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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. Okay, last look for now (promise). It's starting to feel weird being human for so long, but this head is so fun to play with! So, this is the Quinn head + the Stray Dog Quinn skin freebie in Tone 6. I was avoiding this one, as the skin itself has a teensy mustache and I never rock facial hair, but since my goal is to make different looking avatars with the same head, yolo, went all in and added the HD Lelutka beard. The eyes are the current Gloom L'Homme freeb. Everything else - you know the deal. Raided the ole inventory and tinkered with the shape.
  2. If you've got the patience, making your own shapes is always best. Start with the one you've received with your head, make a few extra copies of it just in case, and use KjartanEno's advice above to set up your overall body appearance. Then, just tinker with the head/face - either fiddling and adjusting as you go, or you can work from photo references if you're after a specific look or style. It's a good idea to set your EEP/lighting to something without harsh shadows (I use CalWL, but Nam's Optimal Skin is another option), so you can work without issue, then test your face under different lighting conditions every so often.
  3. So, here's another look I'm trying out. This time using the free Bold & Beauty Nicholas skin from the event paired up with my other current Stray Dog body skin. The tones are close, but not 100% (it's Tone 6 for both). Luckily, they tossed in a neck blender that works perfectly and creates a seamless blend that I turned around and covered up anyway with a tattoo, but hey, lol! If you've already got Stray Dog body skins, try them out with this freebie. Everything else was already hiding in my inventory.
  4. On it! I'll see what I can do! *squees and dives back into her inventory, clothes flying everywhere*
  5. ❤️ This might be my favorite human head ever. I had like 7 different looks going trying on all of the free skins we were given and each one made an entirely different looking guy. I was a bit laser-focused on getting a "main" look out of it, but I might go back and create a few more avatars with it. It's SO versatile!
  6. I've been standing in the same motionless pose on my photo platform in front of this black backdrop for a good hour now, LOL. I'm zonked!
  7. Omgomgomgomg okay so, remember back when I said Lelutka Ford was the hottest male head evarrr? Okay you probably don't, but I DID. Anyway, IMMA CHANGIN' MAH MIND!!! OMG...QUINN DOE! To be fully transparent, nothing here is from the event aside from the head itself. I set him up with my current Moccino Beaute skin (sorry Ford, I'm sorry I'm sorry!) and some in-HUD Lelutka cosmetics to smooth out the lip and eye area to better fit the head's shape. Gloom non-event but weekend sale (So Kawaii, most likely) eyes. Custom shape by ME. AHHHH!
  8. Did they kick everyone out? LMAO I didn't even notice. I have been knee deep in makeovers! Quinn is looking SO DANG CUTE AHHHHHMG. I have 0 groups free, so I must've rejoined something new since they yeeted us all. Shows how much I pay attention!
  9. Yeah, I didn't know that either. I just went to peek but...but...Velour. A few match Not Found. Nothing for my favorite (Stray Dog). Shame, the faces are super cute and a few of the models are wearing Ford (yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum).
  10. Omg, right? I actually really love the lower body on Lucy. I made her slender with an hourglass curve, and it looks a lot more natural than when I do that on Maitreya. Sometimes, I put her into jeans and I'm like girl, dat booty tho! 😄 I also have Lucybody on Aya, but I'd feel like such a dork if I took her out of Maitreya and put her into that one, LOL. I grabbed some stuff at Scandalize the other day! I couldn't figure out how that sim worked, though. Is it new gifts daily orrrr, you just have the entire month to pick stuff up? I'm missing days 12-15ish - they're hiding! But I have everything else up to 21. Oh and speaking of grabbing things, make sure you slap everything on the free wall at Pumec. And Nuve! The skin tones are so pretty and they're two of the few places left that aren't 100% on the "go get your body at Velour" train. I hate to say it, but almost all of the Lelutka event skin gifts are unusable for me due to that.
