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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. Instead of making another thread, I post here. I get messages in group chats that Caspervend is down again, 62 days after the first time.
  2. Norway are not in the EU either, but we are charged VAT. Norway are even mentioned by name, so I am sure Norwegians has complained and been put down. 💩 List of Countries and Areas Subject to VAT or GST Australia (GST) member countries of the European Union Norway
  3. Aha, it is a separate gift deformer pack! No wonder it's popular, deformers cost 200 L or more. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MIRANA-body-DEFORMERSEnhancers-Pack-DEMO-gift/20533731 I bought it. Interesting to see the effects.
  4. What does that mean, they have demo'ed Mirana, but forgot to take off the deformers? They were interested enough to take a demo, but not interested enough to buy it.
  5. My alt let an OW stilt house go 12 AM sl time (15 min from now) EDIT: The region is restarting. Will try again 01 PM sl time. EDIT 2: Oh crap, I forgot that they take the internet connection, for service. If the region is up, I release the house 00.45 PM. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cowrie/178/122/17 TP goes in the water.
  6. Aw, thank you. ❤️ I have no Linden home to decorate now, so I take pictures of myself.
  7. It is a good time to change, it is a Houseboat, Camper and Log home up on the page now. Other options that may pop up are Traditional, Victorian and maaaaybe a Stilt house. I will abandon one in a few hours. I will post in the "When did you last see a Bellisserian Home available" thread when I do. All these are people who abandon their houses because they are tired of them, they bought land or they downgrade from Premium. We are all (almost all) waiting for a release of regions with new Stilt houses. That will hopefully be next week. When the new big release of Stilt houses are on, many more will abandon their homes and try for a Stilt house. From Dec. 23 and many days, (last big release) all the types of Linden homes in Bellisseria was available.
  8. Friday! Can you see that I ate some icecream and got a bigger tush! (Scyllas pic under has the small one)
  9. Yes, I think can go back to manual releases. It was a lot of stress then too, because all were monitoring Bellisseria chat and the forums, trying to not miss a release of one region. Plus sighs from people who were at work, or went to the bathroom, came back and all homes were taken. It feels better if it is a steady flow spread over several days in a row. I am taking one alt back to Basic if it is no release today. I do not pay for one month more, unless she can catch a very, very good house.
  10. Aha, I can hand over ownership? That is safe, my alts are me. 😋 I could not find it in the group profile?
  11. I plan to downgrade to Basic, and all I have left now is groups that cost minimum 100 L to rejoin. But I have two groups I created myself, and 2 of my alts can hold them. They have few groups. I do not need a land group now, since I have a Linden home and a place where I rent. And I get the message: "Unable to leave group". What do I do?
  12. I have made my purchases that way too... Tried on a demo in a hurry, bought it and then thinking; maybe I should not have bought it? Live and learn, as you say. ❤️ It is good that you know about the Evolution line!
  13. Yep yep 😈 Nah, I think it is a love-hate relationship, but it is still hot... and lukewarm feelings risk ending up in nothing? Imagine how quiet it will be when we all retire our alts and a new theme is met with "Uh yea. Nice. Zzzz".
  14. But is it Lelutka or Lelutka Evolution? It's a difference between the new head line (Evolution) and the others. Your Lilly head is Evolution, and only skin made for the Evolution heads has "Evo" or "Evolution" added in the description. And no reputation or recommendation is so good that you can skip buying a demo and test on yourself.
  15. I humbly ask for an official message "No stilts today" or "No stilts this week". Please? 🙏
  16. I will not edit the post more, so I make a new post for another example: Six dinner plates each has a Download of 0.7 and Server weight 0.5. This will be 4.2 and 3 when all linked together. Land impact will be 4. But if you link the dinner plates two and two, you have a land impact of 3 total. One Li for each double dinner plate. You save one Li by not linking all six together.
  17. That's because creators has been very skilled in making 1 Li objects. But if these are close to 1.5 download, it is rounded down to 1 Li when you rez it. But if you link 1.4 + 1.3 = 2.7 it is rounded up to.... 3. So you increased the Li. You need to find your 0,1 and 0,2 download objects. These are super useful as you can link 0.2 with 1.2 and link more items than you think you could. Unless.... one of the items are actually two objects. Like, a picture that's one object, and a shadow that's another object, linked and 1 Li when rezzed.* But if you link one such item with another, you have linked 4 objects that's 0.5 server weight: 0.5 x 4 = 2. You have linked two 1 Li items, but not reduced the Li. How to see this: Select two 1 Li pictures to hang on the wall, but instead of linking them, you click on the green text More Info. You get up another window, "Advanced". Find the numbers for "Download" and "Server". If they are suitable for linking, you will see that the number for Server is 1, and the Download number is below 1.5. Then link them, and the total Li should go down to 1. *You can unlink and delete the shadow.
  18. I found out that I will stay in this thread and ignore the others in this part of the forum. I still double post, but then in the "Challenges" part.
  19. I removed lots of groups, since I plan to revert to basic in March. I know it is early to do so, but I needed to see what I really had. I have over 42 groups left, and all cost money to join. Or a few are free now, but I know they suddenly cost money again, because they go back and forth between that and free. So to get down to 41 groups, I need to leave paid groups. I think it is enough groups with a low fee, to make me down to 41. But it will be tight.
  20. All the editing I do is not just for this challenge. Even if I feel inspired to do my best. I am also trying to learn how to use a new program, Krita, as a photo editing tool instead of draving pictures with it. And it is hard. Especially because when I watch how-to videos, my eyes glaze over unless they go straight to the point I have searched for. And if they start with something I already know, I am too impatient to watch to the end. So it is much trial and swearing. This time, no closeup because the pose only fit in a square image. Besides, it is a really simple outfit, no details that need to be studied.
  21. Who can know. Now it is 2 Stilt home regions, where one is "lined" with houseboats on one side. We do not know if both Stilt regions will be "lined" with houseboats all around, or if one is, or if it is no more houseboats added to the Stilt continents. I for one, hope they are not! It is not that I hate houseboats, but the colors are so different. So much darker colors on both deck and panel. I think Stilt enviroment and colors are so different from earlier themes that they do not mix well with others. But back to the question. I guess that the regions between the two Stilt continents will have at least 1 region wide open water canal going from West to East. And I have not heard it from somebody, it is just a feeling. It is enough regions there, that the other Stilt continent can be lined with houseboats and leave room for open water in between.
  22. Thank you for replying, I have been sleeping. It's morning in my timezone now. But to be honest, I changed those settings so long time ago, that I forgot it is not on by default! 😣
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