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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Terrorist or forum troll? Examine it closer: Adopting multiple false personas as the extinguished vermin are want to do Taking offence at the words and opinions of the civilised majority Trying to enforce your own dysfunctional beliefs upon the masses Calling other cowards to assist you to enforce your own dysfunctional opinions Inability to contribute anything of value to the society that supports you Incoherent ranting and harassment of anyone who dares challenge you Continuing this behaviour as the number of like minded dwindle Clear and present evidence of gross cognitive dysfunction Sound familiar? Where are the Belgian police when they are needed?
  2. Derek Torvalar wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Derek Torvalar wrote: It's misogynist not 'mysoginist'. Takes back the 'c' for later use. See if you can guess which word I will use it in. Cry like a baby? Your hatreds are sooo old school Erek Don't cry Solo, it isn't all that bad. And hatred is something I am free from. It is such a counter-productive emotion and a waste of effort. Have a Merry Christmas Solo. See, I needed that "c" after all. Can't have too many of them this time of year. No one cries over alts eRic. Surely you have learnt that by now? Your childish parroted responses identify your disorders and identity precisely. Unfortunatley there is no government funding for me to assist you, as your light was extinguished years ago. Please scour my post for typos. I'll check back shortly after SL2 :smileytongue: To you eRic, it is bye bye and dwell in peace.
  3. Derek Torvalar wrote: It's misogynist not 'mysoginist'. Takes back the 'c' for later use. See if you can guess which word I will use it in. Cry like a baby? Your hatreds are sooo old school Erek
  4. Derek Torvalar wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: Derek Torvalar wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: The LWL. Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol. Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did. Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone. -> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy: From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL. Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_ My reference was not specifically aimed at the formal SL group Solo, but at the informal category of individuals who happen to share a number of particular traits. As it happens the members of that formal group did include members from the latter. If your memory did serve, you would realize that the formal SL group did not pre-date the first reference to that latter category of individuals, and more to the point, the group was created as a response to the frequent reference to that latter category of individuals by the more insightful members that used to inhabit the GD forum on a regular basis before entropy took its toll. As for the mission statement and practice of the members of that formal group goes, their tacticcs were certainly not above reproach and they did their fair share of harassment, bullying and other reprehensible behaviour. The notion that the formal group was 'targeted' speaks to the narcisisstic ego-centrism of the members of that group. And I wasn't really concerned whether Scylla was ever a member of the formal group or the more general category; it is immaterial to the point I was making. On the first day of the 5th month of this year you posted........hahaha The diatribe of hatred. Alluh Akbah Derek. You will need to supply a link to a post on that date made by me Solo as my post history does not show one. Unless of course you are late for your meds which would explain things somewhat. So sorry but my profession is to help those with such disorders previously mentioned. ^^ *cough cough. You so have the self help link you require and if you stand up straight quickly, this may help in the extraction process. I havent had a good yawn and laugh in many years Derek. Thank you so much
  5. Derek Torvalar wrote: Maryanne Solo wrote: The LWL. Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol. Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did. Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone. -> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy: From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL. Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_ My reference was not specifically aimed at the formal SL group Solo, but at the informal category of individuals who happen to share a number of particular traits. As it happens the members of that formal group did include members from the latter. If your memory did serve, you would realize that the formal SL group did not pre-date the first reference to that latter category of individuals, and more to the point, the group was created as a response to the frequent reference to that latter category of individuals by the more insightful members that used to inhabit the GD forum on a regular basis before entropy took its toll. As for the mission statement and practice of the members of that formal group goes, their tacticcs were certainly not above reproach and they did their fair share of harassment, bullying and other reprehensible behaviour. The notion that the formal group was 'targeted' speaks to the narcisisstic ego-centrism of the members of that group. And I wasn't really concerned whether Scylla was ever a member of the formal group or the more general category; it is immaterial to the point I was making. On the first day of the 5th month of this year you posted........hahaha The diatribe of hatred. Tacticts - one c only. Alluh Akbah Derek.
  6. The LWL. Wow to resurrect the one thing that the worst cognitive disorder sufferers, mysoginists and cellar dwellers detested most of all lol. Even funnier that it was strictly a social group for having fun amongst members and lots & lots of it at no one elses expense. This group was targetted by the haters purely because it did not exist to belittle others as their own groups of imaginary friends did. Given that most of the small minded, grossly offensive bullies & haters were either perma banned by LL or hated themselves right on out of here (and most other forums) It seemed they were all gone. -> Seemed <- :smileyvery-happy: From memory I dont recall the OP was ever a member. A little fact conveniently overlooked by the authorities on everybody elses SL. Have a nice day Derek. Everyone else sure will! \0_
  7. YAY! And Maddy is a mac person too ofc. Ok I dont hate them any more :-) Still not getting one tho. And I still dont know anyone in real life that has one lol. Thank you Valerie the forums seem quite trouble free these days!
