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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. All spring/summer long right? So annoying!!!! I'm not sure what the laws are around here for how long they can go for - I kid you not it really does last through 1 and 2 in the morning. On top of the fireworks and everything else.
  2. Ooooof, live bands. Honestly, these might as well be as all of these parties always take place outdoors - including the DJs and karaoke. I swear it's like a mini music festival out there every weekend (except replace deep house with bachata, merengue, reggaeton, mariachi, and the occasional dance/rap/hip hop). I genuinely don't mind whatever they do during the day into the night. My own music has enough bass to drown all that out and I'm always in headphones. Plus, I can get down with some reggaeton and merengue, heeeeeeeey. But there comes a point by 2am where I start wishing a massive bolt of lightning would come down and zap all their equipment. 😂
  3. OMG you too with the roosters and fireworks? I don't even GET it. Like how do y'all have enough resources to stockpile a whole two seasons' worth of fireworks that you set off daily and never ever run out of? 😂 I'm glad it's not just me, though. I somehow feel better knowing this happens all over the place. And yes - dogs, and outdoor parties, and loud DJs, and drunken uncle karaoke - I just...
  4. That sounds wild. I'll never forget the time someone thought it was a fantastic idea to have a rooster as a pet (or maybe they were training it to fight - who even knows around here). 4am - rooster yelling at the entire neighborhood to wake up. All. Freaking. Morning. Every. Morning. In. The. SUBURBS. Weeks and weeks of that. These days, it's just fireworks and firecrackers. Every spring/summer without fail - the very instant the temp goes above 60 degrees - random fireworks. Fridays. Saturdays. Sundays. No, not early fireworks for the 4th or anything. Just random la la la it's 12am it's the perfect time to set some nonsense off for the next 2 hours let's go! The louder bangs trip off every car alarm in the area, so that's fun, too. 😩 Thank goodness I sleep like a bear in hibernation or else I'd be cranky as hell! I fall asleep to it - don't even ask how.
  5. Samiaaaaaaaa get thee to Samia! They do weekend sales and often have "around the eye" mods discounted. For something a bit more subtle, Izzie's. Here are their Flickrs: What you'll want to do is get very comfortable with layering BOM. Super easy. Start by grabbing demos and try layering them on top of one another. Just make sure if you're in Evo X mode, you purchase Evo X BOM layers. If Evo Mode, get Evo layers. Then you can add eyebags, dark makeup around the eye, dark circles underneath, etc.
  6. For cute stuffs, try the So Kawaii weekend sale event. Happens every Sunday. https://www.seraphimsl.com/2022/06/25/see-whats-new-at-sokawaiisundays/
  7. I'm not a lawyer (far from it) and have only ever seen it happen in criminal trials, but the seizure of electronic records is *usually* more of a risk for things like Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, cell phone comms and SMS, chat messengers and apps, Discord, blog posts and websites, Google searches, etc. I think it'd be rather difficult to even link someone to Second Life or online games in general, though maybe it's happened before. I do not know. I'd advise anyone, though, to stop oversharing in general. Especially on Facebook omg just don't.
  8. I don't really see what effect this would have on SL. Social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn (where your real name is attached to what you're posting, usually, often accompanied by location info) - yes. What you say inside SL...unlikely. I'm not a fan of broadcasting one's entire personal life (especially the location "check-in" thing) on social media to begin with, though, so don't go by me. As for the rest of the topic - not touching it.
  9. Oh that's awful! But no, I don't think it was that one. I wonder if I could find it...Hmmmm... Well darn, hit the Wired paywall after like 3 Google searches. 😒 And searching on the site itself returns like 4,000 articles, soooo... It was a story yearrrrs ago, in the physical magazine, and it was the story of an individual person, so I don't think it was a very widespread tech at the time. He had wires implanted into his brain and the...battery? he had to lug around was pretty huge. Gah I can't find it. I couldn't even begin to guess what year it was, either.
  10. Oh oopsie, I forgot clothes. If you choose Legacy Female as your body, Technofolk has some really nice looks. Otherwise, if you go with Lara, try Over, Red Girl, Pacagaia, and Epoch Apparel. If I think of some more, I'll add em! Edit: adding AsteroidBox, LeiMotiv, Addams for some basics (tanks, etc.), Stiff, Ghoul, and Justice. Also, for some free makeup and outfits, Trend has a free group join (this is the last time it'll be free according to notices) until tomorrow. 1000L credit in the Group Gift section, plus a bunch of gifts and some lucky boards with clothing.
