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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. I'm not sure Storm? I will ask them for you.
  2. Hi ****** ******* Rudi Having recently joined the LWL I do know that the average members iq is substantially more than the combined total of the Pep wannbe's total post counts. A good plain english comparison would be Pepwannabe's = basement as opposed to avgLWLmember = stratosphere. I knuuuuu surprising isnt it? I thought we would be just a little bit smarter but we'll keep trying I s'pose. *looks down & shuffles feet.. It would certainly have been difficult to fill Suspirias shoes granted, but fortunately there's been a flood of new people with far less ablilty who can combine to make up for her loss. Lucky hey? :matte-motes-whistle: I don't think they are actually building anything though. As soon as I see a fat Aussie I will ask them for you, :matte-motes-wink-tongue: does that sound ok?
  3. I will admit to being totally confuciosed by this event.. Was he badgering the badger or was the badger badgering him? I thought the two types got along famously up until now :smileyindifferent:
  4. This is just fantastic news! I have booked in to be *reassigned as a Rainbow Lorakeet *sighs :matte-motes-inlove: How awesome! I wanted to become a Cassowary? but they ran out of bits for those It's too hot in the Far Nth Queensland tropics anyways. *drums fingernails on table and looks out window... Thank you Julia & Co, just what I have been wishing for! \o/ (I wondered what they had been doing in Canberra all this time). *After reading the Naming thread and knowing very little about these issues in RL I extend an assurance to any TG person that that I do in fact respect their rights to be acknowledged. I apologise if my post offends anyone whom this issue relates to personally.
  5. Ima Rang wrote: In the four + years I have been in SL, Hippiestock I was the most fun event I have attended virtually. It brought about those nostalgic feelings of community that seemed more present in the early days of SL. What would be a huge **bleep**, both to Hippiestock as well as this informative thread, is if this petty, immature, passive-aggressive infighting, was to deter individuals from participating in what will no doubt be an awesome day of entertainment and community. Despite the continued attempts and stated intentions of some, that will not happen. I haven't been telling everyone about it for almost a year for nothing. The efforts of the original contributors stand for evermore and cannot be detracted from. The moderators have proven to be quite adept at minimising the continued attacks on the spirit of this awesome event.
  6. I think it is fairly amusing when the spelling and grammar of *lost cause posters deteriorates with the increasingly urgent flurry of desperate replies. In reality it is quite sad, but good for a giggle anyway. Particularly when these contributions are generally ignored. Let's not forget the standard/obligatory contradiction of one's own statements that usually appears in the last sentence. Classic SL forum stuffs indeed. I haven't really seen that in other fora. I do adore the musicality of some non native english speakers writings. Particularly the spanish, italian and erm americans.. *giggles and runs... real quick....
  7. I don't hesitate to acknowledge valuable contributions and a combined effort such as yours truly deserves special recognition indeed :-) I am glad that you appreciate my heartfelt message to you and by all means, if you require any clarification on those sticky technical or legal issues I pointed out, I would be more than happy to help. It is the least I can do for someone such as yourselve? dontchyathink?. I so look forward to your time spent onstage at H2. The site IS coming along wonderfully. I will drop a small original full perm clothing accessory item there soon for all to enjoy if it meets with Hippie and Keli's approval. Keli being the copyright holder of the original artwork of course. With all the borrowing going on within SL it is only fair I seek the permission of the copyright holders before using their original content Thank you for your kind response! 8^)
  8. No you can do that like I told you too or is that you two? yvw! echo in here?
  9. 10 years as a semi pro musician. I chose to enter the field of multimedia as I obtained my certification and could afford the equipment. Eg: 1 single TCE rack unit can cost 5000 dollars. My SLum profile interests will give you some idea of what I mean. To know Hippie just a little and having had some involvement after H1 I don't feel wrong in wanting the very best to represent his kindness and generosity. It was he alone who gained immortality in my SL book by being the precursor to the original event and its sucsessors. I have suggested some performers in the past of which only 1 is Australian and lo & behold not one of those is a member of the LWL :-o *slips up badly there... I suppose my opinion is coloured by the fact that I have not been to a DJ event for over 2 and a half years. Why bother when there are brilliant musicians who perform live in SL daily? *some groups I belong to events do have DJ's and they recieve the same tips as live musicians because their theming and content is outrageous, they are a weatlh of musical knowledge or they are very nice people.. Forum Cartel anyone ^^ oops there I go again... *clique me
  10. Certainly I agree wholeheartedly, but as one who plays in RL and has done for most of my life I had hoped the standard of live performance would be maintained. There is an amazing amount of brilliant live talent in SL, some of it professional level. I imagined this event would be a superlative showcase for these individuals. I am sure Hippie understands my perspective and he of course would not see this as some sort of personal attack on him. The man himself sets the standard of perfect conduct within SL Of course it is not I who seeks to speak for him. Why I have to explain this? I have no idea.
