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Everything posted by SlammedSam

  1. I am also part of the "Alt promoted to main" crowd. Ironically, it took another alt cosplaying that reminded me of an old comic/story that I wrote and drew many years ago, and I was inspired to bring a character to life in SL. My other toons are still arund, though nowhere near as active as I now. One even still carries all my building materials! That being said, I am saddened and angry when people do use other toons for nefarious purposes, such as having affairs, griefing and so on, especially when there are legitimate uses for alts. To the OP, you have my condolences on your loss. =( I'm also sorry that you had to find things out about him after the fact. With that, do keep close to you all the good memories. Exactly! =D
  2. The Smurfs were pretty fun back in the day. Looked forward to seeing them alongside the Pac Man cartoon in the early 80s. I fondly remember the days of MTV actually Gasp! playing music! What a shocker, eh? Especially once I started getting to metal, and Headbanger's Ball was a thing. Headbanger's Ball kindly hit the "Would you like to know more?" button for me as I started to learn about new bands, along with assorted magazines of that era. Anyone remember Metal Maniacs? And yes, kids have that way of keeping you up to speed on things. Even if you don't have any of your own, nieces, nephews and cousins will kindly do that for you. XD A few christmases ago - this was back when Frozen came out - I was talking with my cousin, and she jokingly told me she was on for a night of constant "Let it go". So, I told her about the song "Happy", and she said "Thanks a lot! Now I have that in my head instead!" XD
  3. For music, my old folks introduced me to a variety of rock and roll that was around during the 1970s. My step-dad was especially fond of Meatloaf's "Bat out of hell". They were also fond of a local rock station that played the likes of Boston, REO Speedwagon and Van Halen, and stuff like that. Naturally, in the mid 80s I too was among those whom discovered heavy metal music. The first metal tapes I acquired with my own money were Dokken's "Back for the attack" and Metallica's "... And justice for all". Just before that, a friend lent me a dub copy of Metallica's other albums, and I got into those. Comic books have also been a favourite of mine since childhood. I read and collected a lot of Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Transformers, Indiana Jones, X-men. Later got into the Punisher as well as Spawn when those came out. Sgt. Rock is cool as well. And I sometimes see ones of like Star Trek, and even McHale's Navy at flea markets and the like.
  4. Watch the movie "Independence Day" aka ID4. Perhaps have a burger, and drink a beer.
  5. Oh, gosh, this a gazillion times over! >=O At home, I have an airfield. Recently, some nob moved in, and put these big blocky things in the sky. Also, holy full bright abuse! >_< That really gets my goat.
  6. Yes, Builder's Brewery is your best bet. Just go to their sim, and sign up for their group. Lots of stuff to do there. 😃
  7. Rocky Jones! =D I got turned on to Rocky Jones, first by way of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Then some years later, I came across a box set of the whole series. Love it, as I have a soft spot for vintage sci fi. I still need to see Forbidden Planet, and it's on my bucket list. In other shows that came out before I was born, my folks introduced me to the likes of Leave it to Beaver, Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Addams Family, McHale's Navy, Gomer Pyle, Green Acres, Mister Ed, F Troop, in addition to the aforementioned OG Star Trek.
