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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Elinah Iredell wrote: Hi thanks for the reply. I agree those yellow ban lines are ugly. With all the changes in sl since I joined you would think they could do something about it. Does linden have a suggestion box lol ? And yes it is a big deal if someone can still find a way to watch you on your land. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of the privacy controls. I honestly dont want someone watching me trying on a new skin or changing clothes . Any advice on a price for my land? Someone who buys and sells land has now shown an interest in it and once again like my neighbor wont make me an offer of a price ... I think maybe people are playing haggling games with me... it is a little frustrating. Elinah I'll throw out a number - L$10000. That would be about L$20 per square meter. It really is an exceptional location and it would be ideal for a sailor who wants a small lot to keep their boat and maybe a little beach shack. I'm not saying it will sell instantly at that price; I'm not saying someone wouldn't pay more if you waited. If *I* saw that price before I got my current lot (which is in a really exceptional location) I would probably have bought it at that price though, just for the sea access.
  2. Wooja wrote: Ebbe Linden wrote: Not sure it's Dunning-Kruger Effect as I have no illusion of being a good speller... So it's just laziness and disdain for your audience then. Wooja...expectanythingless And as you've noticed by now, we also have a troll. Ours doesn't make Saabs though - in fact he doesn't make much of anything.
  3. Apollosmile wrote: My god you are so dumb as hell 1. usualy people with good video cards tend to keep there card up to date and 2. OBVIOUSLY our internet connection is fine how are we here if it wasent? 3. choosing anoher viewer wont solve Open gl lost connection issue. 4. this issue is with the driver it self losing connection and this seems to affect modern video cards and BTW our cards are working and 5. its being caused by Basic Shaders just turn that off and it may fix ur crashing like it did mine Speaking of "dumb as hell" - this thread was last active in November, 2011.
  4. Pamela Galli wrote: From what I have read, LL started working on a Cocoa version of the viewer some time ago, and when it turned out a mess, abandoned it. The release version of the LL viewer has used Cocoa since around September, as does the de facto current release of Firestorm (4.5.1 Beta).
  5. JulieJuquette wrote: Will the new Kindle Fire HDX support Second Life viewers? It has a 2.2GHz quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM and Adreno 330 GP. No - it doesn't have an operating system that will support a full viewer. It uses a modified version of Android and doesn't use the standard Android apps. If there's a way of making it run standard Android apps you might be able to use Lumiya but don't bet on Amazon allowing that.
  6. Wooja wrote: I suggest that you read the details very carefully, and you might wish to do some research on the background of the two individuals involved before you express any impetuous views. And I would suggest that you research the OP's post history, noting also who is following their posts like an imprinted duckling, before feeding the troll.
  7. MacOS has a significant weakness - Windows and Linux machines can update their video drivers separately but Macs have them written into the OS. The older the version of OSX, the older the version of the drivers and as OpenGL evolves the graphics system will fall behind. I'm willing to bet that you're using a Mac with ATI video and a pre-Mavericks version of OSX and you're seeing problems with rigged meshes. It should be fixed by updating to Mavericks; if that's not an option for some reason you'll have to turn off either hardware skinning or atmospheric shaders.
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: They're everywhere! Are you a troll? THE OLD MAN And next-now for putting your wits to the test. [Draws himself up in his seat.] THE OLDEST TROLL-COURTIER [to PEER GYNT]. Let us see if you have a wisdom-tooth that can crack the Dovre-King's riddle-nut! THE OLD MAN What difference is there 'twixt trolls and men? PEER GYNT No difference at all, as it seems to me. Big trolls would roast you and small trolls would claw you;- with us it were likewise, if only they dared. THE OLD MAN True enough; in that and in more we're alike. Yet morning is morning, and even is even, and there is a difference all the same.- Now let me tell you wherein it lies: Out yonder, under the shining vault, among men the saying goes: "Man, be thyself!" At home here with us, 'mid the tribe of the trolls, the saying goes: "Troll, to thyself be-enough!" THE TROLL-COURTIER [to PEER GYNT]. Can you fathom the depth? PEER GYNT It strikes me as misty. THE OLD MAN My son, that "Enough," that most potent and sundering word, must be graven upon your escutcheon.
  9. Tony Twigvald wrote: Hi, running Mac OS 10.6.8, and the two upgrades I received for the Viewer (most recent is are causing mesh clothing to look like an extremely elongated beam, anyone else reporting this? Tony There's a known problem with older Mac ATI video drivers and the new release. Updating to Mavericks will definately fix this; if you can't/don't want to, you could try: A) Turning off hardware skinning OR B) Turning off atmospheric shaders
  10. Do you use "f.lux" or a similar screen color-adjustment program? What you're seeing sounds exactly like this Firestorm JIRA, which would also have the same effect on the LL viewer: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-12561
  11. equitum wrote: Wonder if you can create mesh for clothing without third party programs No. ETA - Actually, you couldn't make commercial-quality clothes using only the viewer even before mesh because the viewer has no texture editor. With mesh clothing you also have to take into account rigging and weighting as well as creating complicated shapes. Besides, just because a feature is in the viewer that doesn't make it "easy and accessible" - personally, I find the in-world building tools we have now both very limited and difficult to use for a beginner.
