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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. himedere wrote: :heart: okay so i made a new account today after like forever of not playing, tried 3 diff viewers, at first it wouldnt let me accept the terms of service so i downloaded radegast or w/e and clicked on it there like someone suggested back in '10, that worked, i get into world and my avi wont load now. ive tried 3 different viewers and two different computers so its not a problem with me, yaya?? ive rebaked, cleared cache, waited 5ever for it to load, nothing... any help would be so appreciated, i miss sl 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。:heart: The problem may be not that you're new, but that you're old. I'm willing to bet that you used Firestorm (or, God help you, Phoenix) as your initial viewer. They will attempt to create the wearable "bridge" they use for certain functions, but at least in the past there was a problem where the initial regions a new account logs into have settings that mean the bridge can't be created in those regions so the bridge is stuck in a half-created state. If you're wearing something that your viewer can't load you'll be rendered as a cloud. Try logging in with the default Linden Lab viewer and then temporarily pick a new avatar. This will clear your current outfit. Then you can go to another region that allows scripts, building, etc and set your new self up however you like.
  2. VoluptuousVictoria wrote: Well the thing is... I want an actual "house" vehicle, with rooms and at least a bedroom and stuff. How do I know what the size limit is for free storage? There are two basic "states" for any given object in SL - the "rezzed" state, where it is a physical object in-world, and the "inventory" state, where it exists only as a notation in the inventory databases. You can have basically limitless items in your inventory, for free, and forever. It's only when they're rezzed in-world that they're subject to return, etc. You could keep a vehicle in your inventory and only rezz it out when you're in-world; however, you'd either need to stay "seated" on it or have it on a region with an auto-return time longer than the time you'd be planning to spend in-world for that session.
  3. Sudoquai Wonder wrote: Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Sudoquai Wonder wrote: The question is: What is the asset, what is the base currency and what is the bubble? You cant argue Bitcoin is a Bubble ready to burst based on two articles. If you are absolutely sure, you can open a Forex Account and just Short Sell Bitcoin. If you are right you will make a lot of money with this bet! I wouldnt do that at the moment. Next target is around 10.000$ - like it or not and it will move to this direction. Maybe not tomorrow but it will. My reservations aren't based on two articles. History (short as it may be) shows the bubble effect, remember the 30-2 dollar drop? The 2 dollar is still higher than the "real value" of the asset, which is of course nothing. Short selling by myself won't be very wise, not right now at least, but what if the biggest bitcoin hoarders would do just that? You'd see the value drop from close to 1000 to 0 in a heartbeat. I won't be buying or shortselling anyway. I don't see bitcoins different from any other asset and I don't like to speculate, call me conservative. As the US goverment stopped the gold standard they've opened the possibility to make unlimited dues, which cant be returned. The US government for example has this problem actually NOW at the moment. They would like to decrease the dues, but they cant. Every half year they are increasing the dues together with the oposition and this leads to inflation first and then to hyperinflation or a hair cut. Maybe not this year but it will happen. The reason the gold standard was abandoned, was to prevent hyperinflation. It doesn't rule out the possibility of course. The value of money is based on trust, much like the bitcoin. The big difference is, normal money is regulated much better and like it or not, people have more trust in normal money than in bitcoins. Anyway, here's an article on the gold standard. Particularly this sentence: “Most economists now agree 90 percent of the reason why the U.S. got out of the Great Depression was the break with gold,” said Liaquat Ahamed, author of the book Lords of Finance. Bitcoin dropped already from 1200$ to 500$. The market didnt accept this price - correction phase is already over hovering at around 1000$. As well as the 30$ to 2$ drop - this past correction is over. We could really discuss the whole day, Kwak. But like i've suggested: If Bitcoin is a bubble, and you are sure then just shortsell it - i wish you good look and all the best with this bet. I wouldn't do that, at least not at the moment. Maybe in 5-10 years you can think about it. Maybe ... You've never answered my question about Bitcoins versus fiat currency in Second LIfe. What I asked, basically, is why if Bitcoins are a safer, more valuable currency, why would anyone want to blow them on imaginary islands when they could just as easily use fiat currency for their toys and keep the Bitcoins as investment? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gresham%27s_law
  4. Maelstrom Janus wrote: So why cant he say whatever he has to say on the sl forum ?? I dont work for lindens I dont let it stop me posting here.... and the man cant begin to - at the very least - post some of his hopes, ideas and possible plans here ?? Maybe someone warned him about the whackadoodles?
