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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I'm not going to give advice about hair. I'll have him running around in a big ole messy updo knowing me. I got so tired of shopping for men-specific hair that I just toss my guys into whatever at this point. OH, pigtails? DONE! Work it 😄
  2. Depends on the style you're going for! Some are a lot easier to pull off (shopping wise) than others.
  3. LOL, IN OUR DEFENSE...Charlotte absolutely talks as much as we do! We should all hang out and go shopping sometime (and accomplish absolutely nothing), lmao. AHAHA, I see Charlotte had the same idea. 😂
  4. Uhhhhh, I actually didn't try that one on (yet). I think I saw somewhere a few pages back that someone said the Not Found ears work with it? Don't quote me...Oh yes! @Eddy Vortextried it and said no ears were included, but the ones in the Not Found gift should work out.
  5. Oh, you too? Now I don't feel so bad talking Charlotte's ear off earlier. 😄
  6. Oh man, music stores. Those were the days. Book and art stores, too. Don't get me started, lol. But hey, at least now we get free heads and skins and eyes for daaaaaaays. Weeks, even! That counts, right? 😩 But no really, this is a complete guess, but my assumption is we don't have Boxing Day sales in SL because the other sales just won't stop, lol. It'll be like...Jan 5th before it all slows down - right in time for the next Happy Weekend!
  7. Nope. Not officially. Today is functionally a holiday (banks closed, no mail, etc.), but that's just because Christmas happened to fall on Sunday, so it's being observed today.
  8. The holiday sales are still going. Can't stop won't stop, apparently. Saw some skin stores with 40-50% off just yesterday. There are the weekend sales that will likely be left out for another day or two (or in some cases, all week). Lel's freebie event is going through Dec 30th. AK's 1L heads through who knows when. BeSpoke's sale started yesterday and runs through New Year's. Shop & Hop has another week - I believe almost everything is discounted there, plus freebies. Advents mostly ended, but there are still some stores with their gifts out priced really low (10L to 35L last I saw). I'm probably missing other things. I'm actually kind of shopped out for once.
  9. Okay no problem! I saw you had on the Gretchen eyes (those are BOM), so I wasn't sure which ones you were aiming for. For the Lelutka in-HUD applier eyes, keep your eye alpha layer on. Now, click on one of the eye colors in the HUD. It should force the eyes back into applier mode and they should show. Edit: Oops, I see you're new - the forum may limit your messages for the day eventually (grrr). If that happens, feel free to send me an IM in-world at this name and I can talk you through it there if you still need help. Edit Edit: Yup, forum limited her. She's all set, though. Just needed a quick undeform, which we found out after we did EVERYTHING else. 😒😂
  10. Which eyes do you want to use? The Lelutka in-HUD colors, or do you have third-party you want? Lelutka in-HUD eye shades - click on a color in the hud. It'll re-force the eyes back into applier mode. Keep on your Eye Alpha layer. Third-party BOM eyes - take off your Eye Alpha layer and wear your BOM eyes (the ones with the googly-eye icon). Click Bakes on Mesh in the eye tab of your Lelutka HUD. Once you get that set, I can walk you through the next part.
  11. First part: Decide first whether you want your eyes to be BOM or use appliers - this will be determined by which eyes you want to use. Third-party, in-HUD Lelutka shades, etc. That will determine whether or not you need the alpha at all. It looks like your eyes were set to BOM in the first photo, so no need for an alpha in that case. Second part: did you adjust or alter your shape? Make a copy of it and paste it in the folder to preserve your current copy, then right-click your body to edit your appearance. Play with your eye tab - check the eye size, puffiness, eye bags, and eye depth. Play around and see if that helps "push" the eye mesh a bit more forward, It looks like something needs adjusting on that front. Let us know if that helps or not. Edit: I can't remember if the HUD eye size controller actually increases the eye mesh size (I don't play with it much), but you can try playing with that, too.
  12. That came out super pretty! And I so feel you on this. I very rarely manage to stick with any gift skins since few (or none) are even remotely in my non-fantasy range. I do keep them, though, and save them to use as fantasy skins - recently made a wood elf using a Pumec in June (August is my main buy at Pumec). If you ever want to try that route, make sure you pick up the free Nuve skin tints near reception - you could shade them into tons of fantasy colors that way (they're tintable, too!).
  13. You just gonna sit there and tell these LIEEEEEEEEEEEES? Just wait until the next major round of sales! 😂
  14. 108,688. It was in the 90s a few days ago. 👀 Looks like I need to do another round of "delete all your dang demos, woman!" That plus I picked up tons of free stuffs over the holidays. What I spend - no idea. I try to keep it under what I used to pay for Netflix every month, so not very much overall.
