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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. for today at least am pretty sure that payable local taxes will be coming for every resident everywhere in the world. The hint for this is that Linden Tilia have partnered with a global tax info provider
  2. i think there is some merit in the idea of a business name, as an idea am not sure tho that it wouldn't still result in quite a few 'sounds-like' names
  3. if we are going way down the rabbit hole of reductio ad absurdum then the 'real' truth is that human beings only 'own' land while human beings exist
  4. a fyi the Education and Non-Profit discount was restored in 2014 https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Education_and_Non-Profit_Discount_Terms_and_Conditions we need not see X-rated content. The viewer and marketplace have search and access filters that by default put X-rated content behind the Adult wall. We have to ourselves enable the Adult filter
  5. pretty much yes. We can get asked sometimes about what we think, by someone we know, who is putting their mesh avatar together. Which can be a bit of a struggle sometimes given how different heads and bodies respond to the slilders. When asked then sure we can say what we think can work better. But I will never offer any such advice to anyone unless asked
  6. some people do have tiny hands compared to the rest of their body, so am not going to say anything to them. In the same way I never say anything to anyone about how skinny I think their legs are
  7. i think the question that Linden Governance doesn't ask themselves is: What constitutes an ad-farm ? Is one parcel only an ad-farm ? Meaning they don't frame it in this way I think it comes down to the behaviour observed. Is the observed behaviour typically that of an ad-farmer as described in the policy ? Is not whether the resident is considered to be an ad-farmer, is whether the exhibited behaviour is that of an ad-farmer. When the answer is yes then is a violation. this said, I would not be surprised if Linden did cut some slack to first time parcel sellers the red rotating 'for sale' sign mentioned, is a freebie that has been around since forever. The first time parcel seller finds it in a box somewhere and rezzes it on their land. And it rotates. Other freebie mods of that sign have had the rotation stopped. Person obtains and rezzes that one and it doesn't rotate. There is a little bit luck of the draw element in this for the first time seller however, when our first time seller goes on to start trading in land then they get noticed by the more established real estate agencies. And it is those agencies who are quick to abuse report signage violations. Level playing field and all that
  8. totes = totally, pwnd = owned, kehehehe = maniacal giggle them: are you there ? me: no them: ??! me: kehehehe
  9. \o/ some good news for vehicle owners and parcel owners living next to the public right-of-ways Inara's report on this week's SUG meeting includes this: is what happens when make it so that people don't crash hardly ever on region crossings anymore. People start driving round all over the place expecting other things vehicle to be fixed as well, like they got nothing better else to do. Blinking people !!!
  10. sounds like 2008 wants it amateur buy-the-viewster back 😺
  11. a rotating 'for sale' sign is a ToS violation https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_on_ad_farms_and_network_advertisers an Abuse Report can be filed to have it removed
  12. i would like to have shops nearby me where I could just get the exact amount I wanted. Is all big box stores by me now. Everything comes in packs in these stores, and I never use them all. Sometimes I can give the rest away to other people, but not as often as I would like
  13. wow! that neighbourhood has lots of swimming pools 😸
  14. i have the same issue in RL like i go to the haberdashery counter in the department store and show them a button that needs replacing. And they go sure we have that, and get out a pack of 12 buttons and say: that be $6 please. And I go: I only want one. Can I just have one please, I am happy to pay $1 for it, like twice as much. And they go: nah! $6 or nothing. And I think: blinking robbers! They probably killing whales and destroying the planet as well with all their wastefulness !! S I go nah! back to them, and sew any old button I find at home on instead. Sometimes people notice and go hey! you have an odd button on you. And I go: I know! I am saving the planet. And they go: waaah! And I go: nevermind is a long story! and don't let me get started on what happens when I go to the craft counter and want to buy just the pink crayon because my one has been all used up. And the shopkeeper person goes nah! sorry! whole box of assorted colours or nothing. They probably illegally drill for oil in baby seal birthing habitats as well these people !! 😺
