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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Dragonborn - shouts YAY! \o/ :matte-motes-inlove: 11.11.11, T.E.S V (collectors editions only for us) Someone mind my stuff while I'm in Cyrodil pls, ty :matte-motes-smitten:
  2. Perrie can I kindly say, unfortunately we don't offer a refund on your loaned days. Terribly sorry, it's just out policy.
  3. A lot of the fun in SL has always been seeing last names. "Hello cousin Solo! \o/ How's the family? Haven't seen you for ages" etc etc.. Great fun.
  4. You have to get your own tangled garden and hedgerow didn't anyone tell you?
  5. K.. I'll join in on the necro of all time. Only because I think the Steve Jobs fans will enjoy this if they haven't seen it already.. I imagine this has done the rounds in the USA, not quite so for other places... Toldyaso :matte-motes-grin:
  6. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Vampire name: The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity: Sorceress of Flesh Known in some parts of the world as: Seductress of The Tormented The Great Archives Record: A soul in torment and tumult - hell of their own making! :matte-motes-agape: heavy stuff ^^ that's as bad as having to sing half newd by the seashore to drunken shipborne sailors under a full moon in winter!
  7. Your fairy is Gossamer Vinewand She brings couples together. She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottoes. She is only seen when the seeker holds a four-leafed clover. She wears dresses made of cobwebs and gossamer and has gentle green butterfly wings. I like the dress material part Dont know about where I live though.. yuuuuk
  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I hearby nominate Maryanne Solo for the position of High Priestess of LL Customer Support. :-o Watches in amazement as the missing piece of the "why I deserve a free region" puzzle slips into place.. O M G ! YAY!!!!! \o/
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: What I have never understood is that when I flew down under....U.S. to Australia, I lost a day but when I returned I didn't get it back. Left the U.S. on the 22nd and 23 Hours later landed in Sydney on the 24th. But when I returned, left on the 30th and 23 hours later landed back in the U.S. on the 31st. I have never been able to figure this out. Where did the missing day go? Because we get days first, technically, they are ours you see ^^ (finders keepers and all that...) Any days you might have used are on loan basically At exactly one second past midnight, every twenty four hours an official standing outside the Byron Bay lighthouse, (on the eastern side of course), uses a huge stamp to mark each day as "Made in Australia - worldwide patents apply" If you have a problem with this you are welcome to submit a ticket to support but of course we might take a day (or not) to answer *nods (that's where your day goes) Where do you think LL got the concept of lending you virtual land? The only difference being is that we dont charge you for the use of our days because, well... we are very nice people :matte-motes-smitten:
  10. Some interesting twists and turns in the christmas theme perhaps... Having had the opportunity of late to peruse the entire import catalogue of a major, trendy, newish national retail chain, (maybe everyone knows all about the following, but I certainly didn't).. ... I am amazed to find that our good friend Frosty the Snowman, due, no doubt, to marketing pressure, now has a grandma, a girlfriend, a relative? called Pippa, (who might possibly be the girlfriend?), some twins o.0 and various other friends, siblings and relatives. Did I miss a major Frosty movie release or something? I also can't help but giggle when the title of some of the items are say "Traditional festive Noel thingummy" which is of course... made in China. Too funny.
  11. Damselfly Sydney, (I think) and top Dingo hat.. passable with no edits.. No edits again so this helmet didn't pith me about too much I will resize the hat but that's all I will do.
  12. Behold.. SLim City! 2012 Interesting, let us hope he contributes something valid, original and specific to the unique platform that is SL. It would appear LL are positioning themselves to deliver a knockout blow to the "follow this rigid path" gaming world. If they have the foresight and the dedication to think this through properly, they are in a position to ensure the second coming of the Wirtual Vorld :smileysurprised: Gazing into my fractal bauble.. I predict new styles of earning small amounts of money for residents as a starter.
  13. Wildcat is the most pleasant of hostesses =^.^= purrrrrs.. oops! and Valeries post content is always generous and kind...
  14. Walks to the rostrum smiling and looks into the camera... o.0 .. *lilcough... "If I were given a free region I would invite all the homeless, all the griefers, all the stalkers and all the copy bot people to come and live there in gridwide peace & harmony. Because all the homeless.. well they don't.. erm they used to have homes, but umm... had to sell them.. and the griefers homes, well they all got griefed.. and the stalkers haven't quite gotten their homes yet... and the copy bot people's homes all look sort of the same ^.^ Then we could all work on the economy to make it feel much better. Thank you" :matte-motes-big-grin: OH! and all the newd people could come too ...
