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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. personally I find vehicle physics hulls to be problematic. For sure can hand craft these for mesh vehicles or use convex hull. But I go with using a standard prim as the root prim (sometimes more depending on the vehicle) which is the only physical part of the build, sized appropriately for the vehicle. The vehicle mesh is just a linked prop for aesthetic purposes it makes vehicle collision, animation and impulse engines really easy to build and adapt. Moving the linked mesh props relative to the root prim
  2. a caveat on the wiki for llHash is that the probability of a collision is quite high, the greater the number of open listeners. The wiki estimates that for 1,000 scripts on the server each using a unigue channel the chances of a collision is 1 in 10,000 so what we should do is also check that the sender has the same owner as the listener. Example: listen (..., key id, ...) { if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner()) { .. sender of message has the same owner as the listener } } a further caveat with llHash is that it returns both positive and negative values, and it can return 0, so we want to account for these. Example to ensure a channel in the negative range <= -1 using owner uuid and a unique app token known to both sender and listener scripts: string APP_TOKEN = "app token is something unique to my app known to both sender and listener"; // ensure channel <= -1 integer channel = -1 * ((llHash((string)llGetOwner() + APP_TOKEN) & 0x7FFFFFE) + 1);
  3. we can count the number of times that 'end' (OnKeyUp) occurs for a specific control, saving the count in a global var. Example: integer ctrlDownCount; integer ctrlUpCount; control (key id, integer level, integer edge) { integer end = ~level & edge; // equivalent to OnKeyUp event in other langguages if (CONTROL_DOWN & end) { ++ctrlDownCount; if (ctrlDownCount == 3) { ... do something on 3 CONTROL_DOWN OnKeyUp events ... // reset count ctrlDownCount = 0; } } else if (CONTROL_UP & end) { ++ctrlUpCount; if (ctrlUpCount == 2) { ... do something on 2 CONTROL_UP OnKeyUp events ... // reset count ctrlUpCount = 0; } } }
  4. female (typically but not exclusively): Aroha (love) male: (typically but not exclusively): Rangi (sky, heaven) either: Wai (water) then the names can be levelled up by adding nui Arohanui (great love) Ranginui (big sky) Wainui (vast water) then can be extended in other ways Aroha o te rangi (love of heaven) Po te rangi (night sky) Wai marama (light water) i think this convention is true too of most cultures, people's names have origin in manifestations of things and/or observed behaviours. English names as well. Just that the origin of some names in long cultures have been forgotten in the mists of time i like the telling of funny stories about how people get their names is this man named Apollo Perelini who played rugby union and rugby league. Played internationally for Aotearoa NZ and Samoa he was getting interviewed on the TV way back in his playing days and got asked how he got the name Apollo. Is it something to do with the ancient sun god he said: Nah! he was born in 1969. His mum was watching the Apollo moon landing and decided to honour that accomplishment by name her newborn son Apollo and he goes all stoneface and says: In some ways I am fortunate that the russians never got to the moon first and the reporter goes: oh! whys that and he goes: Because my mum would probably have named me Sputnik then he cracks up laughing. The reporter cracks up laughing as well likely thinking: oh! man I totally walked into that one
  5. when objects are rezzed inworld then they acquire a new uuid. So is best not to rely on the uuid value for this purpose is a number of ways to do this one way is validating the sender with OBJECT_OWNER + OBJECT_CREATOR and further include a unique application token in the message example: string APP_TOKEN = "@"; listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { list sender = llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_CREATOR]); integer check = ( (llList2Key(sender, 0) == llGetOwner()) & (llList2Key(sender, 1) == llGetCreator()) & (llChar(message, 0) == APP_TOKEN) ); if (check) { ... here we can parse the message down further ... ... for example the second llChar of message could be the object token ... identifying it uniquely from other app objects } } another way is when app object are no-modify. We can use unique object names rather than encoding message tokens
  6. does this happen with the standard Linden viewer? Does it happen with another viewer not Firestorm ? suggest that you try other viewers. If the problem persists with different viewers is most likely something to do with your mouse like when you right click and choose Rename then the mouse sends two mouse clicks when you select Rename from the menu. The first click on Rename puts it into edit mode. A second click is then also sent to the viewer which closes the edit mode i am not a expert on setting up mouse but usually there is a way to adjust the time delay between mouse clicks, which might be a way to fix your issue. In your mouse setup try different time delays for the mouse buttons and see what happens
