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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. OAL (On a Lark) has modify clothes. This cardi with shirt is from them. I am sure I will post more OAL. And they are very often in 25 L Tuesdays.
  2. I have seen OL for hours and hours. Every time I refresh it is there
  3. The two last releases was 3 regions each. But not alphabetical, 3 random ones, but starting with the same letter. I have no idea if they will continue to do it. Or if they will release the same time. And if they will say what their plan is? Unlikely. They do this a few times until we agree that this is how they are doing it, then turn around and do something else?
  4. Now you made me happy, and keep me as Premium! 😘
  5. I'm still doing the 52 weeks of color challenge! This is supposed to be Umber. I am always surprised, how different the color swatches look from how I always has imagined they look.
  6. Here are the umber I used. If someone asked me to pick umber before, I would not have picked this, that is for sure. Anyways I was so happy with the poses and everything that I let it pass as umber. Edit: I took out the 1. image because the more I look at it, the more orange it looks. I am tinting the cardigan much darker and dirtier and see if it is better. Second try, less orange: Maybe a bit dark, but better than orange. Phew. But it is good practice. Note to myself: Look at the color sample in the light I will use.
  7. Conspiracy theory: LL think you (and I) have enough Linden homes now! 😈
  8. What Hex code or LSL are you using? I have used RGB so far, and the colors are different. And for umber, they are very different. I am building a cube inworld and tinting it. I am using Hex 944a1f now. I have used RGB always, but it is almost useless for the color challenge. I need to use more Hex.
  9. What I think, and this is me thinking, is that LL has abandoned the "big release" and is going to release triplets - 3 regions spread. Maybe one such release every 24 hours. That way, Stilt homes will last longer. Because after such a release, it will be SoL abandoned and showing up for hours. I have seen a SoL multiple times already, or it is the same tossed back. (I am using 3 letters instead of 2, it is easier for me to think about them: SoL = Stilts on Land SoW = Stilts on Water SoP = Stilts on Pier)
  10. I have downgraded so many alts, I only have one now. She expires the 16th. I will try to hunt for a perfect location with her. But the scary part is the terrible risky transfer. Or else, I must continue to pay Premium for her. And I have a good location for myself already. I almost don't dare to hunt again. If I continue to pay for Premium... the more Linden Homes, the less I use them. Sigh. First world problems.
  11. I always recommend Stray Dog. https://www.flickr.com/photos/gac_akina/50016637663/in/dateposted/
  12. I have no problem ignoring the ones that come on to me the moment we meet. There are those who are more friendly and civil, that are harder to flat out refuse. But I get an uneasy feeling the next day or the next.
  13. I wish that @Foggypebble Muircastlewould come with details. What is the low Li requirement for her, and does she want enclosed rooms or one large room? And how much will she pay? That she visited Freebie Galaxy gives me a hint that the house should be free or very cheap. For me, I do not like the one open room houses. That leaves most of Trompe loeil and Barnesworth Anubis out. This house is within everybody's budget, but maybe the Li is too high. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Gift-Cozy-Olive-Cottage-with-basement/16344622
  14. I never buy on Mondays. If that really was so, it would be arrogant. It says nothing about buying as a requirement. But it is always lots of people there, and I have never won anything. I forget to go there 3 of 4 weeks, when I post about it I will hopefully remember it today.
  15. Yes it will be... but when? "Soon". "Soon" is a very fluid word in SL.
  16. If I get a friends request and am unsure if I want it, I accept and then delete it when I see the person is not logged in.
  17. Finally new kitchens!! ❤️👍 I am so tired of the Hive kitckens. Edit: I commented on a review and added a wish for some units without upper cabinets. I always find houses that has windows on at least one wall. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a reminder to myself and you: Visit the Apple Fall store on Mondays, and you may win a gift card. I think it is 2500 L. I teleport there and walk around, maybe a minute. I do not think you have to be there longer than that, so the visitor counter can pick you up.
  18. I can not complete "set for sale" unless I click an opton for "Sell objects with land". Do not leave that open.
  19. It is so nice to open the land page, and see Bellisseria Homes. Maybe two options, maybe three, four, even more. But always something. I have not seen Meadowbrook for weeks now.
  20. Thank you for searching for answers to me! 🥰 Since that thread you found, is about paying an extra year, I took it to be for the pre-pay period, and that only. But the Wiki states we don't pay VAT for annual, no exceptions. It is a nice thought! (Tempting to continue...) @Grumpity Lindencan you clear up this about the UK, and also about annual Premium?
  21. Yes, I can see it... I can't understand what reasons it should be for not charging VAT for annual Premium. Maybe I must send in a ticket and ask if that's really, no, REALLY true.
  22. Is that really true? Why should annual be an exception? Link? I have not paid annual since LL had that "Pay for two years" and I am not sure if VAT was on for Norway then. Since then, I let my Premiums revert to basic. I kept two alts on, as monthly ones a short time for the Stilts.
  23. VAT is the direct reason that I go down from Premium to Basic. I know it is not LL's fault, but I have to look at the reality. I have previously had 6 Premium avatars for a land group. I can also not downgrade to one Premium and pay tier to LL (for land over 1024) without VAT applied on that. It will be Basic and renting from another resident. from now on. I do not like it, I prefer to deal directly with LL. If LL start to charge VAT when I buy Lindens, I am well and truly f-ed.
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