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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. guitarfairy29 wrote: its to bad they don't have XL or XXL i'd need one of those sizes to wear em without completely having to change my entire avatar thanks for the info tho The only settings that matter for feet are leg muscle, body fat and knee angle.
  2. arabellajones wrote: Second Life seems to have gone badly downhill since the summer, particularly with sim-crossing problems. But very little is said about the changes. I know my ISP, in the UK, makes special provision for games traffic, trying to provide a clean connection. Second Life has been on their list for several years. But, if I have problems, they expect me to use one of those rather frightening traffic logging tools, something called <i>Wireshark</i>, which I admit I find pretty intimidating. They will check and interpret the results, not me, and they can tell what packets are being missed by their high-priority system. But has anything actually changed? Well, there's this CDN malarkey. They'll be seeing a lot of traffic coming from different servers, and I am not sure which domain names, or URLs, might be missed by their filters. I've been trying to find out when the testing started, but it looks as though my problems started some time before that. Another claim I have seen, with zero mention from anyone else, is that all the SL servers are now in Phoenix. It was something TPV developers were told about at one of those meetings, or so they say. All I can say is that over the last six months I started seeing some odd behaviour on connections to Phoenix. My ISP seems to have a fairly direct connection, but Speedtest reports some rather slow speeds and ping times. There were a couple of times when SL servers in Phoenix seemed to vanish. Which is one reason why I am a little reluctant to believe it. Again, no date, though I infer from one or two things that this happened no earlier than the second half of September. The only definite source I have is http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_speedtest which describes how to test connection speed to set the capacity limit in the viewer. The only date is when that page was edited, which is very recent. But it tells people to use a test server in Tucson. For a while, back in August, there wasn't a test server in Phoenix. It was one of those bad times. So it could have happened long before that page was edited. Of course, it could be the Viewer I am using. But everybody seems to want to blame somebody else. "No, there are no bugs in Firestorm", and now most of the problems I asked about are on the Firestorm bug list. I only found out about that because somebody happened to report them being mentioned at a TPV Developer meeting. I am still a Premium member for a few days. I don't plan to renew. Just what was I paying for? And this really is your best effort? I feel I wasted my money. "Speedtest" uses a series of "host" servers in various locations who have arrangements with them. The presence or absence of a server in any given location is only a reflection of what sort of deals Ookla, the company that runs Speedtest, has made. If there was no test server in Phoenix all that meant is that nobody there agreed to serve as host for a while. Your connection path to the SL servers is determined by your ISP and the contracts they have with various "backbone" providers. Problems at any point in this path can cause you problems that people on another ISP may not see, and they may not be in direct control of your ISP either - a while ago people in Europe were having issues, not with their ISP's or Linden Lab, but with an internet backbone company called "above.net" that their ISP's apparently had contracts with. You obviously are friends with Wolf who regularly comes on the forums to discuss sim crossing issues from his point of view but other people often don't have the same problems. The very idea of "sim crossings" is a bad one and they have always been erratic. I keep a pretty close eye on developments in SL and I know of nothing done recently that would change things, nor have I seen any noteworthy changes in performance. The CDN is a service provider called Highwinds Network Group that also performs similar services for Steam, etc. so they should be known to your ISP.
  3. LaskyaClaren wrote: On the positive side, I think maybe that I'm beginning to remember that I am a bit querulous and impatient. And maybe a bit of an attention whore? And concerned with keeping yourself unknown, if I remember correctly.
  4. Michaelatv Destiny wrote: My car is an auto BMW 528i, it looks like it rolled of the assembly line a couple of years ago, in fact is was manufactured in 1996, at a staggering cost at launch of £28,000. The technololgy in this car was unheard then, but is now common on most cars these days. If LL had not kept trying to repair an oudated, power hungry grid based system , and rolled out an up to dated version by 2010, then , most of us who were still working then, might have been just able to restart again. but I wont be able to for reasons outlined above, for me, My love affair with SL will end when the new one is rolled out, because I no longer have the income to commit the same level of investment I used to have here. Im surprised that many of you think its ok to let LL make no back to back allowances, meaning, even estate owners who rent out sims, will also not have to buy all new sims at probably the same price of 1000$ each, but all the merchandise objects, buildings, textures and trees and foliage you use now to show of sims. Interesting - now what would have said in 2010 to all the people who would have been BAWWWing the exact same BAWWW that you are currently BAWWWing if they HAD rolled out an updated version, which would have been just as incompatible with the old grid if they were planning on real changes? Is your basic problem simply that it's now inconvenient to you? Nice.
