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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Depending on where you live, it may be very possible to find a used or even free computer that would be SSE2 compliant. Look at thrift shops and church rummage sales. You can also look for refurbished computers on-line. There is a whole range of possibilities between a ten-year-old computer and a brand new one.
  2. Laurie7983 Gothly wrote: Alicia Sautereau wrote: in sl, 15000 I think I didn't phrase myself well enough. I mean how many prims should we keep free out of 15,000? 5000? 2000? 100? There's a "safety factor" built into the prim allowance so that if you put in prims up to the limit the sim shouldn't behave badly, especially with the new "land impact" scores which give a more realistic picture of server load. Also, regions have allowances for temporary prims, prims worn by avatars, etc. However, if there are people rezzing objects like vehicles you should allow a certain number of free prims - I think 256 should cover the biggest conceivable vehicle. Once a vehicle is "driven" it no longer applies to the base prim count.
  3. Look in your inventory and make sure you have one and only one folder labled "Current Outfit" and that it's sitting in your main inventory along with the system folders instead of being tucked into another folder. If you have more than one "Current Outfit" folder or it's buried inside another folder you need to contact Linden Lab support to have your inventory repaired.
  4. If they're doing things like scrolling through the chat box instead of not moving your avatar there should be a setting somewhere in preferences with a name like "Arrow keys always move me." If they're working off and on randomly you may need a new keyboard. I had to replace my keyboard a few months ago because of that - SL puts a big load on your arrow keys and the hardware can get worn out. If that's the problem you may see problems with your mouse too.
  5. Make sure you have one and only one folder in your inventory labled "Current Outfit" and that it's sitting in your main inventory along with the system folders instead of being tucked into another folder. If you have more than one "Current Outfit" folder or it's buried inside another folder you need to contact Linden Lab support to have your inventory repaired.
  6. Make sure you have one and only one folder in your inventory labled "Current Outfit" and that it's sitting in your main inventory along with the system folders instead of being tucked into another folder. If you have more than one "Current Outfit" folder or it's buried inside another folder you need to contact Linden Lab support to have your inventory repaired.
  7. Those symptoms are connection related and sound like DNS problems. See if switching to the Google public DNS helps.
  8. DreamOutL Oud wrote: Hi all, I'm running Windows 8 Pro 64-Bit with a Sapphire 7970 OC graphics card and all of the latest drivers. Appearantly this configuration had no problems, until I received the recent viewer mentioned above in the subject. I've tried installing a Windows 8 update to my graphics drivers, and even have tried deleting the "app" information in the users directory of Windows (which deletes SL's cache). Nothing has fixed this, as most options but "transparent water, bump mapping and shiny, and local lights" are disabled, and I'm still getting "Your system contains a graphics card that Second Life doesn't recognize. This is often the case with new hardware that hasn't been tested yet with Second Life. It will probably be ok, but you may need to adjust your graphic settings." I hate to sound cranky, but my graphics card isn't new and I can't understand how they'd go from supporting my card to just dropping it in one day. Is anyone else having this issue? Thanks. Btw, here's some extra info about my setup, if it's useful: Second Life 3.6.3 (279564) Aug 6 2013 00:25:49 (Second Life Release) Release Notes CPU: Intel® Core i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (3600.11 MHz) Memory: 16309 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit (Build 9200) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1191 OpenGL Version: 4.2.12217 Compatibility Profile Context libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.12 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with MSVC version 1600 --DreamOutL Oud There's a table that the viewer uses which tells it what settings to use with what card and sometimes errors occur in it. You should file a BUG report in the JIRA and in the meantime you could try the edited table mentioned in this JIRA from someone with a similar problem: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MATBUG-360
  9. Nash Sauber wrote: Have you used SL's viewer ? I know at the least it was around through the last half of 2012, don't recall before then really. But i do know last year it functioned fine on Sl's Viewer. Look it up there's posts out there about it. Seems it popped up officially in Version 3.2. Possibly sooner I didn't dig too far I admit. I use SL's viewer most of the time. Your time frame actually corresponds to the rollout of LOCAL textures, which still work.
  10. MalkinAmistery wrote: Well.. today the rollout became complete.. all "official" like.. Since the beginning of this "upgrade" I have had nothing but trouble.. and now.. it is worse than ever.. my sl freezes up intermittently, usually when actually trying to move or turn.. less so when camming.. and I have even turned my settings DOWN to get a tiny improvement... (like 1 fps).. Someone said that this has nothing to do with other prims/textures rezzing, but in fact it has to, why? Have they set up seperate servers for avatar baking? NO. Have they upgraded the servers in preperation for this? NO, Is this now putting more load on the existing servers? YES It is bound to be a failure, like most "upgrades" sl does.. the only thing we can hope for, is a few months from now, something gets tweaked by a fluke, and it improves.. otherwise.. welcome to the new age.. so they say. :matte-motes-evil-grin: Actually they HAVE set up separate servers for avatar baking. Therefore, it is actually putting LESS load on the simulator servers. Besides, server operation has next to nothing to do with viewer FPS. Did I miss "Opposite Day" again? Darn.