  11. Forum confidential perhaps? bwahaha I loved her rants, she was quite entertaining and quite nice inworld
  12. A cache issue perhaps? That's the first thing to try: preferences/network, (I think), clear cache. If your PC is a good one try maximising the cache size also. (there used to be 3 clearable caches in some third party viewers, not sure now). It is always beneficial to have your viewer cache in a seperate partition if you do in fact have multiple partitions on your drive. Also having a seperate cache folder for each viewer tends to make things run smoother and goes a long way to ensuring reliability. These are some of the things I have found and there are far more knowledgeable people than I about so I won't continue to guess. At 480 posts I am thinking you might know these things perhaps? Let's just hope it isn't the dreaded Sleprosy :-o I wouldn't wish that upon anyone! *crosses fingers
  13. Well Win 7/64 ultimate is everything Vista 64 ultimate should have been but wasn't, (kissed 400 AUD goodbye on that lemon), so why would there be any possible reason to get Win8 I wonder? You know, same old story, only every 2nd Windows release is worth considering.
  14. Hello Inspired John. Don't be disillusioned. I use SL as a tool to advance my skills and enjoy others company. I make stuff and the goal has always been to get SL to pay for itself and that is all. Take inspiration from being to be able to create things. You can't tell me there will not be a complete metaverse at some stage in the future? I feel there will be a second coming of SL. It stands to reason. Hang in there and enjoy.
  15. Superb heads up thank you so much. I would intially be VERY irate for 20 seconds or so, but the spelling would scream scam to me once I had calmed down, resulting in an instant AR. Nevertheless if someone's gaurd was down, (tired/stressed etc), they may well get sucked into this. Thank you.
  16. Yayy Bunky! Hello! I am glad your grid exploration ended without mishap! Great effort and thank you for posting this O M G how did I ever miss Dr Noob I knew you were cool, but James007 resident? woah ♥。♥ lol You are a genius Bunky. Dr Noob is fantastic.
  17. Well, they left. Don't be so prejudiced Wiked They might get angry about it. :smileywink:
  18. Yes it IS a conspiracy ;o A left handed one! And it is gathering momentum every second in SL & RL Just look at ANY group in SL, especially the more notorious and well known ones who's modus operandi has thankfully been exposed for all to see.. *looks @ u over the lunch table ^~ ... and count the number of lefties in there?!?!? *nods c... toldya Shocking I know! I just shiver when I think of the implications myself. I am ambidextrous thank goodness and can lefty with the best of them. What this holds for you that are right handed I shudder to think ;o It was nice knowing you.... :matte-motes-agape::matte-motes-crying: erm.. can I have your stuffs pweez?
  19. JoJo Moeleneaux wrote: This traumatized me as a child. Trilogy of Terror (Part 2) the one with the little African tribal doll that comes to life a terrorizes Karen Black. That's the one! First scary movie re-run I ever saw. To this day we still talk about this movie. That is the first time I have seen any footage of it since I was 5 or 6 maybe? I was quite hesitant to watch it. Wow it is sooo lame now. But so utterly terrifying then. Modern classic is any Saw movie. The suspense is just electrifying. I have the first 3 I think.
  20. Thank you Tristizia, I wasn't aware of that.
  21. Ah a bit before my time Bree. I was sure there would have to have been at least one incident somewehere along the line ty.
  22. Game server hacks Ceka well anything really. Anything that doesn't come from people sharing passwords etc or inworld exploiters RZone and the like. Thanks Del and good point Peggy.
  23. Jo Yardley wrote: So anyone who comes even close enough for me to consider meeting them in RL would already have seen photos, tv interviews, newspaper articles, centerfolds from 'Boring old fashioned housewives weekly' etc What?! No SL 2011 RL rudey nudey calendar? ^^ You are slipping Jo.
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