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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. They are given little holidays to the thick as a brick factory. But come back with another layer. SL is like that.
  2. POP! go the sleazles. (heads) eeeew...
  3. A carbon copy of ones own traits is hardly new. It's all been done before.
  4. Wow the cutie on the steps sums it up nicely. Nice link Perrie ty. If you look at any older paintings, particularly religious or royal ones.. Well.... you know ^^
  5. Not interested in your Lindens but ty anyway. I'll just say I didn't come to SL looking for friends as I couldn't tell the diff between a person and a bot at the time but I did find lots & lots of really nice people. Even after the odd stoush with 1 or 2, they're still people I admire. Just come back in a month or two.
  6. Just remember that if you want supreme audio quality, forget SL altogether. Even 320kbps is lossy and can be determined to be so using pro studio hardware. A sad day indeed when peeps know know different. We owe all this to rotten Apple mostly as it was they who prostituted the fraunhoffer format purely for profiting from the gullible/fashion concious.
  7. Sorry Ceka, it was aimed at the unstable nature of the sock puppet thread topic, not you.
  8. How many dye jobs do you see at redhead festivals? That should answer the question for you
  9. 1st one is a DJ, (pretender), second one is real.
  10. 414 on firefox. But I do run firebug and all other dev stuffs. Seperate audio plug ins & format capturers/convertors. Wait! AND 14 bonus points! Wuhooo! Oh & Second life has already died about 3,763 times according to Le Fora. One more time isn't going to hurt.
  11. "Ginger" obviously means: an invitation to trolls who know absolutely jacque about the subject to comment. Nothing new there. lol
  12. Thx Perrie I wasnt aware of scalability research regarding virtual worlds only web stuffs. Same thing really. I'll read up on it.
  13. "A new kind of cloud. We're building a coordination system enabling millions of people to contribute their devices and share them to simulate the virtual world." If they are suggesting the average "smart phone" user is actually this smart and has the hardware for this to work, they've got it horribly wrong lol. 2 grids, one for people with serious hardware one for people who've purchased the right (rofl) to call themselves "smart".
  14. 6 hours, 7 pages... My intellect doesnt have that much patience. *cue "normal" SL "contributors" erm make that 9 pages
  15. In this country you are assigned "free" server space of a pre determined size depending on your broadband plan. All you need do is upload your audio, make an .mp3u playlist and assign that as the stream for that land. For the life of me I see the whole "buy a stream thing" as a total & complete scam. But thats just me.
  16. Certain types of mesh, certain viewers, certain regions and Server Side baking implementation can nuke an entire region if the word "Stop" is used unkowingly. It's very rare for this to happen but yeah, something to be aware of Thats why the last version of Firestorm was blocked and just in time too. Unless... somehow... yours wasnt blocked *runs screaming......
  17. Somewhat of a ludicrous scenario metinx. The answer is as plain as the nose on your face in your avatars profile picture. or it *could be Windows 8 causing the problems. Simple really... *sighs
  18. Everyone has access to read the charges and stuff. Even english people. If I had to pay those sorts of charges I would not be a premium member. It's posssible you may feel a little hoodwinked cause of comprehension issues. That would be totally understandable. Any transaction online should be evaluated with a caring friend, just to be safe. There is open sim if you wanted to play with it for free. (some of it is I think).
  19. Very interesting. Unfortunately you cant neglect the EDU sector for 2 years then expect it to explode into life. Not one of the institutions or colleges I work for have ever heard of SL. I do hope they can recover some of the momentum that was lost regarding such a monumental blunder. I do feel its too late. Custom tailored content & resources via direct delivery is the way. Eg: EdModo/Skype etc. Which excludes virtual worlds of course. *shrugs
  20. Well thats pretty cool. Name?: something really english like umm.. Aegelweard, Noble protector Aethelborn, Noble warrior Alduin, the dragon from skyrim lol or even Dilbert would do. Thats a nice name.
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