  11. Nash Sauber wrote: Also, as a for record, SL's Viewer Did have temporary texture upload abilities. So it was eventually sanctioned by SL as well as the other viewers. Thus a service they added then apparently removed. No less would be nice to have it back is all i'm saying. That's news to me, and probably to Linden Lab unless it was some sort of debug thing. Temporary textures were weird things that didn't behave the way the architecture was meant to - textures are supposed to be stored on asset servers and be called by the simulator but temporary textures were an almost parasitic thing that lived on the simulator server instead.
  12. lilmisslara wrote: I run the new sl viewer, as does my partner. I can see him, and everone else. He can see me, neither can anyone else. Why can everyone see him, hes running the same viewer? It sounds like there's a problem with something you were wearing at one time. Try either going to the "Avatar" button of the viewer or the "Library" area of your inventory and picking any other avatar to wear. If that makes you visible then you can try to rebuild the one you usually use by replacing the parts piece by piece.
  13. Verena Vuckovic wrote: Sometimes it can be literally impossible to teleport out of a sim and into another one. You try and try again....but no, the system just wont do it. Removing worn items such as HUDs can occasionally make a difference, but even that doesn't always work. And yet...if you just log off and then back on again specifying that you want to log in at your required sim...that works ! So, howcome logging out and in again works, yet the system can't just spare one that trouble and do the equivalent jiggery pokery in the background and get one from A to B ? Perhaps there could be some special function that kicks in on more than two TP attempts. I suspect this doesn't require hiring rocket scientists. When you teleport your information has to be handed from one simulator to another within a set, fairly short period of time so that your avatar isn't caught in limbo. Taking HUD's off can help because it reduces the amount of information sent. Logging into a region can be done in a much more leisurely way. It's similar to running a relay race - nobody drops the baton at the start of the first leg, but during the race itself baton handoffs get messed up fairly frequently even though the act of passing a small aluminum pipe from one person to another doesn't seem difficult.
  14. Balthier Forder wrote: hi i was wondering if anyone could help me, i keep getting a Failed to find database and my avatar is also grey wen i log in. i have tried rebaking, clearing cash, switching viewers and i have tried typing worn. but i keep getting the same thing. i also appear invisible to other people and im going crazy with it. its making me think of deleting my acount but i dont want to lose the money i have spent on the stuff i have. Can Anyone Please Help me? I dont know how much more i can take . Thank you. Sounds like you were last wearing something that became corrupted in the inventory for some reason. If you open the "Current Outfit" folder in your inventory it may show a broken link. If you go to the "Library" part of the inventory and put on any of the default avatars you should be able to at least rezz and then you can try to find out what the problem item was.
  15. Pussycat Catnap wrote: No its anatomical fact. Science is not opinion. As someone noted up thread there are slight variations that can occur, but these are much smaller than they can appear. Often by less than an inch or two - which is so outside the norm of anatomy that it can be visually stunning when seen in real life. I'm glad you admit that science isn't opinion. Science will tell you that a Second Life "shape" is a set of numerical values that will warp a crudely-made digital polygon mesh into a configuration that may resemble a fairly realistic human, a non-realistic humanoid, or anything else that the parameters can produce. Whether any given configuration is "good" or "bad" IS opinion though. Why should being disproportionate be any "worse" than, say, having ears borrowed from another species or portraying an ethnic group one isn't actually in real life?
  16. As far as I know, the only way something can "follow" in a teleport is if it's attached to your avatar.
  17. Kittin Ninetails wrote: I'm not sure how I should interpret the Terms of Service, Section 6.1 (vi) Post, display or transmit any Content or conduct or host any activity that is sexually explicit, or intensely violent. Any violation by you of the terms of this Section may result in immediate termination of your Accounts without any refund or other compensation. When read in full context, it seems to be contradictory to Section 6.3 (iv) Post, display or transmit any Content that is explicitly sexual, intensely violent or otherwise designated as Adult under our Maturity ratings, except as set forth in those ratings. Is it just a mistake that they removed the Maturity ratings bit from 6.1 vi ? I completely understand keeping "Adult" activity in Adult-rated sims, but 6.1 vi reads as if it bans it, regardless of Maturity rating. 6.1 is general and applies to all LL apps unless otherwise noted, 6.3 is specific to Second Life and mentions the maturity ratings.
  18. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Don't do it. The poor girl might be traumatized by adults being adults. I wouldn't worry about it. It's pretty rare for the adults of SL to ACT like adults...
  19. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: Was that an answer to a rhetorical question? Moving house to get a better internet connection so as to connect to SL is such a wonderful solution. I shall try your remedy forthwith. Might work better than complaining to people a few thousand miles away from where the problem lies.
