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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: In the end, are we talking about introducing communism to SL, except in terms of knowledge rather than money? Just so that nobody can feel less talented at anything than others? Are you sure this is a solid argument? You not only don't understand communism, you don't understand the point that Pam was trying to make. Oh, well. Enlighten me, then. “Oh, well” sounds cool, but you’re perfectly aware it’s not an argument, and if you just don’t have the time or the patience to keep debating, you should just say so, instead of trying to sound aggravated :smileywink: Ren, this isn't a debate. I've spelled out the point that Pam was trying to make. So......at what point do I continue to spend time trying to enlighten you? If you don't grasp it now....? One last try: Originally, people started in SL with the same basic tools. (like the US constitution of all being "created equal") People were more, or less, talented than others.....and the differences were diverse. But, all had the initial chance, and started with the same tools. Sculpts and mesh made it so all don't have the same tools. It created an elite class (like royalty) So, the democratic chance of all being able to create was erased. (Note that able is different from being given something. If one is able, they still need to make the effort, which would differ from communism, where one takes, even if taking from others) For someone who talks so much about freedom, your idea of what Second Life should be smacks of the world of Harrison Bergeron. You can build exactly the same things now that you could have built in 2003. The difference is that the upper limit of what has been possible has been raised. Incidentally, SL residents never "all had the same tools" - there's no texture editor in the viewer so if you wanted to make anything other than a bucket-colored object you needed to use an outside program to make textures.
  2. LeonardoMyst wrote: Thanks for the help, Dresden. I'll be sure to check out those links. However, I'm curious... about how much per month would I be looking at spending of real money per month just to have a personal house? I don't suppose they have casino-like games that don't have cash-outs? Oh, and the HUD question... If you scroll your mousewheel forward it goes into first person view. I sometimes like to do that to feel more immersed in the environment. However, I'm afraid someone may want to talk and I would not see the messages. I wouldn't want them to think I was ignoring them. You might be interested in the Insert Coin Arcade, which has arcade games you can play for free for in-world prizes: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flotsam%20Beach/113/143/22
  3. ElijahJerrick wrote: It's nice to know I can't log in and get my avatar to load a shape, skin, clothing and etc. It's nice to know I can't teleport to a sim and listen to some live music like I wanted to. It's nice to know I can't meet my wife at said live music venue, while I'm out of town, no less, so we can do some things together in SL. Thanks, LL, for giving me so many 'It's nice to knows". I really appreciate it. My wife thanks you, too, if you even care about her, either. Maybe you should check out OSGrid, the largest Open Sim grid. Of course, they had a problem with their inventory servers on August 18. And their grid is still not back up yet.
  4. kaymichel wrote: I am looking for the Ava skins from Belleza. THey are not available at the Store anymore anyone know where i could still find those especially the 1 and the Matte Lipstick bundle? Belleza pulled most of their older skins when they released the mesh body, probably because they don't use their current body tones and it'd be a maintenance headache with the new body. They were on clearance for weeks - I don't think you can find legitimate copies of them any more.
  5. tytheguy111 wrote: i got a full avatar kit and i put it all on and the tarable looking blank hair never went away and it combined with the new hair style and it looks awful and i cant un wear or deleate damn i cant even edit the blank hair i need help lol i am a noob btw i just started last night The wearable object labled "hair" (head in profile in the inventory listing) is one of the required parts of any avatar. Most avatars wear one where the old hair helmet itself has been shrunken into the head until its invisible and the hair object itself is only used to control eyebrow shape. You can substitue one hair wearable for another but the system won't allow an avatar without one. You can either edit the one you're wearing to change all the slider values to their minimums or just put on another "hair" wearable. 99% of the ones you'll find these days will be invisible.
  6. Puddly wrote: I come back online after 4 years and I tried detaching, replacing, changing skin, choosing a new avatar, removing everything until I've got an invisible body and I still can't remove my hair. What's going on? How do I take it off?? If you're referring to the wearable object labled "hair" (head in profile in the inventory listing) it's one of the required parts of any avatar. Most avatars wear one where the old hair helmet itself has been shrunken into the head until its invisible and the hair object itself is only used to control eyebrow shape. You can substitue one hair wearable for another but the system won't allow an avatar without one.
