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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. That skeleton you're talking about is also available for Maitreya. It just requires more advanced steps to get it to look like that. Creating a skin applier and whatnot. The average user likely won't bother going through all that trouble. But then again, the average user likely won't be interested in prancing around with their insides visible. πŸ˜„ There are other skelly parts and other fun mods available that don't rely on fiddling with body transparencies beyond wearing basic alphas. If someone realllllly really wants that functionality, though, then Legacy's a decent choice. Both bodies are well-represented in the fantasy/horror/mod-heavy markets.
  2. Dyinnnng. This one place I worked - I would get out at 4:30pm. I'd leave the building at 7 or 8pm. Why? Talking to the security guard at the front desk. 🀣 Coworkers who put in extra time would pass by like - didn't you leave 3 hours ago? Listen...we're talking about fishing here! This is exciting stuff! πŸ˜‚ I do this in SL, too. If I'm helping someone do a makeover or I'm decorating for them or something, forget it. Prepare to block out the entire afternoon because we are going to CHAT while we do this thing. As far as attractiveness goes, that's actually something else I can add to my list. I'm more likely to find a chatty person attractive whether they're outgoing or not - IF they have a lot of different topics they can talk about. Conversation is hot, what can I say. In that case, it doesn't make one ounce of difference what their avatar looks like.
  3. Ohhh yeah, you're the opposite of me. Funny enough, I love starting up random conversations with people, too - even in real life. But I'm a very small-scale conversationalist. One to maybe four people, max. Any more than that, and I try to shrink under the furniture, LOL. I'm the type of nutter who will keep a customer service rep on the phone for 2 hours while trying to pay a bill (talking about everything BUT said bill), but if I get invited to a party, nope not happening don't ask me. πŸ˜‚ Funny enough, that translates to SL in a way. I can handle a few more people being added to a private group convo or something, and in general, group chats are okay, but physically standing in a whole room full of avatars and talking to everyone? Probably not!
  4. I don't know much about that test. I think I took it once years ago and it didn't relate to me whatsoever. I treat it like astrology and completely ignore it. But that's only one example. I've seen that type of thing in profiles a lot. I've always been a random profile reader and there are some fun ones out there. Oh, and if you venture into the Picks section, you might see a few paragraphs dedicated to said thing that annoys them most. πŸ˜„ And these are the types of profiles I'd see not just from the occasional friend (who would admit they were being a bit hostile but were tired of random IMs in general), but from avies who were right smack in the middle of the action on whatever sim I happened to be on. Attractive avatars, a flock of people around em. They sure liked being the center of attention, but only wanted to chat with people who made it through their Picks checklist unscathed.πŸ˜‚
  5. Funny enough, the ones I know with the most hostile and aggressive profiles are way more extroverted than I am. πŸ˜„ Me, an introvert - Hi I'm a dork, talk to me. Them, extroverts - if you can't emote, don't even waste my TIME RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  6. Are there new suits yet? I feel like it's been a while since the last one came out.
  7. Nope, you missed out. Better luck next time. πŸ˜‚ I don't even date women what am I even talking about. I'm such a sucker for a cheeky personality LOL.
  8. On Flickr, I think? Their newest post mentions "The Grand" and "Dream Day" and has SLURLs to both. https://www.flickr.com/photos/196749412@N02/52547600819/in/dateposted/
  9. Highly disagree! She absolutely CAN be physically beautiful to herself and others (and me!), but not to you, and that's totally okay. You're absolutely fine to feel the way you do, but can't is a strong word. I find her face and smile are absolutely stunning. Weight comes and goes and I don't care about it either way (I'll date all sizes), but she's a VERY naturally pretty woman (to me), and looks like someone who has an incredibly devious sense of humor and mischievous streak, which is a bonus. πŸ˜„ As for avatars, since that's what we're looking at the most around these here parts, anything that looks too flawless or easily put together isn't very interesting to me. And by easy I mean straight out of an ad and barely customized. Get a little weird and wild with it and I'm far more interested. Also, shoutout to the non-human fantasy avatars - always preferred those in general.