  15. Achievement: Trolloh la la laa... la laa .. la laaaa.. Prerequisite: For Increasing forum post count to levels that bely the amount of actual help given. Award: Badge of Ridikewl Whuuups 1009 posts.. hehehe...
  16. Well Perrie that is really unfortunate I am sad to hear I am premium and I've never had a home. I can't even afford pixel food most weeks. I just tell people I work out lots to stay a nice shape, when in reality, I'm just one hurl away from that last white cloud ^.^ The economy is in such a mess that I have to don a disguise and beg outside my own shop. I even smothered my 1000L boots with dirt and smeared it all over my face to hide my rAvon makeup too and still I get peanuts.. In my case It's all due to the desperately poor slave worker avatars in third world sims like open sim/inworlds etc wanting better conditions. So my manufacturing costs have skyrocketed. I'll im you when I am in world next and well go get you a shopping trolley for all your stuff. Then I'll show you the best spot by the river to bang your clothes on rocks to get them clean. The only way I have found to scrape through is to go to clubs and stand close to the tips jars. When you see someones beam coming toward it you quickly jump in the way and if youre lucky & they don't notice.. you get the tip *winx Life's pretty tough out there :matte-motes-confused:
  17. Sy Beck wrote: In fact, cats go into balls really easily, here's one I didn't even have to grease up first. I only have 2 lolcats and this ones not impressed..
  18. Fortunately there is a technical explanation. All the little bits of lag everyone experiences get saved up and accumulate. At some unpredictable stage, when certain conditions are met, the accumulated lag gets "freed up" and combine to form an almighty vortex that consumes everything within its path... and I do mean everything o.0 So if you ever have the misfortune to be caught up in one of these frightful lagnados, you might find that it's somewhat of a blessing. Because swirling around inside there is every single failed delivery or monetary exchange EVA! Were talking shoes, shoes, shoes, L, L, L, marriage proposals from Togo and clothes! Lots and lots & lots of them! So grab what you can and try and land softly. :-)
  19. It's just the various states of the animation loading isnt it? Each position of the 3d prim loading? It does cycle between "clear looking" and "ball looking" doesn't it? Check you network/bandwidth speed in *preferences and your cache size in the same panel. I think what you refer too is quite common and affected by varying load times of the item perhaps.
  20. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Mark my words..........there will be a big stink about the new UI. It'll be as if V-2/3 were the greatest UI ever and LL will be condemned endlessly for changing it. It happened with V-1............there's no reason to believe it won't happen with V-2/3. I agree. That's just the way SL residents are really. Look.. after much consideration, there is only 1 solution to all this and I do know I will get the support of one resident at least.. I'm going to make a jira to be rid of the pie menu and the sidebar and have them both replaced by a cheese menu. Surely everyone will be happy with that ^^?
  21. Melita Magic wrote: This emoticon selection doesn't even have a heart? (I really need to learn to use outside gifs.) Here: > ♥ < Copy that to a text file Melita. Le Fora can be a heartless place at times :matte-motes-whistle: Especially when you are a hard working merchant and get SLagged off in world & out :smileyvery-happy:
  22. When it does hit the fan Suella you'll be way ahead of the pack for earning lindens with a quick "hands in the air" badge adjustment lillol
  23. I have heard of those shows but have never seen any of them. Somehow I don't think I ever will either ^^ It's pretty funny regarding music these days. If you knew that you didn't have to have the most angelic voice in the whole world or be able to sing, you might have actually become a singer and been world famous lol.
  24. Irrelevant I am sorry to say. Tier is the clanger and is a completely unfathomable expense. Some kind of sliding scale or business land category where you could only earn a certain amount of L profit per inexpensive amount of land dues would be more appropriate. Eg: you pay for, not own 1024, well anything you earnt above 4 x 1024 per month could go to LL perhaps? Same formula for higher levels of land renting. Could it work? I have no idea o.0 it's just off the top of my head right now. A more user freindly model where LL gets their dues too is the way to go.
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