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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Back when I was making things, I'd just fire up the programs wherever I happened to be. Home, sandbox, out dancing, friend's place, whatever. I wasn't too picky about it. I'm open to IMs most of the time if not all, so if someone messaged me, I'd respond either way and carry on chatting while doing whatever I was doing. I'd only make it a point to tp home first if I wanted to concentrate on something. Yup, I remember that! I think it's a toggle now, but I'm not even sure. But I don't think SL kicked you fully out...or maybe it did at some point? Can't remember. Either way, AFK was always a thing - it's just more attractive these days where we don't half fall over. 😂
  2. They're not necessarily short-term AFK. Working in Blender or Photoshop can take hours in a single session. Some people log in from work and are always somewhat AFK throughout the entire day. Some leave their avatars logged in for days at a time or longer. But I was mostly responding to the OP and her experiences at London (which is a pretty nice sim - so I'd lean toward the chatting and/or photography angle if I saw avies standing around AFK there, or maybe they just parked themselves there since it's a nice place to just chill). I can answer as both a newbie (when I first arrived in SL in 2005) and a long-timer - AFK avies have been a thing since I first landed in SL. Since I don't often message complete strangers UNLESS I find something compelling in their profile or avatar to chat about, it didn't have any effect on my personal enjoyment of the platform. I discovered shopping and avatar creation very early on (like day 1, lol) and that was enough for me to stick around! I later got into building and animation, so I had my own little AFK routine going on (between SL and external programs). It also didn't really surprise me much as I'd come in from a pretty popular MMO at the time where people were allllllways standing around idle for hours - likely roleplaying in IMs, playing the auction house, or yapping in guild chat. It's not really unique to SL, but SL might be the only place I've hung out online that didn't use an auto-AFK kick system (the alternative in places that are NOT SL is you'd be able to tell who was/wasn't AFK by whether or not they were running into a wall or constantly jumping). 😂
  3. Lots of reasons for someone to not be actively moving around in SL at a public place. Chatting in IMs, chatting in a private group chat, chatting in a public group chat, lost in inventory/sorting, working in Photoshop/Blender/etc., actually working (at home or at work), browsing the marketplace, searching Flickr, browsing Flickr, browsing Seraphim, reading/posting on the forums, chatting on Discord, blogging something at the event, stepped away for a moment and is actually temporarily AFK, taking photos, left their avatar to dance with the music cranked up while they go off and cook something, grabbing a drink/making tea, updating their profile, writing an email, reading email, trying to find a specific song on their playlist to jam out to, fiddling with EEP/windlights, responding to texts, answering the phone, etc. forever. On a scale from super obnoxious to yay they're awesome, I'm whatever score is a "zero opinion whatsoever - I've done most of the above and more." Never bothered me at all. I'm so used to seeing it and it's been this way for as long as I can remember. SL is a pretty AFK-friendly place to hang out and doesn't require a person's full-attention all the time. I don't go to clubs or live events much anymore, but if I'm wandering around looking for a photography location, shopping, or just hanging out at a social sim in general, you could easily find that I'm doing one or more of the things I mentioned (and/or chatting in several places at once).
  4. There definitely are a few guys around who will toss out IMs at random without paying much attention to anything else, but I think men on the whole are much pickier than that. I personally went from getting quite a lot of IMs years ago to seeing virtually none at all. The only difference I made between then and now - I made my pre-frog main avatar progressively less "pretty," by most standards. Surely, if men weren't looking at my mostly shaved head, whited-out eyes, full body/face/head skull tats, full-face piercings, and monster makeup, they'd catch my name in their frantic spamming. But that never happens. I get compliments from people I know or happen to be chatting with (in a shop or something), but the random "Hey, behbeh!" - not these days, which is totally fine by me! Funny enough, I've been hit on wearing my frog, but I assume they were joking. Right? RIGHT?! 😳
  5. I've always thought 16+ sim Shop & Hops were a bit much. I only made my way through 4 so far, which I did during early access, and I'm not overly motivated to run through the remaining 12. Maybe I'm still all shopped out from Black Friday or something.
