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  1. Thank you. This is exactly what i want to get. It's work perfectly! Thanks to all for replies. You are great
  2. Hello. I made a shirt and worn it. Now I want to disable the "touch" function so that other residents when clicking right-mouse button on my wearable shirt cannot bring up the menu. Can i do this without script? P.S. i didn't find scripts in content of some brends clothes but i can't bring up menu when i click on worn object. They are unselectable
  3. Hello. I made a hat with rotor on top of it. I want use different rotation speed of rotor when avatar stay or walk. any suggestion how i can show it in the script. Thank you
  4. on sim 4 no modify objects with strange Textanimscript in content. Owner Gucci Mayne. I can't remove, edit, return, move, delete them. All sim is lag. In about land/object not shown any object. Grifier was banned, but objects still there. beacons show only that 4 object. Land owner made restart and clean sim many time but object was magicaly return. please help me with that problem
  5. Thank you very much!! It is work now
  6. Thank you for reply. Now script work fine. How i can wear object and running script automaticaly? i mean not touch on it for on/off
  7. Something i doing wrong with that script:( i have 8 linked object and want animate with alpha script only 4 from them with names "obj1", "obj2", "obj3" and "obj4". I need first visible "obj1" then it will alpha and "obj2" will visible and etc. I removed from script only: touch_start(integer num) // In which you turn animation On/Off { llSetTimerEvent(animation_speed* (gON = !gON)); link_counter = 0; because i don't need to touch object. i will wear it. i get this: float animation_speed = 0.5; integer link_counter; list gModel_list=["obj1", "obj2", "obj3", "obj4"]; // List of your animated link numbers integer gLen; // Length of gModel_list default { state_entry() // In which you make a list of the links to be animated { integer i = llGetNumberOfPrims(); while (i) { if (llGetLinkName(i) == "obj1") // Find the links named "Model" { gModel_list += ; // Add them to a list } --i; } gLen = llGetListLength(gModel_list); // How long is the list? } changed( integer c) { if ( c & CHANGED_LINK) { llResetScript(); } } timer() // In which you animate the links { link_counter = (++link_counter)%gLen; // Choose the next link in gModel_list, a new one each time the timer fires integer i; while ( i < gLen) // Step through all links listed in gModel_list { integer Link = llList2Integer(gModel_list,i); // Get the link number if ( i == link_counter) // If this link is the one chosen ..... { llSetLinkAlpha(Link, 1.0, ALL_SIDES); // ... make it visible } else { llSetLinkAlpha( Link,0.0, ALL_SIDES); /// .... make it transparent } ++i; } } } i don't get error but script not work. Could you please write where i was wrong?
  8. Hello everybody! I can't find script:( Could you please help me? I made a mesh hat with some small wheels on it. I want wear that hat and when i start walk wheels start animation. When i stop walking then animation on hat is stop too. Same i want make this running but with another wheels animation on hat. For wheels animation i used transparent script.Thank you for your replies. Sorry for my english
  9. Unfortunately google didn't help me because i can't find there anything. i need some basic example of that script or someone will show me the direction that I look in script libraries
  10. Hello everybody! I can't find script:( Could you please help me? I made a mesh hat with some small wheels on it. I want wear that hat and when i start walk wheels start animation. When i stop walking then animation on hat is stop too. Same i want make this running but with another wheels animation on hat. For wheels animation i used transparent script.Thank you for your replies. Sorry for my english
  11. Thank you for your reply. I tested but not work:( Maybe i make some mistakes there. Could you please show all script? Sorry for disturb:(
  12. Sorry I want to ask about this script. I tested it. Work nice. I made bag which worn on shoulder and i want when owner touch on this bag it will unpack. I put this script in my bag but one problem. Everyone who touch on my bag can get all objects. I need only owner can unpack it. I try change this script but no success. Could you please help me with it? i need one script when touch on worn object and one automatically unpack when wear my bag. Both without unpack scripts. Thank you! Sorry my english
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