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Everything posted by pizza7

  1. its 2023 and still people having issues with nude, wow.
  2. One afternoon two doctors from India were having a heated discussion. ‘I say it’s spelled W-H-O-O-M,’ said the first Indian doctor. The second Indian doctor disagreed. ‘No, it’s W-H-O-M-B.’ An American nurse, who was passing, said: ‘Actually you’re both wrong. It’s spelled W-O-M-B.’ ‘Thank you, nurse,’ said one of the doctors, ‘but we prefer to settle this argument among ourselves. Besides, we don’t think you are in a position to describe the sound of an elephant passing wind under water.’
  3. pet delight, woohoo teegle has new animesh pet dogs....lol
  4. you can also try and make yourself the cutest dog, horse etc hehe
  5. so, i say, before you go online on the web be it sl or anywhere else, you need to know some dont do things... if you drive a car you need a licence. it is sad, but users have to be more educated now.
  6. you can get a hud that shows rezzable zones , if any in the sim. btw you cannot capsize .
  7. i learned to type more fluent in english here hehe, i am dutch btw. very handy tho.
  8. my few cents : i do not think sl is ever going to catch the younger ones, on average. if i think back when i was 20 or so, i would not want to do sl at all, way more interesitng things to do in rl. now i am retired, time galore, i bought a console too, and generally have a ton of fun. there is no way sl is going to catch the young people, it is not going to happen , my view.
  9. lol haha, me thinking you wanted a tele to play sl on , facepalm..
  10. i am sorry but i dont really get your problems, win10 works faultless here for several years now, nada issues. not updating is asking for problems eventually, or go linux yes.
  11. aww, i always sent new avies to her shop. she will be missed. best collection of freebies there.
  12. not at all true, mine is less than 1000 including a 24 inch monitor.
  13. wow, never seen such sellers so far, but then i am not a big buyer. i also have never had much complaints about sellers myself. i just demo extensively.
  14. there are some good youtube vids for mesh heads. search there.
  15. 9800 items...spend probably a few hundred euros over the years..or could be way more..hard to keep track...maybe i do not want to know. i have a small invent because i also throw out a lot of the stuff i never use.
  16. i bet that still works, i cant believe people saying they find it hard to make friends... maybe time for some introspection for those?
  17. it can look more natural than the fixed mesh stuff.
  18. haha yes been there doen that, the result was he banned me, what was exactly what i wanted hehe
  19. Maybe you changed fs versions then? you could try going back one version..so it works in ll viewer and not in fs...might be a setting?
  20. best advice, if you cannot handle all aspects of sl, and the op has a problem with one..
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