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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. 1) The symbol isn't officially recognized by Linden Lab. 2) When I was a REAL innocent child I read the lyrics printed on the jacket of my brother's copy of Frank Zappa's "Over-Nite Sensation" (look up 'Dinah-Moe Humm' sometime) and my young fragile mind wasn't warped because I had no idea of what the nasty lyrics MEANT until years later. 3) Chah. (My avatar, who's a teenager, asked me to throw that one in.)
  2. D0RKiiiE wrote: So I'm looking for a name for my new avatar look. so far the choices I have are as listed: Meghan, Blake, Addison, Josie, Chelsea & Erin Which one do you guys think fits the picture the most? --- Thanks for the...uhm...suggestions. Maybe this picture will bring a bit more justice.. haha. How about Rinna, in honor of her lips?
  3. Miko Kuramoto wrote: Am i missing something? I'm walking around SL10b looking at showcases of residents art, and I don't see one thing that's NEW, or even amazing. I'm sorry but you'd think they would gather some of the best graphic designers in the industry (not just on SL) and have them create mesmerizing, inspiring work. I see the same old prims, sculpts, even mesh. sad. Also, the promo for this was disgraceful as well. Don't flame me please, it's just my opinion. The director of a middle school band could bring in the New York Philharmonic to play the annual concert instead of actually having the students play. The music would almost certainly be better, assuming that the NYPO would rise to the occasion and not phone it in. But if you're going to do that, why have the kids be in band at all?
  4. RHOWYN wrote: I am a Premium member. Can have the mainland I bought (2048) AND the 512 that the premium membersreceive? Yes - you'll have to pay extra to own more than 512 square meters but if you pay the tier to own 2048 square meters extra ($15 a month if I remember right) you'll be able to own a total of 2560 square meters - it can be all one piece or smaller separate lots that add up to 2560.
  5. Madeliefste Oh wrote: Christian Louboutin has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to fake products. See: www.stopfakelouboutin.com/en Copyrighing design elements is a very tricky thing because things can look the way they do for a number of reasons. I notice that one thing Christian Louboutin cracks down on is red soles on shoes. As it happens I have a pair of SL black pumps that has the option of having the soles red - this option mentions nothing abut Christian Louboutin or any RL designer at all - it was simply included as an appropriate-seeming option for vampires and I wouldn't be surprised if the SL designer though nothing about the connection to Christian Louboutin. Actually, vampires may have a case for suing Christian Louboutin for cultural misappropriation.
  6. Mara Inkpen wrote: Hi! I have currently pretty powerful pc with GTX 680 video card, but it still cannot handle max graphics with max viewing distance in official SL viewer, so i am thinking about the upgrade. GTX 780 looks most logical to me, but .... what if Titan will work MUCH better for me? I know Titan is just A LITTLE more powerful than 780 in most games, but in SL? What if Titan's 6 GB of video RAM vs 3 GB of 780 will be great advantage for SL where we have tons of small objects and openGL instead of DirectX? Maybe someone knows, how good SL viewer can use video memory? Or, maybe, it will be even better to get professional card, like Nvidia Quadro K4000? I know almost nothing about these devices, but they work with OpenGL, dont them? If yes, and Quadro will be very good for SL, is it possible to have Quadro and GTX 680 installed in same system in same time, to use Quadro in SL and 680 in games? And maybe use Quadro as physical engine while 680 works as graphical engine? I know my english is not good, and i am sorry The difference between a GTX and a Quadro looks to be the difference between a racing car and a semi truck - they're both very powerful and very good at what they do, but they're meant to do fundamentally different things and one won't necessarily be any good at what the other specializes in. It looks like the Quadro is optimized for very complex 3D calcuations like ray-tracing - it's meant to create absolutely perfect frames one at a tile.It would be for things like professional photorealistic rendering or computer animation and it won't be set up for sheer speed - for instance, there's a scene in Pixar's Cars 2 where every frame took ONE-HUNDRED SEVENTEEN HOURS to render. Reading in the description of the Quadro, nowhere does it say "RULEZ FOR GAMES" so I'd assume it's not that good at putting together comparatively simple frames very quickly, which is what a gaming video card is designed to do.