  8. Now, this is what they should put in the new Top Gun!
  9. Oh gosh, toys! =D My primary favourite back in the day were Star Wars, circa 1978-85. I had quite a few back in the day. I also enjoyed G.I. Joe and the Transformers. I also had lots of little spacemen and Army men. Legos were also fun, as well. I had some of the space sets of those. I used to run around in the woods with a branch fragment that just happened to roughly resemble a raygun, or phaser. Was just as fun as something store bought! I was also, and still am a big reader. According to my mum, I read encyclopedias as a wee one. The full fledged novelization of the orginal Star Wars, as well as the Black Hole and 2001: A Space Odyssey were my biggest favourites back in the day. Later on, a friend turned me on to the Hitch-Hiker's Guide books, and I enjoy them thoroughly! For shows I have enjoyed, there were the cartoons of the aforementioned G.I. Joe and Transformers. I also greatly enjoyed the 1970s Battlestar Galactica for my space kick, as well as the original Star Trek, which was allready in re-runs when I was little. I also enjoyed a lot of the 70s and 80s Saturday morning cartoons as well: Looney Toons, Tarzan, Fat Albert, Blackstar were the biggies, as well as Pac Man. Later on, I came to enjoy the A-Team, Knight Rider as well as the Next generation of Star Trek. For the 90s, I rather enjoyed My So-Called Life, and Space: Above and Beyond, as well as the Star Trek spin-offs that were about then. For movies, it's all about the original Star Wars and Star Treks, as well as Indiana Jones, and Back to the Future. The first two Alien movies are also fun, and I loved Transformers: the Movie. 1941 was a nice movie, as well as Stripes. I enoyed 2001: A Space Odyssey, as well as it's sequel 2010: the Year We Make Contact. Ghostbusters is also hella fun, as well as Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And, of course you have to mention a Disney movie or two. Mine would be the Black Hole, and the Cat from Outer Space. There's probably more I could think of, but that should be enough to unpack for now. *^_^*
  10. Pretty much this, all told. Otherwise, if I'm going to pay RL money, that's the bit where I get a ride somewhere, and enjoy the artist there.
  11. Channeling my inner Johnny Cash. Or something.
  12. Oh, yes! I loved Artilleri back in the day, and alsywas hoped that someday she'd make some nice meshy updates to her stuff. Can't get enough of that sort of style. I also came to Swing Times way back in the day. Loved that place. I also liked the late, great Nix Sands. He did some marvelous period pieces, as well as sci fi goodies. Lumae also used to make some really nice skins that were reasonably priced. I was looking for her stuff recently and alas, it seems there is hardly anything left on inworld or MP. As for places missed, I always had a soft spot for Caledon's Iron Cloud.
  13. Rest in peace, Robin. She did some good stuff. =(
  14. Someday, I would love to have an airfield again. I used to have one where I used to live, but alas, that sim closed about a year and a half ago. As far as housing in general, I am pretty fond of the mid-century aesthetic, and I have even dabbled in making my own house that have that googie/Jetsons style. I would love to have that mid century style in RL as well, though for now I must have it in SL. Now, if money were no object, I'd love to acquire a few sims, and build the U.S.S. Cygnus from the Black Hole.
  15. IMO, the only "too old" is dead. I long stopped caring what anyone thought of my way of dress, which leans towards the casual side. I actually obtained a jacket in RL which is pretty much a replica of the uniform jacket worn in Star Trek: Enterprise. And, anyone that has a problem with my Star Trek jacket can go kick rocks.
  16. Hey folks. I go by many names as I am an altoholic. XD Having said that, I am a fun loving nerd that likes to hang out in Second Life, doing building, just hanging out with friends, flying, RPing. I am also an amateur writer that might someday even graduate to author. I also enjoy cosplay in SL, though that probably ties to RP as well. I also enjoy heavy metal, jazz, classical and big band music, and sometimes can be found at those sort of clubs either solo or with friends.
  17. For sci-fi stuff, it's all about Isil. Studio Skye is also good. That is my main go to for landscaping items, like trees, dirt roads and that sort of thing. For clothing: By Swirly, Really Rockabilly, Set to Stun, the Secret Store, Belle Epoque, Zenith, R2. Also Addams and Blueberry Hair: Magika, Elua, Truth, Doux, Exile Home, decor: FIN/Relive the 50s, What Next, Dysfunctional Designs, % ( yes, it's "percent" as the symbol. )
  18. Flying a plane. All while listening to the "asteroid theme" from the Empire Strikes back! XD
  19. Cosplaying some Star Trek. Yes, Transformers fan as well.
  20. I'm all about honey in hot tea. Here's hoping that you get better soon, and no covid to contend with.
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