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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Gee between your and Dana's badges, the gauntlet has really been thrown down for best forum badge :-) I'll step up to that challenge but need to think of something totally original first. Just superb Suella! \o/
  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote: ;o WUT! lol! I knew of levitation by superconductivity but I didn't know it could be locked. That's outrageous! 0.0
  3. SLumming it has really gained momentum since I last visited. It really is quite enjoyable.
  4. just make sure its ready for Hippiestock :smileywink:
  5. I'm all for cosmetic surgery where an unfortunate illness, incident or accident makes it desireable. But the majority of enhancements tend to look fairly ridiculous. Especially mammothries.. *jiggles erm.. I mean *gigglez
  6. Omg are you serious? What an amaaaazing coincidence! I have a 1 off Carmsie swimsuit I made which was only recently valued @ 1.5m L! (by the leading fashion house of Togo I might add!) wowsers! Seeing as how by some kind of miracle you have the same name ;o I am willing to let it go for L1million. A steal at that price I can tell u!
  7. And what of those who disregard scientific fact & for whatever spiritual reason, choose partners, being close relatives, whereby permanent genetic damage is the result? Will this behaviour lead to genetic screening as the human race hurtles forward or has this type of belief already bought the advocates of this process their ticket to extinction?
  8. You are out there... ...way out there. I wish I was too. This impacted me as much as Bingo the Clowno - (search youtube folks), when I first saw it. In a different way, but a similar level of impact. Sure it was full blown 3d but you know what I am sayiing metinx. The way the audio compliments the vision is outrageous. Bravo.
  9. Lolcat team? I find that difficult to believe Wade.. ;p
  10. Wow http://www.flickr.com//groups/secondlife-bestofthebest/pool/show/  That is SL in a nutshell. That is our present, future and where it, (SL), leaves everything else for dead. There should be some sort of "cherished artist/creator" formal category. Judged/chaired by people in industry and not affiliated with the labs or residents somehow. Then the labs could ask to use that content to show SL at its best. How very nice to see our Wirtual Vorld leader comment on issues. Ty.
  11. Brilliant Argus! Flash Dancers is whatever you want it to be. For me it is live music at mostly Aussie venues. I think it would be member/region/time based though I imagine.
  12. Brilliant Syl! and ty for sending the invite to Kylie & I'll make sure Emma gets one! (no obligations to join of course). Such a diverse group and some really nice folks in it too. I had no idea Eloise was in flashies! \o/ That's pretty much the type of person who seems to become a flasher .. o.0 .. if u know what I mean *winx. Beg pardon and hiii Eloise :^) wuhooo Trav will love this, not many flashies read the forums.
  13. No Flashdancers has 387 in it according to my groups thing in here. I can send you an invite when I am back inworld, later on or tomorrow perhaps.
  14. I have never seen anything like it. A teacher friend sent it to us.
  15. Real, custom pc's are really cool! (edit added a comma)
  16. Can't put a square peg in a round hole? Here is the solution.. o.0 Boring, I know :smileyindifferent:
  17. Yes I used that about three times within the old phoenix. But did it work from sim to sim? I never tried that.
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