  7. FayteMoone wrote: I'm at my wits end and about to throw my computer out the window. I've been part of SL for a little over a year and have had two computers in the process. My Laptop was incredibly bad but all that happened was that it took a long while for everything to load. I get a better computer in many aspects BUT now whenever I play, if my "Basic Shaders" option is active, mesh objects twitch and stretch, go wild all over my computer screen to the point where its essentially unplayable. Just mesh type objects in my home will also begin to stretch all over and its crazy! This doesn't happen at all when "basic shaders" is turned off but nothing is coloured correctly and everything looks terrbile! I use firestorm, Is this the problem? HELP! I don't know what to do anymore! Here are my computer specs: Manufacturer: Dell Model: Inspiron ONE_2020 Processor: Intel® Pentium® CPU G2030T @ 2.60GH Installed Memory(RAM): 4.00GB, (3.89GB useable) System type: 64-bit Operating System heres two pictures that show the two issues that happen (THE second picture isn't even mesh! its just normal prims!) http://puu.sh/bObrB/e37c5d09ae.jpg - What mesh objects i'm wearing does http://puu.sh/bObmK/f9600c7dd5.jpg - What prim objects in my home do Go to the Intel website and get updated drivers for your video system.
  8. PJ Stipe wrote: Why is it when I black list something I have to keep redoing it every time now when I didn't before?? I'm assuming you're using Firestorm. Linden Lab made recent changes to scene rendering ("Project Interesting") that FIrestorm picked up in the latest viewer but unfortunately they ended up breaking the Object Blacklist and the developers haven't worked out a repair yet.
  9. Jackal Ennui wrote: Since sunday, I've been having weird issues with mesh and image uploads. I'm using the official viewer Second Life 3.7.16 (294015) with Windows 7 64 bit (up to date with all patches) When I try to upload a mesh, the uploader will indicate the triangles and vertices count as being 1, or 3, or 5, even though the mesh is a couple hundred or thousand tris, and the preview window doesn't show a preview. Forcing it to re-load the same mesh (by clicking "Browse" and selecting the same DAE file) will set the triangle count correctly, but "Generate normals" fails, and uploading fails. This happens with known good meshes, that I uploaded successfully last week. This happens with a simple 8 verts / 1 material cube, and both on the beta grid and the main grid. When trying to upload an image (TGA, PNG, doesn't matter) the preview works, but then I get the error message "Couldn't convert the image to jpg2000". I've successfully uploaded these same images last week. I've tried: - uploading the same files with the same account and same viewer version from a different PC with a fresh Win7 install: works. so it's clearly not an issue with my account, nor the DAE files themselves, nor the viewer - doing numerous clean viewer reinstall, following the instructions in the KB (http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231) - didn't help - tried the Kokua viewer, which I hadn't ever installed previously - it worked until the next reboot. Now it will still upload images, but shows the same errors with mesh files - tried the most recent official viewer version, and the one before (from the wiki) - updated my graphic drivers, did a malware / virus scan Other than updating iTunes and Flash, I didn't install or patch any software recently. I'm really at my wit's end with this. Has anyone had a similar issue? Any ideas how to resolve this? Sounds like problems people are having after the weekend update for iCloud on Windows machines: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7343
  10. PhotoGenius87 wrote: I haven't been logged on for a while and and I know I had zero linden dollars last time I was on. Today I logged on I noticed I have negative one linden dollars!!! How did this happen? I think some viewers use L$-1 as a placeholder when they can't get your accurate Linden balance for some reason (others use L$20.) In any event your true Linden balance will be the one in your "Account Dashboard" on this website.
  11. kentreborn wrote: First u need set the bird for Sl Ground or prim ground !!!! ( Prim and sl Ground buttons) and this is the part I don't understand as I cannot find any Prim s! buttons. I'm guessing that "SL Ground" would be the basic surface of the "world" which is usually green, gray or tan and can be edited with the "Edit Terrain" funciont. "Prim Ground" would be if you wanted the peacock to walk on a separate surface like the floor or patio of a house, a sidewalk on the ground or the platfurm of a skybox. The buttons themselves would probably be in a menu that you get by clicking on the peacock. You might have do go through more than one menu level to find them.