  6. Yeah, exactly! I mean, I understand what Cinnamon & Chai was aiming for with that new body UV. And obviously Evo X changed quite a lot with skin and makeup quality. But I've seen nothing (yet) about what the custom Gen X feet add. If they were aiming for special HD tattoos and fun effects like glitter and stuff, that'd be really cool, but so far, I've not heard anything about it.
  7. Does anyone know what the custom Gen X feet are designed for, exactly? Is it for foot tattoos or something fun like that? And is anyone making use of them yet?
  8. Oh thank you! I thought for a second that was something that came with your body, LOL. These look so fun!
  9. Omg...that looks so cool. Now I want it, LOL. So um...is that possible to do with Lara (with advanced fiddling), or am I completely dreaming now? Also, the only downside - need it for the head, too.
  10. Oh, I meant third-party sci-fi and fantasy mods. Mermaid tails, cyborg parts, furry legs/hands/feet, etc. I mentioned Azoury in that post since they do a cyborg leg mod for Erika.
  11. I never really had any favorites, UNTIL NOW. The Christmas karaoke machine available in this weekend's Fifty Linden Friday sale will absolutely be a staple in my home for every single holiday season going forward. Only off-key Christmas music vibes from now on. 😂 That, and of course, festive food/desserts!
  12. Just to mention real quick - Erika is one body I have not seen well-represented in the mod market, unfortunately. Reborn is the newest body that's gaining in that arena. Though wait hang on... Azoury might make for Erika, too, now that I think about it. Yes, they do. Shoes, mostly, but at least one of their leg mods on the MP fits Erika and Lara. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AZOURY-Avalanche/24032002 If you like stuff like this, I'd recommend contacting creators who have a few items in your "size" and let them know you're looking for more stuff to spend money on in their store, lol. If they get enough requests, they might start including it more if they have the time.
  13. Azoury is amazing if you want to make something like a cyborg or if your mind works similar to Hideo Kojima, LOL. They've been doing a LOT of shoes lately, but I came to know them through their arm, torso, and leg mods. They're both in-world and on the MP. Flickr below.
  14. Agree. Maitreya is far from done. Oh btw, if you like mods like that, give Azoury a try, too. Those won't require any advanced fiddling from my experience playing with them. Cureless, Clover, and Aii & Ego have some great things, as well.
  15. I'm always surprised by how many different looks people are able to create with Genus heads. So, so so many different looks in all age ranges. But yes, they've been testing their update for quite a long time now and there's no actual release date given, so I really don't play with mine much anymore. The glitching animations are rageworthy. Let me roll my eyes already, GRRR! 😄 No but really, as I said, I really don't age my own avatars or pay much attention to the ages of others, but creating very specific looks is absolutely possible. Though I will say, I prefer shaping Catwa a bit more than Lelutka. Lel takes more fine tuning to get things looking how I want, but then, I don't create too many humans with them, so your mileage may vary. And OH, I also forgot to mention Lelutka Kaya can fit in that age range, too. For some reason, I'm always confusing Kaya and Lilly. Gaia, too, if you want an easy fantasy head to play with.
  16. I've never searched for shapes and really, really can't stand many of the base shapes that come with skins and heads. I always make my own - either working off of a previous shape I made for a similar head, or just starting from scratch. To hit a target age range or style, it's best to pull up a photo reference that's similar to what you're going for and work from there. Catwa, AK, and Lel heads are pretty flexible to shape. Genus as well, but they really need an update before I'd recommend them to anyone.
  17. 19-21 is a very easy target to reach. For heads, you've got plenty from Lel that could fit that range. Milan, Ora, Lilly, Sasha, Rin, Briannon, just to name a random few. More options if you dip into Akeruka's line. For skins, leLAPEAU has some really nice options, plus Velour, Not Found, Reed, Heaux, Pumec, Nuve, Ives, etc. Use Izzie's or Jack Spoon on top to personalize faces (freckles can help a ton). Hair plays a big role in that, too. Faga and Wasabi have lots of cute styles to fit that range. For shapes - make them from scratch - preferably using references. If you go in with an age in mind, and shop with said age in mind, you can get there without much issue.