  5. RebekahMarieLynne wrote: I love when ppl reply without reading the post, did I contact support yes repeatedly. if its an SL glitch why does linden keep saying contact the seller contact the seller. I know you contacted support, what I was asking was whether you 1) called support or 2) took out a ticket. (I ALSO love it when people reply without reading the post). If you call or contact chat you're likely not going to get to talk to someone who has the time or knowledge to answer properly which is why I recommended taking out a support ticket: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ They probably told you to contact support because they didn't understand that you weren't using a scripted vendor and were buying a no-copy item. Which is why I told you to tell them that. See how that works?
  6. RebekahMarieLynne wrote: here is the transactions as u know u cannot purchase 5 items at the same second in world 02/04/2014 11:01:39 8170bcdf Destination: SAME Object Sale Region: The ScratchN Post Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten L$3,000 L$2,556 02/04/2014 11:01:39 33bc9acc Destination: SAME Object Sale Region: The ScratchN Post Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten L$3,000 L$5,556 02/04/2014 11:01:39 e7629868 Destination: SAMEObject Sale Region: The ScratchN Post Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten L$3,000 L$8,556 02/04/2014 11:01:39 ede20d06 Destination: SAME Object Sale Region: The ScratchN Post Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten L$3,000 L$11,556 02/04/2014 11:01:39 a0558712 Destination: SAME Object Sale Region: The ScratchN Post Description: KittyCatS Box - New Born Kitten L$3,000 L$14,556 EDITIED to protect scammers identity Okay, that says that you attempted to buy an object with a right-click and "Buy" instead of a right-click and "Pay." This means that the purchase directly used the LL code instead of being from a scripted vendor and therefore there's no way I can see for someone to scam you. I also know kittens boxes are no-copy - these multiple withdraws must have been a system glitch because a multiple click wouldn't have allowed the transaction to take place more than once. I doubt that the vendor would have been paid more than once under the circumstances. Did you call/chat with Support or take out a ticket? I"d strongly recommend your taking out a ticket instead of calling, to reduce the chances of having the person who answers the call being an idiot. Take out a ticket and explain that 1) You were using right-click and "Buy" and 2) The object was no copy. Do not be melodramatic; do not suggest scams or hacking because it's almost certainly neither of these.
  7. AliceHazel wrote: When I use RLV sometimes (when I use an RLV outfit or during a transformation or a spell) my RLV keeps crashing. I`ll give 2 examples when my RLV crash: I was in some latex droid costume and I was locked in it for 30 mins. Every time when I was something like 8-4 mins till I was released, my RLV crashed every single time. Also, today when someone attached my avatar to her body (during a spell), every time when I speak in local chat, my RLV crash. This issue is really annoying for me and I have no clue how to solve it! I mention that I have RLV Version (latest one) and my Windows is Windows 7. I mention I use an HP Pavilion g6 Notebook, Procesor Intel Core i3-2310M CPU 2.1GHz, 4Gb RAM, Intel HD Graphics Family 2838 Mb memory and Radeon HD 6470M. I also done an http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ test and it said that my PC can run Second Life. I also done an http://www.speedtest.net and my download speed is 4Mbps. There are two RLV systems - the original RLV system by Marine Kelley, which you're using, and RLVa by Kitty Barnett, which is basically compatible but is tweaked. RLV is used in the viewer you're using and RLVa is used in most other RLV-type viewers such as Firestorm and Catznip (Catznip is written by the RLVa developers, by the way.) RLVa may work better with what you're using. Also, there are two different ways of handling textures in viewers - KDU, which is a system that the developer must pay a license for and is used in the Linden Lab viewer and Firestorm, and OpenJPG, which is an open-source system used in most other viewers. I used to use Dolphin, which was very similar to the original RLV viewer (including much of the same code) and which used OpenJPG and it would occasionally have texture issues and crash suddenly at very specific places - I think there were places with textures that OpenJPG couldn't decode properly. KDU seems more reliable. See if you get the same crashes using Firestorm.