  12. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Actually SL V2 was designed by an outside company brought in as an expert in interfaces. The "innovations" that Firestorm brought in were largely to make it look similar to SL V1 which was designed by... um... Linden Lab. That isn't how I remember it. If I recall correctly, it was actually The Phoenix Viewer which users flocked to in order to escape the horror that was V2. I believe the original Firestorm was based on V3 code (which, to LL's credit, was much, much better) and I'm pretty certain there was no Phoenix mode, which emulated the V1 interface, upon its initial few releases. This, of course, doesn't mean that the point you were trying to make is devoid of any validity. ...Dres I simplified things to suit the current mythos that Firestorm is the Chosen Viewer, the Immaculate Window to the World. I remember when Phoenix was the Viewer of Choice and the Firestorm viewer was seen as an evil usurper and pretender to the throne by many Phoenix users (who then cleared their caches. Again.). I'm also savvy enough to know that Phoenix was actually a decaffeinated version of Emerald, which was in turn a hopped up version of Viewer 1/Snowglobe. Realistically, the difference between any two viewers running current technology is the difference between a Chevy Camaro and a Pontiac Firebird (or a Vauxhall and an Opel for our overseas friends.)
  13. XNyanNyanX wrote: I am aware of the ToS, and that they can change certain features, but the fact they are going to potentially do changes that will in essence render an entire inventory useless nearly is rather a tad over done. I would much prefer backwards compatibility. They do not need to allow the prims and sculpts to be generated in SL, but allow the ones in existence to still work. I feel this goes beyond a mere ToS event, this is a major change, basically a whole new system. Not even Second Life so to speak. Calling it SL2 does not change it is entirely something new. It should not be to hard for a compatibility coding. If such was not possible people could not get nintendo games for the PC to work with emulators. I am saying they should not say "possibly" or "potentially" but should say "We work to keep our user base from losing all they have invested years and money into." Not a damn cold ToS link basiccally telling me to screw myself. That's why it IS going to be a new system and the old system will stay running in parallel until the dinosaurs die until there isn't a sustainable demand for it.
  14. Deltango Vale wrote: If LL were to announce that the Firestorm team would be the exclusive developer of the SL2 viewer, I would probably agree with you, but LL has a proven track record of failure on viewer development. The contrast between the skill, intelligence and enthusiasm of the Firestorm team and LL's crude, sloppy V2 is legendary. Firestorm is the SL viewer now. The idea of LL being the only developer of the SL2 viewer sends shivers down the spine of the entire SL community. Actually SL V2 was designed by an outside company brought in as an expert in interfaces. The "innovations" that Firestorm brought in were largely to make it look similar to SL V1 which was designed by... um... Linden Lab. (And it WAS a giant ball of suck, mind you, but lets give credit where credit is due.)
  15. kedawi wrote: I upgraded my membership to Premium but I did not receive the cash bonus and my "house' still says it is owned by one of the Lindens. Is there some standard delay at work here or is this a problem? The L$1000 bonus will be paid after you've been a Premium member for 45 days. You'll never be listed as the owner of the Linden home because of how it works - you own the land inside it (or at least as much as anyone ever owns land in Second Life.)
  16. Prime wrote: I'd like to be courteous and thank the LL employee who dealt with the Support Case I submitted (to set for sale to me a parcel adjoining land I owned). But to do so, I'd have to re-open the Case. I have a feeling that re-opening the Case might not be appreciated--undermining my intent to say "thank you for this." What have others done in a similar situation? What's the etiquette involved? They usually send out evaluations of how the case was handled - just give them good marks if you get one.
  17. Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: I just did a comparison between latest LL viewer and latest FS. Firestorm, graphics settings at ultra and when you do freeze frame and move the camera it is smooth as glass. LL viewer even after turning graphics down to Low when you drag the mouse to change the camera position the screen freezes for a second or so. Horrible. Anyone else getting the same? I only see that if "Auto-refresh" is also turned on during freeze-frame, or possibly if "Auto-refresh" was turned on at some point in that session. If I don't use "Auto-refresh" when I'm doing a freeze frame it works fine. ETA similar problems happen when I have one of the filters selected when using freeze-frame.
  18. Ronaye wrote: Thanks so much!!! Geez....what is LL thinking of with this route? I've been here 9 years and got mad; what is this going to do to a newbie??? Another boneheaded idea:((( Stop pushing mesh down peoples throats! I love Sl and they are making this harder and harder for new people to get into. Thanks so much for your help; now I can go (finally) skin and shape shopping:)!! Huggggs:matte-motes-inlove: It won't be any more confusing for a newbie than the practically useless sliders for manipulating skins and hair which are still in the viewer and messed with me briefly in 2010. New people don't have assumtions about How Things Work based on how they worked in previous years.