  7. some times they are, better than the rest better in the fact that the textures are highly detailed and perfectly sized for the faces of the garment. And when they are then I am happy to pay 250 to 500 for each item once upon a time in the days before mesh we used to get these high quality highly detailed layer textures and we paid for them seperately, a fatpack consisted of a folder full of layers then mesh came, and the arrival of the HUD, and a lot of the texture quality went out the window in the rush to stuff as many colors and one size fits all patterns into the product as possible - quantity over quality but luckily there are still some texture makers who do quality detailing for each face. Like I my fav layer tights. 300L. One color. My fav bodysuit layer. One color. 300L. And my fav mesh makers. One quality detailed texture on the mesh. 300L each please. Thats just for the top. The bottom and the shoes are 300L each more please. And I buy them because detailing i also have factory produced clothing as well. A zillion tints of the same one size fits all texture in a HUD. Some them are nice, but nothing special
  8. a fyi M Linden stepped down on the 24th of September 2010. He was supposed to give a speech on the 23rd at SLB7 but cancelled and departed the company the next day on the 21st two days prior, Philip Linden, as Board Chair, gave a speech to SLB7, the transcript is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/SL7B/Philip_speech is kind of interesting this speech. Hearing it live at the time, it came across as a little bit harsh in parts, for a speech given by a Board Chair in a public forum. I have since read the transcript a number of times and the text maybe doesn't bear this out sans the context of the times. Approx. 100 staff (1/3rd of the workforce about) had been made redundant in the previous week altho when the Board Chair publicly says, and you are the CEO: M Linden never showed up 2 days later to give his SLB7 address and had left the company the next day
  9. if you used to have a standard/classic Linden avatar then think of BOM as layers for mesh bodies. BOM works the same way as layers. We wear the BOM layers on our standard avatar body. And the BOM automagically paints the layers onto our mesh body, just the same as it does for our standard/classic linden body
  10. is a pain when another person captures our permissions with a script and then keeps them permanently and is able to animate our avatar at will in their presence for those who have never had this happen to them then I am not sure its appreciated how debilitating this can be for the victim Revoke Permissions only works on rezzed inworld objects. It doesn't work when the script is being worn by another person. Unless Firestorm have since come up with a fix to their Animation Explorer then we still can't stop animations started by such a script. Nevermind stopping them with the Linden viewer if the unless since hasn't happened yet then we pretty much still stuck with a scripting hack to unhack the animation hack perpetrated on us by the villain a hack to unhack the hack is here: ps. and if anyone is wondering how a villain can get our permissions into a script they are wearing, if we never said OK to their scripted animation request dialog, then best to not sit on anything ever without setting Revoke On Stand in our viewer
  11. seems that one of you three has been cancelled. Yet doesn't say which of you three has been cancelled. 3 + -1 = 2. Dang A.I. 😸
  12. i was pretty surprised when Linden rewrote the policy to allow conveyors. I initially thought the ban on gacha was about loot box gambling. Seems it wasn't i think that coming to a venue near you sooner or later, we are going to see variable pull pricing on one drop machines. Pay L$1 for the first displayed item, then say L$50 for each successive item. When person stops feeding the machine at L$50 a pop then reset to display the L$1 item for the next player. This would be compliant with the policy as wrote, as each item is known before purchase ps. Might even be that somebody will give L$0 (freebie) for the first item a go
  13. i think merchants are still working this out. If the long conveyor belt leads to a drop in revenue then I think we will see the one drop machine come into vogue the one drop machine has a conveyor length of one. There is only one item in the window. Buy it and another appears. And because the customer can see the item before they buy then it conforms with the policy as wrote in revenue terms it costs the customer one extra payment over the traditional zero drop (gacha) machine to maybe get the item they want. Unlike a ten drop machine (10 items in the window) which can cost 11 payments to get an item wanted the multiple drop (more than one item in the window) machine seems like a good idea, but I am not sure that it is overall, at least not for traditional players like yourself
  14. from the viewer pov it could be most efficient if it was ordered by texture uuid if only that sequential calls to the same texture could mean less traffic/changeouts on the graphics card. Dunno for sure tho. Would have to examine the viewer source code to get an idea how repeated calls to the same texture is handled
