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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. yukiimatasake wrote: I have been looking into mesh avatars and can't seem to find a definitive answer about whether or not they support Scripts to make them less static and rigid looking? Thanks! -Yukii If the avatar is described as "fitted mesh" and responds to most of the sliders in edit appearance it can use "jiggle" physics; if it's just called "rigged mesh" and only responds to a few sliders, it won't. Scripts don't really have anything to do with it.
  2. Most of the Mainland continents have extensive road networks. Newer continents have a section of road in each region the road runs through where you can rezz a vehicle. They're less common in Heterocetera and Sansara but there are public rezz areas on those continents too. For Sansara (the "old" continent) you can rezz at the ends of the roads in the regions Noyo and Tathlina for instance.
  3. It's quite interesting how, as a sixteen year old who's only been here for four months, you've gotten into the habit of using a maturity description that hasn't been officially used in years ("PG"), hang out in welcome areas and help areas that haven't been used as default landing areas for new avatars for well over a year and are realistically only now used as grieftroll nursing homes, and discuss people reading your profile which you've blocked from display unless you're using "legacy profiles." My, you're just old before your time, aren't you?
  4. Ceka Cianci wrote: isn't playing pretend a game? Role playing.. "Play" as a verb doesn't imply the thing that is being "played" is a game. We "play" a record "player", for instance. My RL work involves putting on "plays" and Shakespeare had one of his characters hold that "all the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players." (Or something to that effect; my exact quote is courtesy of Neil Peart of the band Rush.) My other big computer "gaming" activity is playing the Sims series - it is generally referred to as a "game" but it also doesn't have a clear win/lose dynamic and Will Wright referred to it and the other Maxis "games" he made as "software toys." Perhaps Second Life should be considered a toy instead of a game. I'd be comfortable with that...
  5. Gadget Portal wrote: So I suppose the topic for discusion here is "Why get offended when SL is called a game?" Because if you didn't call it a game those people would find something different to be offended by. Such as that statement.
  6. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Eve mesh body has their own line of mesh clothing that fits her av only. Would it be OK for me to make a copy of her av shape and make my own mesh av and compete with her clothing line? Copying the actual mesh vertex for vertex mechanically? No. Making a new mesh from scratch that copies the size, shape, weighting, etc. closely enough to match the shape of the clothing? Yes. However, attempting to make a copy that close would be far more work than it would be worth; it would also run the risk of infringing on the Eve brand name, which, unlike the general shape, may be protectable. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Its called proprietary. Slink shoes are designed to fit Slink feet. Why do you think N-Core feet don't fit Slink shoes, or Slink feet don't fit N-core shoes? Slink is primarily in the business of selling body parts. N-Core is primarily in the business of selling shoes and already has a following. Slink has managed to commodify the shape of their feet; if N-Core made shoes to fit them they'd be in competition with many other shoe makers and they couldn't justify charging prices that would gag a goat maintain their current business model. So, they feel it's in their best interest to try to lock their following into a different size foot. In the United States at least, copyright does not extend to the shape of a useful (as opposed to decorative) object with the sole exception of boat hulls - a specific law was written about them because it's much less work to mold a copy of someone else's boat than it is to come up with a boat hull shape by drafting it out. If you have radically new technology you can patent it and be protected for a while, but you can't prevent a competitor from using the only logical shape of a common item just because you brought yours to the market earlier. If you're going to make a mesh foot it's going to look more or less like a real-life foot; there's a good chance that you'd come up with something very near the size and shape of a Slink foot no matter what you did. It would be perfectly possible to work backwards from the shoes without seeing the actual Slink meshes at all. From the description the Sim-I-Lar feet are quite different structurally from Slink feet and are actually more sophisticated in some ways (for instance, they combine all sizes and foot angles in one object that's controlled by HUD.)
