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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Can anyone tell me why every major gaming platform/system has been hacked to bits in recent times except Second Life? I have never seen any reason for this exalted security status that Linden Labs has bestowed upon us. Nor have I ever seen this issue discussed anywhere before. How much kudos is due to the labs for ensuring we are safe from this tsunami of personal data invasion? This is getting to be a habit :matte-motes-agape: but for the second time today, thank you linden labs for a job extremely well done.
  2. Hayley Spore wrote: I've always loved RPGs like Oblivion and Fallout.. O M G! omg! omg! Are you saying Fallout is like Oblivion? You can't be serious? (jumps up and down excitedly). SL has only 1 serious opposition, which is T.E.S. They are not even the same genre? but The Elder Scrolls is the only thing that comes close to SL creativity wise. I immediately rejected it because it didn't look, feel, smell or taste like Oblivion. Also the pathetic Steam platform cant possibly help with moddability or content creation. If I am wrong I will squeal with absolute delight. A perfect gaming session from heaven will be: create for SL and enjoy for say 2 hours. Fire up Skyrim and create for it for 2 hours. Roll on SL, roll on Skyrim!
  3. I got V3 immediately before the Firestorm mesh beta was released. I wanted to see some mesh for myself so downloaded it. The Labs have been working hard on quite a few issues in the last 6/8 months and based on these positive results, I gritted/grat/grote? my teeth and thought I would give it a try. I can definately use it. I did not see anything in particular that annoyed me. This is the first labs viewer I have used in nearly two years. Now when I log in I can ask myself for the first time without any trepidation whatsoever, Firestorm or V3? and feel no negativity toward V3 whatsoever. So much so that I havent bothered to dld Firestorm mesh beta just yet. I say right here and now, loud and clear, firstly, thank you Linden Labs. Thank you for listening. Secondly, thank you Jess Lyon & team also. With the labs & Jess's team slaving away (and other dev parties such as the wonderful Keli's example), I dont really see any reason for not moving constantly forward with viewers now. I wonder if the Labs recoiled in horror when they first saw the results of the new outsourced V2. Those days are long gone.
  4. I am sure everyone remembers the furore over the proposition to ban SL in Australia. That was one hell of an advertising bonanza for SL I think. It will be very interesting to see how the Labs fares with a genuine and concentrated marketing campaign. If they get it right it should be amazingly beneficial for all. I tend to feel that the onus is on users a little bit too to assist new people to stay. The excitement they experience when given tips and advice is infectious. Certainly there are scammers who prey on generous types but that happens in RL too. SL is just sitting waiting with constant improvements happening. It still has incredible potential for when the second age of SL comes. I wish the labs all the very best with this new campaign and congratulate them for striving to capitalise on their hard work.
  5. Awesome Dee! So much fun and thanks for posting that So thats your dance hud hey! It's really cool. So much to learn machinima wise. If ever I can help with some novice tips just yell! I can't wait to see your next effort tyvm. 8^)
  6. That is the funniest sig I have seen in ages. Thank you so much Pixie 8^)
  7. Maryanne Solo


    I am extremely confident that NO ONE will ever find out about my alts. Even though we all have the same last name and first initial. Amazing coincidence ? well.. yes of course! Its a big Wirtual Vorld out there you know Also 1 or 2 varying increments on the shape sliders, different hairstyles and eye colours and *giggles I'm guaranteed to never be found out! *cackles insanely with a bit of echo... I keep telling them "get out there and scam anyone and everyone" *whip crack sound Linden money, pixelling, heartbreak & ruin, *wrings hands together gleefully.. but all they want to do is model my clothes It's so dissapointing. I could be a gazlindenaire by now *sobs but they just don't listen! :matte-motes-crying: I don't know what to do about it now ;-/ Anyways.. here's a top secret pic of us... *names have been shortened to ensure I keep getting away with erm... modelling for my own company.. You didn't see that ok ^~ good good...
  8. I agree with Bree, the motherboard is the most important thing for your computing future. Can you split your budget into parts and upgrade bit by bit? Eg: i5/7 motherboard with i3 for now, then drop in an i5 or i7 in the future? I dont know anything about AMD so don't know if your memory would work with an i5/7 motherboard. I didn't see anywhere a mention of your operating system. I may have missed it. Remember only 64bit Win operating systems will support more than 4 gb of ram of any type. My i5 that brother and I built, (well, I use it ), is a 760 with 8gb of DDR3 Ram on Win 7/64 with 1gb graphics and is just superb. (12 months old). Gigabyte P55 USB3 motherboard, 22inch flat screen, 2 DVD drives, 1 x 1Tb Sata3 hard drive and Radeon HD 5700 graphics card, 2 Sata DVD drives, 1 x 1Tb Sata3 hard drive. This system only cost about $850 AUD when built. The network failed on it recently so we bought a $16 dollar card and disabled the onboard one, as did the original ATI 8500? graphics card. (fan got noisy). This system is lacking in its eSata connectivity for external drives although it does have gSata o.0 and through very careful saving and planning it is time to go i7 with SSD hard drives, (apparently ). We upgrade every 6/12 months and hand them down the family line. The important point is that this is all planned months & months in advance and when the prices are suitable we pounce. It's always a hot topic as to what the prices currently are from our fave major wholesaler. We have been buying stuff from them for over ten years and can access super deals like the OEM version of Win7/64 for almost half price of retail here. Eg: $240AUD as opposed to $480AUD. (not upgradeable to Win8 but at that price who cares?). You sound like you already have the knowledge & confidence to convince the wholesalers you are a system builder and therefore qualify for that status and the many benefits. Try bluffing them, that's what brother did all those years ago
  9. Hi! & welcome You are right - None. Only buy direct from LL. I personally don't care if there are safe venues? I won't even consider paypal. Two years plus they, (LL), have had my data? I would trust no-one else. Others may offer a different perspective and where you live might have some bearing on this too.