  8. Sparrow Vyper wrote: First off I am using the latest version of Firestorm so people know before responding. As of last night I have been having so many issues with SL it's not funny, the first thing to occur was an issue where mesh simply would not load ( I kept seeing those little triangles you get when a mesh fails to load) despite having my meshmaxconccurent settings to max (64). At around the same time as that I started also having issues TPing ANYWHERE it seemed, any attempts to leave the sim I was in would lead to me being disconnected, and if I attempted to login to my home point I ended up in some random sim. Lastly, this happened after clearing my cache and restarting my computer I am not unable to attach or wear anything on my avatar, though I can easily remove anything I want, which now has me forced to walk around nude because I was attempting to switch outfits when it happened. PS: Another issue I'm having is that there is a lot of "lag" between me hitting the X to close SL and the program actually closing. I know this isn't a hardware issue because it only happens with SL. If you have a problem like that while running Firestorm specifically one of the first things you should try is "Avatar" - "Avatar Health" - "Recreate LSL Bridge." Neither clearing cache nor re-installing Firestorm will fix a "bridge" that's having issues, and bridge problems can cause a number of seemingly unrelated issues.
  9. JustBecauseICanBeFriendly wrote: The viewer renders objects it's not all server side; the client connects to the server and renders the data; Allocated memory is like i said before object size and I don't appreciate you accusing me of making things up when am trying to explain. I did some visiting. Gerhardt, a completely empty water sim, without a single object: Memory allocated: 22.5 MB Tableau, a full region with 12,457 prims making up beautifully rendered sculpts, buildings, stores full of merchandise and several avatars: Memory allocated: 43.4 MB. This would suggest that "allocated memory" is not what you think it is, wouldn't it?
  10. JustBecauseICanBeFriendly wrote: Am referring to the texture memory; every sim has an object size; am not referring to the FPS in the actual simulator but the object and texture size. Every sim holds an Allocated memory which is the sim's object data size or RAM for advanced terminology; the more objects you have the bigger the size. The video card has an texture memory in the chip; having more texture or video memory can improve your SL experience. Networking plays an Role in SL as well; but when you're crashing a lot it's mainly due to video card not your actual network unless it's down or SL is down; but their simulator rarely goes down just sims. So, if an chip holds let's say 20 MB of texture / video memory it will take an approx 19.5 seconds 20v + 20t = 390mb. The Frames per Second you are referring to is indeed referring to networking on the server and how fast the scripts load; but the allocated memory is what am referring to. I applogize for not being clear on that. :-) I'm sorry, but unless you can come up with some sort of source for what you're saying I'm going to assume you're just making things up: 1) The "allocated memory" you're referring to is the memory that the server physics simulation itself uses, not your viewer. Actually your viewer uses far MORE than the "allocated memory." (That region is using an abnormally amount of memory, by the way.) It doesn't have anything to do with textures, which is what video memory is used for. 2) Viewers are actually set up so they'll only use a limited amount of video memory - if they're about to use more than that amount they'll swap out textures or load them at reduced resolution. That's why they sometimes seem blurry. The "Texture Console" in the Develop menu will show you how much video memory is actually being used. 3) You WILL crash by running out of memory, but it's usually SYSTEM memory and not video memory, and generally only if you still have a 32-bit operating system. With a 32 bit operating system you'll get a crash if the viewer uses more than 1.6 gigabytes of memory, which it can if you use alot of camera movement in a crowded sim. With a 64-bit OS the viewer can use over 3 gigabytes of system memory.
  11. KatTruewalker wrote: I am not prepared to sit here and accept that it's a gltich and they're gone for good, I certainly wouldn't accept that in real life. Why should virtual items that I paid for, be any different? Actually, in real life I believe things left on repossed property either get auctioned off by the land owner or dumped on the curb.
