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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. without the creator's texture then it being one face only you will have to try and reverse engineer the texture, which will take some effort to work out the mapping once you work it out tho then you will be able to do the transparent thing that arton mentions while working on this, use Local in the Texture Picker. Local means the texture is picked from your local hard drive and you can see it in the viewer. Everybody else present inworld will see the Local texture as grey. Once you have a texture that works for you then upload it for L$10 on the rare occasion I have ever done this then I start by making a line grid on the texture and number the grid squares, then see where the numbers appear on the surface when apply the grid texture. Then follow with coloring in the squares and see how they match
  2. probably a Head of Department reporting to Grumpity Linden VP of Product
  3. it helps to specify the change that occurs when an avatar sits or stands, excluding other changes to the object which can fire the change event. Example: changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) // is true when avatar sits or stands. OnSit avatar is the last link in the linkset { key id = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (id) // avatar has sat { integer info = llGetAgentInfo(id); .. do something with info; and id, like save id to a global var } // else avatar has stood. id == NULL_KEY } }
  4. i think the Roblox idea is that because they have a huge teenage user base already, the idea is to encourage adults to come into a teen/child friendly space, and not for adults to come in and try to turn it into a adult space even if partially if this works for Roblox then I think they will most likely go to a family-friendly all ages space. If so then schools (junior, middle and senior) will most likely be targeted. Education-oriented discount packaging, etc
  5. i agree with Roblox. Zero romance on a underage platform is a good thing
  6. if this was me i would use driving animations that are fit for purpose when the vehicle is moving then when the vehicle stops, set the vehicle to non-physical, locking it in place. Then can play any animation in this state, like cup of tea, snuggle, etc. Then change the status back to physical to move the vehicle again
  7. group notification attachments have always been problematic for me also, dunno why they tend to not persist between logins (timeout, go stale, something) and for me only work when I get the group message while logged in when so then only way I know how to get it, is open the group profile and find it in the group notices list and click the Open Attachment button
  8. start with vehicle type: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/VEHICLE_TYPE_BALLOON just to see how floating vehicles work in principle then you want to use a timer to periodically check for object surfaces under the vehicle: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlCastRay when found get the distance between the detected object and the vehicle. When CastRay doesn't find prims under the vehicle then get the distance between the vehicle and the ground: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGround having the distance then adjust the VEHICLE_BUOYANCY parameter to float the vehicle at the height wanted getting the distance/height correct for all situations is the non-trivial bit
  9. looks like the radio player on the website is not set to autoplay try other station urls to find ones that are set to autoplay
  10. pretty much we are stuck with either using animations that are fit for purpose, or building our own impulse engine to move the vehicle in addition to making a non-physical vehicle as Qie mentions, the other way is to make our vehicle physical and phantom llVolumeDetect and then in our impulse engine float the vehicle above the ground/ prim surface beneath it. Which is not a trivial thing to script for all situations which the vehicle may find itself in
  11. i am most likely to be the 'stupid' one in the conversation. Like: them: you want the sex me: yes them: you sit me: yes them: you're not sitting me: yes them: ffs me: yes them: *poof teleport* me: hey! where you go. Come back! them: *teleport back* them: you want the sex me: yes ....and repeat til they give up, and maybe block me, and hopefully mark me in their profile notes to never have this conversation ever again with me 😽
  12. with the Linden viewer when RevokePermsOnStopAnimation is True (the default) then it all works out of the box, regardless of unsit method. Stand, teleport, teleport to same region, llUnSit(), crash, menu: Avatar\Stop animation (which unsits the avatar) if TPVs aren't doing this already as well then they should be soon. It might even be that this debug setting came out of previous TPV work i have always wanted to be able to llRequestPermissions(NULL_KEY, 0) to set the script permissions to 0 we can request zero permissions and obtain this, but we need a agent id which is present on the region to do it
