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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Madagascar Few wrote: I've been in LL a decade this April, I've known numerous Lindens, I've owned sims, dealt with Concierge, and so forth. I know how the system works, better than most- and I know what the usual response is, in these instances, and this is exactlly it. We tried numerous times, in the pre-JIRA era, to get them to add the ability to decline fund transfers, for exactly this reason- this isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened, by a longshot. It seems to me that adding the ability to decline fund transfers would inject a major weak spot in the chain of occurences that take place during the 99.75% of the time that a legitimate funds transfer happens. Fund transfers don't actually go through viewers normally - i.e. the amount in your account is sometimes not listed accurately by your viewer because it's only telling you something that has already happened in another part of the system. Wouldn't an ability to REJECT a payment mean that every transaction would have to be approved first to make sure it wouldn't be rejected, and wouldn't this mean the transaction would need to be piped through the viewer before it took place? Now imagine what would happen to a merchant who was on vacation for a week. Would all the payments be kept in escrow until they got a chance to approve them?
  2. Natalia280 wrote: Thanks for your reply . i tried now to play there on graphic setting. to uncheck the setting boxes and see what happens. if i uncheck different settingthe view become less nice . but when i heard your advice and unchecked the "advanced lighting on" setting , i see the same lighting of the view i had once and i really liked. the water is still shiny and sharp and some things are different but at least the lighting was as once. but the problem is, tho the lighting go back to how it was, then all of the edges of my avi body. and of items in sl, even of lands ,and rocks, are not smooth with straight line anymore., the edges are becoming serrated which looks bad. if you can understand what i mean, hard to explain....so i need to tick this option again and can't stay with this option off because it looks bad with the edges.. before the update i had this lighting and all was ok with the edges .... ....is there any solution ? To fix the edges, set the lighting to how you like and then go to the "Hardware" button of graphics preferences. Set "Anti-Aliasing" to a higher setting - 4X is usually pretty smooth - and then log out and log back in. You can try different settings for anti-aliasiing - higher ones are smoother but make your video card work harder.
  3. Natalia280 wrote: Hello. for the last months about 7-8 months , don't remember exactly , i been on the older version of SL viewer. it was 3.52 or something similar .not sure the exact version but it was 3.5 and something. Months back i got the notice for an update and i did updated. It was when SL had the gamma changes and project sunshine i think . After the update i didn't like at all the view in the viewer. I guess because of the gamma changes, the view became too sharp , don't like the look of the sea, sunrise, sunset. also the colors are looking less vibrent and the view is darker then once That's why i downloaded back the old version of the 3.52 and chooen the option to not update the viewer autmatically. I could enjoy the old view and didn't have to update all the last months. But today there was a new update and this time i had to update or it didn't let me to enter to SL. So without a choise i updated it ...and the same issue now...I see back the new view which i don't like and really bothers me. I also have a land and i see everything different, too sharp, different water. Its like the shiny waters, too much shiny. . sunset ,. sunrise , which are less nice then once.. doll colors and from some reason the view is darker too and it's bothering me. especailly when most of the time i like to use sunset view and now all the view is too dark especially at sunset. There is also a nother weird issue which started after the update. If i tp to a place and the things start to rezz, then all the things which still not rezzed are pink. just pink color on my screen, on things which don't rezz yet. takes abit of time till they rezz and then it's ok but still it bothers ..like this it's on any place i tp too. I wanted to ask if there is a way to download the older version of the viewer and without having to update to the new version ? Or if there is a way to change the view on this new version to similar as it was before, months back, on the older version ? also how to make the view look lighter as once and get rid of the pink color on each thing that didn't rezz yet ? I m really clueless about all the gamma setting or things like these. so if someone can explain me will be very helpful. I just having really hard time with this view and have hard time to get used to it. .... thank you The pink on the partially rezzed objects is something you'll just have to get used to - it should go away as soon as everything completely rezzes. As far as everything else goes, newer viewers set some settings automatically when they're installed and they may be different from what you're used to. Go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" and start changing settings until the view is similar to what you like. It sounds like "Advanced Lighting Model" got turned on and you prefer the non-Advanced Lighting view looks. You should be able to change things to look almost identical to what you're used to.