  12. Natalia280 wrote: Hello. i have problem with new screen resolution and how it looks in second life. I got new Lcd wide computer screen 22" . the model is LG 22EA53T-P . My old screen which i had at least 6 years , was also lcd wide about 20.5" from tech company, and i used there resolution of 1024x768 . I know that most people don't use this old resolution but i don't like the too small writing when using high resolution so i prefered that low one. Everything looked normal size in it on SL as well. But if i set this resolution on the new screen then my avatar in second life looks too wide and not in it's normal size. like it's get stretched.. same if i use 1152x864 resolution and even many others higher resolution. And there are other resolution as well as the 1280x800 and more. and then the avatar in second life looks closer to it's normal size but it becomes then too narrow from what it was. So basically i tried all the resolutions i can change in the setting of windows and each gives me too narrow or too wide avatar. not normal size. My graphic card is nvidia geforce gt 630. I tried to change setting in control panel but this issue still stays . I heard about fixing aspect ration , i taught maybe this can help me , but i don't know how to do it and didn't find this option in windows. I have windows 7 . How can I play second life with the new screen and see my avatar in normal size, not too wide or narrow, as i had ? but still on full screen with no black bars at the sides and too small writings ? any advice will be helpful. Also does the aspect ratio will help and how do i change it ? really need help . thanks alot The "aspect ratio" of a monitor is the relation to how wide it compared to how tall it is. It's impossible to change the aspect ratio of a monitor (unless you use a hacksaw, which I don't recommend.) Various screen resolutions also have aspect ratios which you can find by doing some simple math. If you use a screen resolution that has a different aspect ratio than your monitor either you'll get black bars or the image will be stretched in one direction. A 6-year old widescreen monitor would probably have a ratio of 16:10 - that was the standard ratio of widescreen monitors in the mid-2000's. You were running a resolution that would be appropriate for an old 4:3 monitor, or a 16:12 aspect ratio. My math skills (which have been known to be fallible) suggest that you're used to seeing things that are stretched horizontally by about 20%, which is comparatively subtle. . If you also looked at other people's sceenshots on the same monitor they'd all be stretched the same amount as well. Your view was never "right" - it couldn't be. However, it's not a huge difference - many people set up their widescreen TV's to stretch old shows at least this much and you get used to it. This stretching might also be the cause of the "softness" you used to see in SL and which you liked as well. Your new monitor has a 16:9 aspect ratio, which means that the 16:12 resolution you're used to using is now being stretched 33% instead of the 20% you're used to. However, if you use a screen resolution that's correct for your monitor (like 1360 x 768) it won't be stretched like you're used to seeing it and things will then look too thin. You have two fairly common choices and one more that I don't really recommend. If you use 1360 x 768 for your resolution everyting will be the same height as you're used to and it will have the correct aspect ratio for your monitor. Everything will look narrow to you but if you get used to it you'll finally see things the way they were meant to be seen. If you use 1280 x 768 things will be the same height and will be stretched slightly horizontally - not as much as you're used to, but you should be able to get used to it quickly. 1360 x 768 and 1280 x 768 are both fairly standard resolutions - at least they come up as options for my monitor, which is quite similar to yours. You can also TRY setting 1092 x 768 as a custom resolution. If my math hasn't failed me that will stretch things the same amount as you're used to seeing. I don't know if it will even work though.
  13. Your Second LIfe account name is "wichapiska" (no capital letters.) That posting from IMVU is addressed to "WichapiSka" (two capital letters.) To a computer, a capital letter "S" and a lower case letter "s" are as different as the number 5 and the number 8 - there's no way IMVU could have sent you anything saying that if you only registered for Second Life. This says to me that at some point you must have separately registered for both Second Life and IMVU, which, as have been explained, are completely separate things. From the way your posts have been going I'm guessing you registered for IMVU first, actually. Second Life does not use and never has used the terms "VIP" or "credits." Those are IMVU terms. You've apparently bought a Second Life Premium account thinking it was an IMVU VIP account.
  14. LoriLexa wrote: Hi everyone, I'm trying to find rigged mesh hair with a seperate bangs attachement. Long and somewhat straight (a little wave is okay), not too full. I have been searcing the usual places but clicking on each and every demo is getting me frustrated. So, does anyone know of a specific store with this specific feature. thank you :catvery-happy: Alice Project has several hairstyles like that.
  15. Foxylove2012 wrote: Everything was working fine for me before these restarts happened. Once they did everything went to crap. It's not my end because I've done mutliple troubleshooting and contact my ISP to comfirm anything on their end. It's LL and something they did. Try turning off voice and see if it helps. Vivox, the company that runs the SL voice service, changed some things early Tuesday morning.