  5. Cornyflowerz wrote: Yes, in an adult sim. She was wearing a Kemono avatar with adult kemono accessories. Her height was no taller than mine (5'5'' or so). She was not displaying any childlike actions (calling anyone mommy) and wasn't carrying around a teddy bear or sucking on a pacifier. Just a regular everyday Kemono. The banhammer comes out if you're engaging in sexual roleplay and the character you are roleplaying is under eighteen. Linden Lab records all text conversations and holds them for a period of time so they can review them against reports. They may also judge things by screenshots captured by the abuse report. There's no real way they can check avatar height even if they wanted to - it almost certainly isn't a factor.
  6. kiramanell wrote: Backwards compatibility -- often lobsidedly thrown in our faces here as something holding the company back -- is, in the rest of the world, the corner stone to staying in business. That's why if you play The Sims (or just about any other video game with multiple versions) all your stuff from the version before can be used in the new version. And you can play your VCR tapes in your DVD player and your LP's in your CD player. Oh, wait...
  7. L$ -1 is used as a placeholder in some viewers when the viewer can't get an accurate number for your Linden balance for some reason. Your actual Linden balance will be the one you see in your Account Dashboard on the web site.
  8. Lannark wrote: Haven't been in Sl for a very long time. The new viewer is not as user-friendly as the one in use back in 2007 and before. Having an option to revert back would go a long way toward making a return more attractive. There are far too many structural changes to SL to make that practical. The best you can do is use Singularity, which is the most similar viewer in terms of interface.
  9. Em Larsson wrote: I keep getting this message, although I am not trying to move anything. It looks pretty generic to me. It keeps popping up from time to time, I click OK but it keeps coming back. What can I do about it? Can't move object[OBJECT_NAME] to[OBJ_POSITION]in region[REGION_NAME] because your objects are not allowed on this parcel. This is sometimes caused by scripted objects that have the ability to move or create objects and which for some reason try to go onto another lot that doesn't object entry set to "on." The text can be very generic for some reason. I've seen it with a breedable cat and a firefly rezzer. If you have anything like this it may need adjustment.
  10. Ceka Cianci wrote: Actually Siddhartha Gautama was not religious,his way of teaching was agnostic. He didn't teach about gods..He didn't teach belief or disbelief of them..He sought out the cure for human suffering. He taught that knowledge and meditation was the key to enlightenment to atain Nirvana. (Bleh, kept hitting enter and triggerin mah post!!) hehehe Buddhism is a religion - it just doesn't have a personalized deity, which is no requirement for a religion. This is my point - there are many, many more ways of religious thinking than the traditional Abrahamic way that many in Western society assume. I think of some of the athiests in these forums as "Sunday-school athiests" because the God they don't beileve in is the God of Western Sunday-school and they aren't familiar with other concepts. Personally, I'm comfortable using the word God but I use it to refer to that which is infinite, eternal and representing the organizational structure of the universe. I don't think of it as being separate from the "natural" world and I don't see it as having an overall intellect or decision-making process that our monkey brains could recognize as such. A student of religion would say that I'm a panthiest, where God is the whole of existence and the objects of we think of as the natural world are aspects of it. I also don't believe in the supernatural - however, that doesn't mean I don't disbelieve in things like ghosts or mystical experiences because aspects of them are common enough in societies that there may be a common source we can't comprehend - however, if there are such things they'd be part and parcel of the "natural" world along with everything else. .
