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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I've seen it occasionally on Flickr but mostly in-world. Usually the avatar is all butt. Just...a big ole butt and not much else carrying LOL. That might be a Kupra thing. Not sure if the other bodies can pull that off (but maybe if you make them short enough). I also consider the very small upper body/massively large lower body thing to be somewhat exaggerated, and I see that everywhere. Like I've said in other threads, that could absolutely work for some looks/avatars (and I still want to see someone try it with a cel-shaded avie!), but it's not at all what I'd be going for. You should try it! But this is likely going to come down to a "does the clothing exist for Erika yet?" thing. OR, a "can I squeeze Erika into menswear?" thing. Even with Matireya, I do most of my tomboy shopping in mens stores, lol. OR, I V-Tech/flat her out, toss a male skin on a unisex or female head, and go male with her instead. V-Tech offers some fun wardrobe options when I feel like messing with it. Depends on my mood and how much I feel like playing with alphas. Honestly, it's that kind of flexibility that keeps me right where I am. I'd be hard-pressed to make this work with some of the other bodies. I'm too gender fluid to give all these options up, lol. That said, I do wish at least one or two other bodies had that same flexibility. I like choices!! Some have flat mods (Reborn has a V-Tech now - Erika does not, I don't think), but shoving them into male clothing (or actually creating male avatars with them) might be a bit harder. Random example - here's a female Maitreya alpha-stuffed into menswear (I love this suit - it's Jake size): And on the flipside, a male Maitreya + V-Tech, same head, a male skin, and V-Tech & female-fit clothes: And, my "screw it, I'm a rockstar" look (Maitreya + V-Tech, Genus strong gift, male skin, female clothes, LOL): I love experimenting with my wardrobe, honestly. It's why I need so many clothes!!!
  2. Oh yeah, no I've never done that. My experience with squeezing bodies into clothes not made for it is not a fun one, LOL. But then again, it's usually because I'm trying to squeeze Maitreya into Jake or squeeze Legacy Male into my entire female shoe collection. Not a whole lot of compatibility there. Lucybody into Maitreya is really easy, though, so there's that. Any body that can be made to be fairly natural without super exaggerated features can work. And speaking of which, I'm a dork and think neutral couple outfits would look adorable as hell, lol. And lmao his face in that first pic.
  3. I demoed it at some point. I'm pretty sure I tried them all - Kupra for sure, Kupra Kups or whatever they were calling their flat mod version (Kupra Flat? I don't even know), Legacy and Perky definitely, Reborn I believe, Erika, Analexa, Prima, too. I ignored Gen X Curvy but tried on Classic. Classic looked a LOT like Maitreya to me, so I didn't really see a point in changing (fixing my shoulders is not worth 5500L to me, lol). The only other one that stood out to me from a shape POV was Analexa. It's the only body I could get to match the slender-with-gentle curves body type I typically go for, plus it had the built-in flat chest options. No clothes/support whatsoever, though, so no buy! I think Erika's been fit with all the addons/options Analexa has, but don't quote me. I tried it before Erika released, pretty sure. But Erika was much too curvy for me. I should try it again and see if I can get it more slender, just for funsies. It's been a while. Think Janelle MonΓ‘e. More specifically, clothes that could work equally well on a male or female avatar. I've used Maitreya + V-Tech or Lara Flat to shop that look, but any average, slender, petite, or plus body/shape would work. It can also be done with Jake/Legacy/CZ Slim, if the shapes and clothes are neutral enough (no bulging shirts or anything, lol). No skirtbelts, no rippling muscles, no boom boom cleavage. πŸ˜‚ Everything pretty neutral and right in between.
  4. This is very true. It also doesn't help that most of these new-ish bodies are chasing the same exact trends. In saying that, I'll be super honest - I can barely tell the difference in any of them. Kupra might be the only one I can pick out of a crowd at a glance due to how short people tend to make it, lmao. To be equally fair, I can't tell the difference between Lara and Legacy at quick glance, either. πŸ˜„ How they respond to sliders and all that - sure, there's a difference. But just looking at them and their clothing ads, it all runs together. Reborn might be the one that stands out to me (not taking height into consideration!), and that's solely because it's been putting out its own body mods that are fairly difficult to miss, LOL. But not including all that either - it's all the same market to me. If I wanted to make an androgynous avatar - none of them would work out very well. Even if I had the option of a flat or petite chest - dem hips doe! Tall, slender looks - not happening. Short, petite avies - nope. That isn't a bad thing, of course, and obviously there are plenty who like what's on offer, since the stuff sells and appears all over Flickr. But it all starts to run together past a certain point. Some clothing diversity would help a lot! It'd be cool if, after the trends die out, each body fell into its own zone and took off running in its own direction - I think Erika would look suuuuuuper cute in the vintage/retro market!