  10. Finally got my rat sorted. And I can't do a shoot without grabbing a shot of my frog. πŸ˜‚ Loving this dress on her these days.
  11. I've never felt that there was nothing for me in SL, but I have needed breaks from it from time to time. Long breaks. I'd just gotten a little bored and wandered off to play MMOs and other social and single-player games for quite a long time. When I came back, I was thrilled to see some of my oldest friends of 15+ years were still bopping around, but funny enough - we get together only very occasionally. I picked up a slew of new solo hobbies like shopping, home decorating, creating and styling avatars (sometimes making new ones on a daily basis), and lost myself in SL photography. I almost never venture out to socialize - too busy shopping & snapping photos. I'm not going to say the answer for you is to pick up a new hobby, but it can definitely help if you can find something you really, really enjoy doing. There's so much more to SL than just events. I actually enjoy the tranquility and solitude of being on a quiet, empty island and being left to my own devices. For others, they enjoy traveling the grid and snapping landscape photos, clubbing, hanging out at live events, sailing, adventuring, etc., and that's okay, too! When I DO want to be social, I poke my friends in IM, take the odd decorating job, chat with and help people in SL-related Discord groups I've joined, or go wander around the huge shopping events like Shop & Hop. I don't really go out of my way to talk to people in-world these days, but if conversation happens, yay. My suggestion would be to take a short break and when you're feeling better, try hopping back in with a new small goal in mind - make 2 new friends, create a new avatar, learn photography, buy a boat and take up sailing, attend a live show, explore a scenic region you've never been to, etc. See how you feel after that. If curiosity pushes you deeper into what you tried and you enjoy it, keep at it. If not, that's okay, too. SL doesn't have to be interesting all the time and it's okay to walk away from it when it stops being fun - I learned that a looooooooooong time ago. If you get NO joy out of it whatsoever, it's okay to move on to non-SL hobbies, too. Oh, last bit of advice - you don't have to fit in with what everybody else is doing. That's one of the main draws that keeps pulling me back into this nutty place.
  12. Okay whew! That's the way I was leaning and that was my initial assumption. Only someone with a brilliant sense of humor would dare try that shenanigans during a convo! πŸ˜„
  13. Oh my god. πŸ˜‚ Edit: I have NO idea which reaction button to click for this post! Caught between the laugh and the sad one, lol.
  14. Oooh, I like it. It would fit nicely in a smaller space. Thank you!
  15. Right??? Btw, has anyone unpacked the Lelutka tree this year? Is it cute? I keep forgetting to grab the thing and I just logged out without getting it delivered...AGAIN!
  16. Yeees! The snowy one is lovely. I have the green, but I also love their blue and pink ones.
  17. You guys are reminding me what a slacker I'm being. My kitchen isn't even decorated yet, and now you have me looking at trees! These are all so pretty. I used a YΓΆllΓ€ tree last year, but now I want to get something new, so this is helpful.
  18. To be fair, I use all kinds things I've purchased to do things they weren't necessarily intended to do. Using human skins to create zombie skins with the help of a bunch of effects/tats. Tossing a Lovecraftian monster head on top of a human female body and shaping the thing to nightmarish proportions. Removing limbs and replacing them with skeletal or cyborg mods. Using female heads to make male avatars. I've created very curvy/plus shapes with Maitreya for some looks. I don't think Legacy Male was intended to wear 6 inch high platform goth boots fit for Slink female feet either, but here were are. πŸ˜‚ If I demo it again and try it with all of my new heads/skins/accessories that I've collected since the last time (I only tried a human with it previously, but now I have numerous furry and fantasy options to try it with) and like it, I'll grab it! If not, I won't.
