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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Eloise Baily wrote: BTW...it doesn't help when those same few people are incredibly rude to forum members on a regular basis on widely known outside sites.....jus' sayin' That mostly no one ever reads Except the big one of course where many creatives go which does give it some thinly veiled credibility. It's a bit of a cult thing really isn't it? :-o That of all things is the funniest of all regarding Second Life.. (trashing others on 3rd party forums) and soooo sad.
  2. Awesome breaking news live! Well done~! and for anyone who doesn't have a last name yet -woooot! So long as mine stays the same that is!
  3. Tubes of sweetened condensed milk is one fun & silly tradition for littlies that endures. Superb dinners too of course, oh and music played by kin. As for the rest? .... *winx :-)
  4. Venus Petrov wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: The community meetings were closed, well is that no surprise? I have never been to one because from what I could gather, those meetings would be a mirror image of the forums themselves. With all due respect If people were actually contributing anything of substance perhaps they would still be open? The majority would have attended with a view to bettering the communities experience certainly. Why does no other forum experience these phenomena to such a detrimental extent? *ponders.... It is evident that you never bothered to read the chat logs, either. If you had, you would know who attended, what was discussed, and how issues were resolved. As the meetings were always open to anyone who wished to attend, I have no idea what 'majority' you refer to. I suggest that you become better informed before you write about what you know nothing of. I am very well informed. All one has to do is look right here ^ for a prime example. Who would bother to read them if the forums are an indicator? We all know how *valuable some of these contributions are. Thousands and thousands of comments to achieve what precisely? The community some consider their own - is nigh but dead, or you dont see that? See Ceka's comment above. "The majority would have attended" Let me elucidate for you - > The majority of people who attended the meetings < o.0 "Why does no other forum experience these phenomena to such a detrimental extent? *ponders...." < Answer that and you will have made a valuable contribution. A pimple on the parent companies posterior was a previous posters comment which is proven every day unfortunately. Having made so many of these valuable contributions, you, of all people would be witness to this :-)
  5. It annoys me to hear you were subject to sad treatment Dres. I haven't been here for a bit and didn't see that.
  6. No I haven't seen it Ceka but I did listen to 2 extended radio interviews about it with the producer and actors. I guess I just don't like boxing lol. I don't get exposure to movies so my default stance is that I am not welcoming of "the next blockbuster" etc. I haven't been to a cinema for at least ten years as I hate crowds lol. To see others get thorough immersion and enjoyment is way cool. :smileytongue:
  7. Warrior - meh, boofhead tripe. Snow White and the huntsman looks absolutely awesome! Generally I detest hollywood for rehashing the same content over and over. My last purchase was Avatar. Rarely do I see anything that makes my pulse race. Snow White does just that. I can't wait to get that DVD. Thanks Ceka, I avoid TV so there is no other way I would know of this movie.
  8. The feeds were a great fun place when little used. Of course the self styled comedians soon followed, so now they are no different from the *coughs humour the community has to contend with here. Until we gets mute of course. The community meetings were closed, well is that no surprise? I have never been to one because from what I could gather, those meetings would be a mirror image of the forums themselves. With all due respect If people were actually contributing anything of substance perhaps they would still be open? The majority would have attended with a view to bettering the communities experience certainly. Aloofness, be it either by use of vexacious comedy to incite and malign, or aspirations of grandeur with commentary fit for Stephen Hawkings personal notepad seems to be the biggest problem. When shared community space is seen by individuals to be of their own making or territory, is where your problems truly begin. Why does no other forum experience these phenomena to such a detrimental extent? *ponders....
  9. 'Tis an interesting topic. I think the troll/griefer's interpretation of just how relevant their *cough humour is, depends entirely upon 3 things: 1. The depth of their basement 2. The amount of alcohol consumed 3. Their level of disconnection from RL Oh wait! one more.. 4. What planet they are on. "Life Jim, but not as we know it" ^^ La la land seems quite popular.
  10. Ceka Cianci wrote: oh and before i forget..was that really jone paul jones? what the hell did he stop taking drugs or something? that was terrible LOL Yes that is JPJ, unmistakeably so. His mannerisms and facial expressions are quite unique I have found from all my youtube watching etc. That version of Black Dawg was totally tongue in cheek. There is one part in the chorus, after the Hey baby, pretty baby bit where the sound of the pedal steel, <falls off chair laughing, drums and bass is sooo fat and rocky on those two chords it's just awesome lol. Rare for him to lay claim to what is equally his, but he was as much the band master as was Page so the history logs say. Funny you mention the bands Angel logo ^^ *looks over at my sig.... I hadn't realised the small similarities. In flicker and in a forum pic thread I recreated my version of it but the theme was much much lighter and joyous. Great story about your fathers tickets! If I had two genuine american release Atlantic label Stairway To Heaven vinyl 45 singles I would offer to swap one lol, but I dont When I was a teen friends & I would travel to import shops in the city and buy rare old vinyl bootleg records and one day I found that vinyl single. I couldn't believe my eyes and nearly fainted on the spot! It is in immaculate condition. Sometimes I get it out and just look at it. It has bever been played as I don't have a record player lol. (family originally had one but I dont). It was like finding the holy grail of vinyl lmaoooo
  11. Perrie is spot on in his asessment. You have to laugh and roll eyes when someone presents multiple links to discussions past to prove a supposed point. Or out of the blue comes a totally off topic personal attack. All too common I am afraid. I wonder how many people bother to actually become involved in observing such petty detective work. It's like kindergarten all over again. Truly laughable. omg I found Rudi's missing content: **** ** **** *** ******** *** **** **** \o/
  12. lmfaO! (totally OT Gypsy, beg our pardon)... It is my understanding.. Ceka-anthi.. rawk chik (and I could very well be wrong)> that smoking Joe taught "showpony Vai" how to play. Judging by comparison of their individual catalogues but not having researched this.. I feel it is true...? This seems borne out in any G3 footage as well. Dontchyathink? ^^ I mention Jimmy Page and should also mention co writer John Paul Jones in the immortals league as well because of the incredible originality and sensational riffs. You know, when you first hear a Zep tune and it's like omg what planet were they from! Like... who wrote this tune again? and who on earth would dare to play it this way lolololol and what's that bass player wearing under his kilt lol Btw, we were going to jam weren't we?