  15. yes nobody wants to talk it about much anymore, not since the old gods got replaced by the one god who came with the people from overseas. Lots of the one god missionaries amongst the newcomers. Each with their own true path. Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Mormon, Lutheran, Brethren and others as a people we got right into the one god. Is understandable how that happens. Newcomers turn up in ships with steel and cloth, and the benefits that come from these materials and the technologies that enable and are enabled. The newcomers say these are the gifts of the one god. Local person looks at a iron pot and a steel blade, leather boots, etc and thinks I could like to have that. The one god comes as part of the gift package we (as a people) liked the gifts so much that some of us even made our churches to the glory of the one god. Like Ratana and Ringatu my personal view is that generally people's relationship with deities is pretty much transactional. What can the deity do for me? How does this deity benefit me? What are people doing, what benefits are they accruing which I am not, and should I change to their way to get some of what they have. When another deity seems to provide better gifts then go with that one which kind of comes back to my point. Where in all of this does the notion of the sanctity of life come in. I think it pretty much depends on who's life and is that life important to me personally, does it complete me, does it make me closer to god, when I believe in the sanctity of human life. And I think also that this comes from the personal relationship that we believe we have with the one god. That the one god cares for us personally
  16. i grew up on a farm as well. Scrabble existence there was nothing special about life then and nothing special about life now less than 300 years my ancestors were eating the neighbours for dinner. The only reason we still aren't is that people came from overseas and said that human life is special. Which raises the question: special to who? special in what way? That it is human? yet when you kill it and cook it then is just meat. Same as any other animal killed and cooked my point is basically that the idea that humans are deserving of life, are sanctified in some special way different from other animals, no matter at what stage of life, is cultural construct of the human mind human animals are certainly more clever than other animals. Not sure that raises them to sanctified level tho this is not to say that we should go round killing each other and not care because we all just meat. But I do think that we shouldn't mythologise the sanctity of life notion as it relates to human beings
  17. you might need to get an older AMD driver (preferably the same version as you had before) on the AMD driver page, pick the model of your graphics card then click the Submit button on the next page that shows then about halfway down the page you will see a link to Previous Drivers. Looks like this: click on the link and hopefully the driver you had before will show up. Try downloading the older drivers and seeing if any of them will work. Hopefully fingers crossed one of them will. And if so then never upgrade ever again ps. I had to do this with my NVidia graphics. Ended up rolling back to version 456.71 to get SL to work as it used to for me. The latest NVidia version is 472.12 and I just don't ever upgrade. Newer version might work, might not either and I don't want to find out if it doesn't
  18. about teenage pregnancy the teen pregnancy rate in Aotearoa NZ more than halved over the period 2008 to 2018 principal influencers were: 1) Comprehensive and consistent sex and contraception education 2) Easy access and engaging information on sex, contraception, pregnancy, abortion and parenting tailored for teenagers 3) Better access to highly protective contraception 4) Non-stigmatisation of teenagers who have sex 5) Non-stigmatisation of teenagers who get pregnant 6) Mindset shift in care providers of teenagers: Pregnant teenagers are not a problem to be solved. They are people who need help and support statistical outcome 2008: 33% of teenagers reportedly engaged in sex. Teen pregnancy rate: 33 per 1000 2018: 24% of teenagers reportedly engaged in sex. Teen pregnancy rate: 14 per 1000 the full study is here: https://orangatamariki.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/About-us/Research/Latest-research/Teen-Parents-Evidence-Brief/Teen-Parents-Evidence-Brief-2019.pdf anecdotally from my own experiences working with families the subject that makes both teenage girls and boys pause is parenting. What being a parent means for them personally - from a teenager with few responsibiltiies to an adult with a heavy responsibility for another person for at least the next 16 years of your life. You will be 30 something years old by then. And when this is well-communicated to teenagers in sex education classes in school then most quieten down and start giving that some serious thought
  19. i haven't tried it but maybe could sample sun direction some small time apart. If the current vector is not the same as the previous vector then is not a fixed sun ?
