these sliders when you take off the alpha layer and turn on BoM. My head (Lelutka Evo) has a place in the HUD where I turn on/off materials for the eyes, and also a slider for strength and environment. Playing with these sliders, or turning off materials, helps. I am not sure if this is so for you, it is a bit difficult to see from the picture. But it can be good to know.
  20. "Protected land, protected water" is a sales argument. It is positive to live near land owned by LL, because you do not risk that somebody buys it and builds a 64 m high wall right on the border. So you don't buy protected land, but land adjacent to protected land/water. Land next to Linden owned land tend to be more expensive. Since it is so, some ppl advertise land as such, even if it is not sharing a border with protected land/water. Make sure the land really does it before you buy. Protected land is in most cases a Linden road. You can drive from your yard, and out. Protected water means you can perhaps launch a boat inside your land and go boating. Some sell land that may have a bit of water, but it is so narrow that you can't really sail out from it because other people has filled it up. It is not legal to extend stuff in protected water, but people do it all the time. LL may remove it if they get a ticket. I say "may" because it is sometimes stories about things that has blocked waterways for years.
  21. I did some when my health was better. Work in the garden, making raised beds of wood, stairs of treated wood, building walls of natural rocks, and also a concrete wall by the garage. Now I can barely walk and the garden is weeds. 😪 I have done usual home improvements like painting and new floors. A bit unusual thing: Tearing down open fireplaces from the 70ties, mending the wall, and installing both a woodburning stove and a pellet stove. I mean the whole thing, filling the old huge hole in the chimney, making a new. The house has not burned down, so it was done right. I don't think many women has the done that. I used to love all sort of craft, from making dolls of porcelain clay, patchwork, sewing clothes. And much more. I don't have the strength or energy for anything more.
  22. It can be a misunderstanding. Maybe he thought you were in his club, and then, you submit yourself to be treated as his rules say. Did you make it clear that you were in your land, you did never enter the club? Do you own the plot or are you renting? You are not renting from the club owner? His guests are pigs. But that is clear already since they go to his club. He is not going to say anything to his guests, because he want to keep them. And pigs will find another stry, and the club owner sit without traffic. Will LL do anything about it? I find it not likely, unless he has racist, nazist or child p0rn up in his club. All sort of sexual activity is allowed in SL, also offending talk. All who sign up in SL are adults, and LL expect them to do as you did, mute the other. LL is not going to save you from dirty talk. We have all experienced it, and other places than next to an adult club. In sandboxes when we build, on moderate land, and when we shop. Muting and forget is the only thing. It is no need to reply. It makes them feel good, if they understand you get angry. They love it to get an angry reply. Because they know then, that you read what they say. Total silence is best.
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