  19. Not gonna lie - these creative off-the-wall styles are speaking to my inner Billy Porter. If I start to see some movement on the shoe and accessory front, I might not be able to resist buying this body. πŸ˜„
  20. Realistic male...we're still waiting for that. πŸ˜‚ Kidding, sorta. Realistic slender - CZ Slim, but awaiting some more clothing as it's pretty new. Belleza Jake if you want a booty. Realistic athletic - Jake, Legacy Male, or Legacy Athletic. Maybe Signature Gianni if you want to look more gym buff in the upper body. Realistic dad bod - there are mods and skins for that now. For heads - Lelutka Evo X or Akeruka ADVX. Both have some nice options that are Evo X compatible (so you can wear most skins being sold, pretty much).
  21. Lelutka Ora. Has a very similar nose. Alternatively, Lelutka Inez, Lake, Zora, or Irina. Alternatively, Akeruka Iris, Vittoria, or perhaps Alessia. Gah, I shop too damn much.
  22. Frog girls, of course. We're ribbeting! 🐸 Ok ok stop groaning! Serious response - I find this impossible to answer. One day I'm a zombie or other fantasy creature and the next a frog or some other kind of animal or rodent. As for what I find attractive in avatars in general - creativity and personal style. It's not the head/body combo I take notice of but the way they're put together with everything else to create something unique.
  23. I could be wrong, but I don't think that's a feature in any world or MMO I've been in. Muting/blocking usually just removes your ability to see their chat/IMs. We're fortunate in SL to be able to derender others entirely. But preventing others from seeing your avatar/character - never seen that anywhere.
  24. Believe it or not, I sometimes make use of curvy poses. Normally if I'm being super lazy and don't feel like fixing imperfections or creating something new with Black Dragon. My hands are ALWAYS getting lost in my hips in some poses, and I don't even have them out that far, lol. My AOs are a bit dramatic, though, so I don't worry too much if an arm goes temporarily rogue and pokes into my torso lol. Omg yaaaaaaaaaaas I remember those! They used to be in ads everywhere, too. LMAO. And the thighs stuck way out like a mile apart. Geez...we've got some unique trends up in here lol. I didn't play too much with Reborn. By the time I got around to trying it, I already knew I wasn't feeling that style at all. But funny enough, ages ago when I first tried Kupra, I actually DID manage to get a super cute, not overdone shape with it. Kupra CAN be shaped to be more proportional and balanced, but the annoying issue I could not solve - the ankles and feet were tinnnnyyy. I had been trying to make a cute sporty look with it and even in sneakers...nice shapely legs, cute knees...tiny feets!!! πŸ˜‚ So I gave up on it. I didn't play with Gen X much either. In my case, I tossed on Classic while keeping my usual Maitreya shape, said oh look Maitreya with better shoulders, nice...and took it off. The price tag is too high for me to consider it (I'd rather spend that money on heads, honestly) if all it's going to do is fix my goofy-looking shoulders and give me parts I already have in my inventory somewhere collecting dust, LMAO. Plus the whole tails don't work with it need PG or mod version thanks thing. Thank you!!! And yeeees try and see if you can do fun wardrobe things with Erika. The body's own clothing line might be a bit limited right now, but screw it - try stuffing her into other bodies' stuff. See if you can make it work. Might drive yourself a bit crazy doing that between all the alpha work and reshaping, but it'll be an interesting experiment. Try Reborn clothes and see what happens. Hell, try Gianni LOL. Awww, thanks, me too! It's been a really fun convo. And don't worry about talking too much. Have you MET me? LOL. 🀣
  25. Mermaids have special AOs. Pretty elaborate things. Regular swimming AOs aren't too hard to find either. Pretty sure basic swimming animations are sold in regular animation override packages, but it's been so long since I've bought a complete one. I usually buy my animations independently, but there are entire AOs for swimming and diving, too. Inmotion has a really nice swim HUD, for example. But, I think the OP was asking for swimming to *just happen*. Like you hit water and take off without needing to have any huds or AOs turned on. That might work for human avatars, but I doubt there's a way for SL to detect when you're a mermaid or...sea lion or something, so that might look a little strange for us merfolk. πŸ˜„
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