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Maryanne Solo

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Everything posted by Maryanne Solo

  1. Isn't it just wonderful! *Wrings hands with glee And what a future little Bumpkin has ahead of him! Future king of the largest muslim nation in Europe :matte-motes-big-grin:.
  2. Some soccer team is out here. Is that who you mean?
  3. I'm much more interested in princess Mary of Denmark. She's one of us and Danes don't whinge, have more than 1 bath a year and dont play any of those stoopid games like cricket, thugby etc etc. How cool is she? THIS COOL: mmMMmm Tim Tams :smileysurprised::smileytongue:
  4. The ability to see the truth in people is not multiplied by the number of alts one controls Nor is it enhanced by the number of like minded who adopt the group harrassment mentality. But after 2 years or so of epic fail, do keep trying. Edit: Due to continual regurgitating of "same old" and the inability to do anything other than parrot I will leave "the crew" to the feeds :smileyvery-happy:
  5. Oh yeah the "hit squad" scoffs. I looked at that page for.. oh gee 10 seconds? Why is it you and your ilk, (not a reference to orientation choices), spend untold hours documenting the results of the scenarios you deliberately create? Then whine about it ad nauseum when you are the new mop to wipe the floor with? You conveniently forget, (of course), you gleefully joined the lowest in targetting an innocent party. Is this why you reap what you sow in real life?. Purely an innocent, led astray by the non contributors - no doubt. :smileysad: Your choice and yours alone. Adds: And what if I and others had not stepped in to return the favour? The pain and hurt so deliberately inflicted has been negated with pure love and support People with feelings = 10/10 cowards & thugs = 0 Thats real life for you
  6. Whats wrong with that? I make shapes for close friends and to get a specifc look isn't easy. Maybe 6 versions and about 12 hours to get a likeness of a famous person. (as close as SL will allow). Let's see some of yours then?
  7. *general... Some of the biggest proponents of SL trolling and bullying of singular individuals come whining to the forum about how much of a tough time they've had LOL That's a bit rich. Wouldn't be your attractive & endearing personalities by any chance now would it? or possibly your proven records in the public domain ^^? I imagine if that's what your like here and particulary on the feeds, everyday people would call open season no? Reap what you sow funnily enough.
  8. Thank you Czari your posts are always interesting and extermely well informed. Now we know why extremely< even
  9. Yes but you are missing the point as usual He was very funny indeed.
  10. Whuups Dillon this was meant to be to Botham umm wait... no.. aww.. I can't be bothered listing them all But no one knows who god is Everyone knows who you are the second you post That doesn't happen to any god lol. I forget who exactly outed you as I have never really been one for the feeds. That must be soooo frustrating for you to be rendered irrelevant yet again. But hey! It's ok... on the feeds, no one can hear you The spanish one still rules supreme in the history of SL fora. --||-
  11. How do we know who you are then? Yet another epic fail perhaps?
  12. Hello & thx "Lian Li" are/were almost on par with the Thermaltake Sword M tower. It cost $900AUD at the time which must be 5 years ago now. (2008? cant recall and the receipt is stashed away somewhere) Both are hand made cases but the Sword was a limited edition. Mine was purchased toward the end of the run. You may find a second hand one which would be in good condition as they are very robust and almost a work of art. I can't wait until you can get a 600w mid level qaulity PSU. You can then relax regarding powersupply. With your history in computing you surely deserve total reliability power wise. That picture doesn't show the rear panel access which is just as cool as the rest of it.
  13. Susy *winx Can't keep a good troll down LOL hu!hu!hu! < mindless rugby chant The gang is coming to "own" your firestorm bridge soon haha.
  14. You're in Awe of course. No surpises there.
  15. Thats why records are good to keep if you are subject to such ignorami & virtual thug mentalities. You never know when the flipouts will cross the line. Usually businesses failing & RL relationships dramas are enough to trigger yet another episode. History proves despite repeated public humiliations ...they're baaaaaack. Lol Every forum has its own losers.
  16. "They" say that connecting only 1 of the two molexes temporarily will do no damage. (underpowered supposedly) so "flaky" performance would be the result at best. 480w is a very small PSU these days. Most quads with 1gb graphics card for example really need 600w minimum. Technicians or esteemed gurus who have commented here may prove this incorrect, but approx 3 years trouble free excellent performance from that combination before it was upgraded. After many years of being lucky enough to work hard, I wanted the best case ever, this is what was recommended to me, its easily 5 years old now: With regular upgrades It is still a total dream machine. It lives under the console so you don't actually see it 12 fans, (was in the tropics at the time), external E-Sata, wheel brakes, hydraulic thingies on the door & lid.. blah blah My 2bobs worth
  17. Here is a recent one I made. It is either a .tga or .png format. Painted onto one of the many clothing templates that are availabe. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials
  18. Awe Thor wrote: Women should really leave gadget management to men. Awe . . . made his own HDMI cable recently out of two paperclips, a bendy straw and a safety pin. Metinx dont you mean "awwwww" as in cry? Mass exposure does that to you.
  19. I was born 1980 lol. Condescending? Your right I dont know a thing about you. Sorry for your condition but "condescending" says you dwell to long. Plug & play no?
  20. Does your card/system have the latest graphic card drivers? Get the brand and go to their site to compare the driver version. I have latest FS and no problems here. (Asus HD 2gb 7800).
  21. Memory & card yes definately. I wont comment on my disdain for laptops as my bestie dropped her husbands yesterday and cracked the screen Stoopid things.
  22. What an ordeal! You've done extremely well though. The whole point about all this is tune into current tech level interactivity now, eg: buy a computer/modders/builders magazine once every 2 months, Over time make a list as to what level of technology you want to run and keep that list updated over time and when new tech comes out. I just got a second monitor running on a second HDMI output and wow! This graphics card is approximately 8 months old. Of the 6 LCD/LEDs in this house all of them are now HDMI. It took 3 years to convince mum & siss that we wanted HDMI LOL! Now they are amazed at the quality of the visuals be it PC/TV/Disc and I don't even use a TV. It will take prolly 12 months for you to become familiar with what is available and then you will know what goes with what etc etc. Its well worth investing the time to totally geek out. (a little bit) :-)
  23. In real life: "In Limbo" Your soul will be in Limbo. If you dont make it to heaven or hell, your soul goes to purgatory where it sits in limbo. For a passage of time not usually dislcosed. In SL: I joined Bloodlines and now my wallet/purse is in Limbo (bled dry).
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