  13. i have been trying this out is a couple of wonky things I noticed with the shape editor. Like the thumbnails don't show my Maitreya body which is bommed. And the main view jitters my avatar a tiny bit when I change a shape parameter. Not sure if that was just me tho only other thing I noticed was the animesh dancers at Dance Island never rezzed fully. They were a single triangle the whole time I was there (and when I went back another time)
  14. i have no real idea of how TPVs do Revoke on Stand, other than it probably is mod something something of standard Debug Setting: RevokePermsOnStopAnimation which is True by default if i was making a commercial animation anything then I would precede each call to llStartAnimation and llStopAnimation with a check for the permission. Example: if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { ... llStopAnimation(anim); ... llStartAnimation(anim); } else ... reacquire permission depending on situation this is how my AO HUD does it When I select menu: Avatar \ Stop animations (used to be menu: Me \ Stop Animating Me) in the Linden Viewer then it does the RevokePermsOnStopAnimation. Then because my AO is on a timer cycling animation changes, it uses the above method to reacquire permissions, and continues to animate
  15. it used to be that when we teleported while sitting on an object then the animation would continue to play on us at the destination region Linden fixed this so that whenever we unsit then it stops any animations started by the sat on object. Since then I haven't bothered ever stopping an animation that my sit object script has started when the avatar unsits. I let the system take care of it
  16. Second Life uses a custom rendering engine built by Linden it expects mesh models to conform to the Linden specifications here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Mesh_Asset_Format
  17. i like your approach Prof. is a nice and simple mod to be able to use less than priority 4 animations when the avatar stands then we don't have to stop the lastdance as this is now done automagically by the server in every case. So we only have to reset lastdance = "sit" when the avatar stands. And as Quistess mentions also we only need to stop "sit" when a avatar sits
  18. i have no idea how Linden actually create UUIDs but I think they probably use a non-collision method. Like some kind of feistel network to convert a value drawn from a sequential sequence to a 'random' looking value pcode example: uint128 i; key id = feistel(i); ++i; if (i == power(2, 128)) i = 0; wikipedia link for feistel network here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feistel_cipher is pretty interesting when apply this method to a sequence, as is reversible. for example: for (i = 0 to 9) { // feistel(value, magnitude) u = feistel(i, 100); n = unfeistel(u, 100); // u == unique value in range [0..99] // n == i; } /* i = 0. u = 57. n = 0 i = 1. u = 82. n = 1 i = 2. u = 14. n = 2 and so on so given some 'random' number in [0..99] we can know if this could have been generated by our program */ if (unfeistel(u, 100) >= i) then 'u' isn't in our current range
  19. i have been watching The Billion Dollar Code on Netflix which is a dramatisation of Terravision. Link here: https://artcom.de/en/?project=terravision in 1994 these then students built The Terraverse. A working model integrating virtuality with the realworld. Basically being inspired by Snowcrash I think this is still the future and in some remote outposts of the Terraverse will be a space for pseudo-anonymity (conceptually similar to SL account type) but this will only be a tiny part of the whole I think Terraverse to Metaverse path is to add planets then whole alternative star systems. The great majority of people tho I think will stay on Terra, and be their real world Terran selves doing real world things that are virtually enabled/enhanced
  20. yes this is correct. n | x80000000, alternatively . -1 | n (cross the alternate out as is not true) either of these does what you say the range is -1 to -power(2, 31)+1 whereas -1 * range + 1 is -1 to -power(2,30)
  21. yes i missed a F sorry. Should be 0x7FFFFFFE i went the long way as that was how it was presented in the OP. When we use -1 * then we have to mask out the high and low bits and add 1 when we don't then -1 * 0 = 0 -1 * 0xFFFFFFFF = 1
  22. might be that on Facebook 2D it only costs a arm and a leg. On 3D Facebook then the cost went up to two legs and they probably came for the arm later on unless maybe pay a rental fee, in which case you can keep both arms unlike them one arm no legs people
  23. the first animation has a lower priority (most likely Priority 3) than the default sit animation which is Priority 4. Basically higher priority animations play over the top of same and lower priority animations info about animation priority is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Animation_Priority the simplest thing to begin with is to try different animations and see which ones work as expected (i.e. the avatar dances and doesn't stay seated) and only include the ones that work in your dance object. If you do this then you don't need to modify the script you have
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