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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. not easily no. We can't get group details from within LSL when the box gives on touch then the typical thing is to give to a list of officers maintained independently. For example a notecard in the giver contents, a Experience KVP entry, or a own managed web service another way requires the officers to wear a attachment and their group tag, before they touch the box. For this then: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSameGroup look at the See Also section llGetAttachedList and llGetObjectDetails the giver script checks their attachment for OBJECT_CREATOR (you) and OBJECT_NAME (some name for this purpose). When matched then give gift see Lucia's answer below: OBJECT_GROUP_TAG
  2. have to use my thumbs as a pointer marker or i lose track and have to start over 😸 i learned how to do the 12 count from Mr Chaudhray in a youtube vid. Is quite good and I have started to teach little children in my whanau how to do it
  3. i watched that as well i wouldn't want to play that game myself, but can understand the desperation that drove the players to participate. And the psychological reasonings underpinning the game from the gamemasters pov, awful as they are
  4. since i changed to the knuckle counting method, i can now count up to 24 on my fingers, whereas before it went 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,heaps
  5. a conversation about inventory landmarks is here: ps. I haven't tried it myself
  6. this is the reason why money got invented, to facilitate trade. Without money each person would only have been able to pay in goods, or pay with a IOU (a personally-issued promissory note) to receive goods or services for the hotieler to get meat, the butcher would have received a hotel room voucher ( a privately-issued promissory note) the butcher would have paid the farmer with the voucher the farmer would have paid the feed store with the voucher the feed store owner would have paid for remedial services with the voucher the service provider would have paid for the hotel room with the voucher the problem with the promissory note system is that not everybody in the chain wants a hotel room voucher (privately-issued promissory note) for their goods/services so the State invented money (a publicly-issued promissory note) to facilitate trade
  7. send your friends a IM, say Hi! I am at club x, want to come ? they will either say Yes! or No sorry, or they don't answer. When Yes! send TP. Otherwise do nothing. IM next friend and ask them
  8. this is correct. Each man paid 9 pounds including tip
  9. if this is not your keyboard, and is only happening sometimes when you walk and sometimes not, does it happen after you have typed some words into the chat box ? if so then it might be a gesture that gets triggered by something that you type. Check your Gestures folder and see if a gesture might be enabling the crouch animation
  10. check the Object Description fields of the prims. See if there is anything in them with key packing (9 chars per key) then can stuff 14 keys into a prim's Object Description (127 / 9 = 14). 56 prims * 14 keys = 784 avatars on a persistent whitelist ps. can stuff another 28 into PRIM_TEXT as well (alpha'd so is not visible). Which is another 1,568. For 2,352 in total for that 56 prim building
  11. replicating the issue two scripts link two prims put both script(1) and script(2) in the same prim. Sit two avatars in different viewers on the same computer both scripts will accept control inputs from either viewer with the focus stick script(1) and script(2) into different prims script(1) will only accept control inputs from viewer(1). Script(2) will only accept control inputs from viewer(2) / / script 1 default { state_entry() { llLinkSitTarget(1,<0.0,0.0,0.5>,ZERO_ROTATION); llLinkSitTarget(2, <0.0,0.0,0.5>,ZERO_ROTATION); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_LINK) { key agent = llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(1); if (agent) { llRequestPermissions(agent, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } else { llReleaseControls(); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if (perms & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_FWD | CONTROL_BACK | CONTROL_LEFT | CONTROL_RIGHT | CONTROL_UP | CONTROL_DOWN, TRUE, FALSE); } } control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { llWhisper(0, llDumpList2String(["script 1", id, level, edge], " ")); } } // script 2 default { changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_LINK) { key agent = llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(2); if (agent) { llRequestPermissions(agent, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } else { llReleaseControls(); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if (perms & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_LEFT | CONTROL_RIGHT | CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE); } } control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { llWhisper(0, llDumpList2String(["script 2", id, level, edge], " ")); } } ps add is a interesting effect this - both scripts in the root prim as could control two avatars (the driver and the gunner) from the same RL keyboard. Using the "C" and "E" keys as control keys to distinguish between the two. Example: driver: level = W,A,S,D. E + W,A,S,D. (8 controls) gunner: level = C + W,A,S,D. LMB. (5 controls)
  12. i see what you mean the work round is to to put script (1) in link prim (1) and script (2) in link prim (2)