  12. Theresa Tennyson

    Mesh lag

    GLaDOS9000 wrote: I had just updated my second life viewer to the latest one and for some reason i am getting lag whenever i look at rigged mesh on avatars. I don't know what it is or how to solve this. I am currently running on a mac and it seems no one else is having this trouble from what my friend has told me. I looked at the lag meter and the client says either images loading or too many complex objects in scene. There's a known problem with older Mac ATI video drivers and the new release. Updating to Mavericks will definately fix this; if you can't/don't want to, you could try: A) Turning off hardware skinning OR B) Turning off atmospheric shaders OR C) Turning ON "Advanced Lighting Model."
  13. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: Since almost all the third-party viewers use Linden Lab code for most things. this seems an appropriate place to ask. Is the Viewer Cache system doing as good a job as it could? I've a suspicion that the cache management overhead is significant for the TPVs which allow a large cache. Even with a short draw distance, TPing into a region I visit almost every day. there is a burst of texture downloading and scenery staying grey for what feels like a long time. In the time I have been in SL, there have been a lot of changes, and things such as mesh and pathfinding may have affected the significance of the caching choices made by the Viewer's system. The shift to HTTP is another factor that changes things. Does SSA even use the cache: I sometimes see my AV take a long time to rez on login. Is it time to review the caching system, maybe with a larger Viewer cache in mind? Should more be done to cache mesh data? It may not be closely related, but why do attachments vanish without apparent reason? If I didn't know you better I'd think you were being a strawbear to publicise the "Project Interesting" viewer project. The whole point of it is to change how things are cached and loaded.
  14. Sometimes when communication isn't ideal between your viewer and SL packets are not lost but delayed. Under some circumstances the viewer will ask for the delayed information again, but in the meantime the delayed packet finally arrives so your viewer gets the information twice. This commonly causes things like your typing something into chat once and it echoes in your viewer two or more times when others only see it once. It's particularly an issue with wireless communication. I'm wondering if your problem has something to do with position updates (the blue squares shooting off of your avatar) arriving out of order or otherwise being delayed, but not necessarily being lost. Try going to the "Develop" menu and then under "Network" turn off "Velocity Interpolate Objects." When this setting is on (the default), your viewer guesses your position from your previous direction of travel when it doesn't get an update it's expecting. With it off your avatar stops dead until the next update. See if you frequently pause when you're walking/flying when it's turned off, and then start moving when you think you should be stopped.
  15. PUNKbUNNY wrote: Mebbe a daft question, but do creators who make shapes use a special programme to do it, or do they have to use the sliders, like the rest of us? I ask because I have tried many times to make my own shape, based on a photo, and failed. It's amazingly easy to make UGLY AS SIN avatars lol, but actually getting a quite pretty shape? Seems impossible. Any shape that shows up as a "shape" in your inventory (i.e. not a separate wearable mesh) was created with the exact same sliders that everyone else uses. Shapes and skins are yin and yang - they have to work together. Working off of a photo will only frustrate you because there are limits to the shape sliders that mean you'll never be able to create an exact match - for instance, everyones face is actually asymmetrical if you look at it closely but there are very few ways to create asymmetry with the sliders, and most of them don't work the way faces actually do. There are real issues with the body shape as well. You can be inspired by a photo but dont' try to reproduce it - just try to capture some of the qualities of it.
  16. Courgan Barzane wrote: Hello there, no, its not the reason for sure, the sky is not fixed time in any of the sims, so there must be a different reason for that behavior Just out of curiosity, was the "different" sim moved from another point on the grid to its current location? There appear to be "time zones" for default time and it may be that if it was moved the time is still based on its previous location.
