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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. BothamFidor wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Too much of anything can get old quickly, be it self-serving sentimental slush or smug, sensatiionalized snark or even the letter "S". When are you going to come out of your altcave and join us in-world, Botham? I've been searching on you and you haven't shown up yet. You sound interesting, though probably not as interesting as you think you are. You don't think I am stupid enough to compromise the stability and future of my inworld business empire by entrusting it to the capricious nature of a hungover moderator who just got dumped by her girlfriend before being informed she had been scheduled Christmas Day and New Year's Eve shifts? This is, of course, a disposable forum alt. Don't be surprised if you receive overly-familiar invitations from strange men via IM inworld in the near future. Although isn't that what happens all the time? This avatar is my main and she's a teen girl. WOW, does it happen all the time...
  2. Knowl Paine wrote: I like your idea, it reminds me of a part of a thread I created titled "Honorary Rank". To cut to the chase, through various methods of Resident election, a Panel of elected Residents would review, select and present Resident suggestions, ideas, concepts and recommendations to LL. The Panel of Residents needs to be given some Authority. If a vote is passed to fix things that can be fixed, (move a road, fix a bridge, change land points ect.) those request should be immediately addressed by LL or the LDPW. Who's working for who; that's my thought. Usually, the people who are spelling out what needs to be done, are the people who are in charge. (or ready to charge, lol) This is an interesting idea but one panel for all of SL would probably result in people calling the panel unresponsive idiots when it didn't do what those people want rather than just calling Linden Labs unresponsive idiots. One thing I was going to bring up is much of the Mainland is empty and/or junky but the idea of continents of interconnected sims is a good one. Maybe a "federal government" of residents could be set up on the mainland continents, with different panels for the different areas creating themes and ways of running them. That way people who want things run a certain way would tend to drift toward areas run that way, and people who wanted to do things completely their way would still have the option of private sims.
  3. BothamFidor wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Trying to get others to agree with one's rather exaggerated sense of self-coolness by spamming a lot of snarky threads? Oh wait, that's been done... I wouldn't mind so much if they hadn't stickied their self-serving sentimental slush so the actual interesting stuff disappears below the fold. This is propagandist censorship of the worst kind. RIC the posts and get them unstuck!!! Too much of anything can get old quickly, be it self-serving sentimental slush or smug, sensatiionalized snark or even the letter "S". When are you going to come out of your altcave and join us in-world, Botham? I've been searching on you and you haven't shown up yet. You sound interesting, though probably not as interesting as you think you are.
  4. Again, I wear combinations of types of clothing. I'm not a huge fan of clothes built up out of rigid prims. They can look very nice when you're in a fixed pose but if you're moving they often behave very badly. RIght now none of the clothing options we have are very good for a moving avatar wearing a dress. Mesh will help a lot once a system is worked out where a mesh item can be sized to your shape, and, of course, when it's more widely adopted from the viewer side.
  5. I don't know if this would be feasible, but it would be great if built items came with a resize script like many prim shoes and hair do, especially if it would adjust animation positions at the same time.
  6. Trying to get others to agree with one's rather exaggerated sense of self-coolness by spamming a lot of snarky threads? Oh wait, that's been done...
  7. Theresa Tennyson whispers, "Psst! he's an alt and his whole schtick is being a tool! Read his other posts"
  8. Go to the "help" menu in your viewer, go to "About Second Life" and copy everything down through "OpenGL Version" and then paste it into a reply in this thread. Someone may be able to notice a possible issue. Are you using the official released version of Firestorm or the beta? The released version of Firestorm and Viewer 3.2.4 have radically different OpenGL code than the beta version of Firestorm and Viewer 3.2.1
  9. Slow chat windows and laggy movement are generally caused by connection or sim problems rather than viewer problems. The release version of Firestorm and Viewer 3.2.4 are very similar "under the hood" - all third party viewers are based to some extent on Linden Lab code. You might look at the settings in Firestorm versus the settings in Viewer 3 to see if there are differences there - they have different defaults.
  10. I think more people are trying to have their avatars be a "realistic" height and match their RL height. People are also using viewers that report theoretical height to the top of the head rather than bounding-box height, which is to the top of the spine and is what most height detectors report.
  11. Ruby's has a very good free male skin upstairs. Fab Free has some good stuff. Magi Take and Shiki have lots of group gifts.
  12. A small but significant group of residents whose pretension, cynicism and love of whining suggest that they're drawn to virtual worlds because it would be physically impossible for those who encounter them to smother them to death with a pillow.
  13. Just checking here - you think differently because you do what the other people who think differently do?
  14. There was a report when 3.2 was released that a Dutch user got hers installed in a Scandanavian language, ahd there was an old JIRA entry about Polish users getting Danish viewers.
  15. 3.2.4 looks the same to the user, but much of the rendering language has been radically changed because the previous versions had serious problems with newer video cards and drivers. If you're having problems try getting the latest drivers from your video card manufacturer. The automatic updating is a setting in "Preferences" - it defaults to automatic updating but you can go to "Preferences" - "Setup" and change the button saying "Install Automatically" to "Download and install updates manually." That also lets you save the installation file of each version so you can go back easily.