  4. Freya Mokusei wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Oh, and if you're going to play the grammar card? It's "thieves", not "theives." I'm just sayin'... Actually I was playing the 'Suggestions Without Having a Clue' card. There's an important difference between failures of understanding and typos (luckily for my pride, I can see the difference). My post has been updated. Money and creativity are connected, that is basically the underpinning of Philip's original vision. Actually Philip's original vision was a combat simulation where people terraformed the ground by throwing little grenades. The financial system didn't come about later. And in any event the point is moot, because Linden Lab has evolved to the point where they transfer enough real-world cash that they can be considered not only a bank, but an international bank. Now imagine a bank examiner coming to a financial institution and saying, "So, you've been sending money to this account in Russia. Pretty consistently - a few hundred dollars here, a few hundred dollars there. Just who is this money going to?" And now imagine this institution replying, "Oh, that's zomba6 Clothesline - he's a giant blue rabbit. He's nice - maybe has a few problems relating to people, but hey, who doesn't? He's from Russia? Kewl." Just how long do you think an institution like this would be allowed to stay in business?
  5. Freya Mokusei wrote: Pretty sure it's going to be difficult to take someones financial theories seriously when they refer to the Service Operator as Linden Labs. And don't know the difference between effect and affect. I also don't think you understand what Copybot is/was. 'Anybody can create, anybody can sell', is a central tenet of Second Life. Mesh distorted this a little (with a higher bar to entry), but I'm fairly sure there's no way LL would ever make it compulsory to confirm RL identity prior to gaining seller/merchant status. Note that obviously, any user can set one of their own prims for sale in-world - this won't change. Don't think there's any evidence they'll ever do any more in this area than the law requires. Your experience in other areas is great, but Linden Lab don't operate on the same level of any of the companies you mentioned. Lastly, no, it wouldn't be good for Second Life. Mesh piracy sucks, but the loss of free-flowing creativity would suck more. Your asserted criminalisation of NPIOF users as either content theives or tax-dodgers is offered completely without evidence or thought. Suggest you conduct more research. What LilyBeth proposed won't do anything to stop free-flowing creativity, just free-flowing money. You could still create and sell anything you like without ID on file just as long as you don't convert the proceeds to RL cash. Oh, and if you're going to play the grammar card? It's "thieves", not "theives." I'm just sayin'...
  6. The "Darn..." message generally means the server has lost connection to your viewer for an extended period of time - this is usually a connection issue on your end or at your internet service provider. Also, if you're using wireless there may be something interfering with your signal.
  7. If you're looking for them to set your "home" as described in an old wiki? Don't bother. There's no need to have a set home, and Infohubs have long ago devolved into places for bored and obnoxious people to abuse new members who don't know better than to stay out of them.
  8. Qie Niangao wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The airport owner planned it poorly or is using unsuitable land if planes need to fly into someone else's lot to take off. It was discussed. The answer was, "Well, it's L$500,000 to get a 1024 plot at the water. It's L$8192 to get a plot twice as large two sims in. We're getting the one that isn't priced by a **bleep**ing retard." Do I take it that this airport is on a 2048 sq.m. parcel? If so, no matter what shape of 2048, that's doomed and absurd and just silly. Somehow this obvious implication must be incorrect. In any case, the neighbor is also obviously an idiot. I don't care what people said about their mother; still an idiot. I was going to say something similar - the big problem seems to be that this is a bad airport in an area with many good airports. (If it can be kneecapped by a surly neighbor it's automatically bad.) If the goal is to fly in the Blake Sea area there are plenty of other airports. If the goal's to run an airport there are many places throughout the Mainland continents where you can get much more appropriate land much cheaper - for instance, around some of the inland seas of Sansara. Take a look at the region "Grass", for example.
  9. mysteryhouse wrote: Hello i got a question. What is second life? some people say sl is sl and rl is rl but when it comes to transfering money from sl to rl and be able to live of it? what does that make sl? rl right? or when people date in sl and meet in rl and live happy ever after.. ? For the purposes of the "SL is SL" argument, anything an AVATAR does is SL and everything the PERSON CONTROLLING THE AVATAR does is RL.