  11. Hmmm, you can try Izzie's, Samia, This Is Wrong, and/or Jack Spoon for face mods (scars, eye bags, eye effects/makeup, etc.). For body - Maitreya Lara or Legacy can be made thin enough. Tattoos - so so so many places. Really depends on the style you're after here. Vegas, Dappa, This Is Wrong, Mister Razzor, etc. Check the weekend sales on https://www.seraphimsl.com/ - lots of tats to choose from, usually. Piercings - lots of places. Artificial Hallucination might have some face piercings that may fit Lel Evo (demo everything), or you can go with the ones that come with your head. Swallow or Pumec for mesh ears w/piercings included (Pumec always has a few sets on sale for 60L). Rawr has nails, Swallow ear piercings/accessories, and rings. Suicidal Unborn is another option for makeup and piercings. And...maybe Blaxium?
  12. I'd free up a group slot for that (I'm basic). I always need something good to read while playing with my avatar.
  13. I love all of their avies, but OMG this one is SO CUTE!!!!
  14. He already stated what "we're" dealing with and the answer was already given. The OP has no need to be posting photos here. This is the answer (and yes, use the official SL viewer). Also, include the location and any additional supporting evidence in your AR. If LL finds it in violation, they'll handle it.
  15. Lol truth. And the answer is always yes. The sad part is a guy could just simply walk over and introduce himself to the group and chat with us that way. That used to happen at the beach my friends and I used to hang out at. Or, if only one got IM'd, she would invite him over to meet/hang out with the rest of us while they continued to chat in private. Men were more bold in that sim I guess, but it often paid off. People were pretty friendly and I rarely ever saw anyone get pushed away unless they did something blatantly gross.
  16. Oh yeah. It can be pretty bad around here, too. I'm in gang territory (we've got a few), so it's not like I'm chatting with random people around the immediate neighborhood while wandering around at night noooo way. Where I live, though, everything is so close, you can drive a few minutes in another direction and find yourself in safer areas. A few of my old jobs were located in a much safer commercial area, for example. Plus, I do a ton of socializing when traveling and things like that.
  17. I really need to do that. I think the worst part for me is I'm always thinking about new types of avatars to build, so if I come across something I've never worn - well you never know. If I ever make a...dryad...I may need that bark skin I didn't know I had in the first place! It's terrible. So much old crap to go through. 😲
  18. I dunno. I'm rarely ever suspicious if approached in RL. I probably should be, considering the craziness that goes on in my area sometimes, but I've always been pretty comfortable with being social with complete strangers (pre-lockdown me, anyway - I'm still working on getting back to my old self). It's funny, because I was extremely extreeeemely shy as a kid. But then I shot off in the opposite direction by the time I was a teenager. Years ago before the pandemic, omg, I used to start up conversations at bus stops, on trains/planes, in stores, waiting on long lines, with random people I didn't know at work, with restaurant servers. Stopping at the bank could turn into an hour-long trip because I found myself chatting with the teller. At one point in my 20s, I became friends with the guy who worked at the gas station I went to and we dated for a short bit, LOL. I just talk a lot, I guess. SL is a bit different, though. Men in RL don't usually approach in ways that make me uncomfortable. Maybe a greeting. Maybe a compliment. No biggie. In SL, though, they uh...yeah, there have been some creative approaches over the years. 😂
  19. My main one is at about...95,000 items. 😩 The biggest pain is the Objects folder. I'm dreading dealing with that. Absolutely dreading it.
  20. I thought so! Nothing's changed in mine yet and I still need to go through and clean it out. I started a few weeks ago, but...it's a THING.
  21. Totally agree. Hopefully kids won't take as long to adjust, once they get back out there. I've gone from being completely comfy in public to being super anxious around people - it can take a bit to fully feel comfortable again and Covid sure hasn't helped any! Not to mention...everything else terrible that's been going on. Welcome to the forum, btw!
  22. Yes. Not from Meta, of course. But we're nowhere near that level, so I have no hope of seeing that happen in my lifetime. I remember a Wired Magazine article from many years ago where cybernetic implants were used to help a man regain his sight. Fascinating read. If anything, we'll see more development of that in medicine and healthcare far far far before we get to recreational brain augmentations and body enhancements.
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