  13. Started on 3g dual core, 32 bit OS. We upgrade between every year or six months if we can afford to. Just got 12gb of ram which is fab. i5 to i7 next. I need to have a word to a part time SL non resident/gf who runs multiple cpu's ;o that's correct - multiple cpus. (all i7's - more than two - yuss). (a USA game/media industry professional). I asked at our fave comp shop for the last ten years and they said.. o.0 huh? :matte-motes-agape: wut? how many:matte-motes-crying: ^^? :smileysad: Probably 5 upgrades since 2009 I suppose? Same tower. Befriend your cities PC parts wholesalers. That's the only reason we can afford to do what we do. *hugs big bro
  14. Omg isn't Julian awesome. Such a beautiful piece of music. Thank you :-) Such sneaky little vibrato on a classical is sooo hard to do Only a true virtuoso can do that on high fret nylon classicals. Do Segovia or Armik do that? I must relisten and see...
  15. Ceka Cianci wrote: here is a little Orianthi since i just thought about it..he says she is for real and she is hehehe _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh she's real alright! and very very humble. She is a born superstar.. and an aussie chick too :-) I want two things from the world of rock god guitarists, I want to see Joe Satriani and Jimmy Page give her kudos and best wishes. Vai and everyone else, (except Carlos Santana - of course), are just hogging her limelight and wasting her time. Those two things and she can blast clear of earths gravity and attain six string immortality. ROCK ON Orianthi! We love you! \/ \ / \:matte-motes-kiss: / \:matte-motes-inlove: / *hows about Avril Lavigne - vocals, Orianthi - lead guitar, Jen Ledger - Drums, and Bass Melissa Auf der Maur or Holly Findlay For a sizzling, butt kicking, all conquering, all girl supergroup! Tunes arranged by Satriani & Page.. WoooT!
  16. Shouldn't "The Love Machine" have led to "Coffee and Cigarettes"? *wonders...
  17. Me and Lisette the Bard, performing in Solitude tavern... *\:D/* She plays a mean lute solo that nord lol They don't pay in lindens though, just gold coins o.0
  18. Coby Foden wrote: What is ISO? "The International Organization for Standardization widely known as ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. Founded on February 23, 1947, the organization promulgates worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial standards. It has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland." Yes but wouldnt it be the International Standardisation Organisation? ^.^ *wonders... don't mind me, I'm just carrying on lol
  19. When I came upon my long lost cousin in the forums \o/
  20. What all the famous designers of SL have missed, (notorious ones included), is that all elements from all these different popular things don't ever seem to have been rolled into one. I spent some time recently at the Da Vinci sim and nicked the big L's thinking cap and have been working hard to come up with the uber pet/system of all time... It is a cute unisex breedable that performs all the following functions: Gemini mode - can look adorably cuddly or truly evil, Advanced gemini mode - can be attractive, alluring and totally desireable, (in a pixelling kind of way ;o), to all avi types within SL, Milk mode - needs constant nurturing, feeding, & provision of new trendy items from the best designer shops in SL, Pain mode: Will post on forums endlessly purporting to be a valued assistant while hinting to have internal parent company connexions & heavy influence, Twitbook mode: Posts to all social media relentlessly offering such timeless gems as "wow! it's a nice day in sl today" "I had meeros for breakfast" etc etc, Strip mode: It will harvest your soul and other body components, (for future additional apps), and assign you to unkown databases. Yes it can pole dance and emote too, Broadcast mode: It will track every single avi within SL and on the web too, all at the one time ;o YES! \o/ Battle mode: can do battle against Vamps/Lycans/Mechs/Warriors/Amaretto Horses/Prim babies... you name it! All I need for it now is a name. Suggestions anyone?
  21. I would hang out in the daylight savings thread, two for one you know :-) Log out, come in, go out, log in +1hr
  22. Welcome back! I had no idea people were getting banned o.0 I didn't see the articles which caused it either. That's our Dres, always fighting the good fight!
  23. Thoroughly intruiging and superbly done! Did she live? did she die? Was it true wuv? the suspense is killing me. I loved it and it answers at least one of the long time SL mysteries. Now I know how avatars end up with looong looong legs Just a warning though, if she did in fact make it through her assembly process and incarnation.. be vewy vewy careful... It seemed as though her heart was in the wrong place.
  24. Surely there's litigation in the works about that one? That's one hell of a brash move by whatever the other thing is.
  25. nuuu nuuu Wiked PC! Those little toys can't possibly do it justice, Despite the fact that it has come out on the terribly yukky steam, its heritage is modding. (waaay b4 SL). I made clothes for TES before I made clothes for SL. I, and 375,950,001 users are hoping the childrens platform steam doesn't stuff up its illustrious history completely. Lookee lookee.. Why do I mention this world? Because if you can make mesh for our SL? You should be able to do it for this too The 2 most excellent and enjoyable virtual worlds go hand in hand, Second Life and TES.
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