  5. Nothing at all wrong with liking Legacy and it's supported in tons of places too, but I often wear goth/streetwear/techwear and never had trouble finding outfits for Maitreya. Only one shop that I know of is Legacy only, but there are plenty that serve that market and have things for several bodies. Mixing and matching from all over the grid keeps me from having to rely on one place, too. As far as updates, I haven't really wanted anything for my Maitreya that I can't get from a third-party. The shoulders are always my biggest gripe, but there are deformers for those (that I don't use - I'd rather just whine πŸ˜„).
  6. I don't really have a single standard and treat most things on a case-by-case basis, buuuut... I put makeup sets into their own folder in my Makeup folder. Usually. Folders are also broken down by SLUV and EVO X. Mostly. I'm still working on that. I have no idea why I'm dating things. I should stop that. My animations are usually sorted by store. When I glance in there and see a ton of folders from one place, it gets its own folder and nudged to the top with a !. Same with photo booths. Furniture is more of a random mess. Some by store, some by type, some by room. I reallllllly need to get in there and fix that up. Home & Garden at the top level, House Furniture, Outdoor & Garden, Houses, Skyboxes, etc. Then in House Furniture, there are some store folders and a big top-level House Decor folder. And then a random mess of folders from all over the place that I really need to organize. From there...House Decor is broken down into a Holidays folder, Table & Counter Clutter (my biggest folder I bet), Food (ok maybe this is my biggest), Lighting, Plants, Artwork & Walls, etc. etc. My basic rule of thumb is if I start seeing the same store name repeatedly, it's time to make it a folder in whatever section it's sitting in (like if I see a ton of food from What Next, I'll make a What Next folder in my food folder - which reminds me, I really need to make a What Next folder!). I don't prioritize sorting by rooms since I most often decorate living rooms and kitchens. By far, Home & Garden is my biggest mess. Clothing is my most organized. Not doing too badly with my skins, worn mesh, and avatar-related things, either.
  7. This should start at the right time, but if not, scroll to 6:43. She goes over how to create a new EEP setting from scratch in Firestorm and save it. Once saved, you can apply it from inventory or from Phototools.
  8. It'd move a lot faster if designers put out some tops that fit. Lol, not to sound so grouchy or anything, though I am pre-coffee, but it's my primary reason for never switching bodies. I actually do like some of that stuff (and those pants in the Joana Set are fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrre and I might grab them in my size), but not 24/7. I'm probably not a typical user case or anything, but being able to make an infinite number of avatars all wearing their own unique style is what keeps me faithful to Maitreya. If I could make a steampunk-wearing rat and a gown-wearing orc and a frog lounging around in breezy resort wear with Erika, I'd swap in a heartbeat (the shapes you can make are nice!). Now that's just my nutty shenanigans, but I do think these bodies would move up the ranks a lot faster if they had a wider selection of casual basics available to build up our outfits with, for those of us not rocking the boom boom cleavage. 🀣
  9. It looks okay, I guess, but it doesn't seem to sync with how SL is typically used. It seems like it'd be cool for dance and fitness gaming, though.
  10. It already exists alongside it. Low chance it's replacing anything. Anyhoo, before the thread gets moved to the adult section, I'll hop back on topic - Slink's new, more realistic (feature-wise - like the animated feet) body got so little traction. I didn't really like it myself, but I do like the direction they were going with animated foot states. The whole thing, though, is it would require shoes to do the same sort of thing, right? Which might be why that never caught on. Speaking of which - were there ever any shoes created that can animate along with their feet? I'd love to see them if so.
