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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. and, abortion is not an infectious disease. Like nobody is going to have their lungs collapsed if they get breathed on by a person who has had an abortion. Same when pregnant, like can't get infected if a pregnant person breathes on you this is the difference when it comes to personal choice. A decision to have a baby or not have a baby doesn't imperil the health of others. It can certainly impact the person tho and the unborn, when a decision is made to terminate. And that person gets to live with that decision for the rest of their life. Not their mum, not their dad, not their siblings, not their priest, not their school counsellor, not the local elected representative, not the random stranger with a sign yelling on the side of the road
  2. example of how this works link two prims. Put script (1) in the root prim, and script (2) in the link prim. Then bump the prims with your avatar // root prim : script (1) default { collision_start(integer num_detected) { llOwnerSay("bump root"); } } // link prim : script (2) default { state_entry() { llPassCollisions(TRUE); // TRUE: collision with link prim is passed to root prim script (1) // script (2) will say "bump link" // and script (1) will say "bump root" // llPassCollisions(FALSE); // FALSE: collision with link prim is not passed to root prim script (1) // script (2) will say "bump link" // script (1) will say nothing } collision_start(integer num_detected) { llOwnerSay("bump link"); } /* when there is no collision event in script (2) then collisions with link prim are always passed to root prim script (1) and llPassCollisions(FALSE) has no effect }
  3. i think the representatives who created this law were being a little bit disingenuous. I think was more an exercise in feeding raw meat to their base supporters than anything else and when the meat turns to custard in the courts then they can say wasn't my fault. I tried to do what we both want to be right but yanno, dang liberal judges. So keep voting for me, keep sending me your money and I will always try to do what we want to be right
  4. am pretty sure the deputisation question is what trouble the minds of the US Supreme Court when it chose not to stay the law recently the trouble is for the more originalist and textualist Justices. How to affirm a State's ability to deputise a citizen and at the same time abdicate their responsibility for the deputisation. Is some gnarly constitutional implications for the originalist/textualist Justices in this. And is going to take some fairly complicated legal opinions from these Justices to deal with the implications. Which is kind of what was alluded to in the decision not to stay. We (the Justices) need more time to work out what those opinions might be i think tho that these Justices are quite happy for the law to be contested at the local level first. So that by the time the case reaches the Supreme Court then they only have to rule on the decisions of the lower Courts which is not quite the same as having to rule on the question of abortion itself, This particular law is not a great vehicle for the Justices who are looking for a way to overturn Roe
  5. as I understand it the legal question is whether this law deputises a citizen to have standing in a court of law standing that this law suggests that they have. Standing which if granted by the court would give the citizen State agency. And if so then can a State delegate their authority to an agent and not be answerable in the Court for that delegation (setting aside for a moment the other arguments about what it is the citizen is deputised to do) i think one of the lawsuit already being presented is designed to have the court rule on this question. Can a State deputise a citizen and not be answerable in a court of law for the deputisation the law as wrote will I think be moot should the court determine that such a citizen has no standing in the court
  6. am not sure how deputising the citizens to carry out a State law enforcement function can be done to avoid a State official being included in a lawsuit. As the legal deputy would be acting with the legal authority of the State, and in the absence of any other official then it would be the State Governor, on whose signature into law the deputisation was authorised validated is not like a bounty hunter, who is empowered by the contract signed by the bailed person which makes bounty hunting a matter of a signed civil contract. In the case of the legally deputised abortion-support hunter there is no civil contract only the State authorised deputation am pretty sure that legal minds are thinking about this already tho
  7. if you want to use SL as a canvas for your photography and add your work to your RL portfolio then is not a biggie for you to disclose that your SL avatar account is associated with your real world self there a quite a number of RL artists, writers and other creatives who do this. For them SL is a canvas on which they create stuff to complement their portfolios if tho you want to start exploring different sides of yourself in SL, explorations which might be a little bit embarrassing for yourself, your associates or your family to have splashed over the internets then suggest that you create a alt account for this kind of self-exploration to be fair also, most creatives on SL have alt accounts, even if they often use them as props for their work being able to log in on a alt account and do non-work stuff can be quite relaxing sometimes other advantage of having a alt account is that you can use it as your bank and land holding account. So if your RL (public) facing account ever gets compromised then your money and land will not also be at risk
  8. it might be because you don't seem to know the story of the Helgast. The Helgast are not aliens, they are humans. And they are nazi in thought, deed and practice. As a people evolved from authoritarian corporatism. Who keep trying to kill all the Vektans, a people descended from more liberal democratic ancestors. Is not much of a killy war game when there aren't any nazis. Or commies. War and Conquest games are pretty simple like that the furries you ran into in SL on a roleplay region are probably secret vektan sympathising furries, and they maybe think you are a secret helgastian spy pretending to be a furry. And so the game continues whatever planet or world it is
  9. it depends on the context. When the item is known before purchase then it can be transferable
  10. the moderators tend to allow OPs about pretty much anything threads get closed when we don't stay on the OP topic. Like I started a OP, somebody made a off topic reference, I responded to the off-topic, moderator closed the thread which is how that should go. Otherwise might as well not have any organisational structure to the forum. Just have one big thread for everything where we can post anything we like