  7. That usually happens when you're wearing rigged mesh. It may be only some meshes that do it. If you're wearing any mesh itmes take them off and see if it helps.
  8. Have you tried logging in from another RL physical location, like a public place with internet service or a friend's house, and/or on another machine? Everything suggests a problem on your end. This doesn't mean that you're stupid or a bad person, but you can't fix a problem by looking in the wrong place. For instance, you keep saying your internet isn't the problem but you've apparently had to contact Comcast service more than once and they asked you to run diagnostics and had to unfreeze your modem. Have you tried logging into a very empty region in SL? "Smith" is a largely water region that people often try logging into to decrease the load on their connections.
  9. Go to the "Help" menu and down to "About Second Life" It will say the server version toward the bottom of the second paragraph or so. Most regions will just say "Second Life Server. Those are typically restarted/updated on Tuesdays. LeTigre, BlueSteel and Magnum are special testing groups and only about 10% of the grid are on each one. They're restarted/updated on Wednesdays.
  10. Okay, it''s getting to be summer, go out in RL and try this: On a sunny day, have someone take a closeup picture of your face without using a flash when you're standing in the sun and take a look at it. Chances are you'll see shadows and wrinkles on your RL face that will make those look like nothing. Basically, you're seeing the same thing in SL - the default lighing is high and contrasty and that means it casts shadows. SInce the avatar face mesh has issues some of them look harsh and fake. Unlike RL you have complete control of the lighing you see - you can change the lighting to be softer and less directional which will make those wrinkles disappear in the same way a flash in a "soft box" does in a RL portrait studio. This is what you do with Windlight settings. HOWEVER - you have no control over the lighting anyone else uses. That's what Venus was referring to. Some might see wrinkles and some might not. The best thing you can do is relax and not worry about the tiny imperfections of your face because most people won't notice them and of those that DO the people worth paying attention to wont' care about them. Works in RL too.
  11. When a sim is restarted it normally uses the "saved state" that is made when it's shut down. The fact the sim came back up without the HUD means that there was a problem saving the state - it sounds like the sim was taken down due to a problem. Basically, the only difference between that restart and a crash was the notification which was the equvalent of a pilot screaming "AAAHHHH!!! WE'RE GONNA CRASH" right before the plane crashes. Just because you got notice doesn't mean things were behaving normally. A ROLLBACK WILL NOT GET YOUR HUD BACK. The communication from support told you exactly why.
  12. The deformer may be trying to run a script. Make sure you're wearing it somewhere you're allowed to run scripts.
  13. Robin23 Dagostino wrote: I suppose I should login as "robin23.dagostino" with the dot in between, right? or should it be without the dot? I am not from the "Resident" era (which if you ask me was a bad idea). I ran the PingTest.net test again and got these results: Ping 101ms Jitter 3ms or 1ms when tested against a server in California where SL servers are located. Packet Loss 0% Line Quality: B Anyway, it simply defies all logical reasoning that a connection that worked absolutely fine for SL for all this time suddenly is "not appropriate". The problem is in that "region handshake" but I guess that's something only SL tech staff can look into but they seem to be absolutely absent from these forums... Perhaps this is the end of my Second Life... had a good one but definitely not worth starting from scratch again. No it doesn't if you understand how internet connections work. Between when it worked and now someone may have hit a line with a shovel; a bird might have built a nest in a junction box; someone might have spilled coffee at a substation; or your neighbor may have found an amazing new porn site. All of these things affect the connection that goes through all sorts of hoops between your house and your ISP headquarters, much less your house and the SL servers. The dot between the names isn't necessary at login BTW.
