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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Not sure if the price alone is responsible. There are already a lot of bodies out there (and all of their unique versions), for a start, so creators are finding themselves having to either add it or change what they're currently offering to include it in their workflows. I guess that's why stores are starting to survey customers - some plan to drop support for other bodies to fit it in, if there's enough demand. Plus, I think others are just in wait and see mode. Not only to see how much content is coming out for it and what it looks like, but also to see if we get that alternative version they promised. Mod perms for those who want/need it, and a PG body for those of us who wear tails and things. As it stands, they're saying Mod & PG won't be coming out until their first major update is released. No ETA for either one. That alone is making me not want to even bother. I picked up several heads over the holidays that led to making a bunch of brand new avatars that use tails - in addition to the ones I already had - and another big head sale is coming for Christmas so knowing me, I'll grab one or two more - so it's a rough time for me to swap bodies to something that doesn't currently support them.
  2. Went on sale Saturday. "All items in store are UP to 50% Off. This includes the Gen.X bodies which are set at 33% Off!"
  3. Twitter's got its uses, though honestly, I just follow Second Life news here. Grid status update tweets are helpful, but until Second Life completely leaves the bird OR that platform explodes, I'll keep getting my maintenance updates over there or on the server update site page thinggie (I'm tired). Mastodon seems confusing and takes quite a bit of time to load on desktop.
  4. Glitzz just gave this out the other day for free in their advent calendar. I forget what they're selling past gifts for if you miss them - 25L? Something like that.
  5. Yup, and one of their suits is a Slink fit only. Their clothing is really nice, but development is a bit on the slower side. I'm not sure if any of the newer bodies (Davis, Kario, CZ) will be included in the tuxedo release, but here's hoping. Their last releases were for Gianni, Jake, and Legacy.
  6. That sounds super frustrating!! I think I'm overly picky with my shopping methods at times, which might be why I rarely encounter this type of thing. You know I shop a LOT, but I shop primarily by word of mouth, Flickr (which saves me from having to run all over the grid when looking for something specific), Seraphim's sales, and personal experience with an in-world store. If I really, really fall in love with a creator's items to the point where I want to keep throwing money at them and their stuff is a bit spendy (like the current head buying binge I've been on - send help), I try to engage with them on Flickr via their group photo pools/comments, or I hop into their Discord and chat with them directly. Some designers are super responsive to customer feedback and enjoy engaging with their communities - and I've found they even take requests and/or are open to suggestions for what to make next. There are some who prefer the element of surprise and say nothing (wait and seeeee guyyyyss!) and others who will show you straight up screenshots from their 3D software like "oh here are some photos of what we're working on for *insert event here*, whatcha think?" I also refuse to shop non-discount events (minus grabbing the freebs) ever since I grabbed an expensive "event exclusive" that wound up in-store a month or so later discounted to weekend sale prices. Never. Again! Long story short, there are a LOT of really great designers on the grid to the point where you don't need to bother with those who don't invest much time into building up their in-world presence. And if you're wearing a newer body, it doesn't hurt to make a list of stores you absolutely love and see if they're accessible via socials and ask if they're open to rigging for it, which likely depends on their sales trends, but it never hurts to ask, or see if a customer body poll can be set up - some stores have been doing that these days since there are sooooo many bodies to rig for. I've seen Peach in a few of those polls. In most cases, I'd agree, but I'm guilty of buying things without demos, too. I've done that with furry and fantasy skins a few times and haven't been disappointed (yet). Also, my favorite costume designer doesn't provide demos for her sets since you'll very likely get a damn near dozen attachments, accessories, lights, particles, shapes, and other random items in the package. I guess people have been hassling her about it as she's now got signs up explaining why she doesn't provide demos, but I bought from her before all that. Totally went in blind. Never regretted it for a single moment. My best costumes come from her. In fact, I'm planning out another avatar and saw she's got an animated circus tent carousel dress (with horses!) that I might need, too! Would I buy it without a demo? In a heartbeat! 😂
  7. Deadwool seems to put things out very slowly. It doesn't look like there's been a new suit since early 2021 (the Sean). They have a new teaser on their Flickr for what looks to be a new tuxedo coming soon. Honestly, try demoing their stuff with the body. Legacy Male clothing in general can fit CZ with some good alpha magic. Hell, I've managed to get Maitreya into Deadwool stuff. Just never bought anything there for her yet since I was waiting for something new to come out. The Sean comes in Legacy size. The older suits are for older bodies and it doesn't look like they ever got updated to include newer bodies, but you might be able to wiggle CZ into a TMP or standard size if it's offered. Cold Ash, no idea. Try demoing that in Legacy, too. Generally speaking, Legacy tops can be a bit floaty on CZ, but pants can fit if your alpha and "let's just hide that with a..." game is on point.