  11. I feel so wildly out of the loop with all of this. I never heard of a new viewer in production, either. As for Slink, though, if all you're needing are shoes, there is no real limit to what you can find. I do wish they made a male feet version with foot states, though. I am still struggling out there! I do love their male body, though. Shape wise. Y'all are killing me with all this talk of huge muscles. πŸ˜‚
  12. The new 7 Deadly Skins Group (SEVEN - [7DS]) is indeed 500L to join. It was free during Black Friday, and there's a group notice stating it's the last time it will be free this year (and it's the group the Advent gifts will be set to). As for my list, I honestly can't even remember, LOL. There are just way too many events around the holidays. Ones that weren't mentioned yet: Glitzz (300L group fee - I must've joined it at some point when it went free) is one. Zerkalo Christmas Delights for holiday dΓ©cor And Trompe Loeil's Advent hunt was pretty fun last year. Very, very pretty gifts.
  13. What? Clearly I TP around too much. I have no idea what any of this means. πŸ˜„
  14. I thought about suggesting those, too, Wulfie, but I had no idea if/how they work with male bodies like Jake/CZ/Legacy. I've never tried to use one of them before, despite thinking about it once or twice. Some of their heads are so cute! Cool if they do!
  15. Female heads won't naturally fit on male bodies and vice versa. For unisex heads, they often come with both a male and a female neck. Gaia is just female, unfortunately. To get it to work on a male avatar, the easiest route would be using Maitreya + Lara Flat or V-Tech for the chest. But then, you're struggling to find clothing made for those mods, which is a whole other issue. Lelutka River is their only unisex head, so that might be worth a shot to see if you can shape it to your liking. Grab a demo of that one and play with some skins. Try Gloom's skins (and eyes) out on it, perhaps. One other possibility would be trying the Marionette head from BeSpoke. It comes with both a male neck fit and a female neck fit and their heads can usually be shaped fairly nicely. It's also Evo X compatible, so it will use BOM Evo X skins, makeup, tattoos, etc. Other heads they sell may work, too. Many of them are unisex. Might be worth trying the Salem Werewolf (non transformed), too. BeSpoke is currently 25% off the entire store (with special sales up to 75% off at the landing point) until December 2.
  16. Just Black Friday things. More looks to come as I buy more heads, but for now, I'm rocking these for the weekend.
  17. If you're wearing the V-Tech mod, you'll need clothing that's specifically designed to fit it. Look for stores that carry V-Tech clothing. For feminine options, try The Secret Store. TwoSided also has some things upstairs, and Mug is another option. Candy Doll has some cute dresses (check the signs carefully - not everything there fits V-Tech, but it will say if the size is included. I found some on the back wall once you head left into the store), and Muse offers cute lingerie.
  18. Christmas is usually when they do the freebie giveaway. Last year they did the 12 Days of Christmas theme with a bunch of other shops (Heaux, Velour, Not Found, etc.). No word on whether or not there will be one this year (yet).
  19. LOL, my current walk is a runway strut with a wave. My avatar periodically waves with the right, then the left hand to make it look like she's saying hello to people while walking by. Now I'm curious to see what that outfit will do to that. πŸ˜„
  20. Oh wow, I never thought of that. I might demo it in Legacy then. Thanks! I've tried several tops/jackets with hands stuck in pockets over the years and it always looks hilarious with my AO, so I was having some flashbacks to all that mess, LOL.
  21. Quick update: BeSpoke's storewide sale is now LIVE. Things have changed up slightly, so I'll drop the info from Discord here. The entire store is marked down 25%. Vendors will refund after purchase. There is a special discount vendor at the main landing point for the Black Friday Poll winners. Be sure to check here first, as additional discounts will apply to the winning heads (and skins). The main contest winners are Sphynx Zen and Neko Stray - they will have an extra discount applied, bringing them down to 375L each (the vendor will display the wrong price, but will refund). Second place are Incubus and Succubus - they are discounted to 750L. Again, the vendor will reflect a different price, but will refund. And lastly, at the bottom there is a third discount vendor offering an additional 30% off for the runners up. This sale will run until December 2nd. Omg it would help if I included a landmark. Ahh. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Honeydale/129/127/1012
  22. I love that outfit, but if the intention is for the avatar to be permanently posed with his hand in his pocket, I might scream. πŸ˜‚
  23. The temporarily free groups I know of seem to be ending their free join today, but... Seven - [7DS] - today seems to be the last day it'll be free through the end of the year Trend - free Join Group Until 25th (From 25th Back To 299L$)
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