  13. without seeing your script then am not sure what the issue might be a way to help see what might be happening is to check the value of key id in the control event parameters against the id of the agent for which the script has permission control (key id, integer level, integer edge) { if (id != llGetPermissionsKey()) { llOwnerSay("control id is not the same as script permissions id") } }
  14. sorry no is a safety protection for people so that they know who is offering them the dialog
  15. when we start getting into providing products commercially then it brings in a whole other level which we don't usually fuss too much about when we write scripts just for ourselves a way to do notecards is to allow our product users to go both ways. They can add/remove people with a textbox and edit the notecard if they want in this case then a way is to provide a Operations dialog which has a Load button and a Print button the Load button will load/read the notecard the Print button will print/say the usernames in the access list using llRegionSayTo from where the text can be copypasted into the notecard is sometimes plainer to use states to do this. Pcode example: default { ... OnScriptReset or OnLoad read notecard line for username validate llRequestUserKey(username). Add username to access list ... OnFinish reading goto state main; } state print { ... loop thru the access global list ... print/say username. llRegionSayTo(...) ... OnFinish printing state main; } state main { ... discover avatar presence. llSensor(...) or llGetAgentList(...) get username. llDetectedName(...) or llName2Key(...). Allow/disallow activity per access list ... provide Operations llDialog(...) Add, Remove, Load, Print, ... etc ... OnAdd provide llTextbox(...) input username validate llRequestUserKey(username). Add username to access list ... OnRemove provide llTextbox(...) input username if name on access list, remove username ... OnLoad state default; ... OnPrint state print; }
  16. i like your OP because you had a lightbulb moment. This is the joy of learning. When the lightbulb goes bing! is really satisfying. So can share as many lightbulb moments as you want and I will like them all
  17. is here: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000134544-region-transfer-guidelines and you are right. Linden have official helpy stuff stuck all over the place. Official stuff should all be in the official Knowledge Base. And thats it
  18. moving an avatar by the link method is my preferred option like my bed. If SomeRandom Person sits on my bed then I move them outside my house and unsit them. Which is a long fall when bed is in a skybox i did a mod of this when I had a Linden Home. If anyone climbed into my bed then move them out onto the public road and unsit another mod was, move the person outside into the garden where they get their feet pecked by baby chickens. Chickens are physical and go to the feet of avatar and give a little bump, just enough to jiggle their avatar, making ebil noises like: CHEEP! CHEEP! YOU CHEEP! KEHEHEHE!!! and when the person goes aha! and Sit Ground. Then baby chickens climb on them and go AWWW! I LUV U !! U TE BEST!!! CHEEP!! CHEEP!! baby chickens can be really annoying 😸
  19. vehicles came toward the end of 2003. Cory, Ben and Andrew Linden made some example scripts at the time showing the vehicle functions. Like this one: Simple Airplane example dated 12-08-2003. https://www.outworldz.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?ID=757
  20. if there is an authority on LSL code formatting it would be the original Linden Scripting Language Guide 2003 as the originators wrote it up. from page 12 4.1. Conditional Statements The ’if’ statement operates and has the same syntax as the Java/C version. check_message(string message) { if(message == "open") { open(); } else if(message == "close") { close(); } else { llSay(0, "Unknown command: " + message); } } is not quite Java/C as there is no exact standard for Java or C. But LSL follows BSD Allman style fairly closely link to a pdf copy of LSL Guide 2003 is here: https://economicslab.tistory.com/attachment/cfile3.uf@1909190B49D79475010A44.pdf/
  21. no-transfer animations can be played by a script. Is a bit beyond this sub-forum to start talking about how to write a script to do it, but is doable is also doable to wear a animation script which can be triggered by a gesture (to get around the limitation of standard gestures requiring full permissions assets) somebody maybe will come by and help you with doing/obtaining this kind of script
  22. a way to modify your code snippet to deal with unwanted avatars changed(integer what_changed) { if (what_changed & CHANGED_LINK) { key ava_key = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (NULL_KEY != ava_key) { if (AvatarIsOK(ava_key)) // AvatarIsOK is some user defined function to determine ok from not ok { llUnSit(ava_key); // ok } else { llEjectFromLand(ava_key); // not ok } } } }
  23. have a look at llSitTarget http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSitTarget which says that the range is 300.0 on each axis. So yes it is possible to go 2 regions over depending on the distance of the seat from the region border if you are able to go more than 300 in some circumstance then you have found a bug (undocumented feature)
  24. your friend donates tier in the Land/Assets section: there is a picture of this in the Knowledge Base (under the heading: Remove your existing land contribution) your friend can be in the Everyone role to do this
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