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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. I'm not sure the support folder structure is the same on Mac vs Windows, but you'll find all the viewer related files in Library->Application Support->Viewer, where "Viewer" is the particular viewer you use, SecondLife, Firestorm etc. Within that folder will be user_settings, data, logs, downloads (for SecondLife) and folders for each avatar you've logged in on the viewer. A Windows savvy person will have to chime in with knowledge of the corresponding layout of the Windows application support folders. ETA: You get to the Library folder from Finder’s “Go” menu. Hold down the Option key when clicking to reveal the normally hidden Library folder.
  2. Hi Kids!!! I'm trying (and failing) to help a friend switch to Lara/LaraX. She's currently wearing a Genus Strong head with the "Miranda" face skin. She's been able to find a suitable skin tone from Velour, but the neck seam is dreadful. The skin starts to redden above the collarbone and is a significant mismatch by the time it reaches the neck. Here are some snapshots... Here's what she's wearing... ETA... She removed the "Neck Blend" which improved things greatly. Still, there's the seam. HELP!!!
  3. Lia! Welcome back! As Belinda explained, you might have been given a RLV scripted attachment, perhaps even another collar disguised as something else. Look in the Worn/Wearing tab of either inventory or the outfits tool to see what attachments you're wearing. If you see something you don't recognize, remove it, relog with RLV enabled, and see if you can now TP. Restrictions are the sum total of all restrictions created by all RLV scripted things you wear. Someone could give you a rose which contains a RLV script that completely locks you down. Removing every other RLV thing you're wearing won't undo those restrictions. You'd have to detach the rose, which would likely require disabling RLV. It's also possible for nefarious actors to access your collar via the built in relay. For your own safety, make the the relay is off or set to "Ask". I think you can also type "@list" in chat and get a listing of all active RLV attachments and the restrictions they set. That should reveal your culprit. Good luck!
  4. When you right click and "Block", the viewer blocks the user by username. If you entered his display name into your ban list, that will fail. Enter his username.
  5. I don't think there is a future for AMD/NVIDIA on macOS. Apple Silicon does not support external GPUs.
  6. https://www.amazon.com/Eve-Female-Drove-Million-Evolution-ebook/dp/B0BR51FB12
  7. I just compared a texture I uploaded in 2012 to the same texture uploaded moments ago, from the same original. I saved both textures back to my Mac. Using "difference" in my image editor, I get a histogram with only <0,0,0>. Nothing has changed for me.
  8. I hear ya, Lindal. I just "graduated" from cardiac rehab. In February I learned, unexpectedly, that I have significant coronary artery disease and it's not easily addressed. That's reset my expectations for longevity. As compelling as SL is, having RL threaten to kill you if you don't pay more attention to it gets your... attention. I won't be sad to see you go, as it's the best path for you. Instead, I'll be thankful for the time you were with us and wish you the best.
  9. Elevators are perfect. Start this video at 11:00. https://archive.org/details/saturday-night-live-s-10-e-06-ed-asner-the-kinks
  10. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/801/must-be-rats-on-the-brain
  11. The appearance of cleavage depends on the skin as much as the shape sliders. Some skins come with cleavage/no-cleavage options. If there's a sharp cleavage line in the skin, no amount of slider jamming will get rid of it. Here's an example... ... there's nothing the sliders can do about that third boob.
  12. I was raised in a gender ambivalent family, so there's a lot of cultural norm BS I can't relate to. Like you, there's no difference in my feeling or behavior in male or female avatars. I am, however, quite aware of society's nonsensical beliefs, and see them applied to me every day. Those beliefs are more amusement to me than anything else, but I can see how baseless cultural norms can truly limit people from achieving their full potential and so I do push back on them. You don't have to know a thing, Krystina. Just don a male avatar and let everyone else project on it.
  13. Bleuhazenfurfle, in the JIRA comments, points out the FATAL flaw in any desire to invoke SIMD instructions in LSL. LSL does not support arrays. The overhead of unpacking one SIMD register's worth of data from a list, then repacking the result, will dwarf any advantage of the SIMD instruction. The true value of SIMD instructions comes from their use in loops that walk through arrays of data already in SIMD format. This request is DOA.
  14. Move the "string sound;" statement from the sound script to the top of the particle script. Take the one line inside state_entry() in your sound script and move it inside state_entry() in your particle script. Take the llStopSound() call from the sound script and place it right after the empty llParticleSystem([]) call in your particle script. Take the llLoopSound() call from the sound script and place it right after the startParticle() call in your particle script. By using only one toggle (isOn), you eliminate the possibility of sound and particles decoupling.
  15. Any nostalgia I feel for the "good old days" is really just my endless desire to be a newbie. It's up to me to make that happen.
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