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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. That's excellent Argus! I love it. It's a great song too. You can't beat chunky acoustic rythyms His voice sounds great too! *Looks for machinima kudos button.... ^^
  2. Racheal Rexen wrote: when firestorm gets mesh in 2 or 3 weeks, Really? ;o \o/ McWo.oT!
  3. It will be interesting to see how Bethesdas characters and clothing have advanced when Skyrim comes out, 11/11/11 (omg its almost here), since oblivion wiped everything off the radar way back in 2002. I hope we can make clothes for it too. The concensus is that the yukky Steam platform might restrict its modability which will make Beth a bit of a laughing stock The new morphs for poser and daz 3d are just awesome and yes, this should definately have been the default standard.
  4. I just lurv modern induction pans and cooktops. Expensive but wow, awesome to cook with and easy to cleanup. Scanpan is my fave. (danish). You sure wouldn't want to get broadsided with one of those frypans. For some weird reason we get different model stuff than the USA. I was browsing on one of their sites and couldn't see my stuff on there? E-mailed them in horror thinking that series may have been discontinued and they said oh noo that's the US site we don't sell that line over there! o.0 and I'm like WUT! phew! oo, rightyo then I wish you could buy it in SL ^^ roflz :matte-motes-smitten:
  5. *nods I have been to many a cyclone/orphans party When you live away from home and a cyclone hits. They are great fun as long as its a little cyclone. Category 3's are the best. You stare in amazement as things go flying past from behind category 5 rated glass windows. As long as no one gets hurt and not too much property damage happens. I lived in a beautiful little stand alone unit that had a rotating vent thingy on the roof? A category 3 hit and the vent was spinning like mad, then a really strong gust came along and it shot about 30 metres up in the air and landed maybe 100 metres down the cycleway! I ran out and got it back but it was dented and broken, (goodness knows what I thought I was going to do with it o.0) So after ages of stressing about the water coming into the roof, I had to get up in there and push a plastic bucket out and over the hole to stop the torrents of rain gushing in, I had made a hole in it and pushed a bit of strong string through it then tied it to the inside of the roof. It held. The most dangerous part of all this is that the cycleway had a tidal erm .. channel next to it, a 2m surge made it flood and I realised the next day that a saltwater crocodile could have easily been right there, just waiting... I was totally exhausted after all this and managed to fall asleep on the couch for hours until it had subsided. What a night! Nothing too unusual for the Far North Queensland Tropics though
  6. Gee the community standard is really amazing. The majority of productions are pretty awesome don't you think? Personally I am going to have to pull out all stops to get anywhere close to these folks
  7. Hardly euphemisms cheeky one
  8. Actually Prince of Wales Island IS one to take a look at apparently. I have never been there. (tip of cape york). But it is a fave with all the lads I knew to legally hunt deer with huge crossbow. I mean the ones where the bow bit is about 5 foot wide. Poor deer don't stand a chance Alternatively Fitzroy Island is just lovely for a day trip and a relaxing snorkel. As opposed to Green Island which is terribly expensive and totally overrun by tourists. Well, that's how it used to be anyway Go to Crystal Cascades, ("Crystals" as it's known locally), when you are in Cairns and go with some of the folk from the boat Teeny little fish nibble your skin in the main pool and I could never stop laughing at that. Especially combined with the constant bubbles. Crystals is just paradise and used to be rarely busy then. Make sure to lock the car though! Or even if there is a band playing on a sunday at the Mountain View Hotel just south. I used to love it there as you would meet nice people from the world over.