  11. Ipquarx wrote: So I just logged into second life for the first time in YEARS. Like, at least 4 years. And I see that my account has literally less than no money in it... I can't even buy free stuff off the market. Please help? :matte-motes-mad: EDIT: I have not joined any groups. I made this account so long ago and I think I played it once for a few minutes then never touched it again because my computer couldn't run it at all. I'm wanting to get into it now but I can't get anything because my balance is negative and I never did anything to make it be that way. How do I get my balance back to L$ 0? L$ -1 is used as a placeholder in some viewers when the viewer can't get an accurate number for your Linden balance for some reason. Your actual Linden balance will be the one you see in your Account Dashboard on the web site.
  12. Niecia Davi wrote: i still have a hair across my butt about "stuff" bought and the prospects of losing it. Over 5 years in sl I have invested a good 1 thousand dollars in stuff so what your suggesting is that i just give up that investment (eat it so to speak) with no compensation? Seems rather unfair. Of course Linden labs is not going to offer any form of compensation because they refuse to accept any responsibility financially for our stuff. Yet it is Linden labs upgrade that will cause the loss so should they not offer some form of compensation to offset my thousand dollar loss? a thousand dollar may not seem to be a lot to you but it is a lot to me and you just through a wave of the hand say o well you used it now give it up. But what your really saying is throw my money away because you and or Linden labs dont care about my financial loss. In July you said it was five thousand dollars. Interesting.
  13. This discussion can't really go anywhere unless we decide on a definition of "religious/religion." In these debates I end up on the "religion" side not because I'm an adherent to any particular organized religion but because most of the "non-religious" debaters seem to have a very simplistic view of what "religion" is. Their working definition and concept of "religion" seems to be their perception of the behavior of adherents to modern mass-market Western religions, which would be the equivalent of judging the cooking skills of Ettore Boiardi by a review of a can of modern-day Chef Boyardee ravioli. For instance, they consider religion to be "dogmatic" in which case Martin Luther, Jesus of Nazareth and Siddhartha Gautama wouldn't be "religious" figures because they didn't follow the prevailing dogma. So, what is "religion"?
  14. GeniusMike wrote: I have spent a tremendous amount of money of Second Life, for my properties and custom builds - and I do mean a lot. I have multiple funding sources all linked (PayPal, Credit Card, Debit Card), and today all of a sudden I could no longer buy ANY Lindens. It kept saying "I'm sorry we were unable to process your payment". This failed again and again, regardless of which payment method I would choose. So, I called the bank, the credit card issuer, and PayPal, and in all cases they said I was perfectly fine and there were no holds on my accounts. Even more - the purchases I was making through Linden Labs weren't even hitting - at all! They never even HAD the chance to be rejected..... WHAT? (I did not reach my $2000 monthly limit, while in the past I had, I have been trying to watch it)... So, I contacted chat support, and I was told "yes, it shows that you need to wait 14 days to buy any Lindens, and then if after 14 days you still are unable to purchase Lindens, we will escalate your ticket". So, I kindly asked "Please, can you tell me what caused this, so I can avoid this in the future? I am in the middle of projects and I need to make purchases, and now I can't... and I want to make sure I don't do whatever it was that caused this again. So, please, can you tell me?" And they replied "we are not at liberty to discuss the reasons for this 14 day hold on purchasing Lindens, but you can go to any of the third-party resellers (Anshex, etc.) to purchase Lindens if you wish".......WHAT??? I spend THOUSANDS of dollars U.S. on these projects, and then treated like this? RIdiculous. They won't even tell me what the heck I did? Can anyone out there shed some light possibly on this? I am so frustrated, I cannot tell you. Extremely upset. Thanks very much, everyone - I appreciate it! My guess is that it's unusual for someone who's only been in Second Life for six months to spend so heavily - Lindens are convertible back to RL currency and there are a number of ways they can be used for money laundering, etc. They don't want to tell you the cap that will trigger holds like this because it's possible to set up multiple accounts where each could operate just under the cap if it were a hard, known figure.