  10. O M G I forgot to post my latest LadiesWhoLounge piccie! and here it is... (ty for reminding me Syl:) Hard work moving all that furniture *puffs
  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Lord knows, I'm known for being able to get big objects down my throat, but that is pushing the envelope. ...Dres Oh so that's what you were doing to that sausage at the last bbq ... ^~ riiiiiiight... *giggles 1 less knife & fork to wash up I suppose...
  12. Erm... how much did it cost again? *pokes u in the ribs...
  13. Eloise Baily wrote: Of course, I could care less, which is why I posted this. Roflz.. of all the American sayings that's the most mind boggling... It just doesn't make sense? o.0
  14. Have you tried asking a Pom ^.^? Surely they would know where to get them? *winx
  15. Yes.. it gets very hot in the SLouthern Hemisphere.. Wow awesome Hippiestock cap Dee, (& the other hats too) and I missed the outing to Magicland lol
  16. Void Singer wrote: @Maryanne: was it really a griefer object? I ask because in general griefers don't bother going premium, because it's not cost effective if they lose their accounts... adult land has less of them for similar reasons (although that can be easily gotten around if they jump through a few extra hoops). it could also be that the person had an experiment gone awry or was given an object that they didn't know what it did and foolishly rezzed it anyway. Not that there aren't premium griefer accounts, they're just fairly rare because of the cost and effort..... which should make them fairly rare in protected sandboxes... (cute pic and story btw) Well yes I am pretty sure, not that I know much about it.. the rezzed images were square with some type of mysterious logo on them and there was about 600 of them bouncing around. The thing is each of these was not clickable to see who made/rezzed them. I have never seen that before. All three avis that were there were all over 1 1/2 years old too. :matte-motes-confused:
  17. or a similar increasing value concept.. you get 1 prim of extra free space a fortnight, up to a certain level/time say 2048?. If you miss a premium payment, you go back to 512 lol. So at almost three years I would have approximately 620 space to use as a creator. I could do amaaaazing things with that many.. :-/ Now that would be cool.
  18. ok..... pics or it didn't happen right? I went to see all the sandboxes and right on cue, griefer at the second one with a multiplying rezzer or whatever they are. First one someone was making a monument to monumental spacecraft (of course). So same deal really just less people. I do appreciate this added value though I must say. The furniture..... well I am VERY impressed and I don't even have a home. I suspected there might have been a shortage of items and I was right! When I clicked the sign at the new Premium sandbox to take delivery I was asked if I minded slightly used furniture to which I replied well so long as its not dirty or broken which I was assured was definately not the case. So I accepted this generous offer and began rezzing my furniture items and look....... ^^ Turns out it was used for a short time by a Aslian acrobatic/circus family! :-O Kewl hey? *puts hand up to mouth and whispers to the chosen few... "note sneaky insertion of Ladies Who Lounge pic... play the picture backwards and all LWL and splinter groups plans & secrets will be revealed.." This message will self destruct in 5... 4... 3... 2..
  19. Premium Sandbox access is a great idea!I nearly logged in to go and see one when I got that e-mail lol. Is the furniture mesh? It would be excellent if you could choose mesh or prim furniture. It would be even better if the gift/s were made by an LL mesh expert as a showpiece for SL technologies.
  20. Eyes maketh the avi lol. Mine are green so in SL I have 7 shades of green. (two main fave colours, RL'ish & cats eyes).
  21. I know a perfect candidate for SL. A Sims 3 devotee and a very tech savvy and creative lass. She would just adore it. She is 16 years old. She knows I play a virtual world game and knows it's way cooler than TS3. I have told her that in this world you have to create everything or buy it. What I have told her is of the tech & creative side of SL. She has never seen any pictures, nor does she know its name. I have told her I might show exactly what it is when she turns 18. The big negative is you simply can't mix the creatives and teh smexers. They simply do not mix. Eg: I was in a new hair store having a look when I was Im'd by a stranger and of course I responded with the usual "Hi! " to which he commented "wow your not very outgoing or friendly are you?" and I'm like.. "I beg your pardon?" I won't post the rest of the conversation but basically he had a problem with anyone who didnt seem to be readily availabe for pixel bonking, like right there and then He simply did not understand the concept of wanting to create things and sell them for fun. Nor was he of the opinion that a virtual world enterprise, (no matter the current state of the meta verse), was a concept worth pursuing. There is no way I am going to introduce a very creative female teen to SL when that is the prevailing attitude. I am not calling for special places or rules or whatever. I'm just saying that this girls development should not be intruded upon by people more.. *coughs worldly or experienced in.. *things.
  22. Yes what a pleasure to meet you Cinn Always a joy to meet a friendly, positive contributor inworld.
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