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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Theresa Tennyson wrote: (Theresa Tennyson rolls her eyes, as do her alts, who all have last names that were picked by their typist rather than a cat walking on a dictionary.) All 3 Solo sisters, yes that's right all three, roll their eyes in unison with the Tennysons for no particular reason other than that they can.
  2. JCU is a higly reputable institution & fun place based in the paradise of Far North Queensland. Permission has never been sought from LL before so maybe a document participants sign with avatar/inworld names would suffice? Idk. I do miss FNQ. Best of luck with your research and notecard me inworld if I could help with any advice :smileywink:
  3. And howsabout Firestorm Mobile? Voice activated!
  4. Brand new Beta :) Try it! It rocks! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  5. If an opinion is formed that SL is dying it might be because that individual is looking at things from an end users persprective only. There are many games that have increasing participation from end users in terms of creatable content. Eg: Steam workshop for Portal, Skyrim, Arma 3 & countless other titles. Another is the upcoming Star Citizen, (space sim thingy), Train Simulator to name just 2 that concentrate mostly on end user content. This list is growing day by day. Then we have stuff like Daz3d, Marvellous Designer, Blender etc etc. As time goes on we also see major software manufacturers allowing functionality that assists people with creating for these worlds & games. I came to SL to make things. It's not dying and I hope LL continues to stay at the forefront of immersion & user creation. SL2 is completely viable as far as I am concerned. (premiums are allowed to convert/upgrade content from SL would be really really cool). Rock on LL \o/
  6. Perusing the previous posts it is obvious we need an SL "Glee" sim. Kind of like Karayokel instead of Karaoke. Regarding english accents: RL peeps thinks me's a Pom cause I speak clearly and precisely :smileysad: *Looks for a pair of thongs, (flip flops) and a beer but doesnt have any... waaaah!
  7. Second second life. SL2 Your world your imaginationion. You can only login if your comp is quad quad architecture 3 graphics cards, (no outdated appleish stuffs) optic fibre internet.. No avatars under 1gb in resouce size... :smileysurprised: Everytime you log in a 3rd world country goes pouffe' :smileysad: Oh well.... Bring it on! \o/
  8. I'm a college mentor and a student too. I deserve a hefty reduction on sim costs and shopping sprees. This news is unfair and is enough to make me leave in a total huff :smileyfrustrated: then come back again very quickly :smileytongue: anyone got the applicaton form handy ^^? :smileyvery-happy:
  9. Do a "places" search and you'll find that theres one thing that repeatedly draws a big crowd. Noobdity. In fact that's why people create multiple alts, so they can stay noobed for longer. Cater for them with "Noobed only" areas, things to do while Noobed and the like.. You'll have a very popular sim on your hands.
  10. You've presented a great argument. I dont think anyone has ever stated their need that way before. *nods wisely Please come back and show us the results once you are done. Pics and a description of how would be really excellent! Thx! \o_
  11. Ceka Cianci wrote: But they Rock so guuud!!! \o/ Whoah! Cool!
  12. Incorrect (just for a change) lol. I commented on the pictures after the very ordinary ones you *loved. If you check all of your avatars chat records you will fiind this is indeed correct. You could also look at the title of this thread as I thought it was about the very photos you commented endlessly upon. Wut?
  13. Janelle Darkstone wrote: A Capybara (Hippotamusus Bucktoothus Moosus SansAntlerus) Thufferinthukotash me don't believe that and Im not even going to google it lol. Your text is as good as your cartoons Janelle
  14. Certainly. Agree wholeheartedly. I would only say that Val has given us brief glimpses of her RL self. Which is of course, why her SL self is so. Thx 16. Most appreciated.
  15. Susy Lol Hilarious! What a timely re-entry! I suggest you have a go of the feeds, create a few alts & sympathisers? seems to be the go Just to ensure you are a >total< (more than the latecomers lololol & more than you ever ever were), Celebrity! lmaoooooo ps: nothing much been going on around here.. O wait! "FIC, PIC/ard, I will not be fooled again, erm ever again, never never again...." etc etc Google the supposed top celebs... and laugh... hard. That's about it :smileylol:
  16. Yes time does heal all wounds, unless of course, they are repeatedly self inflicted lol. I too, vote for Valerie.
  17. SL Celebrity status is gained by positive and ongoing contribution to the community as a whole, not merely depositing ones self in every possible place you have not been banned. Torley is the epitome of such an SL celebrity. Opinions viewed by a tiny minority do not grant one celebrity status. chirp chirp Neither does being booted from forum to forum, platform to platform. It's like rap music. Tomes of words delivered with machine gun rapidity, ad infinitum, attempted en masse are no guarantee that you actually have anything of true value to say. Wut? o.0 :smileyvery-happy: edit
  18. Egon Rothschild wrote: only recently have i begun seeing all these avies with "resident" as their last name. At first, i thought .... "wow, all these people joined at the same time?" That's pretty funny ty
  19. Roar laughing in their collective faces. It's the best fun and very highly recommended. There are many bullies in SL and to see them flock to supposedly hurt someone is hilarious. YOU have the power. Make them dance.
  20. Vista Barnes has been known to pop into Vista Animations and ask if you'd like to sample some new, unreleased animations. A very nice creator and friendly person. Pinco Janus of Babelle Fashion is a prolific and accomplished individual, also extremely approachable and very friendly. The person who has had the most influenece on my SL is no doubt, Robin Sojourner. Her & Chip Midnights fabulous clothing templates formed the basis of many an SL clothing designers future. If you know Robin invariably you will come to know the lovely Marianne McCann who is basically just famous for being herself. The list goes on & on... Don't be shy in introducing yourself to creative types, just polite and respectful of their frantic schedules
  21. Noobdity can be determined by opening someones profile and seeing how many days old they are. The lower the number the higher the chances are they will be noobd.
  22. I got Diablo 3 as a present. My sister played the first one. Because of the usual >unreleased before finished thing< I had to change my username & password or something? I haven't bothered. I didnt want a blizzard account and battlenet stuff or want to know about anything else they do. I didnt realise they did wow. Too much drama for too little return as pay to win doesnt interest me. I don't think I'm missing much.
  23. BothamFidor wrote: (Damn this English language, I keep mixoing up the meainings of troll and spam.) Remedy: Take a good whine in the feeds or 3, followed by a hefty dose of self loving. O, you already did that.
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