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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. WoodyHickey wrote: Dose anyone know why I can't sing in it keeps saying unable to connect to a simulator. On Tuesdays they restart most of the regions to install new software and if that's being done to the region you're trying to log into you'll either get shunted to a "safe hub" region or see the message you're seeing. Try logging into a different region or waiting for around a half hour for your home region.
  2. Coventina Dalgleish wrote: Typed this several time when reading really didn't make sense )) but system Kick 8 gigs of ram 25 meg line get 770 so it works not like my old up system )) as I have to cap the frame rate Now for the **bleep** tried to add anew AV to my group just how hard is that well here its a challenge it seems Oh we can't do that hmm wait did I mis type or click well no the system is again in a kluge mess ok WAKE UP coders oh and the NEW CEO time to pull the many heads locked in dark places out and look around no wonder the 3rd party viewers rule you people seem to be mired in the bog of the old days hey even I upgraded time to take a new tract fix the system quit giving us new carp that no one really wants oh yeah shut down the JIRA like who gives a giant hard poop well mister new CEO listen uo the users of this "GAME" have an vested interst in the success of this endeavor and all of yo who say its not a gmae real life must really be dismal )) just some recent observations from one who said she would never "NEVER" upgrade her system for a game )) Okay, it IS a little difficult, but I think I got the drift: Formerly, you frequently complained about Linden Labs' servers, code, etc and then discovered later that the blame lay in your janked-up relic of a computer. Now, apparently, you have a new computer but still have problems. From the symptoms, I'm betting it has something to do with your inability to type/spell.
  3. Jazleen Raynier wrote: So, is it the skin or the shape that dictates how your avi will look, or is it both? As Sassy says, it's both - skin makers base their skins on the same "map" but there are variations in exactly where the place lip borders, eyelid lines, nose shading, eyebrows, etc. that can make a big difference in how the face looks. The shape sliders can exaggerate these differences. It's much easier to adjust a modifiable shape to suit a skin than it is to find the "perfect" skin for a no-mod shape.
  4. greenlove92 wrote: I want to upgrade to the Premium 22.50 but dont know what i would get with it. Valerie's post has what it gives you - you should be aware that $22.50 is the price per 3 months - you can also be billed $9.95 or so monthly or $72.00 for a year at a time.
  5. hazeonelove wrote: So... I started a 1/4 sim a day ago just about, as I was asking about prior. And I seem to have already 1,600+ visitors... No idea how. But that's the total number so far. I guess I must have did something right... Or different... Or both. One thing that I noticed not many sims have, which mine does, if off-sim buildings and things. It's completely useless and you're not able to get to them. But in my opinion, it helps the view and look tremendously. I don't understand why some places are so... Empty. Why pay for a full sim or even half a sim, if you're only using 1/16 of the sim? I've seen full sims with... Basically one prime spot for hanging out, which takes up less then 1/16 of the sim. And all the objects on the sim can be fit in a 1/4, comfortably. Idk... Maybe I'm not understanding something. But it doesn't make sense to me. I'm not trying to make money or get famous from it. I just wanted somewhere to go that I've never seen... So I made it. I'm glad the visitors enjoy it as well. I made sure to put something for everybody. I'm assuming you're using the "traffic" number as your number of visitors - that's actually a calculation of how many MINUTES the combined avatars visiting your lot spent there in a day. (with a few minutes per avatar being ignored to keep very briefly-visiting avatars from driving up the traffic number.)
  6. When standing in mainland region "Drawbridge" (Magnum), the region diagonally to the southeast, "Wingo" (LeTigre) is invisible until you enter one of the adjacent sims that share a border with WIngo ("Ionian" or "Gallinas"). The region will then load (usually from cache in my case.) If you return to "Drawbridge" and then continue looking south, Wingo will then suddenly disappear after a few minutes despite being in draw distance continuously. Diagonally adjacent regions in any other direction are visible as normal. This occurs with multiple avatars using both LL 3.7.3 (287263) and Catznip. My draw distance is typically set at 256. Under some circumstances the region directly south of Wingo will remain/become visible even when Wingo is invisible.
  7. CheriColette wrote: Im going to try this. One day I 'borrowed scuba outfit' and saved in appearance but then lost my original outfit I was wearing. It was some time ago and I didnt do anything about it at the time....so I will go back and see it I can undo save as you described. If you saved the outfit with the scuba gear you can't go back. If you add items to your current outfit it will stay like that if you change outfits, including through re-logs, even if you don't hit "save" but if you change to another outfit and then change back that outfit will be in the same state as when you last hit the "save" button.