  11. My neglected alt is in Lucybody. Initially, I was trying to decide whether or not I wanted to get her a higher-end body to run around with, though I never use her for much except for transferring her stipend and any MP sale money lol. But you never know when you might want to swap to an alt for a few weeks just for a rest - she's got like nobody on friends, more available group slots, and an entirely different style overall (she's punky), so I try to keep her somewhat up to date with all the latest gifts and freebies in case I want to use her for a bit. So I thought okay, maybe I'll toss her into Freya or Maitreya while they're on sale - but then Lucybody updated with the Maitreya compatible feet for boots and fixed the neck area and...honestly? I kinda love it! She fits everything Aya does - maybe with a tad bit more alpha magic, but hey. Clothes hair heads nails rings shoes - no problem! So I just need to run her Lucybody butt all around the grid to get her some more things while groups are free. And keep her in them! She's about 95% dressed in group gifts, free credit hauls, event gifts, and weekend sale items at any given time. I paid full price for her main hairstyle, but that's about it. Oh and thanks for the tip about ADE! I forgot to check so many group walls/rooms. I was just rushing through before sims started to get packed (I still haven't managed to get into Doux, Avi-Glam, or The Skinnery). I'll double back around in a few days when everything's settled down a bit to see what I've missed.
  12. I just recently did this! A really nice person contacted me inworld for help with her avatar around Black Friday, wanting to upgrade from system to mesh, and I said girrrrrrrrrrrrrl you picked the BEST TIME LESSGO, LMAO. We caught the very tail end of the Black Friday stuff, so ultimately she did wind up buying a head, but at 50% off, so no biggie. Got a body, too. Then it was bam bam bam bam Faga's gone nuts so here's 16 free hairstyles over here cheap weekend skins over there join this for free shoes let's get you into this group and this and hit that up and over there. Then the advents started. Then this event started and I sent the Seraphim link like GO GO GO ANOTHER HEAD SKINS MAKEUP lmaoooo. Ran that poor girl all over the grid for DAYS but she looks SO CUTE now! I just wish I had some guys to make over, because it's SO RARE for them to get freebs, too. Especially on the skins front. I should go look for newbies in skin stores before the event is over, lol. I haven't even started working on my alt, yet. I still have to run her through a few stores at Shop & Hop for the gift cards and then take her through the Lel stuff. OOF...SO MUCH TO DO.
  13. I spent the day dressing up the Raven head, and I've got to say...she makes me want to run around as a human (for once). She's super cute! Raven & a Pumec skin I undoubtedly bought during a weekend sale. In fact, I'm pretty sure the entire look is comprised of a combination of weekend sales finds and group gifts - some of which I snagged while the groups are free. Gloom eyes from the event. Shape - my own custom fiddling. Went a bit overboard with the glitter, but hey. I like to sparkle.
  14. I understood the OP just fine. But anyway, everyone's answers are correct, OP. Facebook wants real identities only. Most other social media sites aren't as strict about that. You should be able to verify your RL Facebook account no problem should you want to, but yeah, for your SL one, you'll likely need to use another service now that it's on their radar.
  15. I really like that approach! My friends and I would do something similar back in the day. We'd join on one dance HUD and as people chatted with us, we'd tell them to come over and say hi to the rest of the group and before long, add them in. That pretty much works anywhere - we've done that at beaches, too. And I'm quite guilty of dancing alone by myself in stores. Designed a whole AO around it. Oh that reminds me - shoutout to the twerking dude I ran into during Black Friday in Dust Bunny. I saw you working that handstand. 👀
  16. Merry Moosemas! Very thankful to now be able to make dumb silly faces with my deer avatar. I've been wanting this expression HUD for the longest time! The Christmas light bracelets rock, too. ❤️ I feel so seen. 😄 Thanks so much!!
  17. Meanwhile, Erika works fine with tails. Whether PG or absolutely not - your tail will still twitch, wiggle, bounce, animate, flick, bob, and boogie. Strange oversight on Belleza's part, considering how much furry stuffs exists for Freya.
