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Everything posted by pizza7

  1. yes but the li is more than twice, that can be an issue.
  2. ofcourse you have a choice depending on the system you run on. most other viewers will run better.
  3. oh yes a fan, a fan is something that turns around and around, she is shouting to all directions, i think. i agree , i just cannot do the sl viewer.
  4. i am the exception here, only about 11k, took pics of all my dresses to pc, easy to find stuff.
  5. and i am getting sick of people with old old slow hardware, hindering progress. there are always 2 or more sides to any issue.
  6. do you remember that time when some clubs had an agelimit, like 30 days, before you could enter. about as silly, but i do understand, its always about viewpoints.
  7. i am afraid sl is not your best option then. even online is getting pested by trolls, so a real rl club is the best choice. they do exist.
  8. you know, if you use a computer you should better have some knowledge of it. not having that is a user error, sorry.
  9. that is easy, first: our hardware is incredibly varied. second : the vast majority of computer users dont have much knowledge how to get best performance. combine these and you get from 0 to 100 experience and everything inbetween. eventually it will resolve itself as usual. funny thread.
  10. i cant believe this, a sl counseler..wow ok pizza stop dont say what you think.
  11. it is your reaction to them that keeps it going, my experience, just totally ignore and he will tire of it..can be a while and yes its crazy some people are like that. i do hope it will get solved eventually.
  12. a shopping hud is about as bad as an empty purse...both cannot be used by me.
  13. no no, no alts please, keeping one inventory in a more or less easy working order is max for me. pst i am that fool that takes pics of all my dresses in a pc database haha, pfew, what a work, but oh wow what benefits also.
  14. the user unfrieindliness(some say, not me) of sl has a big benefit, if you are not capable of finding out how it works, i dont wanna meet you. there is a learning curve, but imo most things that are worthy do have a learning curve.
  15. we need a scrip that measures the mind haha
  16. they just measure the circumference of the wheels, 2 pi r or so lol
  17. hmm what i see here is that it seems easier to make kris into a great avie, have not see a good noel yet.
  18. i saw a zz top one and they had made the avies lookalikes, fun !!
  19. hm i got both cards ann bought stuff with them at the store, you should know that not all stuff at the bumble store can be bought with the card. soem other shops do the same, it doesnt work on all stuff.
  20. those are not friends, just followers. friends in sl means something else, you need to invest in the relation else it wont last long.
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