  16. insilvermoonlight wrote: I have lost a transpart prim in my house and I would like to find it so I can remove it. I know exactly where it is but can't click on it to edit. Is there a technique? Hold down "Ctrl - Alt - T" and everything transparent will be tinted red. Then you should be able to select it.
  17. Foxylove2012 wrote: Today has been an absolute rage fest for me in SL. Nothing is loading, voice keeps crashing, and teleports keep failing. I've cleared my cache and done a clean reinstall of my viewer (firestorm) but nothing works. Is there something going on I'm not aware of? No problems here either, including two long-distance flights with over 20 sim crossings each. Try going to your "Avatar" menu and selecting "Avatar Health" and then "Recreate LSL Bridge."
  18. Okay, the settings you're running are... bizarre. The graphics setting presets were put together for a reason - they're generally pretty appropriate for getting the most graphics bang for your buck. Try just running a default "medium" setting and see if your head is visible with that. With an Intel 4000 you're probably not going to be able to see shadows and get a usable frame rate. Advanced lighting may be an issue, and 16x anti-aliasing will also be out of the question.
  19. Sudoquai Wonder wrote: steph Arnott wrote: Not officially by LL. But due to there use by criminal organizations funding money laundering and terrorism I hope LL do ban them. Why can you not exchange them else were? Far as i can rembe rememberr one Bitcoin is like US$700.00 ADDED, Its US$819.00. Wiil all crash like the 1920's Bitcoin is as legal like your US-Dollar-Greenbacks (substitute it with your local fiat currency). Fiat Money is inflationary, Bitcoin is deflationary (like Gold) Do you call the following organizations criminal organizations? - Ebay (Thinking about offering Bitcoin as payment option) - Google (Thinking about integrating Bitcoin as payment option in Google Wallet > Android Apps) - Zynga (Accepting Bitcoin) - Overstock.com (Accepting Bitcoin for payments) - Virgin / Virgin Galactics (Richard Branson - Accepting Bitcoin) - US government (Accepting Bitcoin for Donations, Selling Bitcoin from criminal organizations) and 20.000 Shops worldwide (trend upwards), feel free to use google for organizations accepting Bitcoin, you will be impressed. 1920: Good that you mention it. I know that 1930 was a big inflation If you mention history you should try to understand it. People invested in Gold because US Dollar lost value. Think about what could crash. Bitcoin is transforming Gold's attributes to a digital solution, which a lot of "criminal organizations" believe in it. BTW: Bitcoin is believed to be worth 10.000$ 100.000$ and even 1 Million Dollar / piece. Feel free to google it - you will be impressed which people are saying this. Some interesting links (good to read, think and then yell / cry): - http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2014/01/31/bitcoins-legality-around-the-world/ - http://www.weusecoins.com/en/ If Bitcoins are BETTER than traditional currency, then why would people use them to buy things that they could just as well buy with the inferior currency? And if they're WORSE than regular currency, why would a merchant want to take them? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gresham%27s_law And as far as comparison to gold, there's a fundamental difference: Any currency only has value because people decide it does. However, if people decided one day that gold isn't as valuable as people now think, someone holding gold woul still have a stock of metal that's attractive, doesn't corrode and is a good conductor. However, with Bitcoins the ONLY value they have is that people think they're valuable. If people decided that they actually WEREN'T valuable they'd be less useful than toenail clippings.
  20. AdienTrench wrote: I am currently using Firestorm and have encountered a strange issue. When I set "Quality and speed" to Low (high performance/low quality) my fps drop to 9 Fps. When its set to mid, I get 60 Fps, High, its 40 Fps, Ultra 20 Fps. What I can't understand is why (high performance/low quality) has such a low frame rate compaired to the rest when it should be the highest. Am I missing a setting or is my logic flawed? At the lowest setting the Firestorm preferences turns off "Hardware Skinning", which is normally used to allow the GPU in your graphics card to do certain rendering tasks, especially concerning mesh. With it off it may shunt these tasks to the main processor. The only reason "Hardware Skinning" should be off is if your graphics system can't do it at all - there's obviously no advantage to your having it turned off.
  21. "Snowstorm" is a developer's project - the only downloads usually available are actual source code (raw programming language) that needs to be compiled by the downloader in order to have a usable viewer. Different developers may be working on different features and fixes at any given time. There isn't usually a "Snowstorm viewer" available and when there is it's listed with the other beta viewers.