  18. Just a quick heads up from someone who shops too damn much. STAY IN: Nuve - normally it's about 300L or so to join, weekly 75L credit, never expires, save that up, shopping spreeeeeeeeeeeee! They have some seriously nice group VIP gifts (check the wall behind reception and around that area for skins, eyebrows, tints, EEPs, etc.). 75L credit kiosk is at reception, resets every Monday. Heaux - Looks like they give 25L weekly, nice skins in their group gift room - 25L credit is also in there. No idea what the group normally costs, but yay, credit! Pumec - if you like darker skin tones (usually they include both head and body), tons of free mesh ears and skins on their group wall, group gifts include Genus, Catwa, Lel, and Lel Evo X, group is normally something like 300L to join so it might be worth sticking around for a bit to see if gifts update/rotate at all. Honorable mention - Jack Spoon has some freaking adorable makeup and gifties inside, so don't miss those while grabbing the holiday freebie. Oh and Cazimi's holiday lipstick gift is GLITTER FABULOUS and utterly gorgeous. Don't miss that one! Edit: No group needed, either. She made it easy as pie. Oh, and to quickly answer your question: Off the top of my head - Tres Beau, Not Found, Pumec, Stray Dog, Nonnative, Nuve, DeeTaleZ, Amara Beauty, Moccino, Alt3, Heaux, Velour (body skin), Avarosa (I think?), Bold & Beauty, Clef de Peau, Dernier, Gloom (I think), Ives, Koonz...basically um, lots, lol. Most of them are skins, now that I think about it. Try the Seraphim listing - they have individual gift photos: https://www.seraphimsl.com/2022/12/20/the-prettiest-sight-to-see-is-the-holiday-special-for-you-and-me/
  19. I haven't even tried to get the heads yet. I'm too busy grabbing all these other gifts. Most of those sims are free and clear to run in/run out if you're still waiting for Lelutka's event sim to behave itself. I've only encountered maxed out sims in a tiny handful of the places on the list (The Skinnery, Doux, etc.). Edit: Lel just added extra sims. Sent as a group notice, I believe. Hopefully that clears things out a bit. Editing my edit: Yup, the three regions helped quite a bit. Got right in, grabbed, got right out.
  20. The mainstore is the only location to purchase a head right now. If you can, just give it a bit of time. A few hours (or days) or so. They just started a freebie event and people are mistakenly thinking the free heads are being given away at the main location, so they're camping unnecessarily. It's a mess, to say the least.
  21. Not sure what kind of scale we'd really be needing - say if LL were to use it to push blog updates, news, events, photo contests, post videos, host talks, have art channels, etc. Some of my largest servers have over 250,000 people in them. Genshin Impact's is approaching 1 mil (I'm not in that one, though - that's a wee bit overkill for a chat). It's just another social channel they could add to their list. I mean, they're on Pinterest, which I always tend to forget, and they post regular updates on LinkedIn. If Twitter goes boom, I suppose I could follow them on one of those, but I absolutely looooatheeee LinkedIn, bleh.
  22. Oh okay, yeah that sounds very different to how I typically use social media like Twitter. Closer to how I use Discord, but yeah, Discord's whole thing is being a central hub for a gabillion servers you can join simultaneously. I never tweet or have conversations with individual people on most sites. I mostly just browse news, oogle recipes, get gaming updates, follow a bunch of blogs and magazines, and lol at trending shenanigans. So far, the bird works well enough to keep doing that. Once it explodes, I'll look for an alternative - likely following the food blogs over to YouTube or wherever. 😄 At least LL/Second Life is already set up on multiple social sites for people looking for new alternatives - now they just need to get on Discord! *looks at LL* 😃😏
  23. That's a really nice gesture! I hope you're able to find someone who can make good use of your land. Don't hire me, though. I could spend up 600 of your prims just designing you an elaborate kitchen. 😂
  24. So you've basically got to choose one server and can move around but it's somewhat involved? The main reason I love Discord (and wish LL would make an official one for Second Life) is because I can be multiple places at once. I've got about 33 servers I'm in currently - all related to entirely different topics and interests. If Mastodon worked similarly, I'd be more tempted to hop over.
  25. "Ideally I would love to see something similar to Bryn Oh's exhibits or those of Mistero Hifeng." I believe she's looking for full sim-style art installations. Bryn Oh and Mistero Hifeng did/do some pretty large-scale sculptures and sim designs.
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