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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Not really sure what you're asking - sounds like you're referring to your "group" tag. Not only do they have the right to have you change your group tag, there are often things that you won't be able to do if you don't have the correct group tag on. They also have the right to ask you to change your group tag even if it's only to have you not display something they deem offensive or advertising another place. The fact that the tag was "created by Linden Lab" means nothing. Although technically the system BEHIND everyone's tag was created by the lab, groups are created by users.
  2. Two things to try: 1) Get the most updated graphics drivers for your chip from Intel. 2.) If new drivers don't help go to "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Advanced" and de-select 'Basic Shaders."
  3. Petrigeo wrote: Hi, I am new in using SecondLife. I wonder if SecondLife could be used stand alone, i.e. installing an own server and using a SecondLife instance for a dedicated virtual world. If tha is possible, what could the condition concerning licensing etc. The project is non profit. Thank you! George What you are basically describing is "OpenSim", which is a stand-alone system that emulates a somewhat older version of Second Life. There are no licensing fees for it. Objects, etc. that are currently used in Second Life can't be directly used in OpenSim unless the makers of those objects have specifically ported them over but there's a fair amount of content that you can find that will work. Doing a search for OpenSim should give you lots of information.
  4. SerenaUnique wrote: I am interested in the petite avatars, the ones that people rping a fairy might use. I have been seraching in marketplace and in world, and they are not that easy to find. I have seen some stores that sell hair, clothes and accessories for them, but not the actual avatar. Can anyone point me in the right direction? "Petite" avatars are made by Yabusaka - You can them and a sim full of resources at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Petites%20Kingdom/126/147/94
  5. Qie Niangao wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I wasn't aware that LL ever had Restore to Last Position in their viewer, I also use Firestorm almost exclusively. I'm pretty sure I didn't just imagine it, but I have no idea what record of it remains. I used it a long, long time ago, probably before Viewer 2, so I suppose it may have been one of the Snowglobe viewers. Anyway, it was long before Firestorm existed, and before Phoenix, too; maybe even before Emerald, not sure. Anyway, whenever it was, it didn't remain in subsequent viewer releases, and the explanation given was that the Lab simply couldn't handle the support burden caused by the feature. (I suspect that may be why many other features, too, never make it from TPVs into the Linden viewer -- although there are other design considerations, too.) I remember hearing a bit about it a year or so ago when the server change first broke the function if you didn't have rezz rights at 0,0,0. The function was put in the LL viewer at about the time adult areas were moved to Zindra - the function could take a build that had been in a given place in one region and restore it to those same coordinates in a completely different region. The function was commented out of the main viewer but the code remained and TPV's just un-hid it.
  6. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: I did find this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teen_Second_Life Apparently the teen grid was imported to the mainland, but it doesn't give an SLURL. Guess I'll try the dreaded search...lol! The former teen grid will show up as a small Mainland-type continent; much appears to be a direct copy of the equivalent regions of Sansara. There isn't much to see but some of it has an interesting unintentionally post-apocalyptic feel. You may as well start at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oasis/217/80/11
  7. It's impossible to return an object unless part of it extends onto the land it's being returned from. If your prim was exactly the size of the lot then it may have accidentally been moved when you were editing something else or it may have moved slightly due to "prim drift" - rounding errors in the server programming can cause prims to move very slightly over an extended period of time.
  8. It's not a "university" and isn't registered with Linden Lab. As far as I can tell, it's someone who teaches various 3D applications for free. For whatever reason, the person running it doesn't want to teach you. As you stated yourself, as a private place it can ban anyone it wants. And there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry.
  9. Seraphim Placebo wrote: Is the Tart gallery another victim of the new, draconian TOS? It's been a month or so since I last logged on, went to visit my favorite SL gallery... it's gone, and seems to be nowhere in the search function. I'm standing in it right now: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bloom%20County/244/102/24 The parcel's not set up to be listed in search, but I was able to find the group and from thence the owner, who had the SLURL in their profile.
  10. Lisa Dryburgh wrote: Were i can found 512m² very very low price Mainland ? Everythink i found the last 12 hours was about 10.000 or more Lindens. Thats alot to mutch for me. I would prefer Mainland on Adult Sim too. I realy dont like spend more money for this ... i have not mutch left. Maybe there is free Mainland to found anywere ? "Adult" mainland is scarce and extremely overpriced.The only thing "adult" rated land is necessary for is if you want to own a business that would fall under the "adult" classification. If you're just using your land for your own home you can just get land on "Moderate" rated sims and you'll be able to do just about anything you like as lolng as it's not extremely public. An easy way to find land is to go on the "World Map" and turn on the option to show "Land Sales." Then all the land currently available for sale will show up in yellow on the map. You can easily find Moderate rated land for $L1 per square meter or less.