  22. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: I am completely clueless, and have to ask this. I don't really know as I been here so long, and cannot figure it out. Hit the "reply" button of the post you want to quote (NOT the button at the bottom of the page) and then hit the gray "quote" button above the text editor at the right side. The entire post will be quoted along with separating lines above and below. The text of the quote can then be edited if you don't need the whole thing.
  23. Dillon Levenque wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Sometimes I think the issue of Scripts is going to be the death of SL. People have lag problems and every day there is a new poster child to target. And sadly there are some people who think that Scripts are the root of all Evil in SL. This is the Statistics bar from Blue's SIM. I'll let the experts weigh in but I sure don't see anything abnormal here. I see this question all the time even here in the General forum; I imagine it must be constantly coming up in the more technical forums and in technical discussions. What I can NOT understand is why doesn't anyone know the answer? I mean, come on. SL has passed its first decade. This stuff should be known. There should have been enough data logs analyzed and enough measurements taken and enough calculations calculated to know the effect of scripts on sim lag. Obviously I have not done anything in LSL. I am not a codey. I've done way more programming than most people I know and almost infinitely less than people who actualy write code for a living or for real projects. But why is this so hard? What is it about the way SL works or about the way LSL works that makes it impossible for anyone to understand what's good or what's bad? If anyone knows, feel free to get as technical as you wish in your answer. I have no problem with looking stuff up. It just seems odd to me that something so important should be so poorly understood. In RL technical circles that just wouldn't be allowed to happen. edited to replace a word that actually reversed what I meant to say; I forgot what other words I was putting in that sentence. And once more to add the quote. Here's what I know about this - I'm not an expert, especially with how things were in the past, but I'm pretty familiar with how things are right now. The server attempts to calculate a simulation of everthing that's going on in a region 45 times in every second - these 45 simulations are called "frames." If the various things that the server is simulating will take less than 1/45 of a second to calculate then a certain amount of "sleep" is injected into the process so that the servers won't run more than 45 frames in a second. If the things being simulated take MORE than 1/45 of a second per pass, the servers will run fewer than 45 frames a second and you get what is known as "server lag" where everything feels like it's going in slow motion. Note that this is unrelated to the graphical frame rate you see in your viewer - it's entirely possible to have an area where the sever is running at 45 frames per second but the graphical complexity of the scene (which the server doesn't really care about) will cause your viewer to run at fewer than 10 frames per second, and it's also possible for a fast viewer in an unhealthy sim to run at 100 frames per second when the server simulation is only running 22 frames per second. One of the things that makes up the time a server frame takes is the time dedicated to running scripts. CURRENTLY, the servers "wall off" a certain amount of time to run scripts in each frame - if the amount of script time needed to run every script is greater than this walled-off amount of time, not every script will be run in every frame - they take turns. This means that the scripts themselves will perform less well but the overall server frame rate will stay close to the optimum rate. The "Percentage of scripts run" is showing whether or not the server needs to skip scripts to maintain its frame rate. It's rare that scripts alone will cause a region to lag now unless they're specifically written as griefing scripts. This is how things work NOW - however, I believe that it USED to be that all scripts would be run in every frame, meaning that a script-heavy region would start to lag because of the time the scripts took to run. This was why script-counters came into being in the first place. I assume most of the current confusion comes from people who were familiar with how things used to run and aren't aware of how the script-running procedure has changed. ------- I also visited Blue's sim and the server frame-rate and percentage of scripts run were fine. My VIEWER frame rate wasn't good near Blue's lot, and the amount of overall memory the region was using seemed pretty high considering restarts had been done so recently so there may be some sort of issue in the sim that causes it to use excess memory but I don't see a smoking gun pointing to/from Blue's lot.
  24. If the land was owned by a group when you sold it, the money is actually in the GROUP's account and will be distributed to everyone who is set to "Pay group liabilities and recieve group dividends" in that group. This may take a few days to happen.
  25. Garret1234 wrote: Iris Junot paid me 10,000 linden dollars but I didn't recieve them in my linden dollars. What do i do? It's pretty easy to create a fake message that says "[somebody] paid you [some huge amount]" and ring play the "cash register" sound. She could have just been playing a prank on you.
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