  8. You can only delete objects that you own yourself. The owner of the bed will need to delete the extra balls.
  9. Redwood Ash wrote: Went to view old area from our A1-Creations days and it appears the region called Pickering no longer exists. Was sure it was part of the mainland mass. Was it renamed or has the original mass been sliced up? TYIA Returning to reminisce on my sweety's sudden passing friday a week ago. Poor lil Chayla Sopor leader of A1-Creations and one of the early Dreams (Sojourner) group members. According to Tyche Shephard's grid survey, which includes regions no longer on the grid, there was never a region named Pickering. Are you sure you're remembering the name correctly? http://gridsurvey.com/index.php?page=40&filter=p
  10. Vaase wrote: I could've sworn that you got this option if you where wearing the outfit too, for excample. Say I was wearing the out "a" And I added two new objects to the outfit but didnt save it. so techincally those two new object werent part of the outfit. Now I could've sworn that id you went back to your outfit list right clicked outfit ''a" aka the one you have on and it would show "replace current outfit" And if you slected that it would take away any objects you didn't add to the outfit that you where wearing and would restore the outfit to its origional self? You can also go to "Edit Appearance" - "Edit Outfit" and click "Undo changes", which will make the outfit revert to the last saved version.
  11. Valiant Westland wrote: What does everyone else think? Do you think it's reasonable to want a support ticket system that provides REAL status information about open tickets? Accountability has NEVER been a strong suit of LL and there doesn't seem to be any push by LL to develop it now... If there was a comprable Virtual World platform that offered JD Powers-level support, I would jump ship in a heartbeat! Possibly. However, your cartoonishly bad attitude basically guarantees that you won't get what you want, and any other virtual world you jump to will wish you jump to another. Have a nice day! You asked for our opinions, there's mine.
  12. According to the description, there should have been a link to an outside web site where you can find and download the PSD file itself. There's no way to put a downloadable PSD file into a Second Life object or folder.
  13. MiuKitten wrote: I've been having this trouble a lot where the textures of objects and other avatars either never load properly, or only for a few seconds. Often if I run my cursor back and forth rapidly over the item, it will swim into focus for a few seconds, then blur again. Avatars and items look blurry or formless. I have used SL for over 6 years total, so not a notice. I have tried setting graphics from ultra to low, which is no problem for my Asus gaming computer with Nvidia graphics cards. I have tried Catznip, Niran's and the default viewer. My internet is pretty good, never less than 10mbs upload/download, often in the 50mbs range down and 8-15mbs upload. ( http://www.speedtest.net/result/3332714654.png ). I have tried clearing cache, restarting the viewers, restarting the whole computer, doing a clear uninstall including all app data...still having the issue. Do you use a Toddledoo or similar mesh avatar and keep the clothing HUD attached at all times? Sometimes HUD's like this can have so many textures loaded into them that they use up all the graphic memory that SL allocates and there's no room for the viewer to load scenery textures. Only keep the HUD attached when you want to change clothes, etc.
  14. VelvetCush wrote: I was able to hide my library of those items that i couldnt delete on my SL viewer, but they are still there on my firestorm viewer. I done advance/debug/no inventory link as suggested and that fixed the SL viewer. Now i need a solution for firestorm. VelvetCush Residetn When the Firestorm viewer creates the "bridge" it uses an object from the library as a storage unit for the bridge scripts. You can't attach a script to your avatar without it being in an object and the Firestorm developers wanted to use an object everyone already had in their inventory instead of creating a new object for the script container the way Phoenix did - the Phoenix method caused problems on no-build land. However, if the library is hidden the library object won't be available, meaning the bridge can't be formed. Firestorm defaults to always using the bridge and if the bridge can't be found/made your avatar will never rezz. To prevent these problems Firestorm won't allow you to hide the library.
  15. AlexLeeBledsoe wrote: I've been hunting to find the answer to this question- What ethnic identity within Asia is Aiko by Belleza? I want to dress to match the skin, but I can't tell which ethnicity is... ouo TL;DR: Asian, Korean, or Chinese? " Aiko" is a Japanese name.
  16. ChantalD1 wrote: I have hair that came as an orange checkerboard square (not a 3D box, a square). When I open it, I get a phot of it. Then what? How do I wear it? What you're describing is a "texture" - it's an image file generally used to make objects instead of an object itself. I assume you didn't get any "3D box" objects along with it then? And when you opened the file did it look like an advertisement or like some hair-colored squiggles? If it looked like an advertisement it may have been a packing mistake by the maker; if it looks like hair-colored squiggles you bought files used to MAKE hair instead of hair itself. Read the description of what you bought carefully - if you're sure you should have gotten wearable hair contact the seller.