  11. If you're using the outfits in the "Appearance" panel they're only made up of links/shortcuts to items elsewhere in your inventory. You can delete them from your outfit list which will only remove the links - the original items will stay where they are.
  12. Bree Giffen wrote: I've been in a few stores where there are those theft detection screens near the entrance. Why do merchants feel the need to add that 'real life' feature to their stores? Because they feel like it. Asking why there's something "unnecessary" on a sim in Second Life will pretty quickly get you to the point of, "Why is there Second Life at all?," because nothing is necessary in SL, including SL itself. It's like stepping through the elevator doors on the 41st floor when the elevator cab itself is down on the 2nd.
  13. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Or you could try reading what I wrote before responding and noting it doesn't conflict Monty, but expands on other issues as well. I think you're knee-jerk responding to an older blog I wrote. Which the one I linked corrects. We all know you have an attitude towards me - but try getting which of my link to snark right next time. I think you're misinterpreting TextureFetchConcurrency though. Your basic advice is good but if you call up the texture console on a viewer with HTTP textures on and using the default value 0 you'll see that you're actually getting many concurrent requests and, for me at least, they generally all load cleanly. I believe the default "0" means not "How many pipelines should I use for HTTP textures? --- Don't use any" but "What's the limit on the number of HTTP texture pipelines I should use? --- There's no limit." Changing the number will still have the effect in your post but the problem with the default 0 value is not that no threads are allowed but that too MANY are allowed and the connection is choking on them.
  14. Prokofy Neva wrote: Also, anybody else have this huge annoyance? You can't access IMs for people immediately if you bring up their profile from going into "edit" on an object. Or even sometimes from search. You get a little icon of a "lock". Then you have to *log into Second Life through the view inside their profile* (wild, eh?) in order to access their IM. Imagine doing this all night long with customer after customer as you try to give them notecards, merchandise, etc. Just annoying as heck. Customer Service didn't know what was talking about. When I edit a person's object I can IM them directly by right-clicking their name and hitting "IM" - no need to go through their profile at all and their IM history comes up automatically. And when I search for someone using web search "IM" is the first option at the bottom of the listing. This is with LL Viewer 3.6.12.
  15. Dresden Ceriano wrote: My avatar is certainly part of my creative process... that doesn't mean that I think of it as a work of art. The way I see it, art must invoke something more than simple beauty. I feel as if art must transcend beauty and somehow become more deeply meaningful to the observer than just a pretty face. As far as I'm concerned, true art is supposed to make you feel something more than just, "Oh, that's nice to look at." I've seen many incredibly beautiful snapshots of extremely gorgeous avatars taken in SL, but rarely would I ever equate any of them to my interpretation of true art. There's very few people in SL that have ever been able to transform the beauty which they've been able to capture into something which I would honestly consider to be art. If you're interested in what I think of as art, as it pertains to an SL avatar, I suggest you look up Whiskey Monday... actually, let me provide you with a link... http://whiskeymonday.com/. Never would I consider the thoughtful modification of my own avatar to in any way compare to the deeply, emotionally affective impact of her images. Never would I equate my ability to put together a decent looking avatar with her ability touch people's soul. ...Dres By that definition most of the things that are in "art" museums, particularly before the 19th century, couldn't be considered art. A lot of it was done to pay the rent or to keep the king happy. And what of "prehistoric" art? A lot of it really is a bunch of pots and baskets. On the other hand, to a parent a child's doodle of them with "Mom" or "Dad" scrawled on it would have deep emotional meaning - almost undoubtedly more for than that person than the Mona Lisa would. And realistically, would you have a deep response to the Mona Lisa if you didn't know it was "great art"? My main account is an orphaned teenager (although she's growing currently.) I made her an orphan, then a runaway basically to explain why an unacompanied teenager would appear in a new world but I eventually found myself wondering what her family had been like, what she thought of them, etc. One day I found a bracelet in a SL shop that was a piece of a broken charm bracelet tied together with a leather thong. I bought it for her, thinking of it as a momento of a lost past life that she was trying to keep held together. And then I started crying for this imaginary girl. And I'm damn close to doing it again. I'm not saying that the Mona Lisa, the child's doodle or my avatar and her bracelet are or are not art because I really don't care for that word, and I especially don't like the term "artist." If I had to make a definition of the word "art", though, I'd think of it as something at least partially done for its own sake instead of for a purpose - the prehistoric pot ends up in the art museum because someone decided, "Well, I need a pot but I might as well make it a little... special."