  20. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: And I am seeing an OK transatlantic connectionm but serious problems building up nearer DFW Some of the lost packets I've had reported on my internet connection would be old enough to vote by now. Why is it that I lose more packets talking to SL than I do to the whole rest of the planet? I had a better connection than this in the days of dial-up modems. I do tests. I have a good connection. But every time I contact support they tell me it's my fault. I'm not the one changing the [redacted[ software every [redacted[ week. If this is customer service in modern corporate America, no wonder there are death threats. Because the communication with the rest of the world is almost all one-way. You're only uploading a handful of bytes every so often when you change a web page or fill out a form. SL, on the other hand, needs you to update your location constantly and, with pre-SSA, you had to upload textures that are a lot bigger than you'd think. ADSL sells you on their downoad speeds but and they hope you don't pay much attention to their upload speed or quality because most people will never realize how bad it is. Like I said before, this past week I saw my connection problems disappear simply by moving somewhere with better internet service.
  21. I noticed something very interesting about the tracert hops - it looks like above.net uses standard airport identification codes for their hubs. The codes are (intentionally) very distinctive and they seem to be following the logical path from Europe to Texas. Assuming that's correct, here's where each hop is "landing": Alicia Sautereau wrote: It`s above.net again, same as last time Tracing route to secondlife.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 58 ms 8 ms 7 ms 3 8 ms 6 ms 7 ms 4 6 ms 11 ms 15 ms gv-rc0011-cr102-ae12-0.core.as9143.net [213.5158.251] 5 15 ms 7 ms 8 ms asd-tr0409-cr101-ae8-0.core.as9143.net [213.5158.26] 6 61 ms 8 ms 7 ms adm-b5-link.telia.net [] 7 8 ms 10 ms 8 ms abovenet-ic-139683-adm-b5.c.telia.net [] 8 7 ms 13 ms 8 ms xe-0-1-0.er1.ams5.nl.above.net [] 9 9 ms 10 ms 10 ms xe-0-2-1.cr1.ams5.nl.above.net [] AMS = AMSTERDAM SCHIPHOL Trans jump 10 * * 89 ms xe-0-2-0.cr2.lga5.us.above.net [] LGA = NEW YORK LAGUARDIA 11 95 ms * 94 ms xe-2-2-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net [] DCA = WASHINGTON D.C. REAGAN NATIONAL 12 126 ms 128 ms 128 ms xe-0-2-0.cr2.iah1.us.above.net [] IAH = HOUSTON INTERCONTINENTAL 13 142 ms 133 ms 159 ms xe-2-3-0.cr2.dfw2.us.above.net [] DFW = DALLAS-FORT WORTH 14 132 ms 135 ms 136 ms xe-0-1-0.er2.dfw2.us.above.net [] 15 130 ms 131 ms 131 ms [] 16 137 ms 138 ms 135 ms sw-core1-72.dfw.lindenlab.com [] 17 131 ms 130 ms 133 ms vip.www-dfw.secondlife.com [] It was actually alot worse a few hours ago during normal work hours The problem seems to be in the transatlantic connection. I'm not seeing any problems from the central US.
  22. Aarla wrote: While I was offline - making all these calls - ALL groups I was a member of, and ALL my friends on my list, have also been sent the same IM I was - but from me! All with a slight variation of the link - but all to a Marketplace URL.. with a random letter or 2 changed. ALL people who have clicked it - have had money taken, etc - but Paypal registered accounts, were very super quickly picked up and stopped. Gee, my alt's a member of the group for the club Jinny runs and she hasn't heard boo about this, nor recieved any IM's from Jinny.
  23. Ceka Cianci wrote: can't really see lindens falling under this..since the only place you can really use them is here.. where bitcoins can be used to buy things in different places around the net like money.. we have to cash out to do that here.. You have to cash out NOW. When the 3rd party exchanges were allowed to buy Lindens it was a different story - they could be converted to Bitcoins, etc. I assume that's why cashing out was restricted to the Lindex.
  24. Aarla wrote: Her text message never came from the bank - as confirmed by the bank. Her cell wasn't registered there. Her bank details and cell phone were in her LL account details. So what you're saying is the scammers went to the trouble of sending her a text saying that a scam was going on, not only alerting her to the fraud but also leaving a trackable number in her phone records?
  25. Aarla wrote: I then instantly get a text message on my RL cell phone from my bank - asking if I'd made a transaction. Weird! So I rang the RL bank. Indian out of hours man, didn't know what I was saying, but eventually told me my bank account wasn't cell phone registered, but yes he could do it if I wanted. Siiiigghhsss - I refused - Siigghss again! If the account wasn't cell-phone registered, how did your friend get a text message from the bank? Aarla wrote: And that's when I see that there are several SL emails. "Your account details have been changed" - "Your email has been changed" - "Your password has been changed" - and there were several separate emails saying about Linden Dollar exchange transactions of HUGE RL value amounts. *REMEMBER - I DID NOT ENTER MY PASSWORD INTO THE LINK I CLICKED AT ANY TIME!!!!* If your friend's account E-mail was changed, how did they get subsequent E-mails about Linden dollar exchanges? I think there's a very good reason this one hasn't been shouted out...
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