  8. That's cheating! Lol, I have mine set to 2 weeks. Which is about how long it takes me to get around to cleaning the dang thing out. But no really, I've been pretty good about unpacking and putting away the advent stuff this year. It stays in Recent 2-3 days max. It's the demos I always grab and never bother trying on that lounge around in there for up to two weeks. 🙃
  9. I forgot Fetch. They've got some super cute earring designs and nice texture HUDS (and they're mod - scripts are no-mod). I also love PKC. Look through the store for the unrigged earrings (they're also mod/copy).
  10. Try LaGyo. They've got big chunky earrings and necklaces in all kinds of styles and they're often in weekend sales. Their hats/bandanas/headbands are mod, so the earrings/necklaces might be, too. Edit: SLURL here - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Charmed Forest/125/127/1682
  11. Do you still have that cow with the googly eyes that you sit on and bounce and it plays music? I love to bust that thing out from time to time for no reason whatsoever. Bouncing around my house on the thing. 😂 And yeah, the unsorted section of my inventory is a total mess. I do keep my Recent tab nice and tidy and I've unpacked all of my advent gifts this year, but grrr those Shop & Hop folders are going to be a nightmare for another decade.
  12. I guess it depends on someone's personal style. There's a decent amount of clothing coming out for it (according to their Flickr channel on Discord), but I'm not seeing much I'd personally wear. And yeah, aside from shoes, I don't see a lot of accessories just yet. I do see quite a few designers requesting channel tags, so hopefully more stuff will be coming soon.
  13. For Gen X? I've seen some at Ysoral. RAWR for belly chains. Haven't seen much else (yet).
  14. Definitely a great idea! I'm waiting just a bit longer before purchasing the body myself, but I've already got some CZ clothing in my inventory due to buying from stores that include it. I'm happy to see it taking off the way it has been. I just need some more shooooes.
  15. Omg, thank you so much for this. I was looking for this exact type of thing for a few days now to make a specific avatar. It's got patterns, too. It's so perfect. 😂
  16. I'll spare you the nightmare fuel of what this head looks like with its mouth open. 😉 Check my Flickr if you're curious, though.
  17. Yes, they're quite rude on occasion. They're also extroverted (they recharge by socializing in large groups). I was talking about specific people who happen to be both things.
  18. I bought the #$!@ out of that #$!#!#%@#$ @#%$! They are adorable. Now the mission to find a good pair of pants or skirt or dress that won't clip with them. Thank goodness for my Noche capris in the meantime. 😂
  19. I quite like flexi for short hairstyles. I have one I will never delete because the curly bounce is just too dang cute. Too long, though, and it's at risk for that weird jittery trailing behind the avatar effect that happens when a place is lagging a bit too much.
  20. OH MY GOD. Legacy MALE, too??? *runs over there IMMEDIATELY* @Ceka Cianci GIRRRRRRRRRRRL, git over here, they have ERIKA, TOO! Edit: Promo price is Marketplace only, just FYI. Can grab a demo in the store, though.
  21. Lol, yes. Now I see there are options to customize whether you show AFK at all and whether or not you get logged out. Maybe? Maybe not. I think a lot depends on where they're coming from exactly. For example, if you come from a huge social MMO where chat is always lively and people are swarming all over, yeah, SL's silent avatars and quiet local chat might seem a bit weird. But if you come from a sandbox/building game background (Sims, Minecraft, Valheim, etc.), chances are, you're more interested in the design tools and learning how to make things here - maybe a combat sim or two, as well. You're already used to making up your own goals, so that's not too new, either. In my own example, I came from a big social MMO/guild, but I HATED my characters' appearance and limited armor options, so when I came to SL, I immediately got hooked on avatar customization and shopping. And of course, there are tons of non-gamers who come here to do all sorts of things, so they get involved with a variety of activities pretty early. Funny enough, when I meet newbies, they never complain about not being able to socialize or people being AFK. But they DO tell me their frustrations with not being able to get dressed or customize their avatars to their liking. That's always been a huge roadblock (and I still struggle with that from time to time myself, and I change appearance constantly, ugh!).
  22. Lmao yes! If anything was going to frighten newbies away, it was that. Luckily, that's not a thing anymore. 😂
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