  16. IvanTwin Rogers wrote: 2014 evil plans 1-the lindens want leave from second life forever, 2-the word of warcraft employers are the new gm in second life 3-the griefers can change the buildings in all areas with out permission 4-all people in second life want go to entropia universe, 5-second life have lots updates for destroy all exploids 6-the new graphics engine in second life maybe are in year 2025 7-the linden labs want eliminate the report system for (we cant help to yours thanks for you patience) 8-report system exist? 9-the textures are mesh, very advance mode graphics with a horrible older land textures, thats make a sence? 10-the bots invasion and griefer invasion in all private lands 11-the new land in second life, is lag land this is very slow area nice for to live. 12-maybe the griefers can take a total control of the sl market.. 13-the next second life expansion is in..... second life expansion? what is that? 14-snowden say the nsca spy inside of second life, the USA goberment spy my post in this forums You don't have to worry about the last one - you seem to have developed a perfect encryption system for yourself if that post is any indication.
  17. Ayden Sivocci wrote: When I try any keyboard shortcuts involving the control key, my laptop doesn't recognize them. Left or right, internal or external keyboard, no matter. I have NO issues outside of the viewer with the ctrl key, ONLY inside the viewer. I've tried clean installs, same result. My other computers don't have this issue. I have closed all external programs that I can (both with task manager and just closing apps). I've tried ctrl+shift+y sets the sun to midday, ctrl+I for inventory, ctrl+shift+f for friends list, ctrl+shift+g for groups...none of them work on this particular computer. Any suggestions? Is it a Mac by any chance? There are known control-key issues with Macs and the latest viewers because the viewers were recently re-written to use a more modern Apple development system and there are still some rough spots.
  18. georginamae1992 wrote: I am an Art Student, and writing my dissertation about how the avatar (particularly in SL) can be considered artwork, both in its design and in its performative nature. If you have any thoughts about this idea I would be really grateful to hear them! Thanks In real life I'm a theatrical costume designer. If what I do there can be considered art, than what I do when I create an avatar is. I approach making an avatar the same way I approach doing a costume for a character - taking the idea of a person and determining how they will look without having an actual model. In Second Life I also have control over how the avatar moves, can change its body to suit my vision and if they eat or smoke in their costumes it's because I MADE them do it and I don't have to wash the clothes afterwards.
  19. PervertCarlos wrote: I real don't know what happen! anyone can say something??? Who i must talk ??? And i rebuy by 382, ok great business for SL, that's why u loose people every month with a service like that. good robber I take it you were trying to transfer a piece of land from one account you control to another one by selling it for a very low price. There are scripted "landbots" that automatically buy land below a certain price and they can do it instantly. To avoid this when you set the land for sale you can change the option that defaults to "Sell to anybody" so the lot can only be sold to a specific person that you name. You can try contacting the owner of the landbot to try and get your money back because this sale was accidental. Often they'll refund the money.
  20. Adumelial Rothstein wrote: I VOTE YES!!!!! SL PLEASE IMPLEMENT A TRUE DND OR STEALTH MODE FOR THOSE OF US THAT NEED SOME SILENCE FROM FRIENDS AND GROUPS WHEN CREATING BUILDING. I AM ABOUT TO HAVE TO GET REALLY RUDE WITH CERTAIN FRIENDS AND DELETE ALL GROUPS BECAUSE OF THIS. AND I DO NOT WANT TO DO EITHER. :womansad: CHIME IN IF YOU AGREE. SL VIEWER NEEDS TO GIVE US THIS OPTION. Groups you can silence by going to "Preferences - Chat" and changing the notification option for group chat to "No action." As far as friends, you can turn on the Do Not Disturb "answering machine." And trust me, your "friends" will think it's a lot less rude for you to let them know you're busy than to hide from them when you're actually on-line because iti's all-too-easy to have someone run into you that way.
  21. Verena Vuckovic wrote: "B) actively working to modify your software, network, or hardware to solve whatever issue you have. What would you like me to 'modify' on a completely fresh Windows install that only has SL running on it ? And all this HTTP being sent 40 times nonsense....whose 'fault' is that ? Do I get an option in it ? Am I to believe that a system that can download Bioshock Infinite ( 15gb ) off Steam in 15 minutes can't handle a few lousy textures . When you downloaded Bioshock Infinite you downloaded exactly ONE file. When you arrive in a region in Second Life you load dozens at a time, simultaneously. And you DO have an option: turn off HTTP textures. If you'd bother to tell us what viewer you use we could even tell you where to find the option. That will clear up a lot of connections. You can also go to the debug settings and turn MaxMeshConcurrentRequests down to 16.
  22. Jazleen Raynier wrote: I've been away for what feels like forever and am, before I start roaming, trying to update my girl. Before I disappeared I had what I think was called 'Windlight'. So, going through my inventory all I have left are cards and nothing that says anything about avatar lighting. Has this been removed from SL? If not, is there a light out there that works. I did manage to find one in the Marketplace just for the face, and despite it being free, it has done nothing to light any of Jaz up. If there is no manufactured light I can wear, is there somewhere I will find lighting instructions to put some light on her. Jaz is one of those avatars that looks better in the light, in the dark her face looks quite square and unnatural. I appreciate any help. Thank you. Just to refresh your memory, "Windlight" is actually an internal lighting system that just sets the lighting for what you see. It's still around - the setting is called "Atmospheric Shaders" in your graphics preferences. It isn't something you wear, it's a series of settings you can establish to change how things look. However, it doesn't change what everyone else sees and changing Windlight settings in your viewer can mean you can miss out on the special effect lighting that sim owners can use because it overrides the "in world" settings. Most viewers have a lot of Windlight presets you can choose from, especially the FIrestorm viewer.
