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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Kiros Sirnah wrote: I'm gettign Random Disconnects today. I cna log in for about 5 to 10 minutes before i get kicked from the servers. My internet is NOT the issue. I normally don't get this often. Whats going on? My guess would be the same thing that was happening when you reported the same problem in October.
  2. Imagin Illyar wrote: In Canada if you go to the Emergency Room and have a problem that the staff there can't handle, they call in someone who can. Anyway, the numerous problems I was experiencing seem to have gone away with the last unscheduled maintenance. I'm happy More likely, if they need to call in someobody OR ELSE YOU'LL DIE they will, but other than that they'll stabilize you until the right staff is available.
  3. Cully Andel wrote: If you run a 365 24/7 operation yu have to be prepared to run it 365 24/7. Holidays are always going to be the busiest periods on SL but time and time again it's obvious that LL haven't made provision for this. SL DOES run 24/7/365 and is staffed 24/7/365 but the staff to do very complicated things aren't necessarily always going to be available. If you go to the emergency room at 3 in the morning you'll find medical staff that will do what they can for you but if you need very complicated surgery you're going to have to wait until a qualified specialist surgeon is there - you don't want the resident to try to do it with a skeleton crew.
  4. I have a bed that has similar issues at times. The poseballs sometimes rezz invisibly or only appear after you change positions or zoom out - it has to do with the (rather unnecessarily) fancy way the balls were made so they'd look semi-transparent which can cause visibility issues when they're first rezzed. As I said, they often appear after changing positions/zooming out. Does your partner use Firestorm and use the built-in pose stand feature of the AO? That's been known to cause problems with certain poseball systems. IF that's the problem you'll need to completely reset all the scripts in the furniture and have your partner stop using that pose stand feature. See this Firestorm JIRA - http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-12148
  5. Theresa Tennyson


    Xnarra wrote: I followed the directions and the folder in my inventory has my cat, his head and his Hud. But the directions do not tell me how to put them together. It says to attach the Hud. I can only attach it to myself and that does not work. Help... Please tell us exactly what kind of cat you have - from that description it sounds like you may have gotten a cat AVATAR instead of a PET cat. If it's an avatar you wear the parts and actually become the cat "yourself."
  6. Xnarra wrote: I purchase a dog but I cannot seem to rez him? What am I doing wrong? Most breedable pets have to go through a "birth" process - you rezz their "box/nest/etc." and click on it to bring up a menu, which will then go through a process to initialize it and then give you your actual "animal." They typically advise you to NOT "open" the box and move/copy the contents to your inventory the way you do with a typical purchase because it breaks the scripts. If you've already tried opening and copying/moving? Sorry - your pet is probably no more. There's a chance the maker may be able to recover it but don't count on it.
  7. Syo Emerald wrote: Seriously Orca, the OP isn't even able to answer simply questions and until now, you haven't done that job for him as well. Or are you able to answer them for him? We don't need more blablabla about how wrong everyone here is and how great his or your ideals are. How can a system be good, if its idealists can even come up with answers? Fun Phrase of the Day: straw man noun 1. a mass of straw formed to resemble a man, as for a doll or scarecrow. 2. a person whose importance or function is only nominal, as to cover another's activities; front. 3. a fabricated or conveniently weak or innocuous person, object, matter, etc., used as a seeming adversary or argument: The issue she railed about was no more than a straw man. Origin: 1585–95 Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: BrynneBaileigh wrote: Trolling is an art, one he hasn't quite mastered. He will not feed where I feed. GET OFF MY LAWN! Having fun?