  17. AZMROV wrote: Hello everyone In second life each time someone offers an object or texture .. etc , the reciver avatar has the option to accept or refuse the offered item. This is great, but what I am wondering about is why can't this be applied to moeny L$ transfer from one account to another !! Why can't I have the option to accept or refuse the transaction from others! This issue can help so many people who are being abused by hackers. These hackers go after some accounts to perposly banned them through transfering to them stolen or illegal Lindens !! I ve been a victim of this abuse my self for several months and I still. My old account is banned because of someone who transfered me illegal lindens. And each account I creat after that will be banned as well in the same way. I talked to support they told me the sulotion is to transfer any illegal moeny to Governor Linden right a way. This will clear my responsiblity of the illegal moeny. I did what they told me and worked while I was reciving the moeny when I am inworld. But it is impossible stay on sl 24/7. After I logged off the abuser sent me the illegal money and my account got banned. I am wondering is it technecly complecated to give the residents of second life the option wether or not to accept transactions from others ?? Its a serious issue .. if this option is avialble the abuser will not be able to acomplish what he wants and therefore the hacking of other ppl credit cards and vissas will be limited. And for me I will keep my account and the abuse will stop. Thank you It seems to me that adding the ability to decline fund transfers would inject a major weak spot in the chain of occurences that take place during the 99.75% of the time that a legitimate funds transfer happens. Fund transfers don't actually go through viewers normally - i.e. the amount in your account is sometimes not listed accurately by your viewer because it's only telling you something that has already happened in another part of the system. Wouldn't an ability to REJECT a payment mean that every transaction would have to be approved first to make sure it wouldn't be rejected, and wouldn't this mean the transaction would need to be piped through the viewer before it took place? Now imagine what would happen to a merchant who was on vacation for a week. Would all the payments be kept in escrow until they got a chance to approve them?
  18. IvanTwin Rogers wrote: i want say the problems ,I will always say these problems when necessary, no matter if the people say here if I have obsession, that if I have grieferfobia or whatever, where i see the evil i want it denounce it , and no matter how many speeches here against what I say. and it is not regular attack as they want to see some commentators here, i do not mean aboout are normal attacks that second life receives all days all times, I'm talking about sanbox weapon area and the mafia that is there, i know we can play in the area with weapons, but just is for fun only and thats is with a permission of others, thats is not for destroy the second life securiry in extreme abusse and exploid the ressources .:matte-motes-angry: It may well be that the Lab tolerates a certain amount of lawlessness in the Weapons Testing Sandbox so they can identify serious system weaknesses before they go grid-wide. And if a certain Don Quixote keeps getting shot off Rocinante over and over and over and over again because he insists in riding through there with a target on his back, they Just. Don't. Care.
  19. Jazleen Raynier wrote: I logged out last night (Saturday) at approximately 7pm UK time and I left Jaz sitting on the balconey upstairs. She had black capri trousers on, a lilac top and a black collar necklance with black shoes. Then I log on just now and Jaz is standing on the floor, and is now wearing a black n white strapless top, a black leather skirt over the black capris, a thick black ring collar, much bigger than mine, her eyes had been changed from blue to brown (which I'd never do cos I love blue eyes), I had black thigh length boots on, which I don't own because I don't like them and I cannot figure out how it happened. The tops had 3 different versions on and she had earrings. I didn't even know I owned earrings. My question is I guess, how could this have happened. My skybox security is always on and I've not met anyone i've invited in. I know it words because the day before I got a message to say someone had tried to get in. Even if they could over-ride the security system how on earth could they completely re-clothe my Jaz. don't get me wrong if I was a Domme I'd look very well dressed for the role but as I am completely the opposite to me it just looked all wrong. I've changed my password for Jaz but is there anything else I can do? It makes me nervous to think someone is able to get into my private SLworld? Avatars don't exist in-world when they aren't logged in - the "sitting/standing" means nothing because animations aren't carried over after a logout. Security systems will mean nothing in this case because there's nothing to protect. An avatar can only be clothed in things that are either in that avatar's inventory or the library, and I don't see a library avatar that matches that description. Look at your account dashboard and view your transaction history for last night - if someone logged in your avatar and put on clothing that you don't own they must have bought or otherwise acquired it and it will show up in your transaction history. Are you SURE you didn't accidentally "wear" a folder, perhaps one you didn't even realize you had?
  20. Amanda9166 wrote: PS: I have Firefox How are you traveling from place to place? The fact that the first information you give us is your web browser suggests you're doing something other than just going from place to place just using the viewer. You don't need to use a web browser to get around in SL; it just adds a layer of complication.
  21. Korrina wrote: Today a very kind soul I met and I talked for a while, and they ended up giving me a whole bunch of skins from a group called 'thebodyco' which they said had closed down, and so the skins where free and also fully transfer, modify and copy! I couldn't believe my luck of course, but now I'm a little nervous. I prefer to trust people whenever I can and the person was very friendly and helpful, but I had only just met them and as such I'm frightened the skins might have viruses attacthed or something like that! I've been hacked before and it makes me very paranoid I'm afraid. Is it possible for bad things to be lurking in the skins that might comprimise my account? The skins work when I put them on and are very high quality, but I can't help but feel a tiny bit nervous! Hopefully I'm just being silly. They're probably safe but they're almost certainly illegal copies. Legitimate companies almost never give out full-permission skins even after they go out of business. The person you got them from may not have known that, by the way - I'm not blaming them. Don't use them though - there are too many places where you can get good skins for free for you to want to use copies like that.