  10. Gadget Portal wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The airport owner planned it poorly or is using unsuitable land if planes need to fly into someone else's lot to take off. It was discussed. The answer was, "Well, it's L$500,000 to get a 1024 plot at the water. It's L$8192 to get a plot twice as large two sims in. We're getting the one that isn't priced by a **bleep**ing retard." Ahhh, NOW it becomes clear. We have a conflict between a neighbor who doesn't understand ban lines and an airport administration who understand neither the importance of clearway nor having a community-relations officer without a long history of lacking interpersonal skills. A real-world solution would be to issue a NOTAM and new approach charts to have takeoffs and landings go the opposite way on the runway and to establish a minimum altitude for the region crossing - it would be similar to a noise-abatement procedure. A SL solution would be to raise the entire runway to just above ban-line altitude, which would give those not explicitly banned sufficient clearway and have the added advantage of driving the neighbor CRAZY. The inevitable spite fence that would follow would almost certainly be visible (she doesn't seem bright enough to figure out how to make an invisible one, and her brand of spite seems like she would want it visible anyway.)
  11. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The airport owner planned it poorly or is using unsuitable land if planes need to fly into someone else's lot to take off. She is under no obligation to accommodate planes taking off and in fact may be using ban lines to keep them from crashing on her land or flying annoyingly low over her as well as keeping them away from her skybox, even though that may not be working. Pilots have no inherent rights to fly where they please. Maybe the airport should offer to buy her property and find property as nice or nicer than she has to move to Then again I kind of like Janelle's idea , LOL. Actually what she's doing is basically guaranteeing that she'll have airplanes stuck in the ban-line wall around her property like blueberries in a muffin. If that's what she wants she's going to be spectacularly successful. If she DOESN'T want airplane wreckage near her lot, on the other hand...
  12. Aluviel Nakamura wrote: hello everyone. These last two weeks have been absolute fist through screen very angry agonizing bad ones... I keep crashing a million times. sometimes just doing nothing....the whole thing freezes up and sl crashes. its esp bad when i teleport. can rezz anything worth a crap and now my inventory doesnt want to load. I saw a post about tp crashing that said increase your bandwidth. I can basically stand there all day thing simply will not rezz even on LOW........... I know my card is a little out of date a nivida 530.Its more than enough to handle sl. I have everything turned down on Low graphic wise which really sux. I have a pretty good high powered Asus i just bought for gaming. Is there any other internal controls in sl I can use to make everything run more efficiently? It sounds like your problems are connection related, given that you're also having inventory-loading and voice issues. No graphics card can rezz something if it doesn't have the data for the object. Increasing your bandwidth is probably the exact opposite of what you want to do, too. You need to reduce the load on your connection - try turning HTTP textures off if it's on. If you're okay with the standard Linden Lab interface you might want to try the project viewer for a revised connection system too: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Project_HTTP/
  13. Wili Clip wrote: If successful such cities could offer virtual jobs to millions of new users of Second Life. They would be employed as city workers and would simulate the real life public sectors that would offer services to virtual citizens like the real life public sector offers services to real life citizens. This is also the main vision that inspires and motivates me for making plan for such virtual cities. If I can drive this vision to a realization then Second Life will get its real purpose. There's a very basic problem to this plan - nobody in Second Life actually NEEDS a service while inworld. Your avatar is immortal and needs no food, drink or shelter. What would the "millions of workers" DO? One of the most common questions from new SL users is how they can make money, but many of them come in literally unable to put on a pair of shoes. If they're given a paid "job" it means what they're doing should have value - if they're being paid for doing something of no value, how much more will those capable of actually doing something valuable demand, and what will that do to the money supply?
  14. LifeOfSheree wrote: I am having a lot of trouble with using SL for I struggle to remain online for long than a few minutes and I am coming across others who are also struggling to have any connection with SL. Now try and find a way to contact Linden Labs. You have more chance of catching AIDS from an ant bite than getting into contact with Linden. Why did I bother paying membership for no support in return when SL no longer works? You're connecting from Australia and there are problems in the route between you and the SL servers. That route is determined not by Linden Lab, but by your ISP, depending on the contracts they have with "backbone" providers. Okay, let's say your dry cleaner is on the other side of town, across a river. Now it turns out there's construction on the nearest bridge across the river so you either have to wait in traffic or go miles out of your way. It's going to take longer and you may well decide to get a new dry cleaner because of it. But you can't expect the dry-cleaner to fix the bridge.