  9. Careful. you might be welcomed with open arms and hugged by everyone
  10. I get the Daz 3d weekly emails. I am not affilliated with them, just interested in watching developments in 3d clothing etc. Look them up and subscribe perhaps? It's very interesting. Marianne & Charo, thank you so much for posting those pictures. I think as mesh develops it will end up being fantastic. I have begun to have a fiddle myself. Oh you too Keli! as always, hot on the heels of the latest information 8^) Take 3 to 6 months away from SL Ishtara. We do need someone like you, both in the forums and inworld. please? & thank you:)
  11. You know you are well off in life when you wake up on a freezing winter morning under a beautfiul goose down quilt that you have inherited. (not a brand new mega expensive one). If you are that lucky, to have something so simple and you have basic healthy food and clean water, as well as the love of your family, nothing.. absolutely nothing else matters. except music Our old house burnt down when I was little, miraculously, we were saved by a passer by, who smashed the door in and woke us. That was my first moment of many.
  12. What viewer is it Dres? In Firestorm individual avi's chat windows will flash with each massage. *winx lol Great comment Wicked. (oops wrong window)
  13. Orfeu Miles wrote: Actually I have found a novel use for these care bears...you have to take your prim knife...and create orifices in the usual places. :matte-motes-evil-grin: Hello Orfeu Did you happen to see Orpheus Island in your travels? http://www.orpheus.com.au/index.php Just heaven! I only ever got the one bear in SL and it was damaged in transit it seems I don't think I'll be getting another any time soon :matte-motes-crying:
  14. Pep wrote: @Maryanne: Silly old woman . . . Pep ( . . . you haven't turned your hearing aid on.) ♥♫ Dooo dee doo dee doo doo .... *Looks over in the corner.. O hai Pep! I don't think I've had a chance to welcome you back yet :matte-motes-smitten: Welcome back! It's great you're allowed in this forum isn't it? 8^) You must have saved some energy with this post huh:P? Or hasn't the ViAgro kicked in yet perhaps ^^? *whispers.. It's ok it's quite common it seems ^^ (only side effect is high post counts and ranting *puts hand on peps shoulder, you'll get there don't worry). My hearing aid is a set of Senheiser headphones, professional quality ones to be precise They are that good that you can pretty well tell whats going to be rubbish before you hear it! ;o How kewl is that?! Highly recommended \o/ See you inworld sometime! erm.. in - world... remember? ^^ oh.. u don't.. o Superb graphics Keli, just superb. As per usual. Love it!
  15. Hi Lillz! ♫♥ 11:15 right now
  16. Ummm... sorry Pep it's very loud in here could you repeat that please? Maybe a rap version? Oh WOW only 3030 or so posts to go! WooT! \o/
  17. The first rains, bought back that all too familiar feeling. (cyclones here, same thing mostly). It really made me shiver a little. Very well done. Oh and good shot with the axe
  18. Rest well Valerie and come back soon. :matte-motes-grin:
  19. Is that on the way to the fashion or machinima threads? *wonders.. It isn't? ^^ oh well... kthxbai! ♥¿♥
  20. Alas Alazarin! She IS the Missiah. I just knew it from the getgo! All hail a proper forum personality, lillol.. the almighty.. OLOPS!!! ♥。♥ ♪♫ *says a little prayer for yoooo... ♥♫♥
  21. Not really, except for *looks away and tries to hold r/hand from keyboard with left.. b.. ba.. bangles eek! nuuu! I didn't type that! :matte-motes-oh-rly: Pleeeease how many ARE there in SL, heeelp meee!
  22. Storm Clarence wrote: This post! Only Maddy can save this crew from themselves. I don't care what they do in-world, but the forum is a different place. Only Maddy can stop them from playing these games. It is about time she accepts the responsibility for the environment and tone of the current forum. Never seen that one. It's the noise vs quality debate. Do you think people actually pay any attention and read your every post? *falls off chair laffing. I hardly think person in question could be bothered joining you in your basement/cellar, true? You should talk with person in question, rather than snipe from afar. You do keep mentioning that name, for some reason... metinks you forgot to turn your echo footpedal off, again..
  23. LWLLWLLWL *Ladies with lipstick, ladies with lists, ladies with lolcats ;o
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