  9. The problem was first noticed by the developers of "Dwarfins" toward the end of December and they attended a SL Server user group with some of the Linden Lab developers to bring the issue up - I happened to attend the same meeting. They discussed the issue and worked out a test plan with the LIndens but the Lab doesn't make changes to the server software over the holiday period because they'd be short-staffed if any major problems came up. Here's more from the Dwarfins home page: http://dwarfins.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/missing-dwarfins/
  10. Rebekah Cavan wrote: Crap. Thanks for the info - I am no longer an egg. Unfortunately, I reset my avatar before reading your whole post and didn't realize I'd be set back to a newbie av until it was too late. I spent so much time (and money) getting my avatar the way I wanted her, and now I have to start over. Ugh! Seriously, Linden should have a better method for resolving the white egg issue. Actually everything you used to wear as part of your avatar should still be in your inventory - there's no need to "start over." Just add the pieces you used back one at a time. There's a chance that one of them might have caused your egg problem in the first place - if that's the case, that's the only part you need to replace.
  11. There is an avatar named "isabelisabel" (exactly how you typed it, one 'L' at the end) but it is listed as having no payment information on file, which means that avatar couldn't be charged $10 a month. There is ANOTHER avatar, though, named "isabelisabell (TWO 'L's at the end), however, that DOES have payment information on file. Are you sure you're using the right account name?
  12. Your viewer is set up to hide empty "system" folders - the folders that everyone has which appear at the top of the inventory listing. Your "Lost and Found" folder should appear if anything ends up in it, but iti's invisible right now because it's empty.
  13. Those avatars are probably wearing mesh clothing, which is downloaded separately from the avatar "body" itself. The invisible portions of them are being hidden by alpha layers. The meshes should arrive in time; if they just don't arrive and this is a consistent problem you can adjust your settings to have them load more reliably.
  14. Canoro Philipp wrote: i see spam as a form of communication. it is transferring a message with the objetcive that others will see it and hopefully do something about the message. i am aware of the problems that spam causes, we have been suffering from spam here in the forums for a long time, trying to decieve users to go to a place that will harm them. i agree that there should be measures to protect users from that, and one of them is the cap limit that Linden Lab applied. i dont see him as trying to get more benefits than others, he just dont see much sense in limiting the messages, for example, there may be groups with more than 5000 members, that means that not everybody in the group will recieve the well intentioned message, and the owner of the benefitial group will be limited to 1 message a day. is this how it works? if the owner of a group send a message to its 6000 group members only 5000 will recieve the message and the account of the owner will be in trouble because it is considered spam? My understanding, which is imperfect, is that if an actual human account logs in and sends a notice to the group it will work as well (or poorly) as it ever has regardless of the number of members. The limits are more for automatic systems - there are systems that will automatically message everyone who has ever bought something from a store despite their never having opted in to these messages, and there are systems that will send messages to just about anybody - I recently got annoyed by one that was sending out messages about a store I never had any contact with and flew up to find a half-dozen little black cubes that were merrily sending out messages one by one non-stop.
  15. Usually trademarks only apply to one particular field of endeavor - two companies can have the same name if they're in such different businesses that there would be little chance anyone could confuse one for another, especially if the name of the company is a word in common use for other things. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Corps_v._Apple_Computer
  16. Miko Kuramoto wrote: Ok i will ask again since marking my question "Answered" makes it so i cannot reply in the original post: Anyone know what this is? No i dont have it group owned, no i dont need to wear a group tag, and it's my own free 512m parcel on mainland. It's getting annoying to have to re-log and find it in my Lost and Found Folder. And yes my hardwired internet is running well, minimal latency (55fps), everything is else is fine. Thanks for any suggestions. No, there are no encroaching objects from neighbors -- i am at 500m on a platform with abandoned land around me. thanks for any help If you're on a high platform on a small lot, it's likely that the "beam" that points to the location of where the object will be rezzed is hitting the ground on the abandoned land, which won't allow objects to rezz there. Although the platform should stop the beam, under some circumstances some objects don't. Try rezzing the objects as close to straight down as possible in the middle of your platform and moving them to their final locations from there.