  19. Ina Fairport wrote: Months ago I heard rumours about a Belleza mesh body. But when I go to their shop I end up in a temporary shop with retirement sales. Anyone knows what is going on ? As of today, the body's out and the main store has been completely rebuilt.
  20. Kittenkins wrote: Some of us like that activity a lot and run a whole day to slap the boards. The ugly part happens on the next day when one logs in again, there are lots of notices with the won items BUT when clicking to accept the "post" the items won't be delivered in your inventory, they just dissapear to the ether. It is really annoying and therefore I'd like to askwhy and how to fix this. Also I'd like to bring in LL's attention - inventory search used to work fine but now it is pure crap and not efficient at all! :smileymad: Most Midnight Mania boards have a "redelivery" panel next to them for exactly this reason. However, are you sure you haven't set an inventory filter? If you get the notification you should get the item - a filter might be blocking you from seeing them. Try resetting your inventory filters.
  21. Tempest Sweetwater wrote: i have an interest in becoming a male model in second life. i am looking for a range of values that i could use in order to put together an avatar for modelling in second life? many thanks In addition to the advice about proportion, if you're going to model clothing you should probably pay attention to the "standard sizing" guidelines that set values that mesh clothing designers expect for a certain number of slider settings. The exact numbers are availabe in many places, including notecards in some mesh clothing folders.
  22. Wandering Soulstar wrote: Ren - Yep have Singularity set at the highest Theresa - Realize that it is not a gaming laptop, but it is worlds better that the brick I had before. DD is set at 128m. If you were to see it from my desktop what you would see is all the mesh buildings, regular buildings, furniture, etc, with all their textures in .. and in a store a bunch of square or rectangular spaces (the sales signs) that are either grey, or more normally blurred .. that stay that way for ever. There was a bug in the LL viewer a few months ago that would cause this problem. It came into being about the time some changes were made to the inventory system on the servers. It has been fixed in the LL viewer for some time but its possible that the Singularity update uses the older problem code. See if other people on Singularity have similar problems. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6382
  23. Jandid Harcourt wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Jandid Harcourt wrote: I have been playing this game for years now and to be honest it's really hard to have a good time anymore. Besides for doing random adventures with just me and the girl, we go from SIM to SIM looking for anybody to talk to or anything, we have tried the make friends forum and just...nothing. Even tried going to clubs but all they seem to be is music and gestures with not much talking. Anybody else having this problem? Any suggestions? Seems like all we have left to do is hang out by ourselves, shop for new stuff for our SIM, and than just tp from high traffic SIM to high traffic SIM just to find everywhere to be a ghost town than just log off after all failed attempts. I love this game and have loved it for years but lately I can't find any reason to log on anymore. Old friends are all gone and it just doesn't seem like this game has much to do or anyplace to go . Sorry if this is the wrong forum or if I misspelled I'm currently on my phone Go back and read your forum post history. Now ask yourself, "If I met someone who talked like this, would I want to hang out with them?" I asked for advice, not for you to be a douche. Thanks for the responses everybody. And thank you for proving my point.
  24. Jandid Harcourt wrote: I have been playing this game for years now and to be honest it's really hard to have a good time anymore. Besides for doing random adventures with just me and the girl, we go from SIM to SIM looking for anybody to talk to or anything, we have tried the make friends forum and just...nothing. Even tried going to clubs but all they seem to be is music and gestures with not much talking. Anybody else having this problem? Any suggestions? Seems like all we have left to do is hang out by ourselves, shop for new stuff for our SIM, and than just tp from high traffic SIM to high traffic SIM just to find everywhere to be a ghost town than just log off after all failed attempts. I love this game and have loved it for years but lately I can't find any reason to log on anymore. Old friends are all gone and it just doesn't seem like this game has much to do or anyplace to go . Sorry if this is the wrong forum or if I misspelled I'm currently on my phone Go back and read your forum post history. Now ask yourself, "If I met someone who talked like this, would I want to hang out with them?"
  25. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Also be sure that your LOD is at at least 3. Chances are a lot of those signs are mesh since som many are using mesh when prims will work just a well, just not the new shiny. LOD has nothing to do with texture loading, it has to do with 3D vertexes. Turning up the LOD may even slow down texture loading and it will definately burn up video/system memory. To the OP - Your laptop is pretty good for a laptop but it isn't really spectacular and it sounds like you're running it at settings higher than it really should run at for good performance. What's your draw distance set at?
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