  15. This is the time of year that accountants put together tax documents for fiscal 2013. Looking at the Patriot Act itself, the letter itself sounds plausible - financial stuff begins around section 311: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-107publ56/pdf/PLAW-107publ56.pdf EchoSign is a real company as well. HOWEVER, there's no way I'd respond to an E-mail like this without talking to the Lab directly.
  16. dlunatic66 wrote: Ok, I cannot use poseballs I can click and use strictky by clicking on them. However poseballs that I right click and sit seem to work fine. I have blocked nothing recently. They worked a day ago. Any ideas? I am Using SL viewer because Firestorm is glitching with my new Windows 8 machine. However that is unrealted to this Is this happening with all poseballs or only some of them, and does right-clicking work for those poseballs you can't sit directly on? What you're describing can happen with poseballs that are under or near an object that has a lot of invisible portions like a complicated sculpted tree. The viewer may interpret your touching as being on the tree, etc. instead of the poseball. Right-clicking is seen as more specific so it may work. Also if the poseballs are part of something with the common MLP system (most older beds, etc. have it) then there's a known problem with people who use the built-in pose stand in the current Firestorm version and then get on a MLP poseball - it can mess up the scripts until the whole object is reset, and it could be anyone sitting on the poseballs.
  17. If you created a shortcut for the Second Life viewer instead of using the one that the installer automatically creates you need to make a new shortcut or use the default one. The filename for the main viewer executable has changed and old shortcuts won't work anymore.
  18. pinkandtight wrote: i upgraded from windows 7 pro to windows 8 pro..........now i can't log into sl because error message about graphics drivers but they are working properly and updated. I have an intel G41 Express chipset and it worked fine with windows 7 pro. Please tell me how to get back on sl...tyvm. My email is pinkandtight3@msn.com.......i'm a dj on sl and missing my sets now....sighs!!! Intel doesn't make drivers for the G41 Express chipset anymore - the latest they'll support is Windows 7. You're probably running some sort of generic Microsoft driver now but it sounds like it won't be sufficient for Second Life. Here's some bad news from the Intel site: https://communities.intel.com/message/217822?tstart=0
  19. Sphy Sewell wrote: I tried it in several furniture stores that have mlp. Can it be a problem in my avatar? I removed all clothes and ao huds To get the easy problem out of the way, make sure you're granting the poseballs permission to animate you - it can be easy to miss that notification. If you're granting permission and they're still not working it might have to do with the built-in pose stand in the latest Firestorm - if someone uses it and then uses a piece of furniture that uses MLP there's a chance it will mess up the MLP animation system until that item is completely re-set. It might not be you, either - the problem can happen if ANYONE does it so it might have been a previous customer.
  20. Mauricette Morane wrote: Back in the days, I had some sweater dresses from a couple of shops, and it's a look I really like, but when I tried them on recently, I decided I really really really didn't like the way the skirt was done (systems layer plus that prim bit in the middle; it was the best available way at the time, no doubt - but it does look a bit dated now), so I've been looking for a mesh replacement, and not having much luck. I've seen a few (Maitreiya comes to mind) but all the ones I've seen seem to have a belt. I very definitely don't want a belt. I want long sleeves, a roll neck (cowl neck also OK), and ideally a dress that's not too short. I mean short is can be good, but it should definitely look like a dress and not a top! Mind you, if a top was deliberately pretty long, that's fine too. Anybody knows where I can find something like that? Jeans jacket seem to be even harder to find, and when they are found, they tend to be for guys, and with mesh, clothes aren't so unisex anymore...:-( There's a very nice one in Coco, but it comes with a shirt, and it word closed - ideally, I just want a jeans jacket I can wear with whatever other top I want, and be able to wear it open. Anybody has any ideas? Cargo pants are another things that's REALLY hard to find, especially for female avatars. I've tried some of the male ones, but they're textured with that, um, curve in the crotch area (well, they ARE for guys!), and that doesn't look quite right on me.... Thanks in advance! :-) Sweater dresses are pretty common now, with or without belts. ColdLogic has some and there's a few templates out there so the template-reliant places have some out. A good place to keep an eye on is the www.seraphimsl.com blog, which has information about a lot of sales all over the Grid. Cargo pants: ColdLogic Jean jacket: Emery, and it's adorable (I have it.) I wouldn't recommend your wearing a mesh top under it but it works well over a system top.