  20. Kori Johnson of KSLA TV in Shreveport Louisiana, live interviewing people buying powerball lotto tickets which has jackpotted to $700 million Kori: So Steve, what are going to do with all that money if you win? Steve: Weell! I'm definitely going to get a new supercharged Mustang with dual exhausts, and about five kilos of cocaine and I'll be good to go Kori: Sooo you like cars Steve. Ok, back to you Doug in the studio 😸
  21. yes we can accompany any song with 3 chords. Is known colloquially where I live as the pacific strum. Just go faster or slower as needed 😸 and yes is so tedious making fret board finger animations the closest I ever got to doing this for my own guitar was to use the poser in Niran's Black Dragon, and then writing a external program to convert the BD poser file to .anim which could be uploaded i really would like Linden and Niran to come to some arrangement over the poser tool, and have the poses write seamlessly to .anim. I would be quite happy if the .anim write capability was restricted to animation creator, so that we can't thru the viewer rip other people's animations
  22. we sometimes need to have our scripts wait for the property change to take effect before we continue. For example with writing to object description: // in our writer script string data = "something"; llSetObjectDesc(data); // wait until object description has been updated while (llGetObjectDesc() != data); ... when object description has been updated then continue ... // with our reader script that is expecting a change then string data = "whatever was read previously"; // wait until object description changes do { string read = llGetObjectDesc(); } while (read == data); // when object description has been updated then continue data = read; /* to avoid the scripts going catatonic then we wait for a time at times end we break out of the wait loop and deal with the fallout example: */ string data = "something"; llResetTime(); llSetObjectDesc(data); while ((llGetObjectDesc() != data) && (llGetTime() < 10.0)); // wait for upto 10 seconds // check for expected change if (llGetObjectDesc() != data) .. expected change hasn't happened ... else ... it has ... a caveat is that doing this kind of thing can get messy
  23. yes is a lot of work for a result that would be performance patchy clientside keyboard mapping can be useful sometimes. Like I had a hoverboard which did maneuvers and animation changes based on control key combinations. So as a exercise I mapped the combinations to other keys on my keyboard to see if it would be easier to fly. It used single, double and triple control combinations. Lots of them but I stopped using the mapping after awhile. Just learned how to fly the board with both hands. WASDEC left hand. Arrow/Page keys with right hand. Coordinating left and right to get the combinations I wanted i think if I was ever to get into note-based musical instruments then I probably look more into avatar animation. Like guitar chords for example. Am pretty sure most guitar playing live performers would like that pass the script a string (dialog picker maybe) which contains some kind of chord progression: Like 12-bar blues for example: "CM,C,C,C,C,.,F,F,C,C,.,G,F,C,C,.,r" "GM,G,G,G,G,.,C,C,G,G,.,D,C,G,G,.,r" where CM is C Major, GM is G Major. Cm would be C Minor and so on "." is a break. "-" could be a hold. Example: ..,C-,.. Hold longer could be C--, and so on "r" means repeat the progression the performer can compose their own progressions, saved in a notecard. Picking whichever as they perform then on each note change in the string, play the appropriate animation. Which would be quite cool with bento finger animations lots of work tho as well to make all the animations. If a commercial product then would need animation sets for different sized avatars and appropriately sized guitars for each the script itself tho would be pretty straightforward to write
  24. this is a interesting problem is possible to map clientside a keyboard to the LSL control keys when map to two control key combinations then is 34 uniquely trappable control events w,a,s,d,e,c,sa,sd,m. sa = shift+A, sd = shift+D. m = left mouse w+s,w+e,w+c,w+a,w+d,w+sa,w+sd,w+m s+e,s+c,s+a,s+d,s+sa,s+sd,s+m e+c,e+a,e+d,e+sa,e+sd,e+m c+a,c+d,c+sa,c+sd,c+m a+d,a+sd,a+m d+sa,d+m sa+sd,sa+m sd+m then if we can program our rl keyboard to output 34 keydown events suppressing keyup, and 34 keyup events suppressing keydown events then it gives us 68 control key combinations that can be trapped/read by our script from knowing this then we could LSL script some kind of 64 key piano which would play the appropriate note and depress the appropriate key on a visual inworld keyboard
  25. suggest that you try the test scripts (1) and (2) first when the test works as expected and your scripts don't then your scripts are not working as expected is often best to troubleshoot on more than one region, as sometimes the server can be borky another thing is that sometimes the compiler can corrupt scripts when the server is wonky. In this case then we usually have to fix it by copypaste our script into an external text editor (like Windows Notepad) then create a new LSL script and copypaste our script text and do Save. Which gives us a fresh compile of a whole new script
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