  17. Not really sure what you're asking - sounds like you're referring to your "group" tag. Not only do they have the right to have you change your group tag, there are often things that you won't be able to do if you don't have the correct group tag on. They also have the right to ask you to change your group tag even if it's only to have you not display something they deem offensive or advertising another place. The fact that the tag was "created by Linden Lab" means nothing. Although technically the system BEHIND everyone's tag was created by the lab, groups are created by users.
  18. Two things to try: 1) Get the most updated graphics drivers for your chip from Intel. 2.) If new drivers don't help go to "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Advanced" and de-select 'Basic Shaders."
  19. Petrigeo wrote: Hi, I am new in using SecondLife. I wonder if SecondLife could be used stand alone, i.e. installing an own server and using a SecondLife instance for a dedicated virtual world. If tha is possible, what could the condition concerning licensing etc. The project is non profit. Thank you! George What you are basically describing is "OpenSim", which is a stand-alone system that emulates a somewhat older version of Second Life. There are no licensing fees for it. Objects, etc. that are currently used in Second Life can't be directly used in OpenSim unless the makers of those objects have specifically ported them over but there's a fair amount of content that you can find that will work. Doing a search for OpenSim should give you lots of information.
  20. SerenaUnique wrote: I am interested in the petite avatars, the ones that people rping a fairy might use. I have been seraching in marketplace and in world, and they are not that easy to find. I have seen some stores that sell hair, clothes and accessories for them, but not the actual avatar. Can anyone point me in the right direction? "Petite" avatars are made by Yabusaka - You can them and a sim full of resources at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Petites%20Kingdom/126/147/94
  21. Qie Niangao wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I wasn't aware that LL ever had Restore to Last Position in their viewer, I also use Firestorm almost exclusively. I'm pretty sure I didn't just imagine it, but I have no idea what record of it remains. I used it a long, long time ago, probably before Viewer 2, so I suppose it may have been one of the Snowglobe viewers. Anyway, it was long before Firestorm existed, and before Phoenix, too; maybe even before Emerald, not sure. Anyway, whenever it was, it didn't remain in subsequent viewer releases, and the explanation given was that the Lab simply couldn't handle the support burden caused by the feature. (I suspect that may be why many other features, too, never make it from TPVs into the Linden viewer -- although there are other design considerations, too.) I remember hearing a bit about it a year or so ago when the server change first broke the function if you didn't have rezz rights at 0,0,0. The function was put in the LL viewer at about the time adult areas were moved to Zindra - the function could take a build that had been in a given place in one region and restore it to those same coordinates in a completely different region. The function was commented out of the main viewer but the code remained and TPV's just un-hid it.
  22. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: I did find this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teen_Second_Life Apparently the teen grid was imported to the mainland, but it doesn't give an SLURL. Guess I'll try the dreaded search...lol! The former teen grid will show up as a small Mainland-type continent; much appears to be a direct copy of the equivalent regions of Sansara. There isn't much to see but some of it has an interesting unintentionally post-apocalyptic feel. You may as well start at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oasis/217/80/11
  23. It's impossible to return an object unless part of it extends onto the land it's being returned from. If your prim was exactly the size of the lot then it may have accidentally been moved when you were editing something else or it may have moved slightly due to "prim drift" - rounding errors in the server programming can cause prims to move very slightly over an extended period of time.
  24. It's not a "university" and isn't registered with Linden Lab. As far as I can tell, it's someone who teaches various 3D applications for free. For whatever reason, the person running it doesn't want to teach you. As you stated yourself, as a private place it can ban anyone it wants. And there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry.
  25. Seraphim Placebo wrote: Is the Tart gallery another victim of the new, draconian TOS? It's been a month or so since I last logged on, went to visit my favorite SL gallery... it's gone, and seems to be nowhere in the search function. I'm standing in it right now: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bloom%20County/244/102/24 The parcel's not set up to be listed in search, but I was able to find the group and from thence the owner, who had the SLURL in their profile.
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