  15. Dillon Levenque wrote: He starts the second or third paragraph with: "Robert Geraci: We are, at our core, religious. By this, I mean that I am comfortable naming our desire to claim the world as meaningful — to see the world as magical and as meaningful — religious. We are driven to find value and meaning in the world and we will persistently engage in that effort." I disagree. He may very well be religious at his core, and need to see the world as meaningful. I"m quite comfortable seeing the world as it makes itself known ot me. So are a whole lot of other people. That's what science is about. If people weren't seeking some sort of "meaning" (i.e. the underlying cause or significance of something) why would there be science at all?
  16. arabellajones wrote: Since this is the first I have heard of this, I remain unconvinced. If it needs special settings from my hardware or software, either viewer or firewall, nobody has bothered to tell me. This is either more Linden incompetence, or another "not our problem" response. Why should I trust you? You don't have to trust me. You don't have to go to Kuula either.
  17. Two people are reporting problems entering regions due to capability-granting issues and both regions are on the Snack RC. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Region-Entry-failing-Kuula/td-p/2837328
  18. arabellajones wrote: I have just been bouncing off the sim boundary when trying to enter Kuula region Error Message: "Second Life: Failed to grant capabilities" All contents of the region are visible. Map indicates 10AVs are in the region Teleport attempts fail with a similar message (in a form I cannot cut-and-paste). Sim crossings at nearby boundaries succeed with no problems. Since I cannot get into the sim I cannot tell you which code version it is running on. Kuula contains the main NCI facility, one of the places which new residents are invited to go to when they complete orientation. And according to all the tests I can run, I have a very good connection. I have rebooted my modem. I don't use wifi. I figure it's time for somebody at Linden Lab to do their job. Kuula's on the Snack RC which is testing the new mesh/texture content delivery system. Right now I'm having no problems with teleporting in and region crossings are smooth as buttah. Interestingly enough, Mystro Pestro's on Snack too - I'm also having no access issues. However, the "capabilities" system for these regions is different than the typical region because that's one of the things that the RC is testing. Are you still having problems with these regions, and if so where are connecting from? The new RC is using remote facilites around the world to send mesh and textures and something may be blocking these facilities for you.
  19. Pamela Galli wrote: Someone at some point had to upload textures, yes. Just as someone at LL had to code SL into being and had to create library textures, and sky and water textures. But before sculpts, ANY USER could do 100% of his creating inworld. I did, for quite a while in fact. I would bet that this was the case with most builders. Which is what Celestiall said. This statement, even if ignore the issue of creating textures, is only true for the creation of objects like houses and furniture. Animation makers could never do their work in-world to my knowledge; neither could modern skin makers and clothing makers, even with system clothing. For many things I can't see the benefit of working in-world anyway. For a house or other structure that has a direct connection to the land yes, but I don't see a real difference between someone creating the sofa I bought in Blender or Maya and that person working "in-world" but in isolation on a sky platform while ignoring communication, which is pretty common practice for builders if their profiles are any indication.
  20. arton Rotaru wrote: Honestly, I really don't get that "prim building is for everyone". It always sounds like as if people coming into Second Life, and opening the build tools floater, and start building awesome, highly marketable objects, making good amounts of L$ from it, right from the bat. The reallity is nowhere near that. To make something nice with prims you need a lot of practice. In fact it's much easier to create appealing builds in a dedicated modeling software than doing it with torturing prims. Once you know to handle the basics of the software. Doesn't matter much if you learn to build in-world, or to learn Blender and the like. Both take time and practice, that's a given. But if you've built your reputation as a builder on mastering an arcane proprietary system that only a few people bother to learn and the environment opens up to allow content made by other systems then you''re suddenly a smaller fish in a bigger pond, n'est ce pas?
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: "they crippled Mesh. Unlike every other object type, Mesh has no layer of abstraction between the model and the instance. The result is that every other object type can be changed into any other object type without losing the identity of the object. With Mesh, you're stuck: it is always Mesh; even worse, it must remain always the same model. This was done to placate creators crazy about protecting their precious intellectual property. The result is the increasingly static, "behold the pretty pixels" Second Life." Mesh has changed the nature of Second Life. It has done more to discourage creativity than to encourage it. And personally I don't think that is a good thing. We really do not have a level playing field any more. Qie was referring to a scripting issue - a script can turn a prim cube into a prim sphere, for instance, which can't be done with mesh. However, mesh objects can be modified as much as the maker allows them to be - they can be resized, in whole or in part, be retextured, etc. I've converted an eight room mesh motel to a six room one, easily stretched the rope of a hanging chair to reach my cathedral ceiling, etc. In fact mesh pieces can be more modifiable than prims because there's less of a size-limit issue. There's a hard limit how small you can make a house that uses hollowed prim cubes, for instance.