  18. Yeah, I find that the marketplace is pretty much just a dumping ground for a lot of things. Like oh I should toss my store on here. Very few stores I shop in put their newest releases there. I mostly use it to find older items or full-perm items to build with or gachas or if I'm hunting for something by name. Orrrrrr, if I'm looking for an in-world store, the MP is useful for getting the store owner's name. Then I can check their in-world profile for a more up-to-date mainstore or group link. Finding newer stores just sorta happens, I suppose. Seraphim and Flickr can help with that at times. A lot show up in weekend sales or in the Flickr dev pools and I just wander around their in-world shop from there. And if I'm really just casting a huge net, I'll search "vintage" or "fantasy skins" or something in-world and start shop-hopping. Granted, that's very difficult with some bodies. I don't know how successful that'd be if looking for items for Gen X or something. But for bodies that have been around for a bit, that works.
  19. I picked up the demo in the in-world mainstore. I found it via the regular in-world Firestorm search - it'll show up if you type "Ghoul." The SLURL is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SanJuan Island/151/114/20 Just walk in and go straight to the back room. It's on the back wall on the left. I really don't buy things at events much unless I'm just grabbing freebies or it's a discount event (like the FLF ones). I do 99% of my shopping in-world at main stores. The marketplace drives me bonkers and I mostly only ever use it if I'm hunting down full-perm items or gachas.
  20. Flickr is being weird today and it's not auto-embedding for me, buuut here's the linkie in case you wanna see it. You can find the item/demo in-store. https://www.flickr.com/photos/gangcold/50538297358/in/dateposted/
  21. Avatar ages? Who knows. Never thought about it. Mine don't have ages. I have them categorized as simply "alive" or "undead." Come to think of it, I almost never associate age with avatars in SL. I guess that's what I get for playing so many games in general. Unless age is a direct focus in a plot (say like Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us, or Kratos and BOY!! in God of War), I don't even notice it.
  22. No I understand! Sounds way more complicated than something I'd even attempt to be honest. I use skeletal mods on occasion, but just the simple ones that you can rock with a regular alpha layer or alpha cuts to fully remove the limbs/torso. Anything that requires tinkering with dev kits is a no for me! 😂 I can see why you'd roll with Legacy since they've made that process easier. Really, it's all about what bodies work for what we want to do with them. I mostly stick with Maitreya solely because there's sooo much available for it - both from a clothing and mod perspective. But other bodies do other things differently, and sometimes better (like having chest mods built-in so you don't need to fiddle with third-party add-ons n things). I haven't seen support for Maitreya dwindling, but I mostly shop the fantasy, casual, goth/alternative, cyberpunk, and retro/vintage markets. Oh, and you mentioned neck fades and seams - I don't wear any fades and haven't noticed any issues (yet). I primarily wear an old Velour head skin (a Catwa skin - came out long before their Evo X line) and a matching ItGirls body skin. Pumec skins for Lel Evo X human tones and fantasy skins in either Catwa or Evo X from Nuve, Reed, Ritual, BeSpoke, and Wyrd. I don't wear Ipanema/Venus body skins at all - don't like em. I also rock full body/neck tats quite frequently without issue. If you or whoever mentioned the issue are seeing seams, check your body and head shine (always a huge culprit for that) and look for accidental head or body tinting. And check in a flat bright EEP light setting, like CalWL.
  23. I ran and grabbed a demo to peek at the instructions. Ghoul gives a general overview of how to do it, but it requires a dev kit or something. I dunno - more likely something a skin creator would do for themselves rather than a regular shopper/user. But maybe it's easier to do than it is to explain. 😄 It's doable, but you'd probably need to know how to create skins or tattoos first. And have a dev kit - not sure if it's the one available at the store or the one you need to apply for.
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