  15. orrrr ! Just scrub Premium Plus and go with Premium Minor 😸 i have no idea what Linden will include in Premium Plus. Is a number of people who have asked for just double. 2048 tier, 600 stipend plus some discount on upload fees. But am not sure only doubling would be enough to warrant the change without any data insight at all, I think that to warrant the label Premium Plus then the price would be at least 3 times For which get a package equivalent to 4 x Premium in tier, stipend with upload fee discounts and maybe a 25% discount on name change price wise: $30 a month or $300 a year
  16. LSL belongs to the general C language syntax family. There are a few differences from pure C, but belongs in the general family in the same way the Java and javascript do the more we use a language the easier it becomes. So don't worry too much and keep on as you are doing
  17. is all good. Those of us who work with multiple languages have all been down this path. Have done the same myself sometimes like type up a whole bunch of lines into the LSL code editor then realise is 'integer' not 'int'. LSL doesn't know about for(integer i, ...). Nor does it know that 'begin' 'end' mean open and close braces. And it goes wut! when type in: try except. That i can't type myHud.ButtonA.Color = clButton. and on and on
  18. x1 - change; y1 + change; probably should be: x1 -= change; y1 += change;
  19. just want to say that I don't mean to put a downer on the thoughts of Jennifer or Joy. In my thought processes I tend to work thru the obstacles to begin with, and then start to think about how the obstacles could be overcome in another thread Patch Linden as VP of Product Operations, said that Linden is always open to working with residents on things that would help grow resident participation. That Linden would look at any plan that gives them Linden some confidence that growth would result in this case, is similar to a RL property developer having to show to the RL council, that growth in occupancy would occur before consent is granted to a development suppose this was done. Suppose a resident group, did draw up a detailed development plan for a dormant area of existing mainland, which would include some new Linden owned public pathways Linden might go for this, as there would be a plan for an agreed quantified development before the residents went ahead
  20. Klytyna uses the laugh button to mean disagree with the argument/thought/idea expressed. As there is no Disagree button to press, and Sad or Confused button doesn't convey disagreement. When Klytyna does agree then will press the Like button, and sometimes Thanks button and there is a thing. When press the Laugh button then it counts as a reputation point. So even tho Klytyna may disagree, in signalling this they also give a reputation point Klytyna has disagreed with quite a few of my posts, and has liked and thanked quite a few also. Agree/Disagree, is all good as far as I am concerned
  21. i have always thought of this more as a matter of modesty than privacy parcel visibility was introduced when the olde Linden Homes were first built. Stops people outside your starter home cam peeping you when getting changed most people wore layer clothes in the olde days as well when out and about in public. Then mesh bodies came and Linden eventually arrived at a technical fix for this - BoM - which also catered (in the same way layers did before mesh) for the modest people, of which there as many as there has always been ps add. I do agree with you tho that the longer we stay and play on SL the more we become less concerned about things that can cause us discomfit in RL
  22. in these large subdivision situations in my RL, councils can get into these arrangements also. Councils do this also because they don't have to pay the cost of building the infrastructure, which includes not only roads but also the utilities infrastructure, power, water, wastewater, internet, etc also the subdivision developer has to be able to show that there will be an increase in revenue for the council, they have be able to show the council that X number of sections have been sold (consent conditional) off the plans before consent to go ahead is given. Build it and they will come doesn't always work out
  23. in RL when a person does gift their property to the council, the council is under no obligation to accept the gift, or on accepting the gift keep it in perpetuity and maintain it at the council's expense where I live (in RL) there is a mix of public and private owned roads. The private road owner(s) maintains the property as a road and pays rates/taxes to the council. The council may also acquire land for public roading under Eminent Domain, upon which the council will be the owner. A resident can't compel the council to take ownership of the land (exercise Eminent Domain) on which the resident wants the council to make a road, as the landowner can make and maintain their own road and pay rates to the council is a similar situation in SL. Just because we might want a road open to the public across/next to our property doesn't mean we can have Linden (the council) do this for us thru gifting or otherwise. Linden like the council, allows us tho to build our own road open to the public and pay the tiers/rates
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