  21. The region "Dacia" is having some sort of major physics memory-allocation issue - it was over 1200 MB before today's restarts and is already over 400 MB tonight. It also is requesting frequent navmesh rebakes.
  22. BigBad Bearsfoot wrote: Hi peeps... I am having big problems with SL atm and i hope someone can help me, or i will have to quit SL :-( It all started a few days ago when i crashed for no reason. I could not get online anymore that night. Then the day after (yesterday) i was online for about 8 hours and then it happened again. And today it just got worse for me. Was online for about 15-20 minutes and then crashed again. I will explain what happens: I am online talking to friends using voice. All of a sudden they don't hear me anymore and if i type, it won't reach the screen for either me, nor them. After a short time i can't walk... Only spin around on the same spot. And then it says "ding" and the little box comes up telling me that i have been logged off and i can chose to view IM and chat or quit. Then i try to log back on. It hangs for a long time "Requesting region capabilities attempt 1" then "attempt 2" then "attempt 3" and then finally it works its way into SL... Sort of. Because when i get back in it says that my clothing is still being downloaded. I click okay and i can't walk, type in local or IMs, Teleport or see my friends and groups etc. Then after a while the "ding" comes back and i am once again left with the choice to see IM and chat or quit. I try again and again. But the same things happen. Sometimes it looks like it is working and i can IM my friends and TP but not for more than at the max 10 minutes. Then it happens again. I have tried it all... Logging in at my home, logging in at "smith" or "aich" but nothing. I have also tried removing cache from my computer, restarting my computer and router, reinstalling firestorm, logging on with singularity. Everything i have been able to read up on. The strangest thing is that i have been using SL almost dayly since 2009 with no problem and i have always logged on at the first region capabilities attempt. That makes me convinced that it has nothing to do with firewall. My internet speed is 3,59Mbit download and 0,13Mbit upload. My router is wireless but it is conected to my desktop using cable so that should not be the problem. I am running windows xp on a very old computer but the system requierments should be good... Or else it would not do this from day to day, right??? Sorry for the long post but i think it would be best to let you know more or less excactly how it is acting up. I really hope that anyone who can help me??? Kind regards BigBad Everything you're describing is symptomatic of a connection problem. Are those numbers for speed what you've been typically getting when things were running well or did you just measure them recently? Because the problem I see is that your upload speed is horrible. SL isn't like the typical web application that needs almost no upload capability; it relies on a constant two-way communication between your viewer and the servers. If that two-way communication breaks down you'll get exactly the logout you're seeing. The fact that you're sending voice is doing no you no favors either, under the circumstances.
  23. Tinker Darkbyrd wrote: will this really make my av pregnant ? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PURE-Female-Pregnancy-**bleep**/4735316 It should do just about exactly what it says - that item has a very good description. It will have a random chance of TELLING you that you're "pregnant" after you have "sex," then will start a timer and will try to simulate what an actual cooter does during childbirth when the time is up. It won't make your tummy swell; it won't give you anything that looks remotely like a baby at the end of the pr;ocess. You can do both of those things separately but this won't do those things, nor does it claim to. Second LIfe has no built-in "pregnancy" system - anything you do to simulate it will be with your imagination and/or items you've bought/made.
  24. MIstahMoose wrote: Step 1: Find a guillotine Step 2: Cut head off Step 3: Replace head with other head (Might need a friend) Actually this is surprisingly close to what you need to do, but instead of a guillotine you need to find an "alpha" that will make your avatar's base head invisible. The head maker will almost certainly include an alpha in with the head. You then wear the new head - it should automatically attach to the correct place.
  25. StelaNokt wrote: The title says it all. I get my inventory back when I relog. My clothes and hair stay off until I replace them. Why?? I have had this happen with several different HUDs. How are you attaching the HUD's? What you're describing could be caused if you click on the folder the HUD is in and select "Replace current outfit" or if you drag the folder containing the HUD from the inventory onto your avatar. Both those actions will replace your current outfit with the contents of the folder, which means anything NOT in that folder will be removed. To attach a HUD you should just right-click the item representing the HUD INSIDE the folder and select "Wear" or "Add."
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