  8. Wow what a legend! Every operating system should have that game on it as a tribute.
  9. Probably have to buy a new one. :smileysurprised: Do I use or know anything about macs or know anyone that has one? No I dont. :smileytongue:
  10. The only thing I know about space travel is they called some of them Gemini :-) I LOVE Nasa (web) TV. And I dont even watch normal TV. That the whole launch went off without a hitch which is exactly what I expected. This is precisely the flawless operation a non US person expects from Nasa. WTG USA.
  11. Stop trying to pass Skyrim off as SL Perrie Looks awfully like a lovely village I cant recall the name of cause I havent played it for about a year..
  12. The only new feature I have used so far is the replace inventory items function. This alone is a sensational improvement for fixing broken links in outfits. Click on broken link, drag & drop relocated item and it will fix all instances of the broken link. Amaaaazing and a joy to use. Thank you Firestorm Team it's awesome! Ps: Beware of the broken mesh documentation concerning the latest AMD/ATI drivers. Not a problem for me.
  13. Ups downs... highs lows... elation the depths of depression... You are human, your cartoon is human. Drop everything and care for yourself. SL losses arent as bad as RL ones. Me? Dropped SL for 6 months, not a word to anyone, just gone. There is no solution other than to always remind yourself... everything is temporary. This singular second is the best second of my whole life. Second or otherwise. <3
  14. Any vid card 256bit DDR5 2gb, DX11 rah rah will do the job easily. Fullscreen fraps = bingo. Listening to AMD vs Nvidia is soooooo 2010 A bit like Intel vs Apple snoreathon. The past is history, set it freeeee! Radeon HD 7800, 1680 x 1050 average resolution for SL, ultra graphics settings @ 150 draw distance. Most of my capturing is single avatar close up, more often than not green screened (for dance vids/after effects SFX). So not really similar to what youre doing nevertheless... Pay a premium for an irellevant rumor or go by the specs. same old same old...
  15. When I bought my lovely little diesel ute 2nd hand, the guy kept the tank full and only ever drove it around the local town. Over some years, the tank grew algae in there. o.0 So when I got it and started driving from town to town all the time, 1600km round trips, it kept starving for fuel and conking out. So the tank had to be removed, chemically cleaned, then have regular filter changes for quite some time after that. I do fill the tank up but only if I am going to be doing "out of town" amounts of miles. They said lucky it had good fuel filters or the algae stuff would have wrecked everything and it would have cost thousands & thousands to fix it all up.
  16. Perrie: "You reminded me of when we used to buy gas by the dollar. They priced it at 33 1/3 per gallon (actually 33.3 cause that is how the pumps worked). a dollar could get you a long way". 33 and 1/3rd?! You mean it was long playing petrol?
  17. There are some peeps that might be interested but I have never seen them post on the forums. Uni of WA. A group who recently used SL as a successful information sharing/educational tool for sugarcane farmers in FNQ. and ex ABC Sim who staff run the most awesome magic place in all SL. The name of these escapes me atmo but they are out there and it is happening.
  18. bigmoe Whitfield wrote: http://www.google.com There use it. stop spamming the forum with stupid questions.
  19. Personally I love them. Some of the best stuff in SL are the derelect theme parks, hauted houses graveyards etc etc. Not sure how well they might sell? Probably not very well at all.
  20. You might use image software that can work with .png & .tga files such as the Gimp (free) Then use the freely availabe clothing/body/face templates (usually .psd) Work as a transparent multilayer .png, get your freckle/s on -> save convert to .tga upload as tattoo layers. Go on its fun!
  21. *high pitched trumpet blurt.... :smileysurprised: Oh! Pardon me..
  22. Flicker has been taken over by Yahoo (as you may or may not know). It is now a complete debacle to login or particiapte. Eg: I made a yahoo account to use flicker and when I log in to it to go to flicker it says "you need to make a yahooo acount" as I look at my yahoo profile & membership page. Then they say lodge a ticket and rah rah rah and Im like nonono you changed everything YOU fix it... I am on the verge of giving Flicker the Flick.
  23. \0_ !!!! Hi Susy! BigHeapTrollothon got smacked down bad?? lol :smileyvery-happy: Back tho of course.:smileytongue: Regurgitators are wilting hahahaha.:matte-motes-tongue:
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