  22. Pamela Galli wrote: Someone at some point had to upload textures, yes. Just as someone at LL had to code SL into being and had to create library textures, and sky and water textures. But before sculpts, ANY USER could do 100% of his creating inworld. I did, for quite a while in fact. I would bet that this was the case with most builders. Which is what Celestiall said. Where did Celestiall say anything about creating inworld? All she talked about were tools, without specifying whether they were used inworld or outworld. And those textures still had to be created outworld. There's no getting around nthat one.
  23. Pamela Galli wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: In the end, are we talking about introducing communism to SL, except in terms of knowledge rather than money? Just so that nobody can feel less talented at anything than others? Are you sure this is a solid argument? You not only don't understand communism, you don't understand the point that Pam was trying to make. Oh, well. Enlighten me, then. “Oh, well” sounds cool, but you’re perfectly aware it’s not an argument, and if you just don’t have the time or the patience to keep debating, you should just say so, instead of trying to sound aggravated :smileywink: Ren, this isn't a debate. I've spelled out the point that Pam was trying to make. So......at what point do I continue to spend time trying to enlighten you? If you don't grasp it now....? One last try: Originally, people started in SL with the same basic tools. (like the US constitution of all being "created equal") People were more, or less, talented than others.....and the differences were diverse. But, all had the initial chance, and started with the same tools. Sculpts and mesh made it so all don't have the same tools. It created an elite class (like royalty) So, the democratic chance of all being able to create was erased. (Note that able is different from being given something. If one is able, they still need to make the effort, which would differ from communism, where one takes, even if taking from others) For someone who talks so much about freedom, your idea of what Second Life should be smacks of the world of Harrison Bergeron. You can build exactly the same things now that you could have built in 2003. The difference is that the upper limit of what has been possible has been raised. Incidentally, SL residents never "all had the same tools" - there's no texture editor in the viewer so if you wanted to make anything other than a bucket-colored object you needed to use an outside program to make textures. Celestial is correct. No one has ever had to make his own textures. Plenty are for sale in SL. The differences in Minecraft creations depends entirely on the difference in the builder's aptitude in building with Minecraft tools. Professional 3D modelers do not have any particular advantage. People who know how to use 3D programs to create or to rip 3D models from the internet do not have an advantage. Second Life used to be like that, and IMO whatever benefits have accrued from making SL look more like "other games" do not outweigh the cost. Certainly there has been no indication that such a massive investment of time and money involved in converting to mesh has increased retention. Where exactly do you think those textures that were for sale came from - did people pick them off of magical texture trees? And what is the difference between buying a texture that someone else made versus buying a sculpt or mesh that someone else made?
  24. Pamela Galli wrote: I have not actually played Minecraft but there are no monsters, no "levels". There is only one thing: creation. That it can be collaborative makes creation even more enjoyable. Then you should perhaps become more familiar with Minecraft before you talk about it. In Minecraft there's a game mode where you have to work for your resources, and there are monsters. There's also an open sandbox mode, mind you, but it isn't a pure building platform.
  25. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: The point is that BILLIONS of investor dollars were put forth for a creation platform. People with big money recognized, the draw. (the draw being the ability for everyone to create, and collaborate while creating) Yet, even while LL has that kind of draw, they've done everything they can to kill it. I though the big draw for the bubble phase of SL was not the ability to create, but the ability to make money from your creations. SL didn't really take off until the magazine cover of Anshe Chung proclaiming her a millionaire. And then came the absurdity of trying to sell RL clothing by showing it as system clothing painted on our beloved onion-bag avatars and RL cars by making bad models of them and having them test-drive them in the horrible driving environment of Second Life.
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