  7. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I don't know what the Lindens are trying to fix, it's a very standard message when they announce scheduled maintenance, and doesn't really tell you anything useful. But there are times it does feel like the CDN system still isn't working right. Or is it the SSA system? When was the last time they tested how the service worked from anywhere other than San Francisco? Have they ever used hardware to simulate a less than perfect connection? Oh, they do tests from Phoenix, do they? They're straining my seasonal goodwill to all men. Whirly Fizzle was heavily involved in the initial testing of the CDN/mesh pipelining and she's from Britain and was using a civilian (i.e. non-LL) connection. I believe Oz Linden is actually based out of Boston; at least he was.
  8. Dren Bernard wrote: I have high spec'd Macbook Pro 2014 model. I have always used Phoenix and Firestorm but even with this powerful mbp it runs hot and fans are audible all the time. Is there a viewer out there that is better suited to the Mac OS system? many thanks Dren You might try Alchemy - it's put together by someone who knows a lot about Macs and I believe is built using newer/better Apple development tools.
  9. Cheesypuff wrote: Just got some shapes and reading the style cards, the skins and hair featured no longer exist :matte-motes-angry: Why do creators withdraw skins and hair?? I can understand doing it inworld, but not from Marketplace?? :matte-motes-sour: Why get rid of old products and make them unavailable? They must be losing out on money...from customers like me. Currently many skin buyers want appliers for mesh bodies/body parts and it's a lot of work for a skin maker if they have a large number of skin tones available. Discontinuing older skins makes this process easier and they don't risk having buyers getting an old skin and then complaining about not being able to get appliers for it. As far as hair, I think some of the makers just get tired of their old styles and feel they don't reflect well on them anymore.
  10. Lydia Craig wrote: It is happening all over sl and getting worse Don't hold your breath waiting on LL to fix it or even acknowledge that there is a problem, and get ready for a barrage of post blaming this on anything but LL.. Already fixed.
  11. Pussycat Catnap wrote: From the blog: "At this time, we are not disclosing the person named in the DMCA notification, because that person is not a Second Life user and was impersonated." - Which basically sounds like... you could pull any old name of anyone in the world... and file one of these in their name... with no proof of who you are... Makes me wonder how many DMCA's Barrack Obama has filed... It's also quite possible that the "impersonated" person actually WAS the one who filed the DMCA but when they were contacted by a lawyer they realized they were bringing a knife to a gunfight. And if the IP of the filer was tracked to them they'd say "Oh, that must have been my nephew/neighbor/cat using my computer."
  12. PhrostElk wrote: I switched the clients as well and it still shows my avatars alpha and everyone elses alpha as transparent. Can anyone help? It looks like the problem you have is that you can't see the meshes they're wearing over the alphas, which appear to be working normally for you. You probably have an AMD video card and the latest drivers cause problems with worn mesh. Either roll your drivers back to Catalyst 14.9 or go to "Graphics" - "Advanced" and turn off "Hardware Skinning."
  13. FiraFirecat wrote: Hello Everyone! :catvery-happy: I've been looking to give my skybox a festive scene by adding some nice snow fall. But alas, 2 purchases and 1000 wasted lindens later, I can't seem to find a snow emitter that doesn't seep into my house and make my living room a winter distaster. Anyone know of a snow machine/emitter that keeps the snow where it belongs, OUTSIDE? Any help would be super appreciated! :catembarrassed: Thanks! Fira :heart: Dwelling Quay's Ultimate Weather system works differently from traditional snow particle systems and the effect location is very controllable" http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Romantic%20Paradise/49/205/3011
  14. UnkleFritz wrote: for some reason... sl 1.12.9 was already installed. because there is old company admin password, i cant update anything. sl log in bogs down at verifying protocol version, then gives message: unable to connect to second life. system may be down. try again in a few minutes... i'm running mac os 10.4.11 anyone have ideas? a workaround? thanks You really need to use a different computer. 1.12.9 is so outdated you won't be able to see mesh or avatar skinning even if you can get connected, and you won't be able to load any current viewers on a Mac running Tiger even if you get around the admin password.
  15. mauipop wrote: How, when and where do i renew my monthly premium account ? It will automatically renew each month using the payment method you used to start it.
