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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. No backwards compatibilty. It is a game not a heart-lung machine. If you've made money off SL in the past? well done - party is over. A pet is a great idea, like a tamagochi or a goldfish but its free to maintain. (sends you private messages to facebook) Made by LL not some third party profiteer. And it can die, not like in Farmville where they live on forever without any food. LL has been pleasing current users for 11 years. Time to expand even if it means bringing back child friendly areas TAILORED to education etc etc. If Rolf Harris and his mates dont like that? Well bad luck
  2. The Wooja Yet another incarnation of the same age old permabanned l-user lol. *sounds like....
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: It's the one between your ears. And yes, I'm dead serious with that answer. I think Skype lost its amaaaazing magical ability to be virus free... umm... the day it went live. :matte-motes-silly: Any file through any medium is an absolute threat. Internet 101. :matte-motes-whistle:
  4. *yawns... and the topic was... o yeah.. Ok now i know who Steven Fry is. Thanks
  5. General comment: We must bear in mind Ebbe can only responsible for SL as it was when he recieved it. This "you're the CEO, you're responsible for everything past" is... wasted breath. Fitted mesh is awesome, but then I liked Rodvik too :smileywink:
  6. Smearing yourself with a genuine contributors legacy does not improve your lot, nor erase your history. Nice try tho.
  7. You've got the non creating griefers warbling Jumpy! bwahahaha Poor thangs worshipped another who was relegated to -less than Waisted status and have had no one to spread their joy to for ages now. Offer them a spot in your magazines lol. That'll be one contribution theyve made Keep up the good work! Wut o.0
  8. Rod did a sensational job. SL has advanced as much as you could dream it to have over his tenure, no? He was friendly funny & helpful. I think he did all he could to help us. As much as he was allowed to anyway. Hopefully he has gone to High Fidelity to really get things happening. Thank you for all you did, Rod Humble. Edit.
  9. Thank you Perrie & Valerie! Simply stunning. Rarely do digital & traditional art meet. I can animate & composite with the best of them, but indeed, that is a whole new level of mastery.
  10. Well what do we get for supportin da kang? In this realm of digital blowhards, (whove been scrapping tooth & nail to assume your exalted throne, whenever theyre not banned that is), we need real carrots not just pixel ones. Hmm?
  11. English pop stars & Americas latest movie star/let. Here today gone tomorrow. Prefab plastic putrid pewp. Eg: Lily Allen, Kirsten Stewart = good riddance. Can't say I've ever ad Vindaloo eh wot?
  12. I concur to a certain extent although no Circle of Fire exists in SL It is, simply what you make of it. and so it must be... three hail mary's and two lords prayers for your penance ^~ *tsk tsk
  13. *reads the verdict & nods at the jury ^^... "Your court is the feeds.. bwahaha" *gavel on bench CRACK! "Sentence = 1 public outing and fail #357489 Case dismissed already" NEXT....!
  14. The OP is talking about & to talented & creative people. The community has been aware of your "contributions" for years now. Longer in fact than your name indicates (tip - rugby isn't creative nor is it considered art). \o_ *waves
  15. To embrace the all that comprises SL, one must partake of its many variables. You are selling yourself short to think that creation is strictly limited to building. May I suggest perusing the machinima forum from time to time? Which is the realm of some creative heavyweights. I just tag along but this (which is temporary) will take you to a developing super hero love story lol http://www.flickr.com/photos/63786008@N05/10439159883/ Totally W.I.P
  16. We seem to have heard all this before..... *yawn Nevertheless... http://www.chonday.com/Videos/the-writer-automaton
  17. As I munch 2 toasted ham & cheese multigrain sangas for brekkie.... cause I'm on holidays.. 8P & whether this relates to the OP's post or not idk cause I was busy reading both testaments.. All I want to say is that Wirtual Vorlds are indeed the playground of.. (lightning crack! & deep booming male voice).. ->Satan:matte-motes-evil:<- :smileysurprised: himself. You may well laugh ye heathens! The amount of pixel bling, lewd dancing, vile cussing, unrestrained violence & restrained boinking is truly lamentable :smileysad: and that's just at the welcome centres Gor'ddamn it. The whole concept of paying actual money for virtual space is just totally, absolutely, morally devoid & corrupt. The good lawd made that virtual space 2 you know. *nods-> frowning at u ^~ I have also (after being led astray by long term SL devotees), consumed many pixel majik mushrooms and huffed through acre upon acre of virtual maryhoo-whaana. Fortunately (as u can tell) It's hasnt affected me one iota. I have finally formed the opinion that SL should be renamed to: Lucifers Life... or wife, depending on your gender. Gawd.. us all. Ps: I'm off to gods facebook page to dob you all in
  18. We (Australians) are very happy to win for our friends the American peeps anytime. You just have to pay for it that's all. :smileyhappy:
  19. I could never do cursive much to the chargrin of the dear old penguins. I came awfully close to the level they demanded, but detention after detention still didnt make me learn it properly. I ended up with a sort of detached semi cursive print which is actually way cool according to my students. I have to handwrite up to ten pages a day sometimes and I have to do it very quickly. So unfortunately cursive was off the books years ago for me.
  20. More than a year passed, as the little girl devoted her all to becoming airborne. So she might be as one, with beautiful birds & heavenly angels. attempt after attempt.... she fell softly, cradled by the lush grass & flowers. She sang joyfully before each leap, to the animals, insects, sky & earth, seeking that they smile upon her and grant her one wish. She knew, that to soar with gods beautiful creations, her singing must be no less than perfect. Logging her activities with "the authorities" at the end of another day... her mother smiled knowingly while hugging her baby, gave thanks & wept with joy.
  21. Pitch perfect at 4, (once she puts her mind to it). lol Don't you just love inherited musicality? Waaaay cute thank you. Mark the thread as NFT next time. *winx (not for the talentless).
  22. Awww :matte-motes-stress: Must have missed part 1
  23. Tex Monday wrote: Not playing with a full deck... (which, it seems, describes most of this post....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:) LOL therefore "buckleys" of any cred.
  24. Storm Clarence wrote: Hey 'solo' you always post such incomprehensible, and what only you consider to be insults. Why don't you post some of your 'pearls' to the idioms thread in the education sub-forum. I would really like to learn some cryptoaussieleetlike kid talk. You know, for when Julie Assange wins next week. I am sure you would know as much about Australian elections as you do about being a hero, hero. "pop!" buhbye!
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