  23. Verena Vuckovic wrote: "Some modems/routers choke on this many connections." Well...I'm running the BT Home Hub 5, which is designed for super-fast broadband and only came out a few months ago. So I'm not exactly running some archaic old router. New and fast mean nothing here. You can buy the newest, fastest motorcycle but that doesn't mean it can pull a big trailer. That's a home router, and besides BT isn't known for providing the world's best hardware - apparently some of their older ones had a lot of problems with games, etc, and the reviews on your router are mostly impressed by how inexpensive it is. What's more, 'change appearance' and save does sometimes fix the issue, though often it doesn't, which alone suggests it is not a problem at my end or it would be consistent. What does consistency mean in this context? If the problem was on the Lab end, why wouldn't it be just as consistent? You can only "save" an outfit if you make a change, which means you do something that will require the servers to re-send the bake. Sometimes you're pulling a good copy of the new bake, sometimes it fails. That's exactly what I'd expect to see in a connection issue. My definition of a problem NOT being at my end is if my system meets the minimum spec ( which it well exceeds ) and I've been given no information by the service provider that anything else within the normal scope of things would cause a problem. If, for example, SL is running some procedure that the providers KNOW will cause prooblems on a lot of PCs ( such as the HTTP stuff ) yet fail to give any warning or notice of this....then the problem is clearly at the provider end for not telling people about it. Are you using it wirelessly or not? You haven't denied running wireless, which is specifically not recommended.
  24. Verena Vuckovic wrote: "There are not many threads on this topic because it appears most have just given up and live with the problem Yes the problem exists No it is not operating system sensitive" Yes, there are many people who have noticed the issue. And as you say, most have simply given up on anything ever being done about it....or getting anything other than a condescending ' it must be your computer ' type response from the self-proclaimed know-alls. The problem exists. It is real. It is not people's imaginations or creaky old computers. What is more, the textures clearly ARE being downloaded fully as they appear fine if one briefly does a 'change appearance' yet it goes back to being blurred if you exit that. The problem has existed for months and months now. But given the general sort of response here, one might as well go back to just giving up on the issue. The textures that look "fine" are the individual textures for your skin and any clothing you're wearing. They are being composited in your viewer. You only see these textures on your computer - they are completely separate from the baked avatar textures that are being sent from the server. They always were. The only difference now is that it used to be this composited texture would then be sent to the servers, where it would be sent out to everyone, including yourself. This was the old "sharp-blurry-(maybe) sharp" sequence that used to happen when you changed your clothes. Now this "local bake" is only done in the "change appearance" process. The big problem a lot of people have been having with connections isn't connection speed, it's the fact that the viewer defaults to opening many HTTP connections simultaneously. For instance: 1) Up to 40 connections for in-world scenic textures if "HTTP Textures" is turned on. 2) Up to 32 simultaneous connections, always HTTP, to bring over meshes (or more if people listen to old wives' tales and set a debug setting higher.) 3) A certain number of NEW connections, always HTTP, on top of that to bring over the avatar bake. If you're running two viewer instances simultaneously? Double these numbers. Running a current SL viewer can be the equvalent of the communications needs of a small business. Some modems/routers choke on this many connections. (To answer your next question, there is already a project at LL to reduce the number of simultaneous connections - should be out in early 2014.) And if the simultaneous connections are your problem, all the ISP speed numbers in the world won't do you any good. I've lived at a place with a router that handled these connections badly and needed to adjust my settings to compensate. However, at my current address it works fine. And my amaaaaayzing hardware? 2008 vintage Dell desktop, middle of the road Nvida graphics card, $69 cable modem from Wal-Mart on a 3 meg-ish connection that came free with my apartment, and that redheaded stepchild of operating systems, Windows Vista. Here's a Firestorm JIRA that describes your problem (with a whopping 6 people watching it.) http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-11143 Note that one of the people had the problem magically go away with no known viewer changes necessary.
  25. Do you wear an avatar physics layer? If so, take it off, change outfits and re-log. Then when you log back in, change back to this outfit but don't put on the physics layer. Sometimes when you change shapes the "mapping" of the skin on your shape can get messed up - usually this is fixed by a re-log, but I've seen it survive this, and I think physics layers can aggravate it. Clearing cache probably won't help now that most of the avatar baking is done on the servers.
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