  14. Robin23 Dagostino wrote: Here are the results you requested. I have been using this same PC and this same connection for about a year and never had this problem with SL. I have used that speed test in the past for the cable company support requests and there hasn't been a change there. 1. About Second Life 3.5.3 (276452) May 24 2013 02:06:23 (Second Life Release) Release Notes CPU: Intel® Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3400.13 MHz) Memory: 3992 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 285/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.1106 OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.12 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with MSVC version 1600 2. SpeedTest Ping 105ms Download 0.96Mbps Upload 0.40Mbps 3. PingTest Ping 134ms Jitter 54ms Line Quality D* This is what Pingtest says about a line quality of "D" - Concerning. Most online applications will not perform well but should function in some capacity. Try testing to other servers to verify the result. You might need to contact your ISP for help. My connection at my current home is bad for SL and my jitter is 9 ms. Your jitter is SIX TIMES HIGHER. It sounds like your connection is extremely erratic and noisy. Most internet connections for applications other than SL are largely one way, but packets of info fly constantly in both directions between your viewer and the servers in SL - if they get scrambled they need to be resent and it causes a death spiral of network lag. In particular, sending anything mesh can be bad for slow connections. When you created a new account you were using a bare-bones avatar in a bare-bones region and your connection must have been just clean enough. When you tried sending more complex information the noise drowned it out. THE ROAD TO SECOND LIFE HELL IS PAVED WITH "FINE" INTERNET CONNECTIONS.
  15. Sounds like a griefing object. I heard someone with a similar situation a few weeks ago. If you actually WERE banned you wouldn't be able to stand on your porch. See if you get any clues as to the object in the notification or in local chat and if you can determine the owner, block them.
  16. 1) The LL viewer doesn't have RLV and almost certainly never will. It's the viewer aimed at new startups and there's very little chance LL would want to include a feature like that. Marine Kelley's RLV viewer is a separate viewer that's very close to Viewer 3 with the addition of RLV capabilities. It sounds like you had problems installing it though. 2) Area search as it exists on Firestorm doesn't exist on the LL viewer, at least for other people's objects. There are ways to search for your own objects on your own land though. What specific issues do you have with Firestorm 4.4? Underlying performance will be all but identical between Firestorm and Viewer 3 if they're set to the same preferences/debug settings. All updated mesh-enabled viewers are more similar than they are different as far as the basic rendering engine goes.
  17. There are a number of places you can set your home by joining a group without having to resort to the inner-city-bus-station environment of the official "welcome center" infohubs, but the simplest thing is to just not set a home at all for now. You can go into preferences and set your start location to "Last location" instead of "Home".
  18. If the HUD was rezzed on the ground shortly before the sim went down there's very little chance a sim rollback will help. It would only help it was on the ground long enough to be reflected in an automatic save of the region - the last one could have been at least an hour before the sim went down. If it first hit the ground between the last save and when the sim crashed it's basically hopeless.
  19. Go to "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Advanced" and turn off "Basic Shaders." It sounds like you have a problem that's common with SL running on Windows 8 with Intel built-in graphics.
  20. It looks like you had a very similar problem about a year ago. What happened then? The same problem may be back. Both problems sound like connection problems. Most internet connections are optimized for downloading and uploading may not be nearly as good, especially with DSL. Second Life is unusual in that it needs a constant two-way connection between your computer and the servers.
  21. Eloh Eliot has a number of Photoshop files of her skins where you can see exactly what goes into them. She also has a few tutorials (look under "Starlight'.) These aren't the newest skins available but there are small skin makers who still sell skins based on these ones. https://sites.google.com/site/another/resources
  22. System clothes are ill-suited for anything oversized but I did get something that sounds similar to what you're looking for at Teen Turf in-world that wasn't mesh.
  23. Alphas only affect the "baked" skin/clothing on your shape. The jeans and boots are both separate objects. It's tricky to wear two separate mesh items from different makers at the same time. I'd suggest just wearing old-fashioned "system" jeans with the bewts and wearing some different type of shoe with the mesh jeans.
  24. It looks like you've got some sort of object attached that's trying to do something special with your emotes. It might be something like a roleplaying tag. The "/7" is a sign that something is trying to use an internal communications channel to communicate with something else. If you're wearing anything that SHOULD do that try resetting the scripts in it.
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