  16. Teagan Tobias wrote: Well, you have already said it so, yes, it was an error by the Lab. They removed a lot of animations, and a couple threads I was following were deleted when that was brought up. Maybe things have changed. But, because these are major brand name animations they will most likely be put back. Last time most of my animations came back in a day or so but some took longer as I recall. It's possible to change the permissions on an animation and distribute it freely while keeping the original creator's name - it would be similar to "jailbreaking" a cellular phone. It may be that when this happens it references the same UUID so all the copies, both legit and jailbroken, have to be removed at once.
  17. elliegouldings wrote: Does anyone know how much a custom mesh head would cost? Or could someone possibly give me an estimate? I've tried asking some people who make customized mesh heads the way I like them, but they don't give the price/don't respond on flickr. You might be interested in this product - you can customize your own uploadable head. By all means try the demo first, and take a look at the maker's website as welll. The "Pro" version has more sliders availabel than the "Standard" version but its more expensive. It's from the maker of the Petite avatar. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Yabusaka-Mesh-Head-Studio-Standard/5989629 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Yabusaka-Mesh-Head-Studio-Pro/5989628
  18. Sadkiel wrote: Greetings guys. I hope that some experts here could help me. I noticed this issue lately which I don't know what could possibly be causing it. So, I have this line on my avatar's neck, I noticed after using some full body tattoos. As you can see in these pictures. It doesn't matter which tattoo or which shape I use, it's visible with anything. I don't know how to fix it. Also as you can see, anything under that line is worse quality. The tattos become blurry. It happens with any shape or tatto. Any idea of what could possibly be causing this? Thank you'all. I hope you can help me. It's a problem with the basic structure of the avatar in SL. That neck join is the border between separate textures. The avatar "skin" consists of three separate textures - one for the head, one for the torso from the waist up, and one from the waist down. Anything that crosses from one of these textures to another needs to be matched very carefully or you'll see a joint like that. It's worse between the head and upper body because they're both 512 x 512 pixel textures but the head texture is on a much smaller area, giving it a higher effective resolution. That's why the tattoo is blurrier on the upper body than it is on the upper portion of the neck, which uses the head texture..
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: I found myself slightly amused and bemused as I read it. Because while I agree in principle with the idea of being a 'good neighbor,' these Commandments don't really reflect anything LL enforces, Mainland still being the great Wild West. The deity Moses knew as I AM THAT I AM didn't directly enforce His Commandments either, you know...
  20. AstralJames Allen wrote: Das NEUE Second Life (Evolution bzw. VR) wird WebGL nutzen und kann somit ein riesen Erfolg werden! Sollte es allerdings weiterhin nur ein Plug-in Viewer werden, wird es GARANTIERT kein Erfolg! Sollte es allerdings wirklich WebGL nutzen, koennte es ein noch groeßerer Hype werden, wie es Second Life vor etwa 10 jahre war. Da neue und garantiert erfolgreiche wird allerdings sein das es eine "echte" NextGen Version wird, die VR Brillen wie die Oculus Rift nutzen kann/muss. Diese NextGen Version von Second Life ist speziell fuer VR bzw. VR Brillen gemacht und wird die naechste Generation der Virtual Reality einlaeuten. Wie Linden Labs jetzt offiziell betsaetigt hat soll das "neue" Second Life 2015 erscheinen. Hoffen wir das es ein riesen Erfolg wird und wir uns alle in der Virtuellen Realitaet der naechsten Generation wiedersehen ;-) Das Video hochgeladen wurde im Jahr 2012.