  22. Kelley Foxclaw wrote: Before all you people jump in and tell me to clear my cache, listen Tonight I logged on and found myself wearing everything that I have built, I mean everything, trees, buildings, swimming pools, enough where it took me two hours to finally remove all these items. I'm not new here so I don't want to hear all this cache crap. I reloaded my browser from by deleting all caches, the via the browser, uninstalled. Several computers in my house saw the same glitch. Explain it to me, and I'm not a patient person. This issue happened cross browsers SL V3 Firestorm, and the 64 bit version of firestorm. I have spent a tremendous amount of money in this site, and this is what I get? Funny, as being a premium member for several years, I still can't get phone or support tickets ever answered. Money paid, services rendered, at least that's how life should work Someone explain this to me You're wearing your entire inventory because you had your inventory folder selected and you hit "Wear." Sometimes when you've selected a folder and you get a notification, etc. the "focus" of the inventory panel will shift up a level before you notice it. That's why it's safer to use the new outfit panel instead of folders. You've already been told how to fix this.
  23. Linus Frostbite wrote: how can the viewer work on my mac osx 10.4.11? It can't. It won't work on Windows 2000, MS-DOS 3.3 or a Burroughs Sensimatic either.
  24. Medhue Simoni wrote: Marielle Caerndow wrote: I'm also very sad that the deformer was denied, and the cBones are now the way to go (or not). My problem is not the extra work, nor that there'd be something new to learn - my problem is that it simply doesn't work. Take a pair of knee high boots. As soon as the customer hasn't sraight legs, 'Fitted Mesh' suddenly stops to fit. Like Rhys said, +/-5 ok, but every shape that's more different to default will not get proper fitting. (And the legs/knees are only one area of the problem.) After a lot of testing and considering the fact that it's not possible to rig the avatar-mesh in a way that it deforms like the in-world avatar-body does, I'm not sure if it makes sense to jump into this. Really pondering with the question if it's worth the effort, when only a small number of customers benefit from it - those whose shape is near the defaults. You know, I'm not a clothing designer at all. I'm a guy that cares very little about clothing, in RL and in SL. So, why the heck am I complaining about stuff that has to do with clothing? Well, because I feel for my fellow creators and know just how important a good mesh clothing solution is. For whatever reason, things have also progressed to the point that clothing creators are seeking out others with more experience in rigging, as this solution is far more complex than any creator would normally encounter. As a business person, I cringe everytime I here a customer, not even my own customer, complain about something they spend their hard earned money on. From a business stand point, I see the dollars flying out the window. From a creators standpoint, it hurts even more to know that you can't do anything about that customer not being satisfied, except give them a refund. When you add in all the extra effort, only to still have unsatisfied customers, it's heartbreaking to even deal with. From that business side of me, I know this can't be good for business, even tho I might have more satisfied a small percentage. It's still going backwards, not forward. I don't have any technical experience with mesh clothing but I have a great deal of experience with real-world clothing and with putting together avatars of a wide variety of sizes, some quite non-standard. I also have experience as an end-user with the parametric mesh deformer, both when it was in beta on SL and currently on InWorldz. When the deformer was being tested it was actually clothing creators who had the most complaints about it. If you're using anything but the very simplest tight-fitting garments - for example, a suit with a lot of 3D detail- and you use it for an avatar with an unusual shape it will quckly make those garments fail in ugly, unpredictable ways. Clothing designers in InWorldz don't have to make five different sizes of clothing any more - they make SIX (five standard and a deformable version) because they don't trust the deformer as a one-size-fits-all solution. I've also tried clothing based rigged to collision bones - yes, they don't perfectly respond to the avatar's shape, but I feel they look much better than the results of the deformer for avatars with unusual shapes. There are now three design strategies for SL-type mesh clothing systems - standard sizes, liquid/fitted mesh and the parametric deformer. The first two systems were actually developed BY clothing creators, unlike the third . If I was starting a new world I wouldn't rely on any of these methods but we don't have that luxury.
  25. LaskyaClaren wrote: From the post Perrie pointed to: " At this time, the new skeleton should be considered provisional and subject to change; we do not yet recommend selling or buying garments rigged to it. Since we may find reasons to improve it during this testing process, and any change to the collision bones will likely break garments rigged before the change, we want to make sure that we have a set of bones that we can all live with into the indefinite future before it is widely used." That's dated 5 February. Does the new announcement mean that the new skeleton is no longer provisional, and that it is safe to create and or purchase new mesh products based on it? Yes, the skeleton's no longer provisional - that part of the quote was actually back from November 2013 when the project initially went into public development.
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