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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. wearing signs “Caution: Unpredictable Behavior”
  2. It's so nice to see her going out, meeting people, making new friends. It warms my heart.
  3. Korrie says "I do my job. I do it well. This one over here... she likes her job."
  4. /me gives Maureen a big slice of pumpkin pie with an added zing of orange zest in the filling.
  5. I have another Thanksgiving dinner to go to at hubby's parent's place today. I'm not complaining as I've had a nice long weekend that began Tuesday afternoon. I've just finished making curried cubed acorn squash and garnet yams simmered with onions, garlic, pepper and panch phoran. A few weeks ago I went to a friend's orchard and collected a bucket full of hazelnuts. I've shelled and roasted a bunch of those to chop up as a topping for the vegetables. My brother-in-law will be there with his girlfriend. She makes the most awesomest mashed potatoes. So yeah, I'll take Sunday to recover.
  6. This feature request has been created.
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