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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. There >WAS< a time... a long long time ago..... over the hills & far away... when Macs could outperform PC's ^^ They both run the same hardware now and have done for ages. So why would you pay more... and for what exactly? A custom PC becomes you, a Mac can only ever be someone else's idea. (self confessed & well known Crapple MacInSplosh h8tr)
  2. All my comp stuff can be OC'd But I don't do it. Most new high performance stuff/parts can be overclocked anyways. Start researching it now, start at xmas if it interests you.
  3. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Howsabout a thank the trolls day? What a wonderful Idea... your education is paying off. ...Dres Well of course you dont need an education to be an advisor now do you? Or a DJ lolol
  4. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: I finish my IT diploma next week Congratulations. ...Dres You? Serious? Mightily hard to believe... If so, thank you. That would be appreciated.
  5. ムνȼ╰!η<Ʒ says ι ℓøνє мʏ вυηηєн ❤
  6. Yes but what if your new android outperforms most laptops anyway ^^? Or is that too new fangled for you? lol Edit: and apologies to the OP your preference was clearly stated. It is entirely obvious that you wouldn't be listening to silly comments.
  7. Yes they clean up pretty quickly. What tripe they can anyways lol. Howsabout a thank the trolls day? But would it be here or on the feeds? *wonders......
  8. I finish my IT diploma next week and I wouldnt buy a laptop at all. I hope that helps.
  9. Wow thats awesome thank you Jo Rod is in touch, he is happy and yes they've been under the hood. 176 staff who actively work to make things more efficient. Thats all I need to keep me premium. ♥ LL ty
  10. The feeds are absolutely sensational! The very best of SL indeed. Feel free to look up my history there 8D You missed lots. The trollers & gangsooks, (you know them thought it would be "THE" platform to cower on They didnt figure on how small the audience would be "Luvz" it.
  11. Shan, (in this, one of its many variations), is of course welsh. You, (in this, one of your many variations lmaoo), of course, can't seem to be trusted. No pixel bananna 4 u.
  12. Your customers are extremely loyal Vista. The first AO I ever got. I do use other anims too but Vista is my mainstay. I will include reference to them in all future products/upgrades where they feature. (clothing ads & occasional dance vids). Thank you for excellent products. Have faith in us as we do in you. :smileyhappy: Ps: Ginger, go there and try ALL the anims. Take a sleeping bag, a pillow and your mobile so you can order coffee and food. It's really good fun trying them.
  13. I think your name is excellent even with a capital L. You chose better than most. Well done
  14. Did you report it to Vista Barnes himself? If you go there often enough you can meet him in person. and yes, how can you buy anims without testing them inworld?
  15. Jumps up and down on the spam to send it to the bottom of the forum.... o.0
  16. I have noticed the way to be uber cool in LeFora it seems, is to have a certain level of cognitive detachment, to impress your alts of course. But seriously, the only sure fire method of attaining this rank is as follows: She who posts the cutest lolcats is without a doubt, the coolest :matte-motes-smitten: *insert> Le mewww Le purrrr <gesture here.... Thats how it's always been *bows..thank you..thank you..
  17. Well I am on the final 7 weeks of a college course so I'll have to wait until after that I'm afraid. It shouldnt be all that hard and something I'd like to try. I was at a trance club for a little bit last night and went into slo mo anims and it only affected MY avi which is waaaaay cool. So there's hope
  18. So long as LL keep scratching away at it and introducing updated methods & formats SL will always rule the virtual world. Of that there can be no dispute. They need to ensure they maintain its purity and not taint it with kiddies stuff, like excessive social networking. Hold their position and the world will come to it's door again. Eg: Steam has free motion capture software trials, video editors etc etc etc. I'm in it for the long haul. Keep up the good work LL.
  19. Thank you Innula, great to hear from an expert on the subject :matte-motes-big-grin: I take your point on the universal nature of amination speed controllers. What I had thought was a menu + - 5/10% and if a menu could be made, well surely you could assign two keys to those functions after that?. The use would be: ready to film. music playing, no huds/menus on screen (you have already *roughly matched the BPM) and you have to tweak it up or down a tad on the fly. Key control would be so much faster with no menu appearing during the filming. Sure you can alter the recorded video speed when adding the music in say Premiere Pro, but to be able to do it on the fly would be a boon for machinima makers metinx :matte-motes-whistle:
  20. I thought we had struck gold when the new Firestorm came out as it has + - 10% avatar animation speed adjustment. I totally freaked cause this *could have meant we could use that advanced feature as a Beat Per Minute adjuster, which is THE holy grail of SL dancing. (for me anyways). Unfortunately... it affects all avatars in the area, not just your own o.0 :matte-motes-sour: (in your viewer anyway) so like its turned out to be not exactly what I hoped for. I can't wait to make music videos with it though :smileytongue: Please someone make an animation speed adjustment menu. If someone does and they charge for it? I'll make a free one myself.
  21. No there isn't sorry. I only just bought a new one where you can have up to 11 dances in a list and about 20 lists or something. All you can do is group them by style & flow and get used to the groupings.
  22. The problem is not Dr Who itself, it's the delivery medium. TV exists purely to warp & distort innocent minds and convert the viewer into sheeple. If you are not aware it was secretly created by the Daleks and they have triumphed over (most of the) the human race. :matte-motes-crying:
  23. Oh my god There was an ad in the sidebar for a Magnum Pink Champagne Ice Cream like whoah! sorry, to your question... There will always be a place for textured clothes. By all means learn 3d mesh, I am and there are a gazillion resources and tutorials online for you to teach yourself. It IS quite complicated but it is also good fun. You will need: Free 3d software such as Blender or in my case I was lucky enough to download the free software from Daz Studio "Hexagon 2.5" or something. http://www.daz3d.com/products/hexagon/hexagon-what-is-hexagon/ (linking not working as I have tons of programs open atmo) I haven't viewed your clothing but if it is good as everyone says? you wont have too much trouble learning 3D. Some people use Daz 3D itself I think? I am not sure (get it anyway despite the e-mail spam, you must ceate a free account) Research Marvellous Designer: http://www.marvelousdesigner.com/ which is quite expensive but find the catwalk/fasion show videos on their site and tell me that isnt a hoot to watch Most of all, dont be frightened by 3d, it is truly amazing and not beyond your skill levels. It does help to have a powerful 64bit system with a large amount of memory just so you know. Enjoy! 8^)
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