  21. Sckhar Draconia wrote: Hello. So, I am having an issue with mesh. I'm a old SL player and I've been using mesh for a while and never had any issues, I used to play on Firestorm x64 viewer and everything was fine, then I stopped playing for a couple of months and today I have decided to log on SL once again. The thing is: I cannot wear ANY MESH AT ALL. I can wear anything as long as it's not mesh, if I wear it, it won't load on my screen, I can click edit and it'll show I have it dressed, but it won't show on my screen at all, I thought it could be a viewer problem, so I uninstalled firestorm and installed SL Oficial viewer, same thing, then tried singularity viewer, firestorm again, black dragon viewer, all of them the same hting happen. I thought it could be something with my avatar, so I asked a friend to log it on his comp, it worked 100% fine, he could wear the mesh I was trying and it worked fine, so maybe it could be osmething with my computer, but the thing is, my computer is exaclty like it was a couple of months ago when I last played SL and it was working fine, I have changed absolutelly nothing. I took these two screenshots (both on singularity viewer, but this is happening with any viewer I try, even the sl oficial viewer). On the print above you see my avatar without anything on it, but the mesh cloth is dressed, it's just invisible for some reason. The print above shows when I click edit, it shows I have the item dressed correctly, but it's invisible, if I put the provided alphas it still won't show. Sometimes this happens too, if I click either ADD or WEAR, this happens, then I remove and try again, it happens as on the other two screen shots above. My computer settings are (just in case it's relevant in order to know what can be causing this): AMD FX-6300 Watercooled AMD R9 270x OC (latest driver). 8GB of DDR3 Windows 8.1 Pro x64 I play on a 1080p monitor in windowed mode. So, what could be happening? I have tried everything I could think of. Removed and installed viewers agian, cleaned registry and temporary files before and after installing, changed viewers and nothing worked, been around SL since 2006 and nothing like this ever happened with me. Again, this is only happening to MESH, all the rest is working fine, even the performance is fine, no lags or anything, just can't load meshes. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance! I bet you just updated your AMD video drivers, right? You'll either have to turn off "hardware skinning" or roll back to Catalyst 14.9. Known major problem with AMD drivers after 14.9 release.
  22. Keres Bikcin wrote: Hi all, I am wondering how to check which mesh items are causing me lag. There is something in my home that is causing me and my partner extreme lag. How can I tell which it is? I know the higher the polygon count, the more lag it is likely to cause, but how do I check how many polygons an item has? I have found the "weights of selected" menu, but I'm unsure what those exactly mean and which is likely to effect me. Download, physics, server, display. Will one of these tell me which is likely to be the cause? I have tried looking in wireframe, but finding it hard to tell polygon counts with that. I know it must be something mesh causing the lag. I have checked scripts and everything else. My lag disappears when I turn my LOD way down or off. Help please? Thanks in advance. The display weight is the weight you're looking for. Don't immediately assume its polygons though. Layered alpha textures (folded up objects with transparency) are real lag monsters and they're commonly used in landscaping like grasses and trees.
  23. ChinRey wrote: However, the village in my picture is currently known as Meauxle Bureaux, one of the latest great LL builds and "Home of the Moles". What it really is, is the backdrop from the 2013 Fantasy Faire exhibition. They've added the inventory for the houses of course and a few other details, mostly made by good mesh makers but the moles have also made some pitiful attempts at meshing themselves, including that tower I already mentioned. But all those houses, streets, landscaping etc. are simply the Fantasy Faire backdrop copied down to every detail. There's no mention of the creators anywhere, unless you actually check each and every object, so the casual visitor is led to believe that this is a genuine Mole build. It was profiled in a blog post by Inara Pey before it opened as Meauxle Bureaux and she made it clear exactly what it was - it's no secret. The LL blog post describes it as being by "resident artists" as well. And they didn't really "copy it to the last detail" - basically, they moved it. All objects have the original creator's name. You make it sound as if it was copybotted.
  24. Fluschi wrote: Hello! Meshs aren't being rendered when I enable Hardware Skinning, resulting in floating T-Shirts and stuff. Is there a workaround for this except disabling it? Because the performance impact ist huge. Also everything looks crappy when I disable it. I've got an ATI HD7870. The workaround is going back to Catalyst 14.4 - it's a known issue with the (i hope still) beta versions after 14.4.
  25. Click on the "Help" menu at the top of this page. The second entry in this menu will be "System Requirements."
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