  17. DarkGuinevere wrote: I've been in SL over a year and knew nothing about continents until the other day. Now I am trying to figure out how to drive on the highways. No one seems to know a place where you can simply rez a car or what have you and drive on the highway. How come? Someone gave me a link to a similar question four years back with more links, and I am finding them outdated. Can SL just simply give us some places to rez a vehicle and drive? This lack of ease of interface and of finding answers is why Second Life is not growing as it should. Who are you asking and where are you trying to drive? On most roads on the "continents", there is a rezz area where you can rezz a vehicle where the road crosses from one region to another. ETA - I see you'd like to drive on Sansara. It's the oldest continent and has fewer road rezz zones, but here are a few: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Noyo/88/179/42 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maquapit/245/165/55 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scorze/244/66/107
  18. xXLuthorianXx wrote: Hey guys, I need some help figuring out the right aspect for a '1st life' profile pic so it does not appear squashed. I am using the firestorm viewer....the image I have is 1280 (H) x 960 (W). I have read it should be 1:1 ratio.....but then other sites say for firestorm it uses 4:3 ratio for both 1st and 2nd life tabs.....so I am at a loss, if anyone would be so kind as to do the math that knows this, would be greatly appriciated. Tearing my hair out trying to figue this out....thank you "Web" profiles (also used in LL Viewer 3, etc.) use 1:1; "Legacy" (tabbed) profiles use 4:3.
  19. Wooja wrote: There's no smoke without fire. Wooja...translatethatforthebenefitofthelinguisticallychalleged You better hope they don't look up "pyrolysis" in the process, though.
  20. HollyKnightly wrote: Since the update, sl is running slow to the point of not being able to type. Graphics look like slow motion. Will there be a fix to address these issues? Try going to "Preferences" - "Graphics" and turn off "Hardware Skinning." (Hit the "Advanced" button if you don't see the option on the "Graphics" page.)
  21. Random Mefusula wrote: I don't think it's my connection... I suspect it has something to do with the latest SL viewer update. The problem didn't happen until I did the update. I read about the new liquid mesh and it said to get the latest download of the viewer because the collision skeleton was different to accomodate the liquid mesh clothing. After doing that the lag was fierce and if I encountered any avatars the frame rate became impossible. Now I can't use SL at all. I see from earlier posts you have an older Mac, and I'm willing to bet it has an ATI video system. The latest changes to mesh rendering cause various problems on ATI Macs. The most reliable workaround has been to go to "Preferences" - "Graphics" and turn off "Hardware Skinning."
  22. XShiloXwolfX wrote: Im interested to know if anyone knows of a veiwer that helps increase performance. I have a very powerful computer but i find it frustrating when i have to play on certain low details just to stay around 20 fps. Also, anyone know of a reason why public chat is extremely laggy? Once i open it up, i drop down to 9 or 10 fps until i close it. Anyway I can drastically increase performance or is second life doomed to poor optimization? SYstem Specs: OS: WIndows 7 64bit RAM: 16gb 1600mhz CPU: Fx-8320 3.8ghz GPU: R9 290 Stock Reference Resolution: 1920x1080 Yep, sounds like the issue using "expanded view" (separators and icons) in chat. Clicking on the button with horizontal lines at the top of the chat window and selecting "compact view" should help, and this viewer fixes that particular issue: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/
  23. RJ3YO wrote: So I have some questions if someone can help me out please. I got the quarterly membship a few months ago and it is set to expire on 3-30. Now my question is if I stop it before that so I dont get charged what happens to my house? Do I need to sell it? Can I just no renew and dont do anything? I just dont want to be charged for anything if i choose not to renew. Also will the L that were given go away if I havent spent them all yet? Please if someone can help me out here, I just want to know what has to be done ahead of time. Thank you. If you don't specifically take action to cancel your membership it will renew automatically with the payment information you have on file. You need to sell or abandon any land you have on the Mainland before you can cancel your membership. You will keep all the Lindens you currently have but will no longer get weekly payments.
  24. WillyD Lionheart wrote: i have been trying to buy lindens for over an hour now, infact over an hour and a half but for some reason the only thing charged to my debit card is $1.15 and there is no record of getting charged the $1.15 on the SL website but never got the L's and no other charges. so my question is and i hope it gets answered soon is what is this $1.15 charge for? OH and when i bought L's the other day, after i finally got it to take my card again it took the extra $1.15 then as well and says its linden labs taking it. PS... the help techs on the phone need to stop hanging up after i been on hold for about roughly 3 minutes. EDIT: just got off the phone with billing, well theres was no answer about the $1.15 and there was nothing he could do ok so now i decided to try one more time and had $12.99 left on my debit card and leveled it out at $12.99 after the $0.30 and it said it couldnt be done, soooOOOOOoooo i try again this time leaving it at $10.14 which is $10.44 after adding the $0.30 and it went right through and i got the lindens but then i look at my card readout online statement and it says i got charged $11.98 sooooooOOOOoooo did math change and things dont add up or is someone stealing ? seriously i wanna know wtf? WillyD Lionheart... How long have you been using this debit card, which sounds like some sort of "reloadable" one, and how familiar are you with it? It sure sounds like it's charging you $1.15 for every transaction, which is going to your bank/loan shark instead of Linden Lab.
  25. Alliah Jewell wrote: LL sent me a link to reset my password, but it is not working....I need a phone number to talk to a real live person at Linden Labs....I am really lost on what to do. Was the link in the IM sent from "LL"? I'd say it's 99% likely that someone sent you to a fake login that let them steal your password. The LL fraud number is 800-860-6990
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