  16. Orca Flotta wrote: The Linden Realms game is absolutely contrary to the slogan of Your World Your Imagination. This is a prefabricated game by LL in a world where all content is supposed to be created by the customers. I guess you can't blame LL for this perversion of their old slogan but probably the customers for their lack of imagination. Actually there's always been Linden Labs built content and sponsored activity. In Oak Grove there's an old-west town that Linden Labs began building and then invited teams of residents to build additional buildings on a "contract" basis. That was in 2003, or four years before you joined SL. Bear in mind that all I'm doing is pointing out a 1) factual and 2) logical error in your original post.
  17. Snow Wolfhunter wrote: I an going to buy a new computer soon, but im not really sure for what i shoule be looking for to get my Second life to run like a charm. I am thinking of buy a this one: HP 6200 PRO XY101EA: Windows® 7 Professional, Intel® Core™ i5-2400, 3,10 GHz, Intel® Q65 Express, 1x 2 GB, DDR3, 1066 MHz, Intel® HD 2000, SATA 500 GB, DVD±RW DL Light scribe, 10/100/1000 Mbit, Small Form Factor, 240 W, PS/2 Optical Mouse, PS/2 Standard Keyboard. I would apriciate if someone would tell me if thats' a goof compononet to have second life in its all glory, and to especially have shadows, bumps, and to run it on high perfomance. Thank you in advance. You need to get a separate video card - Intel integrated graphics are basically useless for any serious 3D graphics. That computer also only has a 240 watt power supply which will be inadequate for a video card powerful enough to run with shadows on. To tell you the truth, if running SL with shadows on is really important to you you're probably going to have to look for a completely different computer.
  18. Are you a premium member? If not you might want to consider becoming one. There are many abandoned pieces of mainland all over that can be bought instantly for $1L a square meter and you can collect them, gradually increasing your tier but getting more prims per real-life amount spent as you accumulate land. If you buy copyable houses and furniture items you can just keep plopping them down as you get more land. You could have prospective tenants come into a central location to search your listings and then give them landmarks to the various properties.
  19. Hi Ursula! Again, the skin and shape work together to create the face. DON'T SPEND ANOTHER NICKEL ON SHAPES - or at least don't spend more than about L$300 IF you try a demo and LOVE how it looks. Every "human" shape in SL was made by manipulating exactly the same sliders that you can call up in "Edit My Shape." You can copy the shape you have now and experiment with it. If you want to try other skins I'd recommend looking at Redgrave (where we got your eyes), Curio and Belleza. Belleza would actually be my first choice for the age and look you like. Search for those names and "Skins." Don't spend over L$1000 for a single skin and always try demos first. As far as AO's, there are inexpensive starter AO's but the really good ones can be quite expensive. Most AO manufacturers will let you try out the poses that make up the AO in their stores. Probably the best way to find a good AO is to "people watch" and when you see someone whose "moves" appeal to you ask them politely where they got their AO. I should be on tonight your time for a while if you see this and want to do more shopping.
  20. There's a shape and skin store called Ruby's that has a good selection of avatars that aren't the conventional buff 25 year old, and some of their guys are on the chunky side. You can get free demos to look at and I think they sell modifiable shapes for around $100 too.
  21. Melita Magic wrote: It sounds like you want to copy the work someone else has done? Melita, did you make your own hair and skin? VERY impressive! Of course, if you didn't, you "copied the work someone else did" too.
  22. Do you remember where or how you got the skin? If it was given to you or was in some random freebies it may have been an illegal copy of another skin and Arc Faith is the name of the "copybotter." Illegal copies were a major problem a while ago and there is a fair amount of this content floating around (and to be perfectly clear, I'm not accusing you or anyone you know of doing the copying.) If the skin has a high-quality, detailed look it probably was from one of a handful of designers originally. If the skin allows you to edit it, go into the editor and take a look at the "tattoos." It's usually hard to see them clearly but you may see a copyright notice and a name on one of them and that will be the original creator. I've been doing a lot of work with skins and I may be able to recognize the maker from the look of the skin if this is the case. As far as the "kindness", the shape, skin and even the eyebrow shaper (the little file that's listed as the "hair") all work together to make the look of the avatar. My skin is adorable with the shape it came with, which I edited slightly when I got it, but if I wear it with almost any other shape I look like the product of five generations of inbreeding. By carefully editing your shape you may be able to get the look you like with another skin.
  23. RoseBeMine wrote: Thanks for the replies. I'm totally new and still trying to figure out everything. I have a avatar that you can pick when you sign up etc. I will check out the objects area tomorrow, *late here in Aus* lol. I had a look in recent and nothing is there. Any other tips on getting the best looking avatar. Some stuff I picked up was free so I should probably stick to stuff that actually charges lindens? A lot of that depends on where you look. A lot of free things are pretty trashy but there are places that will give away good quality items for free to promote their stores. It's entirely possible to put together a very nice looking avatar for little or no money. I'd be glad to help you hunt for things if you like, or send you landmarks to good places if you'd like. Sleep well and have fun in SL!
  24. Because of the way the Marketplace is set up most things are send in "boxes" that have to be "opened." They will be "objects" and will automatically download to the "Objects" folder in your inventory. Even things like shapes and skins are sold this way because they usually come with notecards, landmarks and other things. Try looking in the folder in your inventory labled "Objects." Also, make sure that you're not using a "filter" on your inventory - that's when you type in a few letters or words in the filter box at the top of your inventory. That will make anything that doesnt' have those letters/words invisible until stop filtering (I do that ALL THE TIME).
  25. If you have a sexy/adventurous story as to why you're missing part of your arm it might actually HELP you.
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