  11. is a little more to it than this the minority have to acquiesce to the will of the majority when the minority don't then there is no rule of law in a contestable society, which democracies are, the rule of law only works when both majority and minority accept the outcome of a contest
  12. yes is a problem when the source string has spaces between the separators and the element data (usually caused when we type data in directly) when our source string doesn't/shouldn't have embedded spaces, like 1 3, 13 4, ...etc then we can preprocess the source string and strip out all the spaces. Example: string source = "1 3, 1 3, 2 4, 24*1 0* 0"; source = (string)llParseString2List(source, [" "], []); /* strip all spaces from the source string to a temporary list then cast the whole temporary list as a single string which gives us: source = "13,13,24,24*10*0" then we can process the cleaned up source string to our data list */
  13. same i only went to Windows 10 when Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7. I will go to Windows 11 or 12 or whichever it is when they stop supporting Windows 10 on the same basis. If it isn't broken don't fix it
  14. there have been a number of people with inventory issues recently best to file a Support ticket and ask them to help you. Linden have been able to fix/repair the inventory issues being experienced
  15. seems the order in which the data is restored is wonky. Should be something like: string source = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7*0*0*"; list datastar = llParseString2List(source, ["*"], []); /* element 0 : "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" element 1 : "0" element 2 : "0" */ list dataone = llCSV2List(llList2String(datastar, 0)); /* element 0 : "0" element 1 : "1" element 2 : "2" element 3 : "3" element 4 : "4" element 5 : "5" element 6 : "6" element 7 : "7" */ // to restore this then datastar = llListReplaceList(datastar, [llList2CSV(dataone)], 0, 0); /* element 0 : "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" element 1 : "0" element 2 : "0" */ string output = llDumpList2String(datastar, "*"); /* "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7*0*0"; */
  16. i am not able to replicate the behaviour you are observing when the scripts are in different prims can only suggest that you do a test harness with two link prims. Stick script (1) in the root prim and script (2) in the linked prim when the avatar on the root prim uses the controls then it should whisper/say... script 1. and the avatar on the linked prim should whisper/say... script 2. Each also saying the id of each avatar. Without any cross-talk if the test harness is working as expected then replicate this in your script if not then am not sure why it wouldn't on your computer. If it doesn't then it could be some hardware difference which I don't know about i did the test using two instances of the Linden viewer. I don't know what the result might be with a TPV but if you continue to experience cross-talk then you may have to go with the C+ method to distinguish between the gunner and driver. Example: control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { integer ctrl = 0; // driver if ((level & CONTROL_DOWN) || (edge & CONTROL_DOWN)) // C key ctrl = 1; // gunner if (ctrl == 1) // gunner { if (level & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) // C + left mousebutton ... fire cannon ... ... } else // driver { if (level & CONTROL_FWD) // W ... drive tank forward ... ... } } ps add it might be that there may be more than 2 sit targets defined in the linkset, which may be confusing matters. Once set a sit target becomes a property of the prim. So you might want to clear them all out of the linkset by looping thru all the prims in the linkset and set them to null and then set the link sit targets for the driver and gunner
  17. best always to start and stop animations ourselves if we need to have more than one animation playing at the same time then add the playing animations to a list. Add/remove to list (start/stop) as needed. Stopping all animations in our list when device detached or set to inactive with animation priorities then all we can do is stop the higher priority animation from playing should we want a lower priority animation to play on the same parts of the avatar
  18. llListFindList is how we look up data in a list http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListFindList it returns the list index of the value looked up when we want to do it with a llDialog then we can use a strided list to get the button labels, show the strided button list in a dialog, then look up the button label in the buttons list and use list index to fetch the web url corresponding to the button http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlList2ListStrided example: list buttons = [ // buttonlabel, weburl "Button A", "www.buttona.com", "Button B", "www.buttonb.com", "Button C", "www.buttonc.com" // and, so on ]; touch_start(integer num_detected) { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Pick:", llList2ListStrided(buttons, 0, -1, 2), // get every second list element 12431 }; } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string button) { // button is either ButtonA", "ButtonB" or "ButtonC" // get index of button in buttons list integer index = llListFindList(buttons, [button]); // index + 1 is the url for the button string url = llList2String(buttons, index + 1); }
  19. @mjyothis off-parcel objects can work for tenants provided that the objects don't encroach the other tenants parcels. Tenants can place off-parcel objects that extend into the void within their quandrant. Example diagram:
  20. Lucia's method is the way to do it when the person who touches the machine is wearing their group tag, then OBJECT_GROUP_TAG can be obtained from any non-temp attachment they are wearing. Give gifts to group members / officers based on their tag
  21. thanks the error is caused when the HUD changes ownership. The permissions request (as wrote) happens in state_entry which only fires when the HUD script is reset. The fixes are: llResetScript on CHANGED_OWNER, or request permissions on attach
  22. not out-of-the-box no the simplest automated way is a bot with appropriate estate powers. Parcel bans don't apply to appropriately-enabled bots and the bot can return anything. Bot pops in on a regular schedule, checks the region for over-sized objects and returns them if tenant complains then have the wrong tenant for your estate
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