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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Theres nothing wrong with giving, be it of yourself or monetarily. But in this, ensure you have your own special little niche that gives back to you. Don't give up, don't be meh. Learn to/create something. Preferably an entire range of stuffs. That way when you feel exasperated, perhaps with others You can hide behind your own creativity and take comfort in the knowledge that you are you and nothing can ever change that and yes, you are pretty kewl *winx :matte-motes-smitten: ps: I forgot, check out Pamelas stuff, youll see what I mean
  2. You can do it. It takes a lot of time and effort. You need front & side profile pics, you need to spend ages & ages finding the right skin & hair. Tweak by incrementing 2 to 3 shape variables at a time and saving the shape as Nathan v1.0, v1.1, v1.2 etc etc etc. Takes ages but its well worth it
  3. I didn't see the Crow until maybe 2 years after its release. (we rented it or something). Every single thing about it, the music, the actors, the story, the RL events absolutely shattered my whole world. It HAS to be, simply the best movie of all time.
  4. A Cure fest, how awesome! My all time Cure fave: Lullaby The riff is awesome.. so... Cure lol. the pizzicato is excellent and the strings are reminiscent of the haunting violin in Zork Nemesis. (the first amazing computer game I can remember seeing).
  5. I will be including a picture of a box in all my folders from now on. Just to keep everyone happy
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Perfect timing! It's someone else's 75th birthday today: Bugs Bunny. And because the Internet is so useful I even found a clip to share. I don't know that we have a Bugs on the Forum but I'm pretty sure that other guy is here somewhere. There's even a little something to remind us of 16—I just know she'd have loved those scooters :-). Bug's first appearance! The things we can find today on the Internet! 3m40s Bugs does a real & probably the first ever woody woodpecker laugh! That's amazing. I've never seen that cartoon before. Kenbro said: "Ah, I clearly remember using Lynx and Pine on the .edu domain through dial-up at 300 baud for text-only browsing and email" You mean the net was baudy even before images came along? omg lol
  7. I think people might bump a bit when they first join SL. It seems that lots of people are looking to chalk up notches. I didn't even know you could pixel when I was started SL. Start a business or go to nicer places.
  8. The trick is, as soon as you recieve an "unknown" thing click on the owner/who sent it's profile and see if you would trust them or not. I got something today and was able to make a decision based on that info: sender? 1 day old lol. Bbye griefer!
  9. Firestorm 4.blah blah blah supports it. (SSB). I'm using it. Theres been talk of fog. Yes F O G. Not smog, fog already. I've noticed it. It's like.. oh gee.. fog basically. What is this anyways a cheeseography thread? 0.0 lolliez. and yes Sueella, firestorm 4.rahrah with SSB supports cheese Lots of it \o_ ps: this merlot is awesome.
  10. I second the notion. In 4 years I have only responed to 1 and that was in the last week. I did so because I know people who work at that institution and I am involved in those institutions in this country. Melita is right. So is leprechaun - dont know if i spelt that right. So where's my free stuffs and a bundle of lindens AND a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?? lol. :smileytongue:
  11. I found this one lurking on a sidebar today. Points of interest? Two it seems.. 3d view made in japan *nods 2 modes: Elegant & sexy bikini mode ^^ *claps hands with glee As stated you must mind your language while in the game of course finally when you click to view the start page, (on the right maybe), the two models have.. what appear to be.. throbbing cleavage. Sensational! Oh and Perrie, for the longest time I have been meaning to ask you about your forum sig: "Suffering from severe post coital giggling...". What is it about the game of that makes you giggle so much?It's great fun & all but you know... must be a martian thing.
  12. Dont worry so much about it. Get a hobby or business in SL Friends will come, like minded souls etc. I know some people who are extremely fickle and self concious about >everything< They are still my friends though. Friendships built up over quite a period of time.
  13. Your Boston Strong Tank spurred some private Im's on how cool it looked ty. I passed the MP link on of course. I had hoped it would be top quality mesh and it sure is. Thank you so much and kindest regards to all Boston people.
  14. I remember her very first post. She copped quite a troll bash. She has done extremely well in Le Fora.
  15. No most beds do not have sex anims.That's so annoying. This is not a personal attack Lucretia pls. I just hate how that's what >everyone< thinks about SL.
  16. I have a guitar in RL. (my 5th electric/acoustic or something). When I was little I used to browse through our ancient record/vinyl collection. One of those was a Neil Diamond album where he has a certain brand of beautiful guitar That is the brand of guitar I have now owned many of. Thank you Neil, thank you sooo much! :matte-motes-bashful-cute: edit: certain not certian
  17. A little known fact is that along with the banner ads everywhere.. omgomgOMG!! :matte-motes-agape: LL have also entered the virtual turf market. It was hoped no one would notice a lil bit here a lil bit there.... Bummer
  18. bbye 16. Keep having lots of fun! \o_ Ps: You are allowed to come back :matte-motes-wink: Whuups sorry Peggy that was meant to be directly to 16.
  19. I pay too. LL are fully entitled to run ads metinx. Some of them are like huh o.0 But its ok. I don't mind.
  20. You painstakingly develop the skills for mesh, SL is the last place you will use those skills.. No? :matte-motes-grin:
  21. Awww.. nuuu... cute for sure. Quite often i'll watch the funnel webs in the garden. They are hell scary sure but are amazing looking creatures. Shiny black and just itching to jump the mere 1 metre/3 feet in a flash to land on you and start punching those titanium fangs through your heavy gardening gloves or boots The worst part is when they chase you back into the house :smileysurprised: That can be freaky :smileyindifferent:
  22. EA gets my vote hands down. I have no dealings with BOA that I am aware of. I greatly anticipated SimCity for its known gaming value. Not their version of what I should experience. Besides.. always connected means a world not a game SimCity is a GAME. EA? you've destroyed it forever.
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