  15. LOL, I was using Area Search for some, too! We shop too damn much. 😂
  16. Oh yeahhh, it could be the ones I mentioned, then. Cazimi's owner did say she went ahead and made the gift 0L and groupless to avoid having to change her current group setup, lol. To anyone still running around - just make sure whatever you click says Free to Join or is set to Buy for 0L. Oh, and just a head's up - Vobe is set up so you Pay 1L, but it's refunded back. Modulus is the same if you grab the free group gifts on their wall. OH, and random sale notice - I saw that Moccino is 50% off the whole store right now. I'm sure I saw somewhere else having a 40% off or so sale - Mudskin? Something like that. Keep your eyes peeled for saaaaaaaaaaales! Edit edit edit edit: IVES!!! Go grab their group gifts while the group is free. They should be on a wall to your left as you rez in. And make sure to slap the display that'll give you the older gifts below the current ones. Okay I think I'm done now, lol.
  17. Oh quick question on this - curious which groups still had fees? I just finished my second time through (*pant, pant, pant*), and nothing's charged a fee yet. Some didn't even require a group and let you just buy for 0L (Cazimi, Amara Beauty, annnnnd...somewhere else...). To be fair, I still haven't gotten into The Skinnery yet on either account! Place has been packed since day 1.
  18. LMAO I know how you feel. I just dragged my old main through Trend to spend her free credit, then the Shop & Hop (not ALL of it, I'm not a masochist - just certain stores), and now I have to run her through ALL of the Lelutka event. And figure out which groups to have her stay in, and and and and.... Then I need to hop back on Aya and run her over to BeSpoke and grab some heads that went on sale today there, too. And check the weekend sales for accessories for them, AND AND AND 😂.
  19. Even if you don't use the avie, it's always good to grab all the updated freebies every year. You neeeever know when you or he might want to use it, and it's so much easier if you've got a ton of current stuff in your inventory than having to wait for Black Friday/Christmas to roll around again to update the avie. My old main was idle for yearrrrs and I had to take her from classic to mesh after I got Aya all sorted - it wasn't at all painful because I grabbed Lilly and some AKs and free Genus and Catwas and a ton of other event freebies as they came up, so the transition was mostly free (minus the Lucybody BOM converter) and took no time at all, compared to the hell it took me to get Aya all meshed up when I first dusted her off in 2020 (pre-Evo X/HDPro days - first set her up with a Catwa I dropped 5k on).
  20. This thread needs some holiday cheer. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE, WHEEE!! *I'm currently waiting for a plumber to get back from his long holiday vacation so he can fix the toilet which has been running to all hell since early in the week. LL will likely be back in the office before he will. 😄
  21. Yeeees, and I love Nuve's fantasy skins. The skin tones are super pretty. I'm saving up to grab the full set of body skins from them so I'll never run out of colors to play with! 😄 Oh, I also forgot Andore - I think their group is only about 50L normally, but definitely slap their group gift wall. Lots of free mesh ears (for any head) and earring sets rigged for Lel heads. Swallow's also got some great group gifts you can grab, too. Jewelry, mostly.
  22. I mentioned this in the other thread, but just in case - Nuve is worth staying in. 75L weekly credit, never expires. I'm saving it up for more fantasy skins. Heaux is worth staying in. 25L weekly credit. I also plan to stay in Pumec. Normally about 300L, so may as well. Also, not related to this particular event, but if you can ever catch the Trend VIP group for 0L, hop in there and stay in there. They give out group credit so often, I own their entire makeup collection (30 something packs, not including the group gifts) and I'm waiting for new releases. They also support Catwa HDPro, Genus, Evo, and Evo X (newest releases have only Evo & Evo X appliers, but the older stuff is just as pretty). It's currently discounted to a 150L join fee, but it's normally like 250L or so. Sometimes drops to free, so keep an eye out.
  23. So THAT's why the sim was down! I saw people asking about that in the group before I logged off. Omg, more heads. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Time to log back in, I guess.
  24. I do this, too. I grab absolutely everything because you just never know. The rate at which I change looks, I hoard all the freebies I can get to keep myself from having to spend anything later, lol. Oh - side note: My absolute favorite thing about both of these heads is I have seen SO, SO many different photos between here on the forums and the Lel Discord and Flickr and I'll tell ya - I haven't seen ANYBODY who looks alike! It's fantastic! And we're all so cute! Also, someone absolutely HAS to make a Clark Kent-lookalike avie (no logos!). I was heading in that direction unintentionally when I slapped on the Volkstone hairbase and my friend asked why I was trying to make him. OMG I so wasn't! I was going for a Hollywood